God catch

Chapter 928

Chapter 928
Blast 4 again and ask for a monthly ticket and subscription. Thank you for the reward from "Tai Hao Ting Hero".Gouzi decided to write your fan name in the book.Hahaha, Thai is so good to hear, Hero, I will upload it after a while.

Because these guys are all the 'superiors' of someone in this group of guys in the prison.

"Weng Tian, ​​the gold-medal killer of Hell Gate. It's the same level as Lei Gun, Luo Jin, is he the one who contacted you?" Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Luo Jin, you bastard! You must die!" Weng Tian cursed angrily, thinking that Luo Jin had betrayed him.

"I didn't say anything! Believe it or not." Luo Jin looked aggrieved.

"But why didn't you die?" Weng Tian said fiercely.

"I want to die, but there is no chance. Are you different?" Luo Jin asked back.

"Xiao Qiyue, Weng Mou fell into your hands today, but you don't want to ask a word. You probably know the rules of the gate of the underworld. If you are a hero, you will be happy." Weng Tian raised his head high High.

"Hehe, I won't let you die. As for asking you anything, there's no need." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"What do you want to do?" Weng Tian was taken aback.There is a lot of murderous intent on his face, but he can't use his strength.

"Why do I care about your business? How can you, a clone, have the right to ask me?" Xiao Qiyue looked sullen.Weng Tian immediately swallowed a dead fly, another ghost.

"You...you are a clone?" Luo Jin was taken aback, startled.

"Luo Jin, I still want to see the master, what are you?" Weng Tian looked disdainful.

"Subordinates dare not." Luo Jin quickly shook his head in fright.

"What are you afraid of? Don't worry, your wish will come true soon." Xiao Qiyue smiled strangely and looked away, only to find that the 'two-in-one clone' of the flying centipede had flown back.

Xiao Qiyue chatted with these guys in the prison just now, just using causal deduction to arouse their memories and find their parents.

Afterwards, the two-in-one clone of the flying centipede and the blue enchanting was dispatched, and the result of the battle was the second batch of killers.These are all the 'homes' of these guys in the prison.

Of course, some situations also appeared in it, and several suicides succeeded.

Then Xiao Qiyue deduced again through these "Shangjia" to catch more advanced "Shangjia".

Weng Tian's body is one of them, and it may also be the highest-ranking and strongest one in this group of people.

Soon, a guy who looked exactly like Weng Tian was arrested and put in prison.

In the prison, there was nothing but amazement.

Xiao Qiyue only took away Weng Tian and his avatar, and there were other masters, because the strongest person would not exceed the split five-soul realm.

Therefore, Xiao Qiyue outlined them one by one with causal lines, and handed them over to Tuoba Shixian and Hong Faxiao to arrest them.

In this way, the scope is getting bigger and bigger, and the level is getting higher and higher.All actions are being carried out in secret, and a arresting skynet has been quietly opened.

"Weng Tian, ​​what else do you have to say?" Xiao Qiyue's special secret room, with only Duanmuhai and Chu Zijiang beside him.

"There's nothing to say, if you want a secret, if you want a life." Weng Tian looked dead like a pig, showing that he was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"Come on, tell me your 'upper family'. Once the gate of the underworld is destroyed, I can choose to join our six kingdoms. Because, the emperor also wants to build a killing hall to assassinate those strongmen who are against the country. who." Xiao Qiyue said.

It's really helpless, when I saw this kind of plot on TV before, I still scoffed in my heart.

For example, the blood drops from the Yongzheng period, and the Dongchang brocade sweater from the Ming Dynasty.

However, after sitting on the throne now, the situation is pressing, and it is difficult to do things without such excuses.

Because, in this world, there are few people who are not afraid of death.

That is, you are not afraid of death, and your family and friends are not afraid of death?
Perhaps, this is a necessary means for the emperor to stabilize his country.

And Weng Tian is a very suitable candidate. This person's strength is as high as the realm of split seven souls, and his status in the underworld gate is higher than that of Lei Gun Ding Chang. Xiao Qiyue's avatar personally dispatched him to get rid of him.

"That has nothing to do with me." Weng Tian was determined to die, because he knew that the means of Hell Mansion Sect against traitors could be described as terrifying.

Needless to say, his family members, and even if he was thrown into the six countries, he could only survive for half a year.

In the past, a deputy palace master defected and joined the Daxia League. As a result, even the Daxia League failed to save his life, let alone the Six Fan Kingdom.

Moreover, the death was particularly miserable, and the pain was so painful.

Because, there is a "Duansheng Hall" specially set up at the gate of the underworld.

The targets of this 'Duanshengtang' are the captured killers and traitors.

They have a complete set of methods to track down the captured killer and cut off his vitality.

There is also a set of torture that can make traitors unable to survive or die, which makes people shudder.

All of this is to protect the mystery of the Hell Gate.

Of course, it is also the basis for the survival of the underworld gate.

You know, once the secrets of the Hell Gate are revealed, how many people in this world will destroy them?
"Are you afraid of breaking the hall?" Xiao Qiyue had a glimpse of his review early on, and pushed forward to the past.

"Sure enough, someone has rebelled. Now that you know it, it's true. And, at least, my family still has a chance, and they won't treat them badly. It's fine to exchange my life for the whole family's prosperity and wealth." Weng Tian was furious, Zhuaner nodded again.

"You have a good idea!" Xiao Qiyue smiled.Glancing at Weng Tian, ​​he said, "I will announce to the outside world that you have joined our Six Fan Kingdom."

"Hehe, it's useless! They won't believe it. Besides, unless I..." Weng Tian became alert when he said this, and shut up.

"Hehe, unless you stand up and make a statement yourself. Besides, is it right to swear an oath of no sky spell in public?" Xiao Qiyue asked with a smile.

"You are really powerful. You even know this. It seems that we have underestimated you." Weng Tian was stunned and shook his head.

"Hehe, this is nothing? Actually, I don't want to ask anymore. I don't have time now, because I'm going to arrest your Palace Master 'Tianyuan Jushi'." Xiao Qiyue smiled mysteriously.

"How do you know him?" Weng Tian was shocked, his body trembled, and he couldn't hide his shock anymore.

"You have your secrets, and of course I have my means. It's only his fault that he is so arrogant that he dares to come to the door in person. Now, he has arrived at my house'Luoyue Pavilion'." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Hahaha, so what? Even if you found out, you are no match for him.

And Luoyue Pavilion will be destroyed.Because, we know that Zhuge Yong is guarding against the Hero League thousands of miles away.

It's beyond the reach of the whip, so what if it is in the realm of gods?

Thousands of miles away, and we have a perfect plan to hold him back.

When he comes back, you are already dead, and all the six palaces have changed owners.

You'd better kill me now, or I'll have the last laugh.

At that time, if you are arrested by the Palace Master, I will give you a happy ending. " Weng Tian laughed wildly.

"Let's make a bet." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Bet on your life?" Weng Tian sneered.

"Of course, if I'm still alive, you will surrender and become my slave, in charge of the Shachun Hall." Xiao Qiyue said.

"That's impossible, the palace master's supernatural power is unrivaled." Weng Tian shook his head frantically.This guy seems to have a kind of blind worship for his palace master.

"I mean what if, if you don't even dare to bet on what if, it means you don't have confidence in your Palace Master at all." Xiao Qiyue shook her head, provoking him.

"Who says I don't dare to gamble anymore? I swear by the Heavenless Demon Ancestor, if Xiao Qiyue kills the Palace Master, I will become his slave..." Weng Tian didn't believe that Xiao Qiyue could kill the Palace Master at all.So, without hesitation, I swore.

Xiao Qiyue moved suddenly, because she actually had a telepathy.

Penetrating through karma, he was surprised to find that Weng Tian's oath turned into a lock and fell into his consciousness.

Are you swearing to Wutian Demon Ancestor, not Lao Tzu?

(End of this chapter)

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