God catch

Chapter 608 Du Junlian's Visit

Chapter 608 Du Junlian's Visit
Immediately, the Imperial College was on the verge of a formidable enemy, and Kang Pingdong immediately called an emergency meeting on the matter, and the college entered a first-level combat readiness.

However, what should come will come after all.

The next morning, Du Junlian took a temporary head and recruited more than 1000 Luoyue Pavilion disciples from all over the world, and they 'visited' the Imperial College with a murderous look.Of course, this "visit" must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

Moreover, at the invitation of Luoyue Pavilion, the royal family also sent three or four thousand elite armored soldiers to the Imperial Square.

Changchunzong was also invited, and more than 1000 people came.

As for the Royal Academy, of course it will not be polite, and it will show its best, with more than 3000 people in place.

Adding in some warriors who wanted to please Luoyue Pavilion and the royal family, the total number reached about [-].

It seems that Imperial College is already surrounded by enemies and has been completely double-teamed.

"Dean, the visitor is not kind." Tang Qiang looked serious and his heart was in a mess.

"We are at a disadvantage, and there is no hope of turning things around. For Xiao Qiyue, are we worth it?" Luo Xuan, the head and vice president of Wudou Hall, was shaken in thought.

Because, this guy's disciple, Du Fan, was beaten half to death by Xiao Qiyue.I couldn't get used to Xiao Qiyue, but in fact, it was just jealousy.

"You mean to hand over Xiao Qiyue to Du Junlian?" Kang Pingdong asked coldly.

"Well, sometimes this is the only way to do it when there is no other way. Could it be that all the teachers and students of the Imperial College are asked to be buried with him alone?" Luo Xuan asked rhetorically.

"Dean, you don't know yet, do you?" At this time, the vice-principal 'Xia Jin' who had been silent all this time was a little hesitant, with a look of indescribable concealment on his face.

"If you have anything to say, hurry up, now is not the time for mother-in-law to be numb." Kang Pingdong said.

"The tutors and the teaching and the students are also shaken and now rumors are flying around.

Moreover, it is obvious that everyone is not a fool.They were not reconciled to asking them to be buried with Xiao Qiyue, so 5000 to [-] people have quietly left the academy.

Among them are students, tutors, and some instructors, as well as some college law enforcement members.

Now, people's hearts are scattered and quite chaotic.

The college is already at the critical point of life and death, Dean, you have to make up your mind early. "Xia Jin said with an unlucky look on his face.

"These cowards, cowards!" Kang Pingdong was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Dean, everyone has their own aspirations, let them go." Vice President Tang said angrily.

"A group of beasts! It must have a great relationship with the royal family.

They have been secretly instigating rebellion, for fear that our academy will move away.

So, just stab in the back.

However, no matter what, Xiao Qiyue is the greatest pride in the history of our college.

We must never hand over people. In that case, what have we become? "Head teacher Xi Qitian slapped the table and cursed.

"Mr. Qi taught you that you can stand and talk without pain in your back. Who would want to die in vain these days? Let alone for a student, it's not worth it." Luo Xuan snorted.

"Do you also want to leave quietly, if you want to leave, hurry up." Qitian is a rough person, he comes as soon as he asks.

"Dean, look, is President Qi trying to force me?" Luo Xuan was furious.

"If Vice President Luo thinks it was a mistake for us to die in protecting Xiao Qiyue, you can have a new choice." Dean Kang looked at him and snorted.

"It was Dean Kang who forced me. If that's the case, I, Luo Xuan, won't serve you. Bah! Idiots are only willing to die for a stupid pig." Upon hearing this, Luo Xuan turned his head and left.

"Another coward! Coward!" Qi Tian cursed, pointing at Luo Xuan's back.

"Dean... Dean, my whole family is in Dachu, there are old and young in the family..." Cui Xin, the head of the General Affairs Hall, blushed and stammered.

"You want to leave too? Head Cui, the dean treats you well. How could you have such an idea?" Tang Qiang was furious.

"I'm sorry, this is the college's account book. I've sorted it out. I don't want this month's salary anymore, I'll give it to the college..." Cui Xintong blushed, put down the account book, and walked away with his head down.

"Dean... Dean, there are hundreds of people in my family."

"I don't want to die for Xiao Qiyue."

"It's not that I don't love the academy, I just don't think it's worth it. How can Xiao Qiyue and He De let us be like this..."

Immediately, the college management left five or six more.

"Let's go, let's all go, hurry up if you want to go." Kang Pingdong waved his hands with a grumpy face.

"Dean, I'm sorry."

"President, I..."

"Rolling..." Kang Pingdong's hair stood on end.

No, five or six more went away.Looking at the remaining less than half of the management elites, Kang Pingdong looked gloomy.

"Da Langdong went to the waves to scour them all, Dean, all hall masters, what is scoured is sand, and what is left is the elite.

If you don't leave, I am very grateful to you all.

I believe that our Imperial College will not fall.

I believe that you will see in the future that today is your wisest choice! "Xiao Qiyue strode forward.

"What courage! You're right! Let these 'sands' roll their fucking balls. Even if there is only one person left in the academy, we must protect Xiao Qiyue. As long as there is one person alive, there is hope for our Imperial Academy!" Kang Ping Dong fiercely waved his arm and slashed down, with flames radiating all over the place, which represented his decision, "Deputy President Tang, if I, Kang Pingdong, die, you will continue in my place."

"Okay!" Tang Qiang nodded without saying a word. He glanced at the chief teacher, Xi Qitian, and said, "Qitian, it's the same. You replace me when I die."

"Okay! I pray to God to die..."


"Ninth Sister, I will do my best..."

"I'm going to kill Jiangdong with my juniors..."

Immediately, like drumming to pass flowers, the leaders of the management expressed their last wishes one after another, and even the 'flowers' were passed on to the geniuses.

Xiao Qiyue's eyes were a little moist.

He opened the karma universe bag, took out all the high-level panacea, gold tickets and silver ingots inside, and divided them among them.

However, they want the panacea.All the gold and silver were put into the space bag. Dean Kang decided that, as a last resort, whoever rushes out with the students will be responsible for reorganizing the Imperial College.

"Open the middle door and invite Pavilion Master Du to come in." Kang Pingdong shouted after explaining everything.

squeak... crunch...

The heavy central door opened.

"Dean, Senior Xiao, we support you!" All the students gathered at the gate, raising their arms and shouting.

"Defend Imperial College to the death!"

"We will live and die with the academy!"

"Fight to the death with Senior Xiao!"


"Principal Kang, the life or death of my disciples is uncertain, I only want one of Xiao Qiyue." Upon meeting, Du Junlian cut to the chase and made a direct request.

"In the ring competition, life and death depend on one's ability. Pavilion Master Du, isn't it inappropriate for you to make such a request?" Kang Pingdong looked at her calmly.

"Xiao Qiyue is too beastly. He can beat my disciple to death. I, Du Junlian, don't say anything. However, disfigurement is crueler than death for a woman." Du Junlian said coldly.

"She is not only your disciple, she is also a contestant. Since you have chosen to fight in the competition, you must be mentally prepared for this." Kang Pingdong responded.

"As for the vicious person, I, Du Junlian, must punish him severely." Du Junlian pressed forward without answering.

"Governor Du, what you say is too much.

Could it be that there is a rule in the competition that no slaps in the face are allowed, our academy disciples can't greet your Luoyue Pavilion disciples in the face?

What kind of reasoning is this?What's more, at that time, Zhao Yingying mixed the light of the spirit king with the light of the sword. In order to save his life, Xiao Qiyue had no choice. "Tang Qiang asked sharply.


Du Junlian burst into flames immediately, and slapped Tang Qiang's vice president so that he flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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