God catch

Chapter 908

Chapter 908
Mo Jiude was unforgiving, turned into a cloud of shadows and followed, and a lump of foot shadows slammed down. This foot will definitely step Tuoba Shixian out of shit.

Hong Chen laughed and shot, and slapped Mo Jiu directly to the ground.

The black shadow disappeared, and the red shadow moved again. In an instant, Mo Jiu had already been trampled on the face by Hongchen Xiao, and his nosebleed and teeth were crushed into pieces.

"Do you dare?" Mo Yun was not stupid, he knew that he had kicked on the iron plate today, so he shouted.


A crisp sound was Hong Chen's answer, half of Mo Jiu's face was trampled to death, and blood splashed all over the ground.

"If you dare to kill him, Gujinbao will definitely destroy your entire family." Mo Yun roared.


A scream was Hong Chenxiao's most straightforward slap in the face response, and Mo Jiu's head was instantly crushed into a ball of blood.

"My lord, I'm sorry without your consent." Hong Chen looked at Xiao Qiyue with an apologetic smile.

"It's okay! It's just a dog, let's go." Xiao Qiyue shook her head lightly and stepped up the steps.

Mo Yun's face turned from red to black, and finally turned pale.

He was desperately hugged by his accomplices so he didn't rush forward.

"Who are those four?" asked one of the passing VIPs.

"I don't know, but Mo Jiu must be a strong person in the Seventh Realm of Divine Apertures."

"Ah, the seven ways of the gods? I was trampled to death like a dog, that beauty, it's like trampling a grasshopper to death..."

"Brother, beautiful women are all barbed."

"That kid is so lucky."

"The background material must be extraordinary."

Immediately, many spectators were speechless.They all looked at Hong Chen and smiled, feeling a little like peeing from the bottom of their hearts.

The Hundred Flowers Banquet deserves to be called a Hundred Flowers Banquet, and the top of Goddess Peak is simply a sea of ​​flowers.

If we say that the flowers on the mountainside are enough and luxurious, but compared with the Goddess Peak, they are simply out of proportion.

Here, you have to be careful every time you step down, because if you accidentally step down, a dozen small flowers may die.

There is a huge square at the top of the peak, and just north of the square is the Goddess Palace.

The Goddess Palace is not tall and mighty, but it gives people the feeling of a dreamy labyrinth.

However, everyone who comes here dare not mess around.

And the Goddess Palace can only be entered by the master who has the Hundred Flowers Poster, and the servants brought by the master are arranged in another row of exquisite courtyards.

Of course, good wine and good food are inevitable, but there is nothing like a feast of flowers.

"Brother Xiao, you're late." As soon as he arrived at the square, he was caught by that kid Xia Houying who was wandering around all over the place.

"Why did you come here so early, boy? Is there another girl who is going to be unlucky?" Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Brother, what are you talking about? I am a decent person." Xia Houying straightened her face, putting on an expression that I am a gentleman.

"Not bad, not bad, that 'old man sweeping the floor' in your family has given you a lot of benefits recently, right?" Xiao Qiyue glanced at Xia Houying and was stunned.Because, this kid has actually broken through to the Six Realms of Divine Aperture.

You know, two years ago, this child was only at the fourth or fifth level of the Spirit King.This breakthrough speed can also catch up with flying.

"Oh...don't talk about it." Xia Houying had a bitter expression on her face.

"Why, was it miserable?" Xiao Qiyue was taken aback.

"It's a tragic death. I almost entered the palace and became a eunuch." Xia Houying had a bitter face.This sentence is quite boring. Although Hongchen laughed and a few people on the side didn't laugh out loud, they had to give Xiao Qiyue face.

However, the expression on his face was full of unconcealable happiness and misfortune.

"Could it be that the old man sweeping the floor forced you to practice kung fu and wield a sword from the palace?" Xiao Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, then laughed dumbly.

It reminds me of the invincible sunflower book in the East - to practice magical skills, I swung a knife from the palace.

"Of course not, but he just forced me to die, and I was almost pushed into the bottomless pool by him and drowned.

Moreover, there is actually a large group of mermaids under the water.

The old man warned me that if I had 'ideas' about those mermaids, he would directly eunuch me.

You said, it's too miserable, brother. "Xia Houying's face was filled with bitterness and sorrow, Hong Chen couldn't help laughing anymore, and started giggling.

"You just saw the mermaid?" What is the bottom of the bottomless pond that Xiao Qiyue cares about?
It seemed that the sweeping old man was still hiding his strength.

Maybe, he is just a doppelgänger.

With my own realm at the time, it was impossible to see his true skills.

"Yeah!" Xia Houying nodded, and the scene at that time was revealed in her popularity.

Xiao Qiyue was stunned again, the causal line penetrated, and immediately entered the 'derivation' link.

The group of mermaids that Xia Houying looked back at suddenly flickered with scales, and soon, causal inference came into play, moving forward like a person walking in a tunnel of time and space.

Soon, Xiao Qiyue almost dropped her jaw in shock.

Because, he saw a thick snake tail.

It was a colorful snake tail, and all the mermaids were dancing around the snake tail.

Of course, this won't make Xiao Qiyue's jaw drop. What makes Xiao Qiyue's jaw drop is that she has seen that snake tail before.I saw it in the small lake in Luojia Beixiong's courtyard, that is, in the whirlpool.

What the hell!

There are some signs, the snake is also playing tricks under the bottomless pool of Xiahou's house.

Including the mysterious vortex in the small lake of the six doors, they all have the same master-snake.

So far, no snake has been found in the God's Ovary of the Medicine League. Perhaps, the God's Ovary has a special status, and it is controlled by the 'Qinglian'.

However, all of this is related to Wu Wang Mi Qiuhe.

However, no matter how hard Xiao Qiyue tried to reason, he couldn't see the whole body of the snake, let alone its head.

A snake tail is the biggest clue Xiao Qiyue has found so far.

This snake is most likely hiding somewhere in Fang Tianjiang. Once it can be caught, maybe Fang Tianjiang's secret has found a breakthrough.

"Hehehe, Brother Xiao is one step faster." Feng Heyun from the Royal Academy came over with a gentle smile on his face.

"Just arrived." Xiao Qiyue greeted with a nod and a smile.

It was discovered that Feng and Yun had improved their skills again.Moreover, directly reaching the peak state of the Seven Paths of Divine Aperture, one can step into the split body state in one step.

Needless to say, this rapid promotion speed must be the 'big hand' of the mysterious dean of the Royal Academy.

Xiao Qiyue's causal line was thrown in, covering Feng Heyun's popularity.

Because, he wanted to secretly deduce the situation of 'Lord Dean'.

"How is the dean?" Xiao Qiyue asked deliberately, of course, to make Feng Heyun look back at the dean.

Of course, Feng Heyun couldn't think of the small calculation in Xiao Qiyue's heart. As soon as people mentioned this, naturally, the popularity would look back to the dean.

"It's okay, I usually plant flowers and water them, and live a leisurely life. However, I will mention you occasionally." Feng Heyun smiled, and Xiao Qiyue hurriedly entered the stage of 'cause and effect derivation'.

The net of karma covered the image of Mr. Dean in the review, he was watering the flowers and planting the grass.Xiao Qiyue didn't care about this, she pushed forward and pushed forward with cause and effect.

The dean's image was distorted for a moment, and his body was falling into a tunnel and flying forward.Soon, a piece of yellow light flashed.

"Past life and present life!"

Xiao Qiyue was very nervous, and really used the hands of Feng Heyun to extrapolate the dean to the "backward of time and space", that is, the events that happened before the dean.

The yellow light disappeared, and Xiao Qiyue was shocked to find that the dean was standing in front of the blank picture again.

Moreover, he is talking to Blank Painting.

This time, the causal derivation has undergone drastic changes, as if it has been upgraded again, and I actually heard the conversation of the dean.

"His skill has grown rapidly." The dean said towards the blank painting.

"At what level?" Blank Painting responded.

(End of this chapter)

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