God catch

Chapter 621 Treasure Hunt Terminal

Chapter 621 Treasure Hunt Terminal

Leng Aotian was fooled again, and was caught by a 'lullaby'.

Time flies, two full years have passed in that starry sky, and Leng Aotian is still sleeping.

However, even if he wakes up, he will be unable to help himself, and Xiao Qiyue is sure to completely control him.

Despite being extremely curious about Wulin Kingdom, Xiao Qiyue didn't immediately wake him up to ask.

Back on the ground, I found that several days had passed.Chu Xiang and Han Shanzhong didn't know where they went.

"By the way, your lady must have been in a coma after being attacked in the secret realm of the imperial capital more than 400 years ago, right?" Xiao Qiyue asked Yutu.

"I don't know." Yutu shook his head.

"Didn't the owner of Moon Lake at that time be Luo Chunyang? He was more than 400 years ago." Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Don't ask, I really don't know, my head hurts so much, it hurts like hell." Jade Rabbit covered her head with her big ears, with a painful expression on her face.

This is strange, Luo Yue only fell into a coma hundreds of years ago, while King Wu Mi Qiuhe was a figure thousands of years ago.

Based on this calculation, wouldn't it be that Luo Yue lived at least a few thousand years before she fell into a coma?

An old woman who is thousands of years old, what kind of 'realm' is it that can live for so long?
Even the lifespan of the Divine Aperture Realm will not exceed 500 years, right?
Thousands of years old, wouldn't he become a land god?

How could such a powerful person be beaten unconscious by Leng Aotian?Because, when Leng Aotian was alive, he was at most at the level of a god.

Among them, is there any other change...

Xiao Qiyue shook her head fiercely, feeling that her mind was quite messy.

After wandering around in the secret realm for a few days, Xiao Qiyue found that the aura in his body became more and more stable, several times stronger than when he first stepped into the spirit king realm, and should have reached the peak of the first-level spirit king.

But the Ring of the Spirit King became thicker, and soon, the flying centipede sent a message, as if there was a new discovery.

So, Xiao Qiyue headed towards the east quickly.

Two hours later, I found that the geniuses seemed to be gathered in front.

"Seven Star Lake, I remember, the front is the Seven Star Lake." At this time, Yutu compared to the front and called out.

"Seven Star Lake, isn't it the place where the boat from the other side disappeared, and also the place where your lady was ambushed by Leng Aotian?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"That's right! I still remember this place being burnt to ashes." Jade Rabbit looked angry, and the rabbit's eyes were all red.

"It's strange. Could it be that the 'Starry Sky Chain' is also in Qixing Lake? Otherwise, it is difficult to explain Han Shanzhong's motives for following Chu Bai. After all, they don't know the mystery of Qixing Lake." Xiao Qiyue muttered.

After turning over a mountain, the eyes suddenly opened up.

In the center of a basin surrounded by mountains lies a shimmering lake.

The radius was tens of miles. Xiao Qiyue counted it and found that there were more than seven hills around.

"Look up." Yutu said, and when Xiao Qiyue looked up, she was shocked.

Because, in broad daylight, under the scorching sun, there are seven stars flashing above the lake, aren't they the Big Dipper?

It stands to reason that in broad daylight, the sun is still so strong that it should be invisible.But on the contrary, the seven stars are brighter than the night.

"This is the origin of Seven Star Lake." Yutu said self-righteously.

Xiao Qiyue didn't bother to explain to it. After looking at it, she found that basically all the geniuses had come.

However, he didn't find Chu Xiang's figure. This kid didn't know where he went crazy.

Without such a powerful thug, Xiao Qiyue had to weigh the odds.

If Han Shan joins forces with Chu Bai again, at most he can draw with them.

Coupled with Qiao Leng, Guangyue and other real baby realm powerhouses, his chances of winning are not great.

Therefore, surprises are not easy, and sneak attacks are the only way.

At this moment, Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin Xingkong suddenly trembled.

After a twist, the star needle on the star compass shot a ray of light directly at the bottom of the lake.

And Xiao Qiyue found that after the light swept across the starry sky, the Big Dipper on Qixing Lake seemed to flicker, as if a person was blinking.

Does this mean that they have responded and resonated?
Karma's eyes went to the bottom of the lake, but the bottom seemed to be clear and there was nothing.

However, Xiao Qiyue discovered another secret.

At the bottom of the lake, a 'cream-colored' line of causality popped out, and shot at Han Shanzhong and Chu Bai respectively.

Could it be that the star chain is at the bottom of the lake?
Otherwise, it is difficult to explain this reaction.

After all, these two guys each hold half of Miqiutu's secrets, and moreover, they are secrets about the Starry Sky Chain.

"Young Sect Master, there is nothing. Except for some small fish and shrimps, there is not even a big fish in this lake, let alone water monsters." At this time, Qiao Leng emerged from the lake and rushed towards Hanshan shouted.

"Sixth prince, we didn't find anything." At the same time, Chu Fei and others from the royal family also emerged from the lake and reported to Chu Bai.

Xiao Qiyue was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that Chu Bai's identity was so scary, he was actually the sixth prince of the Great Chu Kingdom.

No wonder Chu Xiang, the first genius of the Great Chu, could not become the core. Obviously, compared with the sixth prince, Chu Xiang is just an outsider.

"Young Sect Master, should we show our last cards?" Chu Bai asked after hearing this.

"That's all I can do. This is where the treasure chain points. Maybe it's because each of us holds half of the secret of the treasure chain, so we couldn't find it." Han Shan pondered for a while and nodded. Soon, he took out a box , vomiting blood and opening the seal, Xiao Qiyue found that there was actually a piece of milky white chain in the box.

And it was the same in Chu Bai's box.

The two masters each made some gestures and murmured words. Soon, the chain in the box bounced into the air, and the next moment, the chain began to expand.

It grew until it was two or three feet long, and it stopped when it was as thick as a child's arm.

And there were star spots flashing constantly on the chain, and the two chains twisted in the air, as if there was a natural suction force. Soon, when the speckled lights flashed, the chains twisted and slowly approached each other like snakes.

And dozens of geniuses all drew their weapons and stood ready.

After a full hour, the two chains were connected together.

Immediately, the brilliance was brilliant, and Xiao Qiyue found that the moment the docking was successful, the Big Dipper in the sky seemed to be lit up, and in an instant, the shadows shook.

"Chain... Chain Mountain." Chu Yu shouted while pointing at the air.

In the air, a huge chain mountain was actually projected like a projection.

The chain mountain is more than ten miles long and about 300 meters wide.

"So that's how it is. We've been looking for it to death, but it's here." Han Shanzhong said.

"No! We have seen this chain mountain, but it seems to be nothing." Chu Bai said.

"Song Qing, jump up and have a look." Han Shan said to a short genius.

"Okay!" Song Qing nodded, shouted loudly, and with a run-up, the whole person soared into the sky.

It's just that Song Qing is obviously busy in vain.After passing through the chain mountain, the whole person fell down again.

"Could it be the result projected by our chain?" Chu Bai asked with a puzzled expression.

"Probably so, right? It's a waste of our energy." Han Shan said with a gloomy face.

"How do we find it? It's like finding a needle in a haystack." Qiao Leng looked frustrated.

a bunch of idiots!
Xiao Qiyue cursed secretly, because the chain mountain in the sky was obviously projected from the lake.

These guys are all looking at the sky, how can they think of the bottom of the lake.The fellow smiled wryly, and had no choice but to touch a stone and throw it into the lake.

Because, Xiao Qiyue tried it secretly, and the chain mountain at the bottom of the lake is weird.

It is estimated that Han Shanzhong and Chu Bai's 'chain' will open the way. If they do it themselves, they may succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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