God catch

Chapter 667 5 Golden Flowers

Chapter 667 Five Golden Flowers
"In the top 50 of the Billboard, they have already broken through the fifth level of the Spirit King.

Now, maybe level six.Moreover, this person had long colluded with Jin.It is estimated that any benefits have been discussed long ago, so Juyingzhuang and Wujue Medicine Palace have been living in peace.

And the Five Absolute Medicine Palace will distribute a lot of pills to Juyingzhuang every year, and even some rare panacea.

And Juyingzhuang helped the Wujue Medicine Palace to maintain the safety of the Wujue City, and settled some things that the Medicine Palace was inconvenient to do.

I usually have direct contact with 'Shan Xiong', the second owner of Juyingzhuang, about these matters.

Therefore, I know many inside stories about Juyingzhuang.On the surface, this Juyingzhuang is devoted to charity and wealth, and makes friends with heroes from all over the world.

In fact, secretly, it is a fake business of robbers.The underground businesses in several provinces around here are all controlled by them.

In the past few years, it has become more and more inflated, and it has actually extended its hand to the territory of the 'Purple Flower Club'.

Since then, the two factions have continued to fight, and a large number of disciples have died every year.

However, Juying Village has the support of the Five Absolute Medicine Palace, which is like a tiger with wings added, and Zihua Club is far away from the Five Absolute City, so it is beyond reach.

However, Zihua Society never gave up its attention to Wujue City.

After all, the place where the medicine palace is stationed is a treasured place for geomantic omen no matter which faction it is.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, the Purple Flower Club was located in Wujue City, and there was no room for two tigers on one mountain. Later, they were forced to leave by Juyingzhuang and Wujue Medicine Palace. "Xiao Sen said.

"What's the situation in Zihua Club?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"It is as powerful as Juyingzhuang, and it is also one of the 36 major forces in the world.

Of course, they are at the bottom of the 36 major powers.

However, the Purple Flower Society is run by women, and the five golden flowers control the Purple Flower Society.

The first master is the white peony 'Ning Xueyi', the second master is 'Red Rose Luo Cailing', the third master is 'Lotus Blue Caiqin', the fourth master is 'Sunflower Gong Yaoyao', and the fifth master is 'Morning Glory Wind Qianqian'.

Five golden flowers, five spirit kings.The strength is much stronger than the five elders of Wujue Medicine Palace, and all of them are as beautiful as immortals, making people salivate.

Any man who marries a disciple of the Purple Flower Club must marry into the family, and the child must follow the mother's surname after birth.

It was a force controlled by women, and the status of men was low.

However, all the disciples of the Purple Flower Club are beautiful, many men know this, but they flock to them. "Xiao Sen became radiant all of a sudden.

"Hehe, you probably also like a certain flower?" Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"This...hehe, of course, who in the world doesn't want to pick flowers? It's just that those five flowers are all thorny flowers, and they will lose their lives." Xiao Sen laughed dryly.

"The strength is so strong, it should be the five old witches." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Age is not considered very old, the oldest 'Gong Yaoyao' is only 80 years old.

The youngest is Ning Xueyi, the head of the family, who is only in her early fifties.

This woman is not only strong in martial arts, but also has amazing talent. She is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess and calligraphy.

He can do a few tricks in arranging troops, and he can be called an all-rounder. "Xiao Sen sighed.

"This is still young?" Xiao Qiyue felt goose bumps.

"No, you didn't see them. If you had, you wouldn't say so.

Because, Zihua Society produces virgin water, if you drink it often, it can not only prolong your life, but also delay aging.

That water is the favorite of all women.

That is, the Five Absolute Medicine Palace will replace some with high-level elixir every year.However, the water yield is too low and it is very precious. Xiao Sen shook his head.

"You said, can we use the conflict between them to break out?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Well, it's very difficult. After all, Juyingzhuang has long been prepared, and we haven't contacted Zihua Club yet.

What's more, Juying Village has already blocked Wujue City first.

The city is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and Tianyun Mountain is as high as 3000 meters. Except for a natural cave that can lead to Fangtian Island, it can only be flown over.

However, Juyingzhuang has been prepared for a long time, and it may be difficult if it is used to fly.

Because there is a layer of natural non-poisonous miasma over Tianyun Mountain, and you will fall down when you smell it.

Until now, no one has been able to find a way to break the drug.

And every year Juyingzhuang guards the checkpoint, and can earn a lot of tolls.

Now that the cave has been sealed and the escape route has been cut off, we have become the turtles in the urn. "Xiao Sen's eyes were fierce, and he was not afraid at all.

"Hehehe, does the Purple Flower Society have purple flowers tattooed on its body?" Xiao Qiyue asked with a smile.

"That's right, it's this totem." Xiao Sen took out a blueprint.

"Sure enough, and, I found a woman with four purple flower tattoos." Xiao Qiyue smiled mysteriously.

"Si Duo, that's quite high in the Purple Flower Society, at least it must be a figure at the hall master level, and above that is the five-flower golden flower. Where did you see it, my lord? Why have I never found out that there are such people in the Wujue City?" Some kind of high-level Zihua Society figure is stationed?" Xiao Sen was taken aback, shaking his head, apparently not believing it.

"It's the boss of Piaoxiang Building." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Impossible!" Xiao Sen immediately shook his head and said.

"Why?" Xiao Qiyue looked at him with a smile and said.

"The owner of Piaoxiang Building is called 'Hua Mei Niang', who was born in the Hua family, one of the three great families in Wujue City.

This woman is very strange, she killed her husband shortly after she got married.

After staying as a widow for three months, he couldn't stop. He insisted on setting up a Piaoxiang Building, which almost pissed off the ancestor of the Hua family.

I know her very well, how could she be from the Purple Flower Club?

If Juyingzhuang found out, there would have been no bones left. "Xiao Sen shook his head.

"I can see that you like the lady boss a little bit." Xiao Qiyue said ambiguously.

"This...hehe..." Xiao Sen blushed slightly, a little embarrassed.

"But you didn't get it, did you?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"That's right! I guess she doesn't like me." Xiao Sen was a little disappointed.

"You are the majestic law enforcement chief of the medicine palace, can she escape your palm?" Xiao Qiyue was a little curious.

"My lord, who do you think I am? What kind of person am I?" Xiao Sen blushed a little and his neck thickened.

"Hehe, there must be a lot of people who want to fight against the Overlord." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Of course, Hua Mei Niang will flatter you so much that it makes your bones go limp." Xiao Sen nodded.

"In the end, none of them succeeded. Do you think there is something wrong with it?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"This... She is protected by the Hua family, and most people would not dare." Xiao Sen said self-righteously.

"Okay, let me tell you, she is one of the golden flowers." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Impossible!" Xiao Sen shook his head decisively.

"If you don't believe me, please contact her right away, let's go see her." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Okay!" Xiao Sen nodded, and quietly entered the Piaoxiang Tower.Soon, he took Xiao Qiyue in.

"The big client you mentioned is him?" Hua Meiniang glanced at Xiao Qiyue, a little suspicious.

After all, Xiao Qiyue became ordinary after shrinking his bones, not like a master.

"Does the proprietress know this?" Xiao Qiyue took out a small box and pushed it over.

After Hua Meiniang took it, she opened it. Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, her attitude changed 180 degrees, and she said, "Tell me, which waiter do you want from Piaoxiang Building? Even, you can take her away at any time." .”

"What else is there, I just like you, lady boss." Xiao Qiyue stared at Hua Meiniang.

"Hehehe..." Hua Meiniang laughed so hard that she leaned forward and back, almost breaking her slender waist.

"Isn't this seventh-grade beauty pill not enough to get the proprietress to spend the spring rain overnight?" Xiao Qiyue asked with a look of embarrassment.

On the other hand, Xiao Sen frowned, probably thinking, what should he do if Xiao Qiyue really likes Hua Mei Niang?
 On the eighth day of the first lunar month, I had to go to the hospital for a minor operation, and the tympanic membrane was perforated.Therefore, this month's updates had to be reduced. After all, it was not convenient for hospitals to code words.Before the operation, it was updated every day, and after recovery, the update was resumed.Sorry, Gouzi is here to wish everyone a happy new year and good health.As for the monthly pass, I am embarrassed to ask for it.If you subscribe, I hope everyone can understand me, an old man, life is not easy.well……

(End of this chapter)

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