God catch

Chapter 613 Let Du Junlian Pain Once

Chapter 613 Let Du Junlian Pain
This, I once got a piece from Zhao Yingying myself.

This is Du Junlian's deputy order. When Du Junlian is not around, if the pavilion master comes in person, the power will reach heaven.

The identity of this person can be revealed immediately, and it is likely to be Du Junlian's son, so let Du Junlian also "pain" for a while, and start revenge for the Imperial College.

"Everyone, coming out this time is not only to sharpen ourselves and get a good opportunity. More importantly, we all shoulder the heavy responsibility of the royal family. Therefore, we must be careful and complete the task with death." Chu Bai held a small meeting.

"Team leader, what exactly is our mission this time?" Chu Fei asked.

"Find a way to find a mountain like an 'iron chain'." Chu Bai took out a blueprint and spread it out.

Xiao Qiyue glanced at it and found that it was only half of it.

The mountain is extremely ordinary, and to find it in the primeval forest-like secret realm of the imperial capital is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

After all, most of the mountains are covered by weeds and trees that are several or even tens of feet high.

"There are rivers and rivers in the secret realm of the imperial capital, and I heard that there is even a sea. It is too difficult to find a mountain like this without a general range." He Yuan's face was tense.

"This is indeed a problem, so I have another reminder." Seeing everyone looking at him, Chu Bai felt quite proud, and said, "Actually, this Iron Chain Mountain will be reflected in the sky.

However, it can only be seen within [-] to [-] miles from Iron Chain Mountain.

And, it is best at night, when the sky is full of stars and stars rise, maybe, that trailing, chain-like shadow light is reflected by the Iron Chain Mountain, and the Iron Chain Mountain is not far below place.

So, next, we have to search separately.

Of course, it depends on your luck to sharpen yourself while searching.No matter who finds it first, upload the talisman to me immediately. "

And it's so important...

Xiao Qiyue looked up at the sky, and was startled. Isn't this the 'star chain' that the ghost mother, the star prince Chu Yu and the emperor were all looking for?

"Team leader, there are mountains, waters, and seas in the secret realm of the imperial capital. There are also stars. Could it be another place?" Chu Fei couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, it's similar to the outside world. However, the aura is much more abundant. Besides, no one lives there. Could this be a special area that was shielded by those supernatural beings in ancient times?" Dongfang Feixue also asked. .

"It's all possible, and the Iron Chain Mountain we're looking for may be the residence of a senior supernatural being.

Then, if you can find it.Think about it, the place where seniors with supernatural powers practiced.

Indispensably, there are high-level panaceas, peerless martial arts, and some rare magical weapons and so on.

The emperor said, the royal family will find a treasure in the shape of an iron chain, and we will give everything else to ourselves. "Chu Bai said a word, and immediately, several team members became excited.

If you found out that it was a secret about King Wu, wouldn't everyone go crazy...

Chu Bai sneered in his heart, below, after distributing some things, he spread out.

Xiao Qiyue was not in a hurry, it was enough to release the flying centipede to stare at Chu Bai.

Even Han Shanzhong of the Changchun Sect is not important, because they will definitely meet.

But Xiao Qiyue herself destroyed the giant pupil and went to the place where she suspected that there was a sea.

Because, the legendary three-masted sailing ship may be the 'ship from the other shore'.

As a result, Xiao Qiyue advanced very fast, so he simply spread out the blood jade lion skin and flew at low altitude.

Along the way, Xiao Qiyue killed many ferocious beasts, and left many beast cores in the Qiankun bag.

There is even a black tiger beast core of half-spirit king state.

In this way, he sharpened himself while killing monsters, enhancing his combat effectiveness and physical strength.

Xiao Qiyue discovered that this secret realm of the imperial capital is definitely a super fighting arena, which is especially effective for the rapid improvement of fighting ability.

A day later, Xiao Qiyue stopped in her tracks.

Because, he discovered Chu Xiang.

This guy is really a lone ranger, but at this moment, he is hiding in a towering giant tree and looking ahead.

[-]% have 'good stuff'!
Xiao Qiyue also flashed into a big bush, with giant pupils and causal eyes poking forward.

It was found to be a cave, and the roar of fierce beasts could be heard from time to time in the cave.

There was a strong warning in that roar, full of domineering, and the causal eye probed into the cave.

A stegosaurus as large as a truck.

This kind of earth dragon has huge teeth like swords on its back, and its body is covered with bristles like steel needles.

Moreover, there are actually seven 'sword hairs' the size of palm-leaf fans growing on the dragon's back, each of which is half a foot long.

The aura on the sword hair expands and contracts, following the roar of the stegosaurus.

It turned out to be a Spirit King Realm Stegosaurus whose strength had reached the second peak level, even stronger than Chu Xiang. No wonder this kid hesitated for a long time and didn't dare to go in rashly.

After all, this is its territory, and God knows what powerful characters there are.

However, Xiao Qiyue's eyes fell behind Jianlong.

It turned out to be a rabbit. The whole body of the rabbit was as white as jade, and it looked very cute. If it didn't move, you would definitely think it was a jade carving.

And Stegosaurus drooled looking at the Jade Rabbit, and definitely wanted to eat it.

However, whenever the Stegosaurus growled and grabbed it, a crescent moon would pop out from the Jade Rabbit's body, and it would light up like a moon print. Immediately, the moon print flew out. I had to retract my arms and legs immediately.

The symbol of Moon Lake?

Xiao Qiyue's heart skipped a beat, and she actually found the sign of Moon Lake on the rabbit.

How terrifying is the attack power of the Stegosaurus at the second level of the Spirit King Realm, it is actually afraid of this symbol.

Jade Rabbit's own abilities don't seem to be very good, who sealed this logo?

This is a defense mode like the palm of the spirit king. Once attacked, it will automatically pop up to warn the opponent.

It must have been sealed by an expert from Wangyue Lake. Could it be that this rabbit was raised by that expert from Wangyue Lake?

"Luoyue" of Wangyue Lake is also the lover of Wuwang Miqiuhe, this rabbit has to be obtained.

Maybe it's Luo Yue's pet. Of course, Luo Yue lived thousands of years ago, so the chances are slim.

However, Xiao Qiyue couldn't handle the Stegosaurus, so he had to join forces with Chu Xiang.

So, Xiao Qiyue fell from the tree and walked over generously.

"Boy! Get out." Chu Xiang found Xiao Qiyue and immediately issued a warning, probably because he was afraid that Xiao Qiyue would alarm Jianlong.

Of course, Xiao Qiyue appeared in the form of Chu Tong, and Chu Xiang did not discover Xiao Qiyue's true face.

Chu Tong's strength is only at the first stage of the real baby, so Chu Xiang naturally didn't take it seriously.

"If you want to get the things in the cave, you have to cooperate with me." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Just because you dare to say to cooperate with me? Why do you?" Chu Xiang looked at Xiao Qiyue with contempt.

"Is this enough?" Xiao Qiyue stretched out her palm, a hint of spiritual light looming.

"You hid it deep enough, but the stegosaurus inside is not simple. At least, it is at the level of a second-level spirit king." Chu Xiang's attitude changed somewhat.

"You can't kill the Stegosaurus in its lair, so you have to lure it out. Let it go to a strange place to start. And, we have to set up a trap." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Of course, I've thought about this a long time ago. Although it is powerful, as long as it comes out, it will still die." Chu Xiang looked confident, and Xiao Qiyue knew that this guy still had a hole in his hand.

"You lie in ambush by the pit, and I will lead him out." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Yes, but let's make it clear first. I don't want anything else from the Stegosaurus. I just want its core, and I'll give you everything from its fur." ​​Chu Xiang put forward the conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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