God catch

Chapter 540 Passing on the Throne

Chapter 540 Passing on the Throne
"Lei Wanquan, sometimes don't think that everyone in the world is a fool and you are the only one who is smart.

I have already seen through your little tricks, Xiao Mou, and you don't even think about it. You want to be the master with your little skills, daydreaming.

You have been a slave all your life, moreover, you are a dog slave.

In the next life, I don't think I can even be a slave, I can only be reborn as a beast. "Xiao Qiyue hummed.

"He's not even as good as an animal, and an animal knows how to protect its master." Chu Zijiang kicked Lei Wanquan hard against the rock wall, his face covered in blood.


A piercing sound came, Lei Wanquan had already been stabbed more than ten times by Chu Zijiang, and finally died of hatred.

"Brother Xiao, let's go." Chu Zijiang threw down his sword, turned around and was about to leave.

"Zi...Zijiang, you...you go home." Chu Zhuiyun shouted.

"Did you call Zijiang too? I am now in charge of Xiaoqiying, Prince Feng, a high-ranking minister of the country. Although I, Chu Zijiang, am just a small official, I don't know you." Chu Zijiang replied coldly.

"Zijiang...it's all his father's fault. You go back to the mansion, and I will pass on the throne to you immediately." Prince Feng said painfully.

"Bah! I don't care about it! I, Chu Zijiang, have to rely on myself. The position of prince, what do I have to do with me?" Chu Zijiang hated to the bone.

"Alas..." Chu Zhuiyun looked remorseful.

"Brother Zijiang, in fact, the prince also has difficulties in this matter." Xiao Qiyue said.

"What difficulties does he have, he is not worthy of being a father at all.

Hudu still knows how to protect his son, but look, what has he done?
This is to put me to death. What was Chu Zijiang doing when I was kicked out?
When I, Chu Zijiang, lost my position as deputy leader of the city gate, he was watching coldly from the sidelines. What was he doing when I, Chu Zijiang, was dismissed because of the trouble caused by the Heavenly Sword Sect?
Needless to say, starting tomorrow, my surname will no longer be Chu.

My surname is Song, and I follow my mother's surname.

Please call me Song Zijiang from now on. "Chu Zijiang shouted.

"Zijiang, your father really has a hard time. In fact, do you know that the prince drove you out for your own good." Xiao Qiyue said.

"For my own good, it's still for my own good. Brother Qiyue, what's your reasoning? If you don't make it clear today, we brothers won't be able to do anything." Chu Zijiang stared angrily at Xiao Qiyue, furious burning.

"If I'm not mistaken, your father seems to have discovered some plots of the Gu family.

It's just that he has sunk too deep, and he can't pull it out at all.

Moreover, the Gu family has been staring at him, and has no ability to stand up.

Therefore, I deliberately used Chu Zhiyang's hand to drive you away.

This is a disguised form to protect the two of you.Otherwise, if you stay in the mansion, you will probably lose your life. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"Impossible! He is just a foolish prince, what would he know? He can go to the emperor to report secretly. Could it be that the emperor can't take care of Tianjianzong?" Chu Zijiang shook his head.

"Gu Botao won't give him a chance, in fact, your father has already been poisoned.

The poison in it is the 'Youlan Poison', and the poison in it is the poison of the four-star martial arts order. Only the strong in the martial arts country who hold the five-star martial arts order can unravel this poison.

As long as your father has the slightest trouble, Gu Botao will never be vague.

At that time, it will be the time when Prince Feng's mansion will be wiped out.

For the sake of the whole family, your father endured the humiliation, knocked out his front teeth and could only swallow them.

And I always thought that he was looking for opportunities.

It's just that the sky doesn't obey people's wishes. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"What evidence do you have?" Chu Zijiang didn't believe it at all.

"I'll let you see the facts." Xiao Qiyue took out a five-star martial arts order and detoxified Chu Zhuiyun on the spot.

"Master Xiao, why do you have it?" Chu Zhuiyun was startled.

"Hehe, without it, I wouldn't be able to find Optimus Prime." Xiao Qiyue smiled and put away the token.

"Son...Jiang, if you still can't forgive my father for submitting his resignation to the emperor directly, this prince will not do it.

As a father, accompany your mother back to the countryside to farm.

I also see through it now, all the glory and wealth are just floating clouds.

After all these years, I owe you mother and son too much, it's time to disarm and return to the fields. "Chu Zhuiyun said, turned around and walked forward, "You all come with me." "

Xiao Qiyue and Chu Zijiang also followed, and soon, Chu Zhuiyun opened various traps and descended to a depth of several hundred meters underground.

Xiao Qiyue glanced at it and was immediately surprised.

Because, there is actually a dragon milk pool below.And, bigger and thicker.

Moreover, a tank of dragon's milk has been picked up.

"This jar was brought from the palace by our ancestors. It is said that the liquid in it can be kept unchanged for thousands of years. It has been here for decades." Chu Zhuiyun said.

"Why doesn't the prince use it?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"At the beginning, I planned to use it, but after Zijiang was born, I changed my mind.

Originally, I wanted to use it for Zijiang, but later, I could feel that Zijiang was also poisoned.

I always thought that I was looking for ways to detoxify, but unfortunately, after twenty years, they were too cruel, and Zijiang was poisoned as soon as he came out of the womb.

I didn't know until now that it's called the Orchid Poison.

Otherwise, with Zijiang's talent as a "visionary of heaven and earth" when he was born, he might have entered the realm of Yuandan long ago.

Even, under the nourishment of this dragon's milk, stepping into the realm of the mysterious spirit is not a dream. "Chu Zhuiyun said.

"It's strange, why didn't I find it?" Xiao Qiyue was a little surprised, Karma Eye scanned Chu Zijiang again, but still didn't find the Youlan Poison.

So, he found out the martial arts order to destroy his true energy.

Soon, a burst of green energy shot out.

Combined with the eye of cause and effect, sure enough, after half an hour, a sickly 'earth dragon' was found in Chu Zijiang's soul.

And Tulong's whole body was suppressed by a secluded orchid, and he was dying.

And there were actually five small stars flashing on that orchid flower, it was actually the poisonous hand of the five-star martial arts commander.

It's no wonder that I didn't notice it under my negligence for a while, maybe it was because my previous skill was too poor.

That was the poison of the spirit king's protector-level masters, but fortunately, after more than twenty years of wear and tear, the poison of Youlan has weakened a lot.

After all, Chu Zijiang is of authentic royal blood, and that earth dragon also possesses dragon aura, so it needs to constantly consume orchid aura to suppress it.

"Broken!" Xiao Qiyue yelled loudly, destroying the power of the whole body's soul, and Youlan burst open with a bang.

"Get out!" Xiao Qiyue roared again, and the orchid was slowly sucked out by the five-star martial arts order, and as a result, it was swallowed by the ego image of the demon in the Karma Palace.

This guy swallowed a lot of orchids, including the orchids on the two four-star martial arts orders of Gu Botao and Chu Guorong.

Xiao Qiyue found that with the increase of engulfment, her resistance to orchid grass, her sense of identity, and her degree of integration became stronger and stronger.

If it weren't for Xiao Qiyue's soul that was no lower than the ninth-level spirit king's guardian level, he really wouldn't dare to devour these orchid grasses.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will be directly brainwashed and become a devout believer in the Wulin Kingdom.

The sick dragon in Chu Zijiang's body suddenly became excited, and with a low moan, it soared into the sky in the soul.

"Go in!" Xiao Qiyue pushed Chu Zijiang into the jade vat.

Immediately, Chu Zijiang soaked the dragon's milk and devoured the dragon's milk.

The sick dragon was reborn, and under the nourishment of the dragon's milk, it grew rapidly and became stronger.

And Chu Zijiang's bloodline ability is constantly increasing, changing color, from quantitative to qualitative.

Streams of steam rose up, and a khaki dragon circled around Chuzijiang.

Three days and three nights passed.

The dragon's milk in the vat has turned into a vat of clear water, and Chu Zijiang jumped up, emitting a dazzling earthy yellow light all over his body.

"Zi...Zijiang, have you condensed Yuandan?" Chu Zhuiyun's lips were trembling with excitement.

"Hehe, what is Yuan Dan?" Xiao Qiyue raised her eyebrows.

"Could it be that you have stepped into the realm of the mysterious spirit?" Chu Zhuiyun's whole body became excited, and his body was shaking like a pendulum.

"Father, I'm already at the first level of Xuanling." Chu Zijiang responded, turned around and bowed deeply to Xiao Qiyue, "Brother Qiyue, I'm all thanks to you. I won't say anything, Zijiang Everything is yours."

"Thank you, Lord Xiao!" Prince Feng actually bowed and thanked him.

(End of this chapter)

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