God catch

Chapter 746 Jiang Rourou's Fiance

Chapter 746 Jiang Rourou's Fiance

"Uh uh, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!" Xiao Sen didn't dare to deceive Qing'er, so he hurriedly shouted to stop.

"Don't you know it's hard to raise only women and villains?" Qing'er yelled, chasing and beating Xiao Sen all over the room.

"Hey, good match!" Xiao Qiyue lay on the bed and swayed her legs, pretending to be embarrassed. The purpose was to get rid of Jiang Rourou's anger, otherwise, she wouldn't have to sleep tonight.

"What did you say?" Jiang Rourou stared at her beautifully, and the beautiful Bingshan was about to go mad again.

"Isn't it? Look outside, Qing'er is chasing and beating my subordinates. You are like this again, you two, a master and a servant are not a good match, what is it?" Xiao Qiyue threw herself forward as soon as she finished speaking, thinking through Flee away from the wall.

One head actually hit the wall, and a big bump suddenly bulged on the head.

The wall piercing technique actually failed, and I knew it was Jiang Rourou's fault.

"If you mess around again, you will never find the real culprit in your life." Xiao Qiyue became furious, and stared fiercely at the 'iceberg' on the bed.

"If you can't find the real culprit, you will go to hell!" Jiang Rourou slammed hail, like a lion in the east of the river, Xiao Qiyue fell into the ice cellar immediately, and quickly put on a smile, with a flattering face, "You say this, open Can't it be a joke?"

"You can't joke, you have to take a serious attitude on this matter." Strangely, Jiang Rourou's eyes were a little teary.

"Okay, serious!" Xiao Qiyue raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, tilted her head to look at her, and said, "What is it about that guy that annoys you so much?"

"Who are you to me, who cares about you?" Ruthless, such a cold and arrogant iceberg beauty, a girl from the Shennong family would never spit out such vulgar words from that elegant mouth.

Xiao Qiyue stared at the ceiling completely speechless, and started the pathos mode.

"Okay, let's not talk, that kid must look crooked." Does Xiao Qiyue really like Jiang Rourou a little bit?It's getting better.

That's not true, because Xiao Qiyue wanted to cause Jiang Rourou to look back, so that she could see that guy from her popularity.

After all, Shennong was one of the overlords back then.That guy's family must be well-matched, belonging to a super-first-class family that is much better than 36 Dazong, knowing more about the situation will help us to start work in the future.

What's more, I will definitely get in touch with Jiang Rourou more in the future.I don't know how her fiancé will be killed by others.

As the saying goes: If you know the enemy and know the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

It's just that Jiang Rourou is protected by the image of Shennongzi, and this girl has a strong sense of prevention, so it is extremely difficult to peek at valuable things when she is popular.

"Hehe, you're wrong." Jiang Rourou actually raised her head with a sullen expression, like a proud rooster looking at a soil turtle.

"I don't believe it, just pretend. Otherwise, why would you want to cry." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

Sure enough, Jiang Rourou's popularity shook with anger, and in an instant, a shadow flew past.

However, when Xiao Qiyue focused her eyes to see clearly, the shadow disappeared again.

"Sigh... pitiful, a person I despise is a hundred times stronger than you, don't you feel particularly sad when you hear it, and even want to buy a piece of tofu and kill yourself?" Jiang Rourou looked pitiful, as if looking at a poor person .

"Ah... so sad. The daughter of a dignified family actually wants to marry a crooked melon and split date. It is really sad and sad to pretend to be noble in front of others, and to pretend that the ugly man is handsome and extraordinary." Xiao July shook her head and sighed.

"As I said, he looks more heroic than you. But..." Jiang Rourou just stopped here when a fairy-like pavilion appeared in her popularity.

This girl, really fucking wants to kill labor and capital, but she's gone after a while, so melancholy.

"He's more handsome than me, but you still don't like him. Could it be that there's something wrong with him?" Xiao Qiyue came up with another bad idea.

"What's here?" Jiang Rourou was a girl with yellow flowers after all, she looked dizzy, a young child, how could she think of such profound and dirty thoughts.

"Hey, it's just that men can't do it. In the eyes of our pharmacists, it's commonly known as wilting." Xiao Qiyue glanced at her lower body deliberately.

"You are the only one who is impotent, your whole family is impotent..." This is a world of ice and fire.

After a while of chicken and egg beatings, a certain pig's horns were bruised and his face was swollen again.However, Xiao Qiyue was secretly delighted.

Because, he finally saw the guy's face.

The yushu is facing the wind, and he still has the spirit of dominating the world while being knowledgeable and reasonable.That authentic Chinese character face is basically the standard for a generation of kings.

The wooden crown hat on his head shows the ancient and extraordinary of his family.

This person is named 'Ye Lingfeng'.

Such a handsome name.

Xiao Qiyue of the family with the surname 'Ye' began to polish her brain cells.

After a lot of tossing, Fang Tianyu didn't find any particularly famous 'Ye family'.Although Ye Shi has this surname, it is also an extremely unpopular one.

To add some serious information, I have to check from Jiang Rourou's popularity.

"Ye Lingfeng, just a nameless junior, Fang Tianyu has never heard of it." Xiao Qiyue hummed as calmly as a bird.

Like Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, Jiang Rourou was wiped out in an instant.

Finally getting rid of the plague god, Xiao Qiyue hummed "The Turned Serf Sings".

"This is really strange, the Ou family didn't find the Orchid Grass, but why did Ou Zhan Fangtian, head of the Ou Clan, have a dragon-suppressing stone body shield containing the Orchid Grass?
Moreover, there are still eight orchids, who can be called a prince-level figure in the martial arts kingdom...

Could it be that Ou Lian was plotted by Ou Zhan Fangtian, just like Marquis Hai'an was plotted by his cousin?

It's just that Ou Lian was not in the house at the time, so he had to see Ou Lian herself first.

This Ou Zhan Fangtian has a big problem..." Xiao Qiyue thought about it, but didn't tell Jiang Rourou about it, because he wanted to wait until he saw Ou Lian, the emperor, before making a decision.

However, Ou Lian was a contemporary of Zhuge Yong.

Hundreds of years have passed, it's hard to say whether he was killed by Ou Zhan Fangtian, or turned into a vegetable.

What annoy...

"Xiao Sen, why don't you provoke that little girl? You really deserve it. Remember, in this world, only villains and women are difficult to raise." Xiao Sen gently pushed the door open, and gave Xiao Qiyue his face. Criticized a lot.

"My lord... It seems that you are similar to me." Xiao Sen looked at Xiao Qiyue's pig-faced face with panda eyes, and couldn't help but respond.

"Uh, we two, forget it, go to sleep." Xiao Qiyue threw Xiao Sen outside with a ball of air, and closed the door with a bang.

"I have to go find the old man Xie who knows heaven at a glance." Xiao Qiyue murmured to herself, after thinking about it, she couldn't fall asleep, so she just quietly opened her eyes of cause and effect, and her black and white popularity sneaked into Jiang Rourou's room like a snake .

"Miss, did you accidentally reveal it?" In an attic in the courtyard, Jiang Rourou's master and servant were also studying how Xiao Qiyue knew so many secrets about her family.

"Impossible, I've always been alert.

Moreover, I have the things of my ancestors, even if I am occasionally fascinated, but that thing will also alert the police.

What's more, if you want to break through the layers of defense of your ancestors, how is that possible?

Besides, I stayed awake last night, so it's impossible for me to be confused about hallucinations and sobriety. "Jiang Rourou and Qing'er are masters and servants on the surface, but in fact, the two love each other like sisters. They grew up and basically would not hide it from each other.

"This is strange. At first I looked down on him. However, I soon found him very mysterious. Now it seems, even, a little scary." Qing'er said.

 Tomorrow on the [-]st, four consecutive explosions, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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