God catch

Chapter 911

Chapter 911

"Yes, it should be. What is the background of that kid, even Feng and Yun went to join in the fun?"

"The face is very tender, is it from a certain family?"

"What's the aristocratic family? Will Feng Heyun and Hongchen laugh at the children of the aristocratic family?"

"I'm talking about the hermit family, not Fang Tianyu's current top ten families."

"Did you see that brat Xia Houying passed by, like a pug who wants to kneel and lick."

"No, tell me, who is Xia Houying best with?"

"Needless to say, he is hugging the thigh of the emperor of the Six Fan Kingdom."

"Xiao Qiyue..."

More than a dozen guys spoke at the same time, and they all looked at Xiao Qiyue in horror.

"He... he can't be the master who is in the limelight recently, right?"

"Certainly not, you think, what level is Xiao Qiyue, and the same level as Changsun Haitao, why is there only a black post?"

"That's right, it's definitely not Xiao Qiyue." Many guys were actually relieved.

"Hehehe...His Majesty Xiao Huang, why are you sitting in such a place?" A strong sarcasm came, and some guys who had just breathed a sigh of relief were stunned and looked over.

What the hell!

"It seems that the kid on the black table is really Xiao Qiyue?"

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, His Majesty Xiao Huang actually sits at the black table, and Hua Xianzi's subordinates are out of their minds, right?"

"Eighty percent of it is flooded."


"Hehe, I like black.

Black is so good. For example, take Ou Shishi as an example. If you wear all black, it means that you need male protection. It can make you noble with a touch of majesty.

You see, because I sit at a black table, there is no shortage of beauties.

Because they all need my protection. "Xiao Qiyue smiled, stretched out her ruthless hand, holding one in one hand, Hongchen on the left smiled, Zhuang Ruoling on the right, good luck, "Why don't you come over to join in the fun?"Don't worry, brother, I will protect you. "

"Bullshit!" Ou Shishi threw up her sleeves angrily, and went straight to the red table.

"Uh uh, woman, it's easy to get old when you're angry. No wonder you look much older recently. So it's because of your anger? You can't be angry anymore. If you keep angry, you will really become an old woman." Xiao Qiyue said.

"His Majesty Xiao Huang is eloquent!" Yin Susu, the owner of Baihua Valley, came over with a charming smile.

Moreover, he came straight to Xiao Qiyue.

"There's a good show to watch!"

"That's for sure, Yin Susu is not easy to mess with, she's better than Hong Chen laughing. Xiao Qiyue touches her bad luck, but villains and girls are hard to raise!"

"I'll definitely give him a hand."

"Yes! I thought it was a character, didn't I?"


"His Majesty Xiao Huang, can I borrow a seat?" Unexpectedly, Yin Susu was smiling, not as if she was going to fight, but as if she was asking for advice with a pleasant face.

"The more this is the case, the worse it will be." A certain man shuddered, and everyone was looking forward to it.

"The owner of the valley is whatever you want." Xiao Qiyue responded.

"Thank you!" Yin Susu sat down very politely.

"What are you doing, thunder is loud and rain is little."

"Is Yin Susu in menopause?"

"Eighty percent."


"The owner of the valley condescended to come here, must it be for the son of the Yin family?" Xiao Qiyue drank a glass of wine and smiled.

"His Majesty Xiao Huang really has a fortune teller, we know." Yin Susu was startled, and smiled, "However, that matter really has to be entrusted to His Majesty Xiao Huang."

"What's the matter with the owner, please tell me directly?" Xiao Qiyue looked serious.

In fact, it has been seen from her popularity that it is probably Yin Fengliu's affair with Luo Jia Beixiong's daughter Luo Yaya.

"Oh, it's not my ineffective son Yin Fengliu." Yin Susu sighed.

"Oh?" Xiao Qiyue deliberately responded.

"For this matter, His Majesty Xiao Huang has to be a matchmaker." Yin Susu said.

Zhuang Ruoling and Hong Chenxiao almost laughed out loud, unexpectedly someone asked Xiao Qiyue to be a matchmaker.

I'm a lonely one, what's the matter with you?
"Big matchmaker? I don't know which girl Master Ling is interested in?" Xiao Qiyue touched her chin deliberately.

"As long as His Majesty Xiao Huang agrees to this matter, it will definitely be done." Yin Susu said.

"Hehe, it's the first time for me, Xiao, to get on the sedan chair. How can I say that I have achieved it? From now on, those matchmakers will spit and drown me." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"That's different, alas... it's because Su Su, the best friend of Elder Luo, the six-door Taishang, is gone, so I can only talk about it.

"Luo Yaya, but I haven't seen her for a long time. I haven't seen her since Master Luo left." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

Are you really going to see people?Yin Susu snorted in her heart, but said in her mouth, "Speaking of it, it's all caused by my ineffective son.

Originally, the two had been together for a while.

However, he suddenly went crazy.Because Miss Luo suddenly talked about the young talents of the moment and she mentioned you.

Said that my son is not worthy of carrying your shoes, and his martial arts are too far behind.

As a result, Fengliu's eyes turned red in a fit of anger, and he practiced kung fu crazily.

As a result, something went wrong. "

"Something went wrong, is it a crime?" Xiao Qiyue spoke in the tone of a master monk, and he was close to clasping his hands together like Amitabha.

Happiness blossomed in my heart early, because, Yin Susu's anger showed that Yin Fengliu had lost her breath after practicing kung fu.

Moreover, the yang energy is too strong, and there is an urgent need for a woman with a yin and spirit body to fit together to solve the problem.

Although there are not many women with Yin spirit body in this world, with the ability of Baihua Valley, we have found several of them.

However, Yin Fengliu is not necessary to death.

Yin Susu knew that her son wanted Luo Yaya.

However, without getting married, how could the daughter of Luo Yaya, the dignified sect master, do such meager things with her son?
"Ah...something went wrong." Yin Susu couldn't talk about it, no matter how thick-skinned she was, she waved towards a corner, and Xiao Qiyue realized that Yin Fengliu had also come.

Moreover, it is also sitting on the black table circle.

It's just that he was depressed and didn't want to see people.

Therefore, he hid in another corner, and kept covering his face with a bamboo hat.

"His Majesty Xiao Huang, you are a majestic medicine king, you should be able to see it?" Yin Susu said while covering up Yin Fengliu.

"Hehehe, combining Taoism and dual cultivation is the best solution.

Moreover, once successful, the skill will skyrocket.

As long as you find a woman with a yin and spirit body, it's not difficult for Guzhu, is it?

I have to congratulate Master Gu first. At that time, Fengliu's performance will not be level [-] or level [-], at least level [-] or above. "Xiao Qiyue said deliberately.

"Indeed, that's what Ge Tianyao-jun said after reading it. It's just that I don't want any other women, only Luo Yaya." Yin Susu had no choice but to say it cheekily.

"Isn't this difficult to handle? You call it a marriage at a good level, and a "Chongxi" at a bad level." Xia Houying opened her mouth as soon as she opened her mouth, and of course it was Xiao Qiyue who blinked at him. .

"Patriarch Xiahou can't talk, no one will think you are dumb." Sure enough, Yin Susu almost exploded with rage. If Xiao Qiyue wasn't there, Xia Houying would have called for a violent beating on the spot.

"This! It's a little bit. Anyway, this matter is unfair to Miss Luo. Moreover, even the elders of our Six Fan Kingdom will not agree to this kind of thing." Xiao Qiyue started the 'plan'.

"I also know, so it's not that there is no other way. In this matter, His Majesty Xiao Huang should be asked to help. After all, Fengliu and Miss Luo are also in love with each other." Yin Susu said.

"Hey... I can give it a try. However, Master Luo can't be contacted, so we can only talk about it when he comes back." Xiao Qiyue said deliberately.Hey, I'm not in a hurry if you're in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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