God catch

Chapter 649 Song Emperor's Great Gift

Chapter 649 Song Emperor's Great Gift

Xiao Qiyue let go and found that Xing Luoyin had not bounced back to the original place.It seems that it has something to do with the locking of the star needle.

It seems that there is a reward for every hard work.If it bounced back, it would be for nothing.

Xiao Qiyue went to see Xiang Feihu with confidence and boldness.

"Sorry, I quarreled with you in just a few days." Xiang Feihu said with an apologetic expression.

Because, Xiao Qiyue had confessed in advance that he decided to retreat for 13 days, and warriors hated interruptions in the middle of retreat.

"It's okay! This time it's not a closed door." Xiao Qiyue waved her hand.

"The royal family of Chu State already knew about you, and it should be the good thing that Dongmen Leopard did.

Moreover, the Western Prison has sent people to contact the royal family of Da Chu.

The emperor of Chu State had already put pressure on Song State, and Song Kaiyun's pressure was unprecedentedly great. However, fortunately, the two ancestors were seriously injured, and Chu Jiangshan was flawless in this situation.

Otherwise, the country of Song would not be able to live at all.So, close the Chen Qiao case as soon as possible, and let's hit the road.

It will be much easier once you get back to Six Fans.Regarding this matter, Mr. Tie Chujun has already mentioned your matter to the door, but it is a confidential matter related to the six doors, and Fu Xun cannot explain it clearly.And the meaning in the door is to let you go back as soon as possible to completely solve your identity problem.

Otherwise, it is not easy for the six doors to officially announce your affairs. "Xiang Feihu said.

"The key question now is whether Song Kaiyun can withstand it?" Xiao Qiyue also felt that it was quite difficult. The Song Kingdom has become a place of right and wrong, so it cannot stay for a long time.

Now he not only offended the royal family of Great Chu, but also the Changchun Sect and Luoyue Pavilion, and he had to go to the Western Prison.

Under the pressure of the four parties, even the 1 members of the royal family of the Song Dynasty wanted to hand over themselves, so they had to weigh the pressure from these four major forces.

After all, the Song Kingdom is not one of Fang Tianyu's five great powers, and its arms are not as thick as theirs.

"He has already contacted the Tianhuo Cult, but the Tianhuo Cult is not a good thing, and they took advantage of it to rob them!" Xiang Feihu said with an indignant expression.

"Are you eyeing my thirteen eastern counties?" Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"It's probably true, although the King of the Song Dynasty has not officially announced this matter.

However, it has already reached the ears of Tianhuo Cult.

No, the envoy they sent is now in the palace.

It is estimated that they want to force Song Guo to change his mind. This is a naked threat of force. "Xiang Feihu said.

"So, Song Kaiyun had no choice but to show that he gave in under the coercion. Therefore, I invite you to be a lobbyist, right?" Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"It's kind of like that. I didn't say it clearly when I was a lobbyist. However, I sent a batch of good things to ask me to pass them on to you." Xiang Feihu laughed.

With that said, he handed Xiao Qiyue a jade box.

Xiao Qiyue opened the seal after taking it.

Immediately, a burst of vigorous green energy was twisted and emitted into multiple lines.

"What a powerful vitality!" Xiang Feihu was taken aback when he saw it.

"Well, it's powerful. Look, the flowers and trees in this room have grown crazily in a short period of one hundred breaths. Especially this water bamboo, it has grown half a foot long." Kacha, Xiao Qiyue sealed the box again , otherwise, it would be a pity for this vital energy to leak out.

"In order to prevent you, Young Master Xiao, the Emperor Song really did a great job." Xiang Feihu sighed enviously.

"This should be a complete bodhi tree root, and its growth period may not be less than a thousand years." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Thousand-year-old Bodhi, super generous. Song Kaiyun really has a heart." Xiang Feihu sighed again.

"No, no, you're wrong." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"That's right, I forgot that Mr. Xiao is an eighth-rank spiritual pharmacist. Even the thousand-year-old Bodhi is not the best in your eyes." Xiang Feihu nodded thoughtfully.

"You're wrong again." Xiao Qiyue shook her head with a smile.

"Young Master Xiao, I'm confused." Xiang Feihu touched his head.

"This bodhi root is definitely a good thing. Among the elixir, its level has reached the level of Xuanpin. I mean it was not given by Song Kaiyun." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Could it be a gift from Prince Song Duan?" Xiang Feihu slapped his head.

"It's definitely him!" Xiao Qiyue was sure.

"Why is Mr. Xiao so sure?" Xiang Feihu was quite unconvinced.

"Yeah, Tie also thinks you are too arbitrary, Mr. Xiao?" Tie Qi's voice came.

"If you're not in your position, you don't plan for your own affairs." Xiao Qiyue said.

"It's not your place...no..." Tie Qi muttered, then suddenly slapped his head and laughed loudly, "It's amazing, it's amazing, Young Master Xiao."

"You two, I'm so annoying, tell me quickly, don't you want me to be suffocated to death?" Xiang Feihu's face was clouded.

"Feihu, think about it, as Song Kaiyun, he is the emperor of the Song Kingdom, considering the overall situation of the Song Kingdom, Xiao Qiyue has become a hot potato now, it is best to 'take action' as soon as possible.

If he handed over Young Master Xiao, he would not dare.

After all, Mr. Xiao is well-known, and others will say that Song State is not authentic.

Moreover, with our six doors around, they have to weigh the consequences.

The best way is to drive Mr. Xiao away.However, as the prince, Song Duan's position is different.

He has not yet sat on the throne of the monarch, and he only wants to make friends with Mr. Xiao.

Among them, Duan Xingyao must be involved.

If Young Master Xiao is driven away, we will definitely be angry too. By then, no one will solve the big Chen Qiao case.

Therefore, under the influence of the two parties, the most important thing is that Xiao Gongle's performance is too eye-catching, which makes Song Duan see the hope of the future of Song State.

Therefore, he was determined to hand over Xiao Gong.

In this way, his father must be encouraged to send the Bodhi Root, the national treasure of the Song Dynasty royal family, over.

To express his determination to advance and retreat with Young Master Xiao, after all, even the national treasure has been donated, what else can't let go? " Tie Chujun laughed.

"Hahaha, Mr. Xiao still has a good eye for people. Song Duan will definitely become a great weapon." Xiang Feihu smiled, looked at Tie Qi and said, "Uncle, Song Duan has such determination and courage. The six of us Shouldn't a door have something to say?"

"It depends on you?" Tie Chujun looked at Xiang Feihu with a smile.

"Amazing, uncle is still amazing. You are worthy of being my uncle of Xiang Feihu." Xiang Feihu laughed loudly.

"Don't tell me first, let me guess." Xiao Qiyue smiled and waved her hands, pretending to be thinking, but in fact, she was looking at Xiang Feihu's 'popularity'.

He found that Xiang Feihu was looking back.

In the scene, there appeared an old man wearing a dragon fan embroidered with gold painting, whose appearance was somewhat similar to that of Xiang Feihu.

However, this person is surrounded by a frightening light of spiritual prohibition, the six spiritual rings expand and contract, and a pair of deep eyes seem to be able to see through the world.

Level [-] Spirit King!

Xiao Qiyue was also taken aback. The Spirit King Realm is divided into nine levels. Like Chu Zhuang, there are only three levels of Spirit Kings. Chu Tianqiong is between the fourth and fifth levels, and Chu Jiangshan is between the fifth and sixth levels. .

(End of this chapter)

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