God catch

Chapter 678 I was sent by the king catcher

Chapter 678 I was sent by the king catcher

"Dongmen Wangtian, don't put the shit box on Ben Catcher's head, I don't know this young man." Wang Catcher immediately shot back, but he looked at Xiao Qiyue and asked, "Little brother, Who are you? This file is no fun, return it to them quickly."

"I belong to six doors." Xiao Qiyue was serious.

"Hahaha, Wang Hefeng, what else do you have to say?" This time the pot exploded, and Dongmen Wangtian smiled even brighter. Today is really exciting.

"Nonsense! Kid, do you know the consequences of pretending to be a six-door arrester?" Mo Jie was so angry that he pulled out the Zhengtian chain from his waist with a slap.

"Marquis Mo, your acting is really bad. You can take people away after playing for a while, and then take away the file in a grand manner. It's a good plan." Dongmen Wangtian snorted.

"Boy, you won't be polite if you don't make it clear that I am the catcher." Wang catcher was also furious, and rolled back with staring eyes. Five spirit rings projected out and locked Xiao Qiyue.

"Hehehe, it's too hot, I should cool off first." Xiao Qiyue smiled, took out a fan and fanned it.

"Five...five dragon fans?" Suddenly, the audience was shocked.

The Five Dragon Fan is a famous weapon used to capture Wang Xiangdong. Naturally, these elites have all heard of it.

Although most of them have never seen it, they have seen the portrait.

Dongmen looked up at the sky, his face was a little gloomy, and he thought it was sent by the arresting king Xiangdong.

You know, if Xiang Dong is willing to step out, the Luo family will probably change their minds.

At that time, I guess I will have to lead people to evacuate in embarrassment.

"Master Chu Wang sent you here? But, little brother, I've never seen you before." Wang Chujun was overjoyed when he saw it.No matter what, first put on the almost.

Even though he is the leader of arresting kings, Xiang Dong is so famous that it is extremely rare for him to meet him.

"I'm sorry, I'm Xiao Qiyue, and I'm from the remote state of Chu." Xiao Qiyue fanned her fan.

"You are Xiao Qiyue!" Suddenly, it seemed that the hornet's nest was being stabbed louder than before, and someone screamed.

Immediately, the name spread outside, and the tens of thousands of martial artists who watched outside became excited.

"Who is Xiao Qiyue?"

"You don't even know this, the genius who ranks 10th on the Qinglong list. It is said that he also made the big Chu country into a mess, and almost killed the ancestors of the Chu country."

"Such a cow?"

"There are even more awesome ones. It is said that Luoyue Pavilion, Changchun Sect, including the Northwest Prison, Chu State, and now Juyingzhuang are all teaming up to hunt him down."

"So many big forces are chasing after him, it's really not ordinary."

"Needless to say, it is said that he died, but now he is still alive..."


"Hahaha!" Wang Chujun laughed loudly, "The little brother came at the right time."

"So what, Xiao Qiyue, we'll settle the matter between you and us later, and return the file first." Dongmen Wangtian wanted to kill this guy with a single palm, but the Six Doors definitely refused.

What's more, they have Wang Xiangdong's signature magic weapon in their hands, which is not giving the king any face.

No matter how swollen Dongmen Wangtian was, he hadn't swelled enough to dare to challenge the arresting Wang Xiangdong.

Therefore, I took the second step and forced to ask for the dossier.

"Third housekeeper, I have heard about this matter. So, I specially sent this son down to investigate. I don't know if the three housekeepers will give me a chance?" Xiao Qiyue looked at Wei Jingyuan calmly.

"Make it so!" Wei Jingyuan just wanted to solve the case as soon as possible, who cares who will solve it?

What's more, this kid is Xiang Dong's representative. If he can't do it, Xiang Dong will definitely step in. Wei Jingyuan is of course happy.

"Third housekeeper, we two had a deal before, and it is the most shameful thing to tear things up behind the scenes." Dongmen looked at the sky and snorted sinisterly.

"Both of your families can investigate the case at the same time. Whoever finds out first, who will our Luo family give the 'First-Class Haide Keqing Order'?" Wei Jingyuan said.

When Wang Hefeng heard it, it turned out to be the case.No wonder Dongmen Wangtian rushes to solve the case?
One reason must be the dispute between the Northwest Prison and the Six Doors, and the second reason is the guest order of the Luo family.

Because, the guest orders of the Luo family are divided into three, six, and nine ranks.

The first-class guest minister ordered the Luo family to treat him like a guest, and he could ask the Luo Jialing King's seventh-level powerhouse for support when he was in trouble.

Owning it is equivalent to blessing yourself with a talisman, because it is protected by the Luo family.

Outsiders who want to kill you have to weigh the consequences. It is an amulet that can summon the seventh-level spirit king, who would not want to have it.

Moreover, there are many advantages to being a first-class guest minister.

For example, you can get a [-]% discount when doing business with the Luo family... Even, if you like a woman from the Luo family, you can propose marriage at any time.

Of course, the prerequisite is the consent of the other party.However, you have such a thick token, the average Luo family girl would not refuse it.

However, Wei Jingyuan is also an old fox.Neither of the two families can be offended, and it is better to investigate with two families than with one family, and there is only one reward.

"Okay! I'll let this country bumpkin surnamed Xiao see who is Catcher." Dongmen Wangtian had no choice but to nod.That face almost turned into a pig's kidney.

He really didn't expect that a dark horse would suddenly come out of this case.

However, Dongmen Wangtian is not afraid.As long as Xiang Dong doesn't come forward, Xiao Qiyue is too young.

"Let's start with the two of you. My butler will be stationed in Tiger Palm City until the case is solved. At that time, I can return Haide's order immediately." Wei Jingyuan emphasized again, naturally suspected of fanning the flames .

"Investigate the scene immediately." Dongmen Wangtian waved his hand, and his subordinates responded in unison and immediately started the process of solving the case.

"Young Master Xiao, this is the dossier, please take a closer look first." Wang Hefeng was a little anxious, the Northwest Prison was already busy, but Xiao Qiyue stood still, and the dossier hadn't even been opened.

"It's okay, I'm new to Tiger's Palm City, I'm a little tired, so I'll close my eyes and take a nap first." Xiao Qiyue waved her hand very boldly, found a chair, sat down on it, leaned back and took a nap .

"Hehehe, it is expected that Mr. Xiao will solve the case in his dream. It really opened my eyes?" Dongmen Wangtian was also sitting on the chair, waiting for his subordinates to finish the report.

Of course, from time to time, he seized the opportunity to bury Xiao Qiyue and slap Wang Hefeng in the face to relieve his boredom.

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Qiyue's voice suddenly sounded, and the sound was like thunder.

When Wang Hefeng and other elites from the door saw it, their expression changed immediately.

But Dongmen Wangtian took out a bag of dry tobacco with a playful face, and his subordinates hurriedly stepped forward to fill him with shredded tobacco. The guy glanced at Wang Hefeng, and smoked it very leisurely.

"Master Catcher, what does this kid mean?" After a long time, Mo Jie couldn't hold back anymore.

"Tricking us, he doesn't dare to measure him. Could it be that he is playing Dongmen Wangtian?" Wang Chujun was also at a loss.

"It's fine for him to look at the sky, but in the end, it's our six doors who are 'injured', so we should wake him up to handle the case." Mo Jie looked anxious.

"It's useless to shout, this kid is not from our six-door family at all. The five-dragon fan was only lent to him by Xiang Feihu. It seems to be used to save his life." Xiang Feihu passed by when returning to the island Tiger Palm City told Wang Chujun about Xiao Qiyue.

"Well, if you dare to trick us, I'll kill him." Mo Jie's face turned slightly red from anger.

"Don't mess around, we can only wait and see what happens now. However, that kid should have considered the consequences of teasing us. Let him make trouble, we can't find out the truth for a while, can't the Northwest Criminal Prison find out? ?” Wang Hefeng sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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