God catch

Chapter 684 Accepting a wealthy female disciple

Chapter 684 Accepting a wealthy female disciple

"Hey, this has nothing to do with me. Your title of 'Dream Catching' was given by that old fellow Dongmen Wangtian." Mo Jie laughed dryly, and Xiao Qiyue knew that the way Six Doors did this was to cause trouble. It's a fact, to put it bluntly, if you cook raw rice and cook it, then you won't be able to do it if you don't join the door.

"Brother Xiao Tie, your father is quite a hero. He did a lot of hard work in the Chen Qiao case in the Song Dynasty." Xiao Qiyue smiled amiably.

"Brother Xiao, don't put gold on his face. I know, he didn't find anything, it's all thanks to you, brother." This son Tie Dong didn't save his father any face.

"Brother Xiao, you are so amazing, can you tell us how to solve the case in a dream?" A student from Zhengtian College squeezed in and asked with a beauty mole on his forehead and a face of a strong woman.

"Young Master Xiao, she is Fan Meili, the daughter of Fan Dongli, the envoy of the Five Banners in the sect. Although she is only 14 years old, she is very powerful. The old man in her family often suffers from headaches, so I can't control her." Mo Jie's The sound rang in my ears.

The status of the five-handed-flag envoys of these six doors is comparable to that of the catcher, and the next step is the deputy head of the door. Among the six doors, they belong to the figures with absolute power.

Because, the six gates divided Fang Tianyu into five large blocks, and set up five flag envoys in the east, west, north, south, and middle, which is similar to the five inspection envoys of the Medicine League.

Its jurisdiction is so large, involving dozens of countries.

Of course, the envoys holding the flags of the five parties in these countries can't control it, they only manage the business related to the six doors.

For example, if a major case occurred in the state of Chu and wanted to invite experts from the six sects to investigate the case, they had to report to the Southern Banner Envoy first.

Afterwards, they will make arrangements according to the size of the case, the level of experts to be invited, and the fees to be paid.

Of course, people like Chu Jun are not something they can deploy, they can only be said to be reported.

The arresters and the lower-level arresters have to be deployed uniformly by them, which is equivalent to the role of a dispatcher.

Of course, the power of the five parties to hold the flag is more than that, such as business contacts, reception work, etc. need them to complete.

"Say it quickly."

Seeing that Xiao Qiyue was still in a daze, Fan Meili urged her in a coquettish voice.

Tie Dong on the side frowned, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

Because, this Fan Meili is usually very strong, many students have been beaten by him.

Everyone in the academy treats her like a man, when did she learn to act like a baby?
So, it's no surprise that you don't get goosebumps.

"Miss Fan, if you can solve the case in your dreams, then I'm not a god. Don't believe this, it's their nonsense." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"But I heard that you have been sleeping in Xunmenglou, and the case will be solved as soon as you wake up." Even Tie Dong believed this a little bit.

"Actually, I didn't sleep, but I was using a secret technique to investigate the situation of all parties. At that time, the girls in Xunmenglou felt guilty. Naturally, I felt it." Xiao Qiyue nonsense.

In fact, this guy has been watching the characters with karmic eyes.Combined with popularity, it is natural to have insight into everything.

"Brother Xiao, can you give me this secret technique?" Fan Meili continued acting coquettishly.

"Uh, I said Fan Meili, why don't you understand the rules at all. This is Brother Xiao's secret, how can you make such an unreasonable request." Tie Dong couldn't stand it.

After all, warriors have secrets, how can they be passed on to you casually, that is the capital of people's 'food'.

"It's none of your business, Brother Xiao is willing to pass it on to me, aren't you jealous? It's useless to be jealous, just make you jealous." Fan Meili stuck out his tongue viciously, making Tie Dong's face darken with anger.

But there was nothing he could do about her. To be honest, Tie Dong was still a little scared of Fan Meili.

"Sister Fan, this dream method is not easy to learn." Xiao Qiyue's head is a little big, how can this nonsense be passed on to others?

"No matter how difficult it is, I will learn how to do it." Fan Meili's eyes were firm, not losing to Tie Dong just now.

"Ah...worm...caterpillar..." Fan Meili suddenly screamed and jumped up in fright.

"Look, you are afraid of even a caterpillar, how can you learn my dream method? You know, the training of dream method requires a firm will and an unyielding spirit... This caterpillar is just a small test. "Xiao Qiyue held a caterpillar in his face calmly and raised it. Just now, he had an idea and caught a celestial worm, and it really worked.

This guy was secretly proud that he could finally scare her away.

"Hahaha, Fan Meili, you are usually not afraid of anything, why, you are scared out of your wits when you see a caterpillar?" Tie Dong is very proud now.

"Who said I was scared?" Fan Meili raised her head.

"I'm not afraid of what you run and call. That scream can attract wolves." Tie Dong sneered.

"Am I afraid of it?" The next moment, Tie Dong's laughter faltered, and he looked dumbfounded.

Many men at the scene, seeing the disgusting caterpillar fluid coming out of Fan Meili's mouth, felt chills all over their bodies, and their calves twitched.

Because Fan Meili seemed to be stimulated just now.He snatched the caterpillar from Xiao Qiyue's hand, and stuffed it into his mouth with a bang sound. Naturally, this kind of scene made people feel a little hairy.

Even Xiao Qiyue choked hard, too speechless.This scary 'weapon' was actually eaten...

Some are ruthless, even daring to eat human flesh, but it is difficult to tell them to eat caterpillars.

"Master, please accept me as a disciple!" Fan Meili was stronger, more domineering, more ruthless and more terrifying.Chewing the caterpillar in his mouth, he immediately turned to Xiao Qiyue to learn from him.

Don't say that Tie Dong was dumbfounded, even Mo Jie and others were a little dizzy.

Did Fan Meili take the wrong medicine?

What kind of teacher does a strong man like your father who holds the five flags envoys worship, and what's more, he is still a young man.

Although he is also a genius, compared with Fan Dongli, he is still a few levels behind.

Of course, this was the thinking of the people present, because they didn't know Xiao Qiyue's real skills.

Although Fan Dongli's strength is as high as the fifth level of Lingwang, Xiao Qiyue's combat power can completely crush him.

"Fan Miss Fan, you are making things difficult for me.

I am only a few years older than you, how can I be your master?

What's more, your father is much stronger than me.

Also, there are so many masters in the tutor team of Zhengtian Academy, and I am not qualified enough. "Xiao Qiyue shook her head quickly, but don't be attached to her, otherwise, you will be in big trouble. After all, accepting a female disciple will attract gossip.

"Master, what I, Fan Meili, will never change!
The master may not accept me, but I have already decided.

From then on, I followed the master.If the master does not accept me for a day, I will not leave the master for a day.

At that time, I'll bring you food for dinner, carry the chain for you when you solve the case, fill you with water for the bath, and hand you the straw paper when you go to the toilet..." Fan Meili's cruel words came out one after another, but that girl Still smiling.

Everyone's noses were sweating, and everyone looked at Xiao Qiyue with the same expression.

"Hey, it's unlucky to have a stall like this!"

"I don't know why he refused."

"Reject, can you refuse?"

"That's right, Fan Dongli isn't in a hurry with him?"

"It's a dilemma, accept it, Fan Dongli will feel that the price has dropped. How many powerful figures in the academy do you want to pay homage to a small boy? Don't accept it, Fan Dongli will feel ashamed, and will even talk to you urgent."

"Tell me, Mr. Xiao will accept it or not?"

"It's a long life, whoever Fan Meili would dare not accept..."

A lot of guys at the scene started muttering.

(End of this chapter)

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