God catch

Chapter 399 Showdown in the Palace

Chapter 399 Showdown in the Palace
"How is that possible? The prince is not stupid. How could he stand up to block this bad thing for you? What's more, the Zhang family also blocked the benefactor of the prince's ancestors. If the prince stepped forward, it would be ungrateful and fearsome." Tie Shan shook his head.

"Ingratitude, hehe, when something can endanger the safety of the prince's family, who is more important and who is less important?" Xiao Qiyue smiled mysteriously.

"Well, but the prince is just blocking you for a while.

However, once the crisis of the Chu family is resolved, I am afraid that you will become a victim in the hands of the prince.

You think, no one can endanger the palace anymore.

At that time, the prince will establish a positive image and give the Zhang family an explanation.

At that time, you are already worthless, and the prince will thank you for finding a feud for their family, hehe, that is just a dream.

Throughout the past and present, which princely family is not bloody, how many people's blood stand upright.

The Luoyingjian case has become a quagmire because of too many involvements.

Of course, I like this situation.

Let's find out as soon as possible, and then leave.

Brother Xiao, why don't you follow me to the six gates, with your talent and ability to solve cases, as long as you are willing to enter the gate, at least the position of "captor" is waiting for you.

A few more big cases will come out, and then you will be arrested.

In the end, it's not impossible to become a big shot like Catcher Wang Xiangdong.

At that time, little brother, I will have to be covered by you.

When a person of his level goes out, which country will not respect Fang Tianyu?

You are a character, and when the time comes, even the king of Chu will be polite to you when you return home. " Tieshan sneered.

"Those are things for the future. I'll go to the palace first." Xiao Qiyue said.

Xiao Qiyue stood upright at the gate of the palace, why didn't he sneak in secretly.

He just wanted to give all parties the illusion of being backed by the prince.At that time, even those who instigated the teacher to inquire about the crime will also be afraid.

The prince was Xiao Qiyue who received him in the lobby of the main hall.

However, the atmosphere in the lobby is a bit strange.

The prince was sitting on the main seat with a big horse, and didn't mean to stand up and be polite.

And there are several people standing on the left side of the lower head, some old and some young.

Seeing Xiao Qiyue's body exposed, everyone changed color.

One of the middle-aged men roared and pointed at Xiao Qiyue, "Beast! You beast! Kill this beast!"

In an instant, seven or eight guys drew out their swords aggressively and rushed out.

"Where is the robber, dare to make trouble in the palace?" Seeing that the prince, Steward Luo and the guards of the palace stood still, it seemed that there was a tacit consent.

Xiao Qiyue yelled loudly, naturally she wouldn't wait to die.

The two also quickly raised their weapons to meet them, making a posture to kill the robber.

Because, Xiao Qiyue will understand after a closer look.

There was a young man in this group who looked somewhat similar to Zhang Jingyao, and he might be Zhang's son.

And the middle-aged man who took the lead in the fight was somewhat similar to Zhang Jingyao, so he should be of the brother generation.

Since you are the first to file a complaint, and the prince didn't stop you, just let it go.

Then let's pretend to be stupid with you, it's better to kill you as robbers.

Xiao Qiyue knocked the middle-aged man who rushed to the front to the ground with a scabbard. Of course, he couldn't kill him directly.After all, this is the palace of the prince, so the prince has to give him face.

And Xiao Qiyue struck with great measure, directly cutting off the man's legs with a scabbard.

And it belonged to the kind of comminuted fracture, a serious knife wound that even black jade intermittent ointment couldn't heal.

At this time, we must be ruthless, we must do our best to destroy the vital forces of the Zhang family, and we must make them disabled for life.

With external injuries, of course internal injuries cannot be missed. Xiao Qiyue flew up and kicked the injured middle-aged man.

"Stop!" The prince finally couldn't hold back anymore, stood up and shouted.

However, it seemed too late, the middle-aged man and the three or four guys behind him were kicked by Xiao Qiyue until he and Huo Fei were knocked out, and finally, they all smashed into the main hall door.

This kick wiped out all three or four members of the Zhang family, moreover, the poison of the flying centipede was destroyed under the feet, and then penetrated into their internal organs, absolutely permanently disabled.

Tieshan wasn't slow either, and saw the clues.

The moment the prince shouted, Zhang Jingyao's son was half disabled.

The remaining two guys with lesser injuries were frightened to death, so let the Zhang family carry the wounded.

The Zhang family also didn't expect that Xiao Qiyue and Xiao Qiyue would dare to fight cruelly in the palace, so what if they thought that relying on the support of the prince would kill them both?

As a result, a large number of their own people fell down.

"My lord, kill these two dogs!" Zhang's family shouted angrily.

"Shut up, this king will give you justice!" The Zhang family lost their sense of control in their anger, they forgot that they were in the palace, if you shouted at the prince, it would be strange if they didn't get angry.

It's all right now, it was only after the lord yelled that he remembered where this place was, and everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to make a sound, even daring to cry out in pain.

"Xiao Qiyue, you are so bold!" The prince was really angry, you Xiao Qiyue didn't take me too seriously, did you?It's better to say something about killing Zhang Jingyao, because I'm not there.But you beat people up in front of the palace hall, that's too much.

"My lord, my subordinates have something important to report. As soon as I came, I ran into a group of robbers who wanted to kill me. In order to save my life, my subordinates had to fight back. I can't ask my subordinates to stretch my neck and let them slaughter me, right?" Xiao Qiyue hurriedly called Qu Dao.

"Fart! You are the robber. Our Zhang family is one of the six major Wang clans in the provincial capital. When did we become robbers. You beast, you killed my father... I, Zhang Fei, will destroy your Xiao family and all the nine clans." " Finally understood, the young man was Zhang Jingyao's son Zhang Fei.

Tieshan felt a little regretful when he heard that, he should have hit harder just now, just beat the kid to death.

"Just after turning a corner, you killed the chief minister, and, don't you know?

He is also the commander of the king's pro-army stationed in Crescent Bay.

Xiao Qiyue, you are so bold.

That's fine, you're here to apologize, right?

Come on, drag me down and hit me with a hundred army sticks first, and then try the case after I'm disabled by this king. "In order to give Zhang's family an explanation, King Zhennan had no choice but to be ruthless.

"It's nothing to beating the disabled, just beating to death! This is just right, and the prince doesn't need to know who the enemy is." Xiao Qiyue clasped his hands together, making an appearance of letting you be handcuffed first and then beaten.

"Fart, when did my Zhang family become enemies of the palace? My Zhang family is loyal to the palace. Back then, my grandfather blocked the prince's arrow." Zhang Fei was still a little tender, and blurted out cursing.

When the prince heard this, his face changed a little.

Even if you are gracious, there is no need to show off in public, right?
Butler Luo scolded this idiot in his heart!

"It's true, Xiao Qiyue, you can't blame me for being cruel. Come, give me fifty army sticks." The prince sneered.

When Zhang Fei heard this, his face turned green, and he shouted, "My lord, it's only fifty sticks, which is too little. It should be beaten to death, otherwise, my poor father's spirit in heaven will be in trouble..."

"Fifty sticks is too little, so let's hit ten sticks." Upon hearing this, the prince snorted.

As soon as Zhang Fei heard it, he wanted to shout again, but his uncle Zhang Zhendao hurriedly shouted with pain, "Zhang Fei shut up!"

"Uncle, it's only ten sticks, how can you spare that beast lightly, the prince is too unfair..." Zhang Fei just said this, Xiao Qiyue quickly helped him make up for it, "Bold, how dare you say that the prince can't handle it well? Fair, what, are you the ancestor of the prince?"

Xiao Qiyue's words are too poisonous.

"You are the ancestor of the lord, otherwise, why didn't the lord beat you." Zhang Fei blurted out without even having time to think about it in a panic.

When Zhang Zhendao heard it, he wanted to rush up and slap his nephew, but the old man was beaten half to death, and he didn't even have the strength to get up, so he could only quickly shout, "My lord, please forgive me, Zhang Fei is young and ignorant. Please don’t worry about the large number of my lord.”

(End of this chapter)

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