God catch

Chapter 664

Chapter 664
As the sparks splashed, Fan Sen struck the pair of hammers and flew into the air, dancing a dozen shadows of the hammers and hitting Nangong Ling'er.

And Nangong Ling'er came down to earth like a fairy, she rose gracefully, twisted her waist and moved her legs, and quickly flashed past.

Immediately, there was a rumbling sound in the air, and the spiritual light soared.

The two sides launched a big battle in the air, seemingly, half a catty.

"Meteor chasing the moon!" After a long fight, Fan Sen burst into flames and roared, one hammer hit the other, and immediately, under the collision, the hammer flashed like a shooting star, drawing a strange moon The buds came crashing down.

Nangong Ling'er's sword blocked it, and there was a crackling sound.

The hammer missed, but the sword flew out of his hand.

And Fan Sen was already like a roller, with a violent aura of aura, hitting him like a locomotive out of control.

Seeing that Nangong Ling'er couldn't get away, if he hit him, he would lose his skin if he didn't die.

What a Nangong Ling'er, suddenly stretched out her hand to pull out her head, and the hairpin flicked out, turning into a golden talisman, as if breaking the space suddenly.

There was a slight pop, as if a balloon had been popped.

Fan Sen's Xuanshui heavy gold hammer penetrated directly, and the talisman needle broke through Fan Sen's aura body protection. Fan Sen hurriedly stepped across an iron bridge, his body was seriously twisted and deformed, barely avoiding the talisman needle.

However, I still pinned the end of the needle.

Fan Sen's body was rolled out, and when he landed, he took seven or eight steps, so that he would not fall to the ground on the spot, and even spun around to stand up in a very embarrassing situation.

Fan Sen was furious, his blood red eyes swung his fists and went into battle shirtless.

He punched Nangong Ling'er, but Nangong Ling'er was gaining power at the moment, the talisman pointed out many stars, and Fan Sen's body was poked several times, blood was flowing.

In the end, the talisman passed through his leg, leaving a blood hole the size of a finger, and Fan Sen staggered and fell to the ground.

That guy was crazy, his body was red, and his aura was swelling all over his body.

"No, the aura explodes!" Someone screamed in fright.

"Fan Sen, it's better to live than to die!" Xiao Qiyue suddenly passed by with a flick of a finger, and a word 'town' was typed out on the Zhenlong Stone, and instantly sank into Fan Sen's body.

Immediately, the inflated Fan Sen let out a thousand miles and sat down on the ground.

"I... I lost..." Fan Sen looked disappointed, he didn't even care about his injuries, he muttered to himself as if he had been beaten stupid, and looked up at the sky blankly.

"You are defeated, but Nangong Ling'er won by no means!" Xiao Qiyue said.

"Nonsense!" Nangong Linger's maid hurriedly said.

"Aren't you talking nonsense that your lady knows it well?" Xiao Qiyue looked at Nangong Ling'er indifferently.

"Let's go, come and fight with him in a few days." Nangong Ling'er put away her hairpin, turned her head and left.

Apparently, it is the default.

"Her hairpin is too powerful. So, you didn't lose! Of course, you also lost." Jin Lao said.

"If you lose, you lose. If I, Fan Sen, can win, I can afford to lose even more! Nangong Linger, I, Fan Sen, swear that within a year, I will definitely defeat you!" Fan Sen stood up and pushed away Cousin Fan Zheng bandaging his own wound.

"One year, Fan Sen, you will never defeat her." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Fart! Who said that?" Fan Sen was furious, like an angry lion about to tear Xiao Qiyue alive at any time.

"Needle of Yuanshen, can you win?" Xiao Qiyue looked at Fan Sen, and Fan Zheng's pupils twitched when he heard it.

Elder Jin looked at Xiao Qiyue in surprise, and praised, "Elder Xiao, you have good eyesight."

"I...I...I!" Fan Sen looked up and yelled three times, tears streaming down his cheeks, he knelt down, pointed at the sky and shouted, "God! Why, why?"

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

After all, primordial spirit is the exclusive property of those in the divine aperture realm.

In Fang Tianyu, it seems that there hasn't been a super boss at the level of Shenqiao Realm for a long time.

Fan Sen hammered the ground frantically, and immediately, the rocks shattered, creating a big hole in the ground for him.

"Follow me. From now on, you will definitely defeat her." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You? Hehe, Elder Xiao, that is the needle of the primordial spirit." Fan Zheng sneered.

"You really have a way?" Fan Sen only wanted to defeat Nangong Linger.

"Of course! But it will take time." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Okay! From now on, there will be no Fan Sen in this world. I am your slave! Please call me Xiao Sen." Fan Sen knelt down towards Xiao Qiyue.

"Cousin, are you crazy?" Of course Fan Zheng was not happy, the dignified Fan family couldn't afford to lose this man.

"Cousin, I will call you cousin for the last time. From then on, I, Xiao Sen, have nothing to do with the Fan family. My name is Xiao Sen, Xiao Sen." Fan Sen kowtowed to Fan Zheng, stood up and walked beside Xiao Qiyue side.

"You...you..." Porf!Fan Zheng was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.

However, Fan Sen didn't bat an eyelid.

"Okay, okay, you bastard! From now on, the Fan family will never have you again, get lost!" Fan Zheng said while spitting blood. He is the patriarch of the Fan clan, and he kept his word.

"Fan Zheng, let me tell you something. If you continue to scold me, I will not be polite." Xiao Sen said coldly, puff!Fan Zheng finally fainted from anger, a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, and he fell to the ground.

"Elder Xiao, come to the palace for tea!" Elder Jin invited coldly.

"Sorry, I have something to ask Li Yaoshi, and I will visit you later." Xiao Qiyue said.

"That's up to you." Jin Lao flicked his sleeves and turned back to the palace. After all, what Xiao Qiyue did just now made Jin Lao feel ashamed. If Jin Lao was not afraid of Duanmu Hai, he would have vented his anger on Xiao Qiyue. , and Fan Zheng was carried away.

"Li Yaoshi, I heard that your Jinshoudan formula comes from "Shen Nong Pharmacopoeia"?" Xiao Qiyue cut to the chase.

"I told you last time that the formula of Jinshoudan comes from another mysterious person. I heard that it comes from "Shen Nong Pharmacopoeia", but no one can guarantee this, and I don't know the specific situation." Li Wanghai responded He glanced at Xiao Qiyue and said, "Actually, that person is very strange, and I'm quite afraid of him. Since Elder Xiao wants to know him, I'll tell you."

In the past, Li Wanghai used this as a condition to ask Xiao Qiyue to exchange Jin Shoudan for this news.

However, now and then.

Today's Xiao Qiyue is an elder of the inner sect of the Medicine League. Although he is only ranked in the hundreds, he is still an elder of the inner sect anyway, and his status is higher than himself.

When Li Wanghai said this, he naturally intended to flatter him.

"I knew it a long time ago. He should be 'Jiuyou Yaojun', right? It's just that this person is very mysterious. I want to know how I can meet him." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Master Duan must have told you, right?" Li Wanghai said after being taken aback.

"That's right!" Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"It's hard to meet him.

Because there are too many people who want to see him.If you're going to meet him, be sure to show him something that interests him.

Moreover, if you make a lot of hype, and in the end, he is not interested in what you offer, maybe a single thought can kill us.

Because his whole body is full of poison.

Inadvertently, we were poisoned, and many poisons can only be solved by himself.

To be honest, I'm pretty terrified. A trace of horror flashed across Li Wanghai's face.

"Jiuyou Yaojun is an ancestor who used poison, so he must be interested in poison." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Of course, it's just that it's basically impossible to find a poison that interests him that he has never seen before." Li Wanghai shook his head.

"You just have to tell me how to find him, and I'll do the rest myself," Xiao Qiyue said.

(End of this chapter)

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