God catch

Chapter 920 Running away

Chapter 920 Running away
"Thank you." Xiao Qiyue cupped her hands.

"Sister Fairy, how about you come to our Six Fan Country?" Zhuang Ruoling was very careful, on the surface it was an invitation, but in fact, he wanted to borrow Hua Fairy as a temporary bodyguard.

"Hehe, I will come in the future. However, Mr. Xiao, your chicken is well-divided, I hope your legs will also be quicker. Otherwise, there will be no one to entertain me." Fairy Hua made a pun , which means you have to run away.

"With fairy roses, what am I afraid of?" Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"It doesn't work, it's full of vitality, but it has no fighting power. If you are injured, it is useful. If you need to advance, it is still useful. If you encounter a strong enemy, it is a flower that will be buried with you. Hehehe, I seem to hear you say But, if the peony flower dies, it will be a coquettish thing to be a ghost." Hua Fairy shook her head and said bluntly.

"Hehe, wind*liu is always blown away by rain and wind. Farewell!" Xiao Qiyue clasped her fists.

"Sister Ruo Ling, stay with me for a few days." Hua Fairy said.

"This...I..." Zhuang Ruoling was worried about Xiao Qiyue's safety.

"What? Do you have a sweetheart?" Hua Xianzi asked.

"No, it's alright, Your Majesty, take care." Zhuang Ruoling shook his head quickly, blushing.

"Valley Master, farewell!" Xiao Qiyue said towards Yin Susu.

"Sigh... well, I have to go back to Baihua Valley, and I will leave the matter of the dog to His Majesty Xiao Huang." Yin Susu's attitude was much better than before.

After all, Xiao Qiyue made Shi Fang, who was in the Heshen Realm, go berserk in anger.

Don't say anything else, this courage alone is enough to convince Yin Susu.

However, the Hero League is too powerful.Yin Susu was helpless, so she could only choose to escape.

After all, even the Hundred Flowers Valley and the Six Fan Kingdoms would not be able to withstand the blow of the Hero League.

"Don't worry, Master Gu." Of course, Xiao Qiyue had seen through her mind, and naturally did not force her.

Feng Heyun wanted to go back with Xiao Qiyue, but Xiao Qiyue politely refused.Because he didn't want to hurt his friends.

"Sister, please help him for a while?" As soon as Xiao Qiyue left, Zhuang Ruoling begged for her sister, Hua Fairy.

"If he can't even go back to the Six Fan Kingdom, what use is this kind of waste? It's better to die, and you won't be out of sight or in your heart." Hua Fairy looked indifferent.

"But sister, his growth rate is fast enough. It's just that the Daxia League is too powerful, so it's not his fault. As long as my sister is willing to make a move, I believe he will grow up as soon as possible." Zhuang Ruoling knelt down.

"It's useless for you to kneel to death. I told you I won't help." Fairy Hua flicked her sleeves and went straight back to her residence.

Looking at Hua Fairy's back, Zhuang Ruoling burst into tears.

She gritted her teeth, stood up, turned around and strode towards Xiao Qiyue's direction.

"Fairy, she chased after her crying." Yu Nu said.

"This silly girl, she is forcing me." Hua Fairy shook her head, looked into the distance, and said after a long time, "Silly girl, you are a hot-headed shave, people just think of you as a rabbit spirit."

"What's the matter with us monsters? We all want to cultivate a human body.

And in order to be able to be human, we have paid ten times more, a hundred times more effort than the human race.

The human race is so insignificant that it dares to despise us.

That Xiao Qiyue deserves to die!What dog emperor, I don't think he understands anything. " Jin Tong looked angrily.

"It's not that he doesn't understand, he understands it too well. In fact, this young man is nice and has a sense of responsibility. Moreover, Zhuang Ruoling was left behind to protect her." Hua Fairy shook her head.

"But why doesn't the fairy help him? Just like what Zhuang Ruoling said, he will grow up?" Yu Nu is a vixen, so naturally, she sympathizes with each other.

"Can I protect him for a while, can I protect him forever?

My flower fairy is not his free bodyguard.If he is allowed to taste the sweetness, if he returns to this way, he will form a dependent mentality in the future, and at that time, it will actually harm him.

Moreover, I don't have time to deal with the bad things in the Six Fan Kingdom. "Fairy Hua shook her head.

"That's right! We don't care." Jin Tong nodded.

"However, this bastard is full of guts!" Hua Xianzi suddenly turned serious, and the golden boy and jade girl were startled.

I didn't understand what Hua Xianzi meant. Of course, Hua Xianzi couldn't explain it, so I went back to the room directly.

"It's strange, it seems that the fairy is very angry with him." Jin Tong rubbed his head with a look of coercion.

"Of course I'm angry. You see, he stole the limelight in the Hundred Flowers Banquet. That kid is so glib, he took the lead, and he's still acting like a good boy. If it were me, he would have been beaten to death." Yu Nu snorted.

"No, I always feel that Fairy is taking advantage of something else." Jin Tong shook his head.

"He dares!" Jade Girl's face froze, murderous.

"He dares, you bastard!" Hua Xianzi turned around suddenly, her face was as cold as an ice lump.

A net of heaven and earth surrounded Xiao Qiyue and the three of them in all directions like a rainbow.In July, the sky was filled with frost and snow.

Shi Fang was sitting cross-legged on top of a huge boulder facing north with a face full of Taoism, and several people stood beside him.

But his subordinate, Bu Yunli, stood upright in the south.

To the east is an old man with a gray beard, and he is the one who caused the flying frost all over the sky, while to the west are the great elders of Tianqin Villa, Wu Yungaiyue, Ou Shishi and others.

"Frost flying in July?" Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"Xiao Qiyue, the son of the lord of Baomo in ancient and modern times sued you for indiscriminately killing innocent people, and Ou Shishi of Fangtianqifang sued you for attacking her subordinates, causing the deaths of many members of the Ou family.

Moreover, you actually colluded with Wenhua Pavilion and usurped the throne that should belong to the Ou family...

This seat is going to uphold justice today, if you have anything to say, speak up quickly. "Shi Fang stared at Xiao Qiyue condescendingly like a just and strict presiding judge.

"That's shit! It's obvious that Mo Long, the young master of Gujin Castle, wanted to rob me and Zhuang Ruoling, two beauties. His Majesty Xiao Huang punished the pervert and killed his accomplice, Mo Jiu. What's the crime?" Hong Chen smiled righteously and sharply retorted .

"That's right! As for Fang Tianqifang, it is the rebellion of the Six Fan Kingdom! They want to rebel, attack the Six Fan City brazenly, and massacre the people of the Six Fan Kingdom. His Majesty Xiao Huang is for the country and the people, what is wrong?" Zhuang Ruoling The voice came from outside.

"The matter of the Six Fan Kingdom has nothing to do with you, go!" Xiao Qiyue scolded with a straight face.

"It's irrelevant, I'm also a member of the Six Fan Kingdom, a pharmacist of the Six Fan Kingdom." Zhuang Ruoling snorted.

"You were only hired temporarily. The emperor has announced that you will be fired now. Miss Zhuang, let's go." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I won't go, I'm a native of Six Fans by birth, and a ghost of Six Fans when I die!" Zhuang Ruoling strode towards Bu Yunli, who looked around but didn't find Hua Fairy.

However, this guy was very careful, he looked at Shi Fang again, Shi Fang nodded, he was sure that Hua Fairy didn't come, and without Hua Fairy's sister, you're nothing.

It was with a sinister smile, "Zhuang Ruoling, if you want to help the evildoer, this hero will help you."

With a suction of his hand, Zhuang Ruoling was directly dragged into the encirclement.

"Hey...why are you doing this?" Xiao Qiyue sighed.

"With Sister Fairy here, they don't dare. Let's go!" Zhuang Ruoling pretended.

"Hahaha!" Shi Fang laughed three times and said, "It's a pity, little girl, you can't even lie to anyone.

Although I, Shi Fang, are not very skilled, this eye is still a bit supernatural.

In a radius of a hundred miles, there is nothing but a few wolves and a dozen tigers. "

Xiao Qiyue had been staring at him a long time ago, and found that there was something wrong with the big soybean black mole on this guy's forehead.

Under the cover of karma, Xiao Qiyue suddenly smelled a familiar ancient atmosphere.

not good!

It's the smell of gods!

(End of this chapter)

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