God catch

Chapter 652 Hand over Xiao July

Chapter 652 Hand over Xiao Qiyue

As for Wei Kai, his body was already bloody, so frightened that his men rushed forward to pick him up and run away.

"Ah..." Victory didn't make Song Kaiyun happy, he let out a long sigh, his face was livid.

"Father, the Skyfire Sect is going too far.

Today, Dong Yi knocked on our county.Tomorrow, another shovel will shovel away half the county.

Up to now, in less than a hundred years, we have already occupied eight counties by them.

Although these counties still belong to us in name.But we can't control them at all.

Even if your royal decree goes down, it doesn't matter, the government has become a decoration.

If the thirteen counties in the east are assigned to them, then the Tianhuo Cult will collude with the pirates and drive straight in. Without the barrier in the east, our country of Song will really perish. "Prince Song Duan said angrily.

"Prince, am I not clear about this? But what can we do to fight against the Tianhuo Cult, and the country will perish faster.

Son, even the 36 sects ranked at the bottom of the world are not something our Song Kingdom can compete with.

Survive in the cracks, a careless move will directly destroy the country.

We need to contact the Tianhuo Sect and the Lianyun Shibabao to fight against Chu together, but here we must guard against the Tianhuo Sect, if we don’t pay tribute to the Tianmo Sect every year, they will hold back, the Song Dynasty, as early as hundreds of years ago perished. "Song Kaiyun looked sad, looked up to the sky and sighed, "My ancestors, I, Song Kaiyun, are incompetent. I can't even keep the country left by my ancestors. I am the most failed emperor in the world." "

"His Royal Highness, that's because the Heavenly Demon Sect is separated from us by a country.

Otherwise, it is another tiger that is more ruthless than the Skyfire Sect.

As for why the Tianhuo Cult didn't directly annex our Song State, that's because Fang Tianyu also has rules in the state-owned state laws.

Large sects can secretly support certain countries, but they cannot swallow up countries by force.

In this way, hundreds of countries, large and small, will be chilled by Fang Tianyu.

It would be a disaster for Fang Tianyu if the countries joined forces to fight against 36 Dazong.

What's more, the disciples of the major sects also come from Fang Tianyu's countries.

And the Tianhuo Sect is getting more and more rampant, that's because our Song Kingdom is too weak.

Moreover, it is quite dangerous now. "Liu Dong, Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, looked at Xiao Qiyue and the three of them and stopped talking again.

"Master, please speak directly." Song Duan said politely.

"Then I'll just say it straight, in fact, the Tianhuo Sect's coming to force the palace must have something to do with Da Chu and Changchun Zong Luoyue Pavilion.

Otherwise, in the past, things were still secretive.Now why dare to nakedly propose the thirteen counties in the east?
Of course, the Tianhuo Cult did not destroy our Song State, so there is no such thing as destroying the rules of the country and sect.

However, what the Tianhuo Cult could not do, Da Chu could do.

Of course, the most effective way now is to hand over Xiao Qiyue to Da Chu. "Liu Dong arched his hands and said.

"That's impossible!" Song Duan said immediately.

"Your Majesty, Prince, if Xiao Qiyue is not arrested, our country of Song will perish. Considering the overall situation, I am so overwhelmed that I am willing to escort Xiao Qiyue to Dachu." Liu Dong knelt down and shouted.

"Shut up!" Song Duan was so angry that his face turned black.

"His Royal Highness, even if you cut off the head of the old minister today, I will do the same! Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is no need to hesitate any longer. Once the master of the Skyfire Cult comes down, it will be too late for us to arrest him immediately." Liu Dong teared Shouted heartbreakingly.

"You old bastard! I'll kill you!" Song Duan was so angry that he kicked Liu Dong into a somersault, hitting his head hard on the pillar, and his face was covered in blood.

However, Liu Dong gave it up, screaming and crawling towards Song Kaiyun on the ground.

"Liu Dong, do you really think that the Crown Prince dare not kill you?" Choke!Song Duan roared angrily and drew out his sword.The bright silver light expands and contracts, as long as it is sent forward, Liu Dong's head should move.

"For the sake of the Great Song Dynasty, the death of the veteran is not a pity! As long as the veteran is alive, Xiao Qiyue must be arrested and sent to Dachu.

At that time, the state of Chu will have no reason to perish of Song Dynasty.

The Tianhuo Sect will also lose its reason to damage our Great Song Dynasty. "Liu Dong was really stubborn, crawled to Song Kaiyun's feet, hugged his leg tightly, and hit the emperor's thigh with his bleeding head desperately.

Song Kaiyun's face was stiff, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

grab it!Song Kaiyun believed that after paying a heavy price, he would definitely win Xiao Qiyue.After all, he is alone.

However, in this way, the six doors were offended.

Don't arrest them, besieged on all sides, Tianhuo Sect, Changchun Sect, Luoyue Pavilion, and especially Dachu will not be able to pass.

"Prince, I, Duan Xingyao, support you on behalf of the Duan family!" Duan Xingyao naturally refused to arrest Xiao Qiyue, and immediately stated his position.

"Does God really want to kill me?" Song Kaiyun looked up at the dome, his elbow really couldn't bend his thigh.

So, with a sigh, he waved his hand and said, "Tie Chujun, I, Song Kaiyun, am sorry for you. Da Song will definitely give you six doors generous compensation."

"Go to hell!" Song Duan was furious. Seeing that his father was about to strike cruelly, a silver scale flashed past and stabbed Liu Dong viciously.

A finger qi flew from the side, and immediately flicked the sword to the wooden pillar of the hall.

Song Duan turned his head and looked, suddenly stunned, because it was Xiao Qiyue who flicked the sword away.

"Anyone in this world can save Liu Dong, how could it be you?" Song Duan asked a little perturbed for a moment.

"Xiao Qiyue, you piece of shit, our Great Song Dynasty has suffered miserably for you. Stop crying and pretending to be merciful here, even if you saved me, I, Liu Dong, would not be grateful to you at all." Liu Dong hoarse shouted.

"Liu Dong, you dug a hole for me to jump in." Xiao Qiyue looked at him lightly.

"I don't understand what you mean, what's the trick?" Liu Dong looked confused.

"Hehe, I have to leave today, and no one can stop me. And you deliberately provoked the emperor to take me. At that time, I will leave. Song Guo has confessed to Chu State and Tianhuo Sect. This is your responsibility." The first plan." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"I don't understand your nonsense, it seems that I have a second plan." Liu Dong laughed mockingly.

"This second plan is, of course, what you want.

You hope to arouse my temper, just because the prince Song Duan is so righteous.

So, you hope that I can go all the way and save Song Guo's life.

And it is impossible for me to keep Song Kingdom alone, but there are six doors.

Moreover, you have already found out that Tie Chujun has the trump card deputy order to catch Wang Xiangdong in his hand.

It is impossible for Tianhuo Sect, Changchun Sect, and Luoyue Pavilion to fight against the King Catcher.

As long as I, Xiao Qiyue, are with Six Doors, they will show some face.

At least, Mingli won't make a move.In this way, Da Song will become one with me, at least, after I leave Da Song, I will always have Da Song in my heart.

And you are accurate in judging people, I believe you know a certain way of astrology.

If it is another year, and I, Xiao Qiyue, come back, it will be the time when the Great Song Dynasty takes off.

Of course, you are also placing a big bet on a country.

Therefore, I want to save you, because I am saving a loyal old minister for Da Song. "Xiao Qiyue said.

(End of this chapter)

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