God catch

Chapter 730

Chapter 730
It's just that Luo Yue is riding on the boat on the other side of the Wuwang Miqiu River. How can it be refined by Fang Tianqi Workshop?

"No, no, it can't fly. Because it's too heavy, but it can make the boat smaller and larger. Of course, it can only be reduced to a size of ten feet, and there is no way to make it smaller." Zhuge Hongtao said.

"That's terrible, this ship is actually a space treasure." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"It is indeed a ship with a bit of space martial arts, but it needs a spirit stone to drive it after shrinking, so it can't afford it." Zhuge Hongtao twitched in pain.

Xiao Qiyue glanced at it, but found no trace of Orchid Grass.

Didn't Fang Tianqi Workshop attack this ship?
Logically speaking, it shouldn't be?
You know, in the Zhuge family hundreds of years ago, Zhuge Yong was the number one god catcher in the world, probably the most powerful family among the six sects.

Not to mention the high strength, and the Oufeizi family wanted to trap him, so it was impossible not to attack his family's boat.

No, after repeated scanning with causal lines, it can be confirmed that there is indeed no trace of Orchid Grass.

Perhaps, the Oufeizi family has other control methods, not just the Orchid Grass item.

After approaching, Xiao Qiyue found that the door of the secret building was densely covered with charms, like layers of fish scales.

Zhuge Yinyue performed the knife himself, and the grandpa and grandson made thousands of hand gestures together, and finally, the door was opened by the dripping blood.

When Xiao Qiyue saw it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Because most of the gestures to open the secret building are Zhuge Yong's "The Morality of Catch".

It is indeed unique that he actually uses his own perception and means of catching criminals to prevent theft.

It's just that the morality and righteousness of the arrests they made were not as subtle as what Zhuge Yong passed on to himself.It is estimated that it was Zhuge Yong's perception after he was turned into a head changer.

Xiao Qiyue believes that as long as he uses the art of blood transformation, he can also open the door of this secret building with the morality of arrest.

And Zhuge Yinyue didn't guard against Xiao Qiyue, because both grandpa and grandson believed that even if Xiao Qiyue saw it, he wouldn't be able to learn it.

After all, these 'morality' were directly infused by the soul of the previous generation of patriarchs.

If you insist on stealing a teacher, it can only be a form without a spirit, commonly known as a show.

Entering the secret building, the portal is automatically closed.

Fuck it!
Xiao Qiyue shuddered involuntarily when a cloudy air came.

Only now did I realize that this so-called secret building is actually the cemetery of the Zhuge family, the resting place of the ancestors of the Zhuge family.

Inside were more than a dozen coffins made of Xuanyuan crystals, but some of these coffins were empty, with only one spiritual tablet standing in front.

It is estimated that Zhuge Yong is not the only ancestor of the Zhuge family whose body cannot be found after death.

The corpse is lifelike, it seems that this Xuanyuan crystal coffin is anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant.It can make their ancestors immortal for thousands of years.

Zhuge Yong's coffin was not empty, what was in it?
Take a closer look, shit!
It should be a human eye.

To be precise, it should be an eyeball.


"There's no need to guess, this eyeball belongs to ancestor Zhuge." Zhuge Hongtao said.

"Senior Zhuge is really good at it." Xiao Qiyue couldn't help sighing a little, being impressed by the heroic feats of the seniors for the future generations.

"The ancestor is the most outstanding genius of the Zhuge family, and one of the few gods of the six sects. He was afraid that his offspring would weaken after his death, so he left a pupil when he was alive. He will not use it unless it is a last resort. It's it." Zhuge Hongtao said.

"I understand why there is a crescent-shaped mole on the forehead of the king of hunting. It is probably the inheritance of this eye pupil. Moreover, this inheritance will continue. In this way, Zhuge's family will always be prosperous." Xiao Qiyue said .But I was thinking in my heart, if Zhuge Yinyue accidentally died outside, wouldn't this continue the inheritance?
As if seeing through Xiao Qiyue's thoughts, Zhuge Yinyue said with a hearty smile, "This kind of inheritance is full of strange things, not necessarily Yue Ya."

"Please open the coffin, otherwise, you won't be able to feel the essence of your predecessor's primordial spirit when you look at things across the mountain." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Well, pay attention, we can only open a few tens of breaths. I hope you can capture a trace of the ancestor's spirit breath, so that it will be convenient for future resurrection." Zhuge Hongtao nodded cautiously.

When the grandfather and grandson joined forces, Xiao Qiyue thought they were about to make some mysterious gesture to open the coffin lid.

Who would have thought that the two of them would work together to push up the coffin, creaking... creaking...

It seems that the coffin lid is very heavy.

Even if Zhuge Yinyue and Zhuge Hongtao joined forces, it was very difficult, because they were sweating profusely on their foreheads.

The black and white causal line flew into the coffin through the opened seam in an instant, and melted away, forming a net of karma to cover the entire pupil.

Boo Chi!

Xiao Qiyue was so shocked that he spit out a mouthful of blood immediately.

"What did you do?" Zhuge Hongtao's face was ashen, thinking that Xiao Qiyue was playing tricks.

The crescent bud on Zhuge Yinyue's forehead lit up, nine spiritual rings enveloped the entire coffin, and a murderous aura flew over Xiao Qiyue's head like a dragon and snake.

Suddenly, like ice hitting her body, Xiao Qiyue felt as if she had fallen into a hole in the ice.

"You two... Hurry up... Hurry up... Help me with the superposition technique... No... Otherwise, the consequences will be serious..." Xiao Qiyue spat out another mouthful of blood, and spoke with difficulty.

Because most of the primordial spirit that I had just practiced was pulled into the eyeballs, and a orchid hidden in the pupil opened its deep petals, like a lion opening its bloody mouth to devour everything.

That orchid is very terrifying, with as many as twelve leaves.

Xiao Qiyue smelled a very familiar smell. This orchid is the same grass as the orchid hidden in Zhuge Yong's Zhenlong Stone at the bottom of Qixing Lake.

It is estimated that the master refined the same orchid into multiple fragments.

Twelve orchids are absolutely supreme in the Wulin Kingdom.

Originally thought that Fangtian Qifang let Zhengtian Chuanfang of the Zhuge family go, but they thought that their Youlan was hidden in the most core place.


Zhuge Hongtao was also a little panicked, unable to make up his mind for a while, so he had to look at the grandfather.

"Grandpa's pupils have changed a bit, don't worry about it, just give him a push first, and he won't dare to play tricks. If grandpa's pupils are damaged, I will skin him." Zhuge Yinyue said.

"But it's useless to skin him, our family's inheritance..." Zhuge Hongtao hesitated.

"If you don't help, there are variables in it, what should we do if it is really ruined? No matter, let's do it." Zhuge Yinyue made a decision.

After all, Zhuge Yinyue was just a hands-off shopkeeper regarding Zhuge's family affairs, and most of the affairs were handled by the patriarch Zhuge Hongtao.

However, since the grandfather has made a decision, Zhuge Hongtao has no choice.

After all, Xiao Qiyue looked more and more miserable, his joints were stretched so weirdly that his chest almost exploded, and his whole body was already stained red with blood.

If you don't help each other, once it bursts, it is equivalent to a fifth-level spirit king self-destructing, even the secret building will be damaged, let alone the ancestor's eyes.

After all, the defense of the secret building is more about the outside than the inside.

If you want to break through from the outside, even a ninth-level spirit king can't do it.

The father and father are of the same heart, and both of them are Zhuge family's martial arts, so it is much more convenient to operate.

Suddenly, a powerful aura poured into Xiao Qiyue's back.

Xiao Qiyue put all her eggs in one basket, and opened the star vortex at the moment when foreign aid was poured in.

Suddenly, it seemed to swallow.

The orchid trembled for a moment, and immediately shrank its petals, and the leaves gathered like palms, immediately enveloping itself tightly.

From a distance, it looks like an oval, blue football.

(End of this chapter)

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