God catch

Chapter 633 Captain

Chapter 633 Captain
"Mi Luo Weikong, is he a member of the Wuwang Mi family?" Xiao Qiyue was stunned and asked.

"I don't know." Yutu shook his head.

"Now it is even more confirmed that Leng Aotian's strength is impossible to destroy the ship on the other side. Therefore, the one behind the scenes is the real ship destroyer. However, this ship is so big, we can't move it." Xiao July is a bit of a shock.

"It's a pity to let it go to waste here.

No matter what, we must find a way to send it back to Wangyue Lake. Only in this way can it be possible to wake up the lady.

Moreover, this secret realm of the imperial capital is also mysterious, so maybe this ship will not be here next time.

The ends of the earth, where can I find it? " Yutu was in a hurry, glanced at Xiao Qiyue, and begged, "I don't care, you have to find a way. "

"It's such a heavy treasure, it might shrink, otherwise, it would be inconvenient for you miss." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I don't know." Yutu shook his head again.

Xiao Qiyue's eyes moved, and she squeezed out the "Eye of the Other Side" from her eyes, and slapped them on the two holes in the bow.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound, and the whole broken ship shook.

"There is a door!" Yutu screamed excitedly.

Xiao Qiyue waved her hand, and Yutu stuck out her tongue, not daring to scream anymore.

Soon, as if it was charging, some energy from the Eye of the Other Shore continued to enter the hull.

A few minutes passed, and Xiao Qiyue found that the ship seemed to have a glimmer of life, and the energy began to repair some damage on the ship.

However, it stopped after a few minutes.

"Why did it stop? Hurry up and fix it." Jade Rabbit jumped in anxiety.

"It's useless! There is only a sliver of energy left in the Eye of the Other Bank. Now the energy is exhausted, and it can't be repaired. I was wondering if it needs to be repaired with Lingshi?" Xiao Qiyue thought for a while, and took out Mo Tian, ​​the inspector of the Medicine League The given spiritual stone was passed on to the Eye of the Other Bank.

Sure enough, a few more minor breakages were repaired and stopped again.

"What, this ship is simply a gold-swallowing monster. How many spirit stones do you need to fully repair it?" Xiao Qiyue gritted her teeth in pain.The few spirit stones that I had finally exchanged for were gone, and there was no market for these things.

"What should I do?" Yutu cried anxiously.

"I'll try again." Xiao Qiyue emitted a lot of energy all over his body, and soon, Buddha light, magic light, and Dao light intertwined, and the causal universe bag rapidly expanded, and it was put on the boat on the other side.

With one thought, the boat disappeared.

"Where's the boat?" Jade Rabbit was startled.

"I put it in my pocket, I'll find a way to repair it in the future." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You have such a big interspatial ring? How is it possible? Even Miss's can't fit in such a big boat." Yutu obviously didn't believe it, and thought Xiao Qiyue was playing something up.

With a thought in Xiao Qiyue's mind, the boat from the other side appeared again.

"You...you are really a monster." Yutu stared blankly at Xiao Qiyue.

"Am I to blame?"

"Don't you wonder why there is such a super space ring? Abnormal!"

"I'm perverted..." Xiao Qiyue was completely speechless.

Under the internal inspection, he was surprised to find that his karma bag had expanded several times, just like a small space.

It's just that there is no vitality and vitality in it.

Will this karma universe bag evolve into a real small space in the future...

Xiao Qiyue was looking forward to it.

time to go.

Go out with the current, look out when you get to the door, you're in big trouble.

Chu Tianqiong and his special guards stood ready to catch fish with their nets, and beside him stood a few fish that slipped through the net.

Fighting Chu Tianqiong, Xiao Qiyue is not arrogant enough to beat him.

What's more, there are those powerful special guards and the three disciples who ruined the sky.

The three ruined sons radiated a bronze luster, as if they were originally used to protect the palace.

Don't talk about anything else, just these three disciples of ruining the sky can directly blow themselves into scum.

Xiao Qiyue quickly destroyed the magic moon mirror, and found out the surrounding situation in just a few hundred breaths.

However, Xiao Qiyue found a loophole, and that was the Star Prince Mo Guohao.

Today's breakthrough is on him. This person is guarding the west with three special guards.

A breakthrough, of course, is impossible.

Therefore, taking Prince Xing as a hostage is the best policy.

Presumably, Chu Tianqiong also knew the true identity of Prince Xing.

You wouldn't joke about the lives of your offspring, would you?Xiao Qiyue decided to bet on him.

He directly used the magic moon mirror to transmit sound to Prince Xing. Soon, that guy moved according to Xiao Qiyue's arrangement.

This, of course, did not attract any attention from Chu Tianqiong.

After all, in Chu Tianqiong's eyes, what is Xiao Qiyue?
Once it comes out, it is not a turtle in the urn, and there is no challenge at all.

It's just that Chu Tianqiong never expected that Xiao Qiyue possessed the method of 'shrinking the ground into an inch'.

It was just a slight gust of wind, and of course Chu Tianqiong felt it. The moment he opened his eyes, he found that the Star Prince Mo Guohao had fallen into the hands of Xiao Qiyue.

"How bold are you?" It's just that Chu Tianqiong didn't pay much attention to Xiao Qiyue, so he just drooped his eyelids and looked at Xiao Qiyue.

After all, in Chu Tianqiong's eyes, Chu Bai's death must have been caused by Chu Xiang as the main force.

After Han Shanzhong escaped, of course he would not reveal all the truth about Chu Tianqiong. Under this preconceived consciousness, Chu Tianqiong also capsized in the gutter.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell your subordinates to go away." Xiao Qiyue tightened her hands, pinching Mo Guohao almost to the point of losing his breath.

"Ancestor... ancestor... save... save me..." This is real, not fake.Mo Guohao was out of breath and struggling desperately, was the play really that good?

"Xiao Qiyue, you are so naive. Do you really think that a little king with a different surname can make us give up on you?" Chu Tianqiong snorted.

"The dog emperor's illegitimate son, but he still has the blood of your royal family in his bones." Xiao Qiyue sneered.Immediately, Zhou Jinbo and other special guards all looked at Chu Tianqiong in astonishment.

"Nonsense, boy, I think you are crazy." Chu Tianqiong sneered.

"You know whether you are crazy or not, a filthy royal family, don't treat everyone in the world as fools.

Without the true blood of the royal family, can Mo Guohao control one of the eight great national weapons?
Old man, do you want me to expose all the scandals of your royal family in public?
Back then Chu Xuanji fell in love with..." Xiao Qiyue opened his mouth and came.

"You all retreat." Chu Tianqiong was really anxious, although many ministers in the court knew about it.

However, knowing does not mean that you can speak out, this is related to the face of the royal family.

Although Zhou Jinbo and the others wanted to know the secret very much, they all wanted their heads, so they quickly retreated far away.

"Get out! Xiao Qiyue, I will give you a thousand breaths of time, and you can roll as far as you can.

If you still can't survive, you can only blame yourself.

If you dare to hurt him, my Da Chu royal family will smash the Xiao family even with the last drop of blood. "Chu Tianqiong roared with a straight face.

Xiao Qiyue didn't say a word, she turned around and dodged while carrying the person.

Chu Tianqiong had a gloomy face and didn't chase after him immediately, because he had his own face.

However, he believed that Xiao Qiyue could not find his way.

However, the next moment, what made Chu Tianqiong's face pale was that Xiao Qiyue seemed to have seen through the outer road to the secret realm of the imperial capital.

Familiar with the road all the way, he quickly left the palace compound and went straight to the suburbs.

"Chu Tianqiong, a thousand breaths are here, I'm leaving." As soon as the time given by Chu Tianqiong was up, Xiao Qiyue immediately threw Prince Xing up the mountain and ran away.

However, looking back, Xiao Qiyue saw a strange smile from Chu Tianqiong.

The old guy's smile is too weird, why is there a problem?

Xiao Qiyue was thinking as she unfolded her golden-winged roc corpse to fly across the air.

(End of this chapter)

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