God catch

Chapter 669

Chapter 669

My heart suddenly became angry, this woman is too strong.This 'parent' has been working for a long time, and he is really used to something wrong.

"The level is too low for you to look down upon. Except for our five golden flowers, you can choose any girl from the Purple Flower Society." Ning Xueyi is really a super matchmaker.

"President, doesn't Yaoyao have a younger sister who hasn't left the cabinet yet?" At this time, the third master 'Lotus Lan Caiqin' interjected.

"I really forgot if you didn't tell me, she's the only one." Ning Xueyi nodded.

"That's great, I think today is a good day, why not book it first." Gong Yaoyao smiled.

"I said you guys, did you arrange this matter without my consent?" Xiao Qiyue almost choked to death.

"Aren't you satisfied? My sister is Gong Yue, she looks shy and shy, how many men are waiting in line. Mr. Xiao, you are very lucky today. If it weren't for the president's face, I wouldn't agree What?" Gong Yaoyao said.However, Xiao Sen's legs trembled a little.

"Vice President Gong's younger sister, there must be a lot of people chasing her." When Xiao Sen heard this, his legs trembled even more, and he opened his mouth and dared not speak.

"Doesn't this prove that my sister is beautiful?" Gong Yaoyao grinned.

"That's beautiful. It's so beautiful. It's been six or seventy years since I first picked it. I haven't left the cabinet yet, right?" Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"You think she's old?" Gong Yaoyao finally understood, her aura expanded and she turned towards Xiao Qiyue with a murderous look.

Xiao Sen saw it, and quickly took a step sideways to prevent Gong Yaoyao from being unfavorable to Xiao Qiyue.

"I heard that Vice President Gong is over [-] years old. Could it be that your sister is only [-] years old?" Xiao Qiyue is also going all out, he is betting that Ning Xueyi will not do anything to him?
Otherwise, after paying such a high price, would the opportunity that finally came up be lost?

"Hehehe, you are really right. My younger sister is only eighteen years old this year. Moreover, our Gong family is naturally charming, and my younger sister has the body of a white fox. She can make the bones of men in the world soft and soft. She is a perfect match in the world. .” Gong Yaoyao said with a smug smile.

"You are eighty, your sister..." Xiao Qiyue couldn't believe it.

"It's true, Gong Yue is Yaoyao's youngest sister.

Yaoyao's father gave birth to ten daughters in total, and all of them are stunning.

Especially this Gong Yue, who is absolutely rare in the sky and unparalleled in the world.

Because, Gong Yue grew up from the virgin spirit pool.Don't talk about anything else, she will stay young forever.

In terms of strength, he is not weak, he is already the Spirit King.

And, you have to work hard.Otherwise, she will not look down on you at all. "Lan Caiqin laughed.

From the review of her popularity, Xiao Qiyue really saw a barefoot girl, whose carcass was as white as snow lotus root covered with gauze.

The woman wears a wreath on her head, and there are several small bells on her hands and feet, which is extremely pure.

"Sorry, I don't want to marry you." Xiao Qiyue immediately refused.

Just kidding, being a door-to-door son-in-law, coupled with Zihuashe, a place where women run the house, men are basically second-class citizens, that's too tragic.

"Then you will lose a great opportunity." Lan Caiqin looked regretful.

"I can give you another chance." Ning Xueyi said again.

"What chance?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"I'll give you another choice. There are thousands of female disciples in our Purple Flower Society, all of whom are as beautiful as flowers. Even the emperor's harem can't compare to ours. The president promises that you can choose three at the same time." Ning Xueyi also waved her hand. Tears and bloodletting.

Even Xiao Sen who was at the side was a little surprised. When did Ning Xueyi, a strong woman, speak so easily?

After all, in her eyes, women are big and men are just slaves.

Naturally, men will not be allowed to marry more.

It seems that she really wants to keep Xiao Qiyue.

"Drowning three thousand, I only take one scoop." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Pick one, it's better, just say what you want." Ning Xueyi nodded, and gave Xiao Qiyue a thumbs up for her popularity.

"I'll pick you." Xiao Qiyue said bluntly.

Suddenly, the audience was dumbfounded.

Everyone held their breath, provocation, this is the most serious provocation.

This is an insult to Ning Xueyi's personality and is unforgivable.

Xiao Sen grasped the golden hammer tightly, ready to go all out at any time.

"You think I'm still young?" After a long time, Ning Xueyi raised her eyebrows before choking out a sentence.

"I don't think you're old." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Hehehe..." Fortunately, the laughter was blocked by the magic circle.Otherwise, the Piaoxiang Building would probably collapse.

"President, I'm serious." Xiao Qiyue pretended to be serious.

"You're just a brat, the president isn't interested in you." Ning Xueyi actually smiled charmingly, Xiao Sen finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"How about I call your sister?" Xiao Qiyue asked, and that was the purpose.

Being able to get a sister like Ning Xueyi, it seems that he will not lose money, he is betting that Ning Xueyi will agree.

"Congratulations to the president." Lan Caiqin immediately agreed.

"The president is overjoyed." Gong Yaoyao also laughed.

None of these women are simple.

"Brother, I won't recognize my brother casually. You have to show your sincerity to my sister, otherwise, stop barking." Ning Xueyi smiled sweetly, like a hundred flowers blooming, its beauty is definitely not inferior to Luo Luo's. Qing Chen and Yu Huang.

Her beauty is a mature beauty.A beauty with an alternative charm, but different from the beauty of a young woman.Because Ning Xueyi is still a virgin.

"It seems that I have to work hard." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Don't die, otherwise, sister will be sad." Ning Xueyi shook her head.

The cat cries and the mouse fakes mercy...

Xiao Sen slandered in his heart.

"Although the elite of our Zihua Club have come here, plus Yaoyao's originally developed troops, compared with Juyingzhuang, their strength is still much weaker.

Therefore, surprise is not easy is the best policy.

Brother, you have to try to attract as many people as possible from them.

This is very dangerous.Sister, I don't want you to die in the hands of Juyingzhuang, moreover, there is a Palace of Five Absolute Medicines to protect you.

This is very contradictory, alas..." Ning Xueyi frowned.

"Don't worry, I'll be in charge of the Wujue Medicine Palace. I, Xiao Sen, have been running the Medicine Palace for many years, so they will definitely give me some face." Xiao Sen said.

"Don't worry, sister, brother, I can't do anything else. I've practiced my escape skills well. Then, I'll make them fly." Xiao Qiyue said.

It's late at night!

Xiao Qiyue moved out quietly, and he immediately arrived at the entrance of Wujue Cave outside Litong.

Here is the focus of Juyingzhuang's protection.

The Seven Star Sword made a few strikes with a frightening light. Amidst the bang, the people in Juying Village were startled and became a mess.

After Xiao Qiyue cut a few swords, he immediately changed from shotgun to cannon, disintegrated in the air, ran to the entrance of the city and blasted a few more swords.

Moreover, he made a posture of swearing to break through.

Coupled with the help of Xiao Sen and a group of brothers, Juyingzhuang was immediately caught off guard.

Constantly asking for support from the village, and Gong Yaoyao cooperated with Xiao Qiyue in a fierce attack, and the troops of Juyingzhuang who blocked the entrance to the city could no longer withstand the vigorous destruction of the three spirit kings.

Finally, a message came from the flying centipede, and the people of Juyingzhuang came out in full force.

Even the owner of the village, Wei Changkong, couldn't sit still and led the team over in person.

And Xiao Qiyue immediately changed the site again, hacking and attacking at the entrance of Wujue Cave, Wei Changkong had to divide the men and horses into two side guards.

The old nest of Juyingzhuang blossomed, and the flames shot up into the sky.

Under the personal leadership of Ning Xueyi, the elite of Zihua Club attacked with all their strength.

Wei Changkong received the news and immediately led the team back to the village.

(End of this chapter)

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