God catch

Chapter 694

Chapter 694

So, now, the most difficult thing is Mo Jie and his gang.

Although Six Doors is a country managed by police officers, there are many internal factions.

This Fan Dongli, as the Southern Banner Envoy, has great power and important status, which is not something Mo Jie can afford.

"Hmph, isn't Xiao Qiyue from Chu State? Did Marquis Mo forget that I, Fan Dongli, am the southern flag envoy." Fan Dongli was obviously unhappy.

Feeling that Mo Jie was disrespectful, he actually wanted to intervene and take him away.

"However, Mr. Xiao wants to go back to the main helm to handle important matters. Master Xiang Feihu has explained this matter. And Wang catcher has repeatedly reminded him that the responsibility is so heavy that his subordinates cannot afford it." Mo Jie clasped his fists and bowed slightly when he heard that Body, a look of grievances.

"Hehe, envoy Fan Qi, I think it's okay. I heard that Mr. Xiao's trip to the six gates has something to do with arresting the king." Wei Jingyuan came to disrupt the situation again.

"Mo Jie, do you think you're afraid of moving Xiang Feihu to our banner?" Sure enough, Wei Jingyuan's words successfully ignited Fan Dongli's anger. Although he is a member of the Xiang family, the arrester is not strong enough to make Fan Dongli back down.

"I don't dare! I just explain the importance of this trip to Fan Qishi." Mo Jie's face turned dark when he heard this, and he thought it was going to be bad.

"It's useless for you to say a thousand words and ten thousand today, and no one should mention it.

If this kid dares to bully my daughter, he will have to pay the price.

Isn't he patient?How dare you accept my daughter as a disciple.

Since you have such arrogance, you have to show your skills.

I, Fan Dongli, don't want to bully the small with the big, come on, boy, as long as you can pass ten moves in my hands, you are qualified to be my daughter's teacher.

Otherwise, don't blame our envoys for beating you up and crying. "Fan Dongli pointed at Xiao Qiyue with a look of contempt.

After all, Fan Dongli didn't know Xiao Qiyue well.

About him, there are only some hearsay heroic deeds. I think that when it comes to fighting, this kid is definitely not good.

Blindly bumping into good luck and solving a few cases, it must be stepping on dog shit.In terms of solving the case, I am still a senior in this line.

"Fan Qishi, there's no need to do this, right? Ten moves, that's too many, we just need to learn from each other." When Mo Jie heard this, his legs twitched.Who is Fan Dongli?

The power figure among the six doors is Luo Zhitong, who also suffered a loss. How can Xiao Qiyue stop him with ten tricks?
"Mo Jie, shut up for me! This is a private matter between my Fan family and this kid. If you dare to talk too much, don't blame me for being rude." Fan Dongli became more and more angry.

"Subordinates obey orders!" When Mo Jie heard this, Uki stood aside with a disfigured face and sulked.

"Do you really want to fight?" Xiao Qiyue's question gave people a very cunning feeling.

Everyone thought that he was scared.

Next, as long as Fan Qi is tough, this kid will most likely be begging for mercy.

Therefore, the eyes of the people present have changed, some are pity, some are happy.

And the detectives who escorted Xiao Qiyue all looked unlucky, and felt that it was really embarrassing to protect such a softie.

Heroes should live and die standing up.

"You don't have to fight, but it's very simple. You bark like a dog three times, and then get out of Fangtian Island on your stomach and never enter the island." Fan Dongli was full of momentum, and even regretted that he challenged this kind of softie , as if suddenly punched in the air, the previous interest was gone.

"Hahaha, kid, call..."

"Wow woof..."

"Dogs are timid..."

"How dare you lie to our banner envoy's daughter with this little courage, I'm sorry!"


Immediately, Fan Dongli's subordinates all laughed.

"No, no, no!" Xiao Qiyue shook her finger calmly and said, "What if I exceed ten moves?"

"You win! I don't care about my daughter." Fan Dongli was also straightforward, because he never thought that Xiao Qiyue could survive ten moves in his hands.

"What if you lose?" Xiao Qiyue looked at him.

"Banner, this kid is in a coma, saying you will lose?" one of his subordinates yelled angrily.

"Hehehe, the first-class guest minister of my Luo family is really courageous, and did not insult our first-class guest official order." Wei Jingyuan laughed three times, fanning the flames.

"Hahaha..." Fan Dongli's series of laughter shook the air, forming a small hurricane.

Those with weak skills couldn't stand up, and were forced back dozens of steps by the hurricane energy.

"Boy, that's impossible!" Fan Dongli restrained his smile and stared at Xiao Qiyue coldly.

"Xiao is going to tell you today that in my hands, everything is possible!" Xiao Qiyue suddenly changed her face and became extremely domineering. She snapped her fingers towards the sky, and a flash of lightning flew away, and a scorched smell came from the air .

"I know you are an eighth-rank pharmacist, full of firepower. But, so what?" Fan Dongli was completely angry, and a handful of beards were raised.

"Hahaha, this kid is stupid, this is a contest of martial arts, not alchemy."

"How many powerful pharmacists are there in this world?"

"Boy, look at the 'Unrivaled World Picture' of this flag!" Fan Dongli became impatient, a blue light appeared in his sleeve, bringing out a piece of colorful clouds, and the colorful clouds instantly condensed into a drawing paper, on which there were both pictures and words.

"Picture of the God of Soldiers! Envoy Fan Qi is really powerful. He actually condensed martial arts into a calligraphy and painting. Wei admires it." Wei Jingyuan looked at it and exclaimed.

"Steward Wei, you can just remind that kid directly. Why bother to hide it, if the envoy of this flag is willing to show it, he will definitely be able to defeat the enemy with three moves." Fan Dongli's face was domineering, and he didn't pay attention to everyone at the scene. .

No wonder Fan Dongli is full of elegance. It turns out that he also learned Taoism through calligraphy and painting.

Moreover, the whole body's magical powers are condensed into a calligraphy and painting, and the totems of the characters in the painting can be transformed into martial arts to attack.

This is an ability that can only be possessed by the strong in the spirit king realm. Moreover, directly condensing the true energy into a weapon, and using it at will, is much better than the forged magic weapon.

The next moment, the calligraphy and painting became larger, covering a radius of several tens of feet, and Mo Jie and others quickly retreated several miles away.

And Wei Jingyuan definitely didn't have good intentions, he naturally hoped that Xiao Qiyue and Fan Dongli would fight to the death, and just pick up a leak to 'save' Xiao Qiyue back to Luo's house and take advantage of the fire.

A horn sounded, and suddenly, all the beasts roared together, and the wind blew up the mountains.

Dozens of monsters, led by a ferocious lion-like beast, rushed towards Xiao Qiyue in full force.

Suddenly, everyone seemed to have fallen into a dangerous mountain forest.This momentum, this image, has begun to take on the scale of a magical attack.

"Picture of Hundred Beasts!"

Xiao Qiyue understood that this picture of the God of War should be a hunting picture.

And Fan Dongli actually condensed the killing intent of martial arts into a cruel hunt, it was really powerful.

"Good time!" Xiao Qiyue sneered, and rolled her hands to the ground. The gravel, soil, grass leaves and dead branches were all rolled up and thrown forward, "Scattering beans into tactics!" '

In an instant, these things turned into armor and rushed towards the beasts.

"Scattering beans into soldiers?" Fan Dongli was also taken aback for a moment, never expecting this kid to have such high-level martial skills.

Just as his mind was spinning, the two soldiers met, and the battle between the beasts and the hunters began.

For a moment, there was a tsunami from the mountains, and the scene was in chaos, as if soldiers from two battalions were fighting.


After a long battle, it seems that the first move is about to be exhausted.Now Fan Dongli couldn't hold back his old face, and yelled a few times.

Some twig-like words on the "Soldier God Picture" flew out.With every roar of Fan Dongli, it immediately turned into a light symbol and exploded.

Calligraphy and painting are military talismans, and they are bombarded with thunderous momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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