God catch

Chapter 618 Leng Aotian

Chapter 618 Leng Aotian

You know, according to the rules of the Wulin Kingdom, the Supreme Commander of one of the five Fang Tianyu kingdoms like the Great Chu Kingdom has at most a fifth-rank martial arts order, that is, the envoy 'Yang Jiu'.

The status of the sixth rank must be higher than that of the envoy, a manager who is above the big countries, like the deputy chief inspector of a certain area.

But this person is the planter of the Eighth Grade Martial Arts Order, and his status during his lifetime is absolutely terrifying.

The Karma Eye looked back and forth at the lifeless dry corpse, leaving no other clues except the corpse.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue can be sure that this person has been dead for hundreds of years.

"It's him...it's him..." At this moment, a voice came from the jade rabbit under his feet.It stretched out its forelegs and pointed at the mummy, with a look of horror and anger.

"You know him?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"'Leng Aotian', I know him even when he was burned to ashes. He led people to set up an ambush and attacked our ship." Yutu was furious.

"What's the background of this person?" Xiao Qiyue asked hurriedly, because Yutu is a frustrated person, and it counts as much as he can recall.

"I heard from Miss that it seems to be the 'Volunteer Demon King' of the Wulin Kingdom. He ambushed our ship." Jade Rabbit said.

"Where is it?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Seven Star Lake, you can clearly see the 'Big Dipper' at that place. At that time, the lady said there was a powerful star array, and the lady found the Seven Star Lake based on astrology. Unexpectedly, this villain is also dead, it should be!" Yutu gritted her teeth. Said.

"This person must be strong?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Of course, 'Luo Yuan', Miss's bodyguard back then, in the Divine Aperture Realm blew him apart with a single slap."

God...so strong...

Then this person is still...

Xiao Qiyue really didn't expect that the Moon Lake family was so powerful hundreds of years ago, and the Divine Aperture Realm was just a guard.

So how powerful was the Patriarch 'Luo Chunyang' back then?
However, today, hundreds of years later, martial arts seems to have declined.In this world, even the Divine Aperture Realm seems to have disappeared.

What is the reason for these masters to disappear?
Does it have something to do with the martial arts country?
Xiao Qiyue thought of the supernatural beings who disappeared after entering the bottom of the Fangtian River. This must be a terrifying conspiracy.

Perhaps, that river swallowed too many masters, which made the current martial arts so depressed.

"Kill him!" At this moment, Chu Jun, a child of the royal family, pointed at Xiao Qiyue and shouted.

Immediately, the five guys from the royal family all pulled out their weapons and pointed at Xiao Qiyue.However, after shouting, none of these guys dared to rush up first.

After all, they were all scared.In the arena, who is not afraid of being either disabled or half dead?
"Hehe, you guys, it's just right, I just want to move my hands and feet." Xiao Qiyue pinched her knuckles playfully, making several guys' legs tremble a little with fright.

"King Jinhu, you are also from the royal family. Let's kill him together, and then the emperor will definitely reward you." Chu Jun urged Chu Xiangdao.

"Go away and cool off, Jun Chu, you are not qualified to say that." Prime Minister Chu slapped Chu Jun's front teeth flying wildly.

"Brother Chu, our Changchun Sect is willing to cooperate with you. Kill him first, and then we will share any treasures together." Qiao Leng said.

"Are you a defeated general worthy of talking to me?" Prime Minister Chu didn't show him any face, and Qiao Leng's face flushed immediately.

"Is he not worthy of me, Han Shanzhong?" At this time, Han Shanzhong, who had not revealed the truth, made a crackling sound, his body suddenly rose, his face fell off, and soon, he appeared in front of everyone with a bearded face and a domineering face.

Chu Xiang glanced at Xiao Qiyue in front of him, quite surprised.

Because it was Xiao Qiyue who arranged for him through sound transmission, unexpectedly he really forced out a ruthless guy.

Of course Han Shanzhong knew this person, Prime Minister Chu, this guy was the son of the mysterious patron saint of the Changchun School.

His father's strength is much stronger than his master Chu Tianqiong, and the tiger father has no dogs, so it is expected that Han Shan's strength must not be weak.

Chu Xiang could feel that Han Shanzhong's strength was similar to his own.

Chu Xiang also understood that this person was the real core of the Changchun Sect.

And Qiao Leng is just a puppet, used to fool outsiders.

Changchunzong did this, what exactly did they want to do?
Chu Xiang was extremely puzzled.

"Of course you deserve it, but I have to ask if my temporary employer agrees with this?" Chu Xiang raised his eyebrows and said.

"Your employer, can you invite him to come out and talk?" Han Shanzhong asked quite unexpectedly, unexpectedly Chu Xiang had an employer, and someone who could afford to hire Chu Xiang must be a powerful person.

Of course, he did not dare to underestimate Prime Minister Chu.

After all, no one dares to underestimate the shadow of a famous tree, who is ranked 20th on the Qinglong list.

"Yes!" Chu Xiang seemed to be playful, wanting to play tricks on these guys.

So, he deliberately paused, and when everyone's eyes were attracted, he looked sideways at Xiao Qiyue and asked, "Brother Xiao, what do you think?"

The hearts of Qiao Leng and the others went downhill.

"Could Xiao Qiyue really be Brother Chu's temporary employer?" Even Han Shanzhong couldn't believe it, so he insisted on asking.

"Can't it?" Xiao Qiyue looked at Han Shanzhong with a smile.

Immediately, this guy felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a dead fly.

"Brother Chu, we will double what he gives you." Han Shan redoubled.

"Han Shanzhong, you underestimate me, Chu Xiang." Chu Xiang sneered.

"Chu Xiang, since you are determined to go your own way, everyone, get ready to fight." Han Shan gritted his teeth, and immediately, the royal family and Changchunzong people surrounded Xiao Qiyue and a rabbit.

Of course, Han Shanzhong had his own reasons for doing this, because he thought he could resist Chu Xiang.

As for Xiao Qiyue, although fierce.However, there are still a dozen people on my side, and besieging him has an absolute chance of winning.

"Brother Xiao, let's compete to see who is the most knocked down." Chu Xiang laughed boldly and punched him.Han Shanzhong swung a mountain-breaking axe and spun towards it.

The two immediately fought into a ball.

"Okay! But, Prime Minister Chu, remember, don't beat him to death, don't beat him up, just teach him a lesson." Xiao Qiyue replied with a smile.

"Brother Xiao, aren't you too kind?" Chu Xiang expressed doubts while beating, you, Xiao Qiyue, don't look like a kind person.

"I'm useful." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Medium!" Chu Xiang replied.

"Everyone, they are all at war. Let's not be idle. Just fight when you have to. I don't have time to waste time with you." Xiao Qiyue smiled and swept away thousands of troops. A few fist shadows shook.

"Combined attack!" Knowing that fighting alone is not an opponent, Qiao Leng quickly shouted, and immediately, members of the Changchun Sect and the royal family formed a well-trained joint attack formation.

Dozens of weapons greeted Xiao Qiyue fiercely.


The Chu army was the most unlucky, and it was Xiao Qiyue's first target.This kid had just had a row of front teeth knocked out by Chu Xiang, and he was kicked out by Xiao Qiyue, and hit the rock wall hard. Suddenly, his head was bleeding and he fainted.

The second one, the coquettish-looking woman in Guangyue screamed and was kicked by Xiao Qiyue into a rolling gourd.

"Brother is very gentle with women." Xiao Qiyue smiled, and she was indeed merciful.

Although Qiao Leng and his gang had a joint attack, Xiao Qiyue was too fast.

Coupled with the handed down 'Nine Songs of the Stars', screams, screams, and the sound of rolling and hitting the wall...


Soon, Xiao Qiyue was all overwhelmed.

Chu Xiang and Han Shanzhong slammed into each other, hitting the rock wall respectively.When it landed, its head was disheveled, and it seemed to be half a catty.

"Han Shanzhong, do you think you can continue with one-on-two?" Xiao Qiyue looked at him indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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