God catch

Chapter 611 Mixing in

Chapter 611 Mixing in
"Fuck you!" Papapa...a series of slaps, Mo Guohao suddenly became a pig's head, Xiao Qiyue stepped on the ground amidst the screams, and his whole head was crushed.

"It's your dog emperor, father and son, I will kill him anyway!"

"You... please forgive me. I will give you Xingluo, and there are a large amount of gold and silver, panacea and medicinal materials in my mansion. Also, if you let me go, I will tell the emperor to seal you It's a king with a different surname." Mo Guohao was frightened and begged for mercy.

"You're dead, all of this is my master, I don't need you to worry about it. So, if you want to survive, you have to show your cards that can save your life. Otherwise, you are dead." Xiao Qiyue looked fierce Shaking his head, Mo Guohao screamed in pain like a pig.

This, of course, will drain the last remaining value of Mo Guohao.

"I'll tell you the secret of King Wu." Mo Guohao was afraid and shouted quickly.

"It's all baseless legends, what's the use." Xiao Qiyue pretended to be indifferent.

"It's true. There is an extremely secret area in the secret realm of the imperial capital. It is said that it was left in ancient times. There is a very magical chain there. It is said that it was used by King Wu, and it has something to do with the secret of King Wu.

But this time Changchun Sect, the Royal Academy, including the royal family sent geniuses in just to get it.

After all, the secret realm of the imperial capital refuses entry to anyone under the age of 35, and they will die if they enter.

So, it all depends on these geniuses. Mo Guohao stopped here and said, "You can protect me from death and I will tell you." "

"How could the emperor tell you these secrets?" Xiao Qiyue pretended not to believe it.

"It's true, they have a map in their hands, and the Changchun Sect and the Royal Academy each hold half.

And, I also know.And the map holder of the Royal Academy is called Chu Bai, and the half of the Changchun School is in the hands of a guy who doesn't seem to have high martial arts skills.

That guy is called 'Han Shanzhong'.In fact, he is the son of "Han Xiao", the most mysterious patron saint of the Changchun Sect, "Breaking Nine Continents with One Sword", and is extremely powerful. " Mo Guohao said.

"Your secret must be false, otherwise, how could you tell me so easily. Then you are at a big loss, giving it away for nothing. There is no free lunch in this world." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Of course it's not a free gift, because it's impossible for you to enter the secret realm of the imperial capital. However, I have a way to let you in." Mo Guohao said.

"The premise is that you will not die?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"You are really smart, no wonder you are called a god catcher, you can even find Optimus Prime." Mo Guohao said.

"How do you want me to spare you? You know, it's easy to spare your life. The key is that I will expose myself and die." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Submit to me, you successfully found that chain. At that time, you will be No. 1 in the world when you get the secret of King Wu. My wish is not high, just help me to be the emperor of this great Chu." Mo Guohao said .

"You still want to be the master, I'll bah!" When he stepped down, Mo Guohao's nose disappeared.

"Ah... ah, forgive me, forgive me..." Mo Guohao screamed loudly, tears and snot coming together.

"You want to be the emperor, fine! Recognize me as the master, and I will support you to be the emperor." Xiao Qiyue thought about it, and it was absolutely impossible for Mo Guohao to become the emperor.With his ability, he is not suitable for being an emperor.

However, it seems good to support a troublemaker for the Great Chu royal family.

"Recognize you as the master..." Mo Guohao hesitated for a while, Xiao Qiyue raised his foot again, making him shout in fright, "Okay, I recognize you as the master..."

Xiao Qiyue thought about it, and finally released a piece of worms from the universe bag.

The insect soldiers could scare people to death just by looking at them. Mo Guohao was already trembling with fright, and his eyes widened in despair.

"The name of this insect is 'Soul Eater', and I have given them your servant status.

From now on, they will be with you for the rest of your life. If you have the slightest rebellious heart towards me, they will immediately feel the change in your thoughts, and at that time, they will gnaw you until there is not even a single bone left. .

Of course, it's another matter if you're loyal.

Not only will it not happen, but these bugs can naturally absorb the aura of heaven and earth, which will help your skill to grow rapidly. "Xiao Qiyue picked up Mo Guohao, and found that this guy's popularity was a little unbelievable, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Look, how old am I? "

"Twenty." Mo Guohao nodded.

"That's right. I'm only 20 years old and already ranked 30th in the Qinglong list. In fact, of course, my strength will be much stronger. Just look at this and you will understand." Xiao Qiyue's strength was broken, Immediately, the inspiration flashed, and the whole body was covered with a faint halo.

"Ling... King Ling..." Mo Guohao's eyes widened, and finally he said with a dejected face, "I believe it, no wonder I lost so badly. It turns out that you have already reached the state of Spirit King."

In fact, Mo Guohao was deceived.Xiao Qiyue is in the realm of a half-spirit king. Why the light of the spirit king is so strong is naturally the fault of Xingkong Dantian. Xiao Qiyue successfully deceived Mo Guohao with numbers.

"That's right! It's all thanks to these bugs absorbing spiritual energy to help me advance super strong..." Xiao Qiyue boasted wildly, and then flicked his fingers, and a swarm of bugs got into Mo Guohao's body.

"Don't try to find someone to get rid of it. It's impossible. Because if you mishandle it a little bit, you will be completely finished. At that time, there won't even be a soul left."

Xiao Qiyue accentuated her tone again.

Mo Guohao was frightened out of his wits early on, and he was so angry that he lay on the ground, nodding his head repeatedly.

In fact, there is no bug that gnaws even thoughts, it was naturally invented by Xiao Qiyue.

Of course, Xiao Qiyue also has some means.

Plant Tianxin Fish Sauce in Mo Guohao's body and mind.A master-servant agreement was made, and from then on, Mo Guohao could feel the changes in his thoughts within a certain range.

"But my lord, my loss of the national weapon will make that dog Emperor Chu Xuanji suspect." Mo Guohao thought of this tricky question.In order to save his life, even his own father scolded him directly.

"Normally, the dog emperor would not check your national equipment, so you should have a way to hide the truth. It is really a last resort, and you must have a way to tide over the difficulties. Even if you don't have this bit of wisdom, I doubt whether you Competent for the position of the Great Chu Emperor." Xiao Qiyue said coldly.

"Yes, the slave must have a solution." Mo Guohao hurriedly nodded in a crying voice.

Two days later, Xiao Qiyue successfully replaced a genius named Chu Tong on behalf of the royal family and got into the list of 40 people to enter the secret realm of the imperial capital.

This is naturally the result of Mo Guohao's single-handed operation. Of course, the most important thing is that Xiao Qiyue possesses the 'blood change technique'.

In order to be realistic, even the human skin of Chu Tong was peeled off and then combined with corpse glue and spread on Xiao Qiyue's body after shrinking bones.

Coupled with the shielding effect of the causal eye, in this way, even Chu Jiangshan, the ancestor of the Lingwang ancestor of the royal family, may have difficulty distinguishing the authenticity from the fake.

Chu Tianqiong personally led the formation, and went straight to the secret realm of the imperial capital under the protection of several special guards of the royal family.

Among them, Zhou Jinbo was the only one who knew Xiao Qiyue, and none of the others.

This is probably the top secret of the royal family, and Xiao Qiyue found out that the strength of these special guards is quite scary.

The lowest ones are all at the Real Infant Dzogchen Realm, and there are three half-step Spirit Kings among them.

It is said that the route to enter the secret realm of the imperial capital of Dachu is different every time.

In this way, even some people who have entered the secret realm of the imperial capital can't find their way if they want to sneak there.

Xiao Qiyue found out that the road must be the same road, but he was confused by a high-level martial skill set up by the royal family, such as 'Nine Curves Misty Step'.

(End of this chapter)

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