God catch

Chapter 562 Trading with the Protector

Chapter 562 Trading with the Protector

"Senior said so." Xiao Qiyue nodded sincerely.

"Hehe, actually, it doesn't matter if I don't stand up, but after all, you are a student of my Imperial College, and you were bullied too badly by Star Prince Sabiro and his gang in the Golden Palace last time, so the college has to share some of it for you.

So, I told 'One Eye Knowing Heaven' directly, you are the solver, and I am the murderer in this seat. " Bai Mantou said.

"Junior brother, don't thank you for your kindness." Hai Yun immediately looked at Xiao Qiyue when he heard this.

After all, if the protector of Imperial College is willing to come forward, isn't that telling the world in a disguised form that he is Xiao Qiyue's backer.

In this way, plus I am Xiao Qiyue's senior brother, protected by two spirit kings, there are many benefits.Moreover, even if the royal family of Chu Chu wanted to take revenge, they had to weigh it carefully.

"Brother, in this world, there is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason. There is a cause and an effect. Senior, tell me directly, what do you need me to do?" Xiao Qiyue said lightly.The clue has already been seen from the popularity of white steamed buns.This old boy has something to do by himself.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so kind to stand up and show his attitude.

"Junior Brother, what are you talking about! Hurry up and apologize to Lord Protector." Hai Yun was in a hurry.

Because Xiao Qiyue's words are too stinky, and it is very likely to cause Bai Mantou's dissatisfaction.

Now that they are besieged on all sides, once the announcement of "Knowing Heaven at a Glance" is announced, Xiao Qiyue will definitely become the target of the royal family.

Because, Emperor, even if he wronged you, he was wrong, but you can't slap him in the face.

Xiao Qiyue's slap in the face was too hard, it was too difficult to protect him by himself, of course it would be nice to have another backer.

"Hehehe, boy, I like you a little bit now." Unexpectedly, Bai Mantou actually laughed. He glanced at Haiyun and said, "Old friend, you are a bit strange. You have a personality, I like it."

"Young man, young and energetic, he doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. He's trying to kill himself, so please don't worry about it." Hai Yun said angrily.

"If he sees me like other young people, he will be soft-spoken. I don't like it, but I like young people with backbone. But, Xiao Qiyue, how do you know that I have something to come? "Bai Mantou is quite curious.

"You are a majestic protector, and the ground would tremble three times when you stomp your feet. If it were not for something, how could you find me a weak bird. Besides, you are not free, and you are not so kind to be my backer." Xiao Qi Yue told the truth, Haiyun on the side was startled.You kid, your speech is getting more and more impolite.

"Well said, that's right, you have what I need, and you also need me to protect your life, this is a deal. Let's not talk too much, I heard that you are preparing Jinshoudan recently?" Bai Mantou asked .

"Well, it was originally prepared for the old lady. However, it seems that it is not necessary now." Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"Does Dan have any clues?" Bai Mantou asked.An old man with white beard and hair and golden eyes unexpectedly appeared in the crowd. The old man was already dying, and he probably wouldn't live for more than half a year.

However, although the natal aura on the old man was so weak that it seemed to be dissipating, the level of the natal aura was scary.

It is estimated that it has reached the seventh or eighth level of the Spirit King Realm.

Who is this person?

The material must have a great relationship with Bai Mantou, and it is very likely that Jin Shoudan will be needed to continue his life.

After all, the lifespan of a ninth-level Spirit King Protector Realm powerhouse would not exceed 400 years.

If you have been injured or suffered from any serious illness, you may not live for 200 years.

As long as there is a need, there is something to play.

"Yes!" Xiao Qiyue nodded affirmatively, and of course she was determined to hug her thigh by 'Bai Mantou'.

"How sure are you?" Bai Mantou was very cautious.

Xiao Qiyue found that his palms were clenched into fists, and he trembled slightly.

From this point of view, the old man with white hair and golden eyes is absolutely important to him.

"Five points." Xiao Qiyue replied, but in fact, this guy has no confidence at all. In order to win over Bai Mantou, such an answer is just bragging.

"That's good, if you have any needs, just ask." Bai Mantou said.

"I haven't thought of it yet. When I think of it, I will contact my senior." Xiao Qiyue said.

"This is my special talisman. Within a range of [-] miles, you only need to destroy it with a drop of blood to reach me. Also, this is my token. Destroy it when necessary, and it can resist the second level spirit king Attack three times." Bai Mantou threw over a stack of communication talismans and a token engraved with a 'Black Eagle', it was ridiculous that the shape of the token was actually like a steamed bun.

Really did not insult his mundane nickname of 'White Mantou'.

"So it's Senior Eagle King, old friend, you've hidden it deep enough." Hai Yun looked at it, bowed slightly to salute, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, if you don't hide it, why don't you tell me to hang a sign and wander around, and I won't be respected by people like my ancestors to die." Bai Mantou laughed, and jumped directly through the wall. Soon, a faint voice said , "Hurry up, if you can get Jinshou Dan within two months, I will have an extra reward."

After that, there was no more sound, and it should have gone away.

"Brother, isn't the Eagle King famous?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"His actual name is Little Eagle King, and his real name is Bai Bai Xiao. If you want to talk about him, you have to talk about 'Golden Eye Eagle King Bai Bai He'.

Bai Baihe is called the Eagle King, the ancestor of Bai Baixiao.I don't know exactly how many generations, but Bai Tianhe is at least 200 years old.

This person is incredible, he was famous all over the world for his golden eagle claws.

A hundred years ago, he was already a sixth-level spirit king protector, and he was very tyrannical. He once killed three spirit kings and ten real infant level powerhouses with one claw.

But Golden Eagle Fort came from behind and actually squeezed into the ranks of Fang Tianyu's top ten aristocratic families. The strength of these ten aristocratic families is comparable to the 36 great families.

However, later, it was heard that the golden-eyed eagle king Bai Baihe was fighting bloody people for a picture of Mi Qiu, the king of Wu.

Since then, he has not been seen in a hundred years.

Some people said that he died long ago, and some people said that he was seriously injured and became a living dead.

Anyway, there are many opinions, and there is no certain number. "Hai Yun shook his head and said.

"I didn't expect that Bai Mantou would have such a terrifying family background? You really can't be judged by appearances." Xiao Qiyue shook her head and sighed.

"So, junior brother, don't underestimate anyone in this world.

Perhaps, a noodle stall is Ling Wang.

For example, laughing during the day, who would have thought that the chef of the dining hall of the Imperial College is a soul king?
Also, maybe, a shoe patcher is a child from a certain family. "Hai Yun took the opportunity to warn his junior brother.

"With the strength of Golden Eagle Fort, we can't get Jinshoudan. Is this Jinshoudan really so difficult to refine?" Xiao Qiyue was a little puzzled.

"The panacea for prolonging life is the most difficult to refine in the world, after all, you are competing with the sky for longevity.

It is said that such panaceas are extremely difficult to succeed.

Because, God does not allow you to refine it.

At that time, it is possible to kill you in a fryer.

So, junior brother, you have to be careful. Hai Yun said, "By the way, let's talk about your entry into the academy's 30-man roster, which is a little troublesome."

There are a few geniuses who are not convinced, and they proposed to play a few games with you at the elder meeting.

Otherwise, it is said that it is fighting for fairness for the genius who was brushed down.

After all, there are only thirty places, and if you squeeze in, one will be wiped out.

Let who go down?Colleges have their problems too.

Moreover, Junior Brother, I believe in your strength, so I didn't pretend to be a Spirit King to force you. "

"Alright, then I'll beat them until they call their mothers." Xiao Qiyue smiled sinisterly.

"They're all students from the same school, you kid should be gentle." Hai Yun rolled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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