God catch

Chapter 757

Chapter 757

"Mu Hai, Xueying, I blamed you for my father." Huang Yuanxiong actually squeezed out two tears, then bowed deeply to Xiao Qiyue, and said, "Xiao Yaoshi, Yuanxiong thank you for saving your life From now on, Yaoshi Xiao is my brother of Jinshuibao. The gate of Jinshuibao will always be open to Yaoshi Xiao.”

"Xueying, let's go." Duanmuhai was so sad that he didn't want to talk to his ruthless father-in-law.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Qiyue's efforts to turn the tide, it would be hard to say whether he would be able to return to the Medicine League alive.

After all, in the eyes of his father-in-law, Huangji Yun is the most important, and Jinshuibao's interests are the most important.

For the sake of power, he can abandon himself as his son-in-law.After all, he is still an outsider.

"Xueying, Mu Hai's injury hasn't healed yet. Hurrying will hurt your body. Hurry up. I've already cooked thousand-year-old lotus seed soup for you. Your father has already ordered you to open the Jinshui Pavilion. From now on, you will live with Mu Hai." It's there." Huang Yuanxiong took a look, and quickly glanced at his wife Nangong Chunxiu.

Nangong Chunxiu was also a little dissatisfied with this heartless husband, unwilling to stand out.

However, seeing her husband's pitiful gaze, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and go into battle in person.

This Jinshui Pavilion is the most aura place in Jinshui Castle, usually only the owner of the castle has the right to go in and practice.In order to win over a son-in-law, unexpectedly even it was given up.

Huang Yuanxiong also spared no expense.

"Mu Hai..." After all, she was his mother, and Huang Xueying couldn't bear it because of the family affection.

"If you want to go back to live, I will leave by myself." Duanmuhai insisted on leaving with a straight face.

"Mother, please forgive my daughter for being unfilial." Huang Xueying knelt down and kowtowed to her mother, then turned around and stood up to support Duanmu Hai.

"Xiao Yaoshi, please take care of Mu Hai's injury." Huang Yuanxiong shamelessly begged Xiao Qiyue.

"Brother Duan is my elder brother. If I knew tonight, why bother? Brother Duan, I'll accompany you." Xiao Qiyue didn't give Huang Yuanxiong a good look either.

Although this guy said that Duanmu Haigun was called just now to protect him, but he succumbed to Huang Jiyun's lustful power, he had no principles, and valued profit over family affection. Naturally, he had to give him an embarrassing meal to relieve his anger.

Huang Yuanxiong had a black face, and Huang Jiyun was too thick-skinned to speak up, knowing that today was a dead end.

But, at least, let Xiao Qiyue's knot loosen a little.

However, the old guy was afraid that it would be even more embarrassing for Xiao Qiyue to take out old debts, so he said, "Huang Yuanxiong, you have to take care of your family relationship. Tiger poison doesn't know children, so you have to reflect on yourself. This elder still has something to do , take a step first."

"Xiao Yaoshi, just on the way, let's go together." Xiang Baizui leaned towards him.

"Yaoshi Xiao, why don't we go to the Medicine League together and bring back your Ninth Grade Medicine Certificate by the way?" Li Taifa was naturally unwilling to lag behind.

"No, I have something urgent, let's do it next time." Xiao Qiyue politely refused, but in fact this guy wanted to find a quiet place to retreat as soon as possible to deal with the matter of Fulong entering the body.

"Okay, I'll call the manager after a while, let's have a good drink!" Xiang Baizui laughed and left.


Fang Tianguo Royal Academy's headmaster, seems to be Feng Heyun?

Xiao Qiyue was stunned. The change of the Azure Dragon Ranking at any time really had something to do with him.

"Young Master Xiao, go back and think about it carefully, and send me a message if you have the result." Zhuang Ruoling was reluctant to give up.

Li Taifa also knew that there was no show today, so he left with Zhuang Ruoling in disappointment.

"You have such a good daughter!" Huang Yuanxiong was so angry that he scolded his wife when he saw the three of Duanmu Hai leaving.

"It's not your fault!" Nangong Chunxiu was not an easy-going lamp, and almost choked Huang Yuanxiong to death with a single sentence.

"Ma'am, now is not the time to fight, we have to find a way to ease the relationship with Mu Hai as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is no hope for our lineage." Huang Yuanxiong was cheeky again, and begged his wife with a smile on his face.

"Mu Hai Mu Hai, didn't you fall in love with that Xiao Qiyue?" Nangong Chunxiu snorted.

"Well, ma'am, don't you see that?

Uncle Ji Yun seems to have something to ask of Mr. Xiao.If we can get this right, there is hope for our family.

For the family, you and I have to go all out.Otherwise, think about our sons and grandchildren, they will not be able to enter the family core, and they will never have a bright future.

This is the sorrow of our Jinshuibao, we are also members of the imperial family, we can no longer be so humble. "Huang Yuanxiong had a sad face. Of course, there is an element of acting. However, the reality is indeed like this.

"Alas...it will take a while. Let Mu Hai and his wife calm down." Nangong Chunxiu sighed, knowing that this is also the status quo of the Jinshuibao clan.

A branch that cannot enter the core circle of the family, sometimes, is not as useful as an outsider who is useful to the family.

"Brother, why do you look so ugly, let's find a place to rest before leaving." After flying for two hours, Duanmuhai found that Xiao Qiyue was in trouble, so he said quickly.

"Alright, the dragon's eggshell was injured a little while ago when it was burned, let's rest for a while before leaving." Xiao Qiyue nodded, and the three of them fell to the ground.

Huang Xueying went away, and soon set up a tent, set up an iron pot and lit a fire to cook soup.

"Brother Duan, sister-in-law is so virtuous." Sitting in a pile of weeds, Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Ah... for Zhengyang, she and I have suffered a lot.

However, now that the bitterness is gone, it can be regarded as a complete cultivation.

Unexpectedly, the previous incident appeared again, it was really a trick of luck.

I know that even though she left with me, she couldn't stop thinking about Jinshuibao. After all, her parents and brothers were there. "Duanmuhai had a bitter face.

"Hehe, what do you want, Brother Duan?" Xiao Qiyue said with a smile.

"What else can I do? Let my old father-in-law cool down first. Is it true that the family relationship is really broken? Then, I'm afraid, Xueying will be unhappy for the rest of her life. I, Duanmuhai, can't be too selfish." Duanmuhai smiled helplessly. Laughing, he looked at Xiao Qiyue and said, "Brother, you are in your early years now.

Once you get the ninth grade, it will be another world.

Moreover, it is said that your six doors are not going well, and having this nine-grade medicine certificate can also greatly improve your status.

It's just that I still have to think of ways to make you rank higher in the Medicine League. "

"Will the Medicine League mention the top 200 for me?" Xiao Qiyue was also a little curious. She was about to reach the ninth rank, so it stands to reason that she deserved to be in the top 200.

"Difficult!" Duanmu Hai actually shook his head.

"It's hard to be at the ninth rank? Could it be that there are as many ninth ranks in the medicine alliance?" Xiao Qiyue was a little dizzy.

"That's not true, there aren't many Ninth Grades. But, I told you that the Medicine League is very complicated, and Zhuang Ruoling also said that some unique abilities can improve your ranking. Of course, where there are people, there are Jianghu Relationships are also very important." Duanmuhai said.

"Who is in charge of this ranking?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Gongde Hall." Duanmu Hai said.Seeing that Xiao Qiyue was at a loss, Duanmuhai began to supplement his knowledge again,

"This 'merit hall' judges a pharmacist in many ways, for example, your level of pharmacology, your ability to treat diseases and save lives, how many people you have saved, and the level of saving lives. Also, your contribution to the Medicine League, and your external influence Wait, there's too much to judge."

"It seems that there is also a back door here?" Xiao Qiyue laughed dryly.

"There is no place without a back door in this world. People are in the Jianghu and cannot help themselves. If we want to live, we have to obey these unspoken rules. However, it is a pity that I am not a big boss in the Medicine League." Duanmu Hai shook Shake your head.

"Brother Duan underestimated himself too much." Xiao Qiyue didn't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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