God catch

Chapter 930

Chapter 930
"What are you regretting?" Layman Tianyuan was still not angry or anxious, as if he was chatting with an old friend, this kind of self-restraint is really good.

"Although you say that you are the master of the palace, in fact, you still have to be subordinate to a clone, which is sad." Xiao Qiyue laughed, and was also secretly surprised.

Because, he unexpectedly found another person in the popularity of Layman Tianyuan.

That person is definitely a human being, definitely not a ghost.However, it gives people a gloomy feeling.

It seems that his whole body is made of soul.

This avatar is actually much stronger than the layman Tianyuan, who is in the small realm of Heshen Sanhe, so what is the realm of the master of this avatar?
Therefore, in order to peek into more secrets, Xiao Qiyue decided to step up his efforts to stimulate him.

"Presumptuous! Our palace lord is the biggest, how can he still be willing to be under others?" Zhang Heng was unhappy, raised his eyebrows, pointed at Xiao Qiyue and shouted loudly.

Anyway, the fight is about to start, it doesn't matter.

"You are so pitiful!" Xiao Qiyue gave him a pitying look.

"You fart!" Zhang Heng was so angry that he wanted to do it.

"Back off!" Layman Tianyuan's face was stern, and Zhang Heng restrained the murderous aura that was about to explode.

However, the layman started a frenzy in his heart.

Even Zhang Heng didn't know this secret, how could he know?
What is this kid's background, as if he knows half of the world's affairs.

"Hehehe, this can't change the ending that you are about to die. At least, I'm still alive." Layman Tianyuan smiled, "Zhang Heng, let's do it. Be quick and save some face for our monarch."

Zhang Heng couldn't bear it any longer, and a hammer shadow instantly reached Xiao Qiyue's head.

It seems that this guy didn't listen to his master's orders, but wanted to boil Xiao Qiyue's head, and the blood splashed all over the ground like a rotten watermelon.

"You..." Layman Tianyuan shook his head, knowing that this guy wanted to seek excitement.

Because, what he smashed with a hammer was the monarch of the Six Kingdoms.

The leader of the Qinglong list, a genius among geniuses, and the little god of the Medicine League.

A celebrity who has become popular in Fangtian Island recently.

The expected thing didn't happen, instead, Xiao Qiyue waved her hand away, and Zhang Heng's bronze sledgehammer came back and went straight to her head.

"Move!" Sensing a hint of danger, Layman Tianyuan immediately made a move, and the Aura of Heshen hit the ancient bronze hammer.

However, it was too late.

It was indeed the sound of a watermelon being smashed with a hammer, but the target was Zhang Heng.

The head exploded, brains splattered everywhere, blood splashed, and a headless corpse fell down.

Layman Tianyuan couldn't believe his eyes, this was his closest guard, his personal warrior who had been with him for more than 100 years, a semi-spiritual powerhouse, and a super fighting madman.

But in front of him, he just became a headless corpse.

"Hahaha..." Layman Tianyuan went crazy. He hugged his corpse and laughed wildly several times. In an instant, his eyes were full of murderous swords.

Those eyes condensed into real shadows, and really turned into flying swords that flew out wildly, intending to shoot Xiao Qiyue and Xiao Hongchen into plugs in an instant.

However, at this moment, Xiao Qiyue and Hong Chenxiao were all gone.

Layman Tianyuan found that he fell into a sea.

A frenzy broke out, layman Tianyuan sneered, this Luoyue Pavilion's own subordinates have checked everything to the sky.

Needless to say, it must be an illusion of transcendence.With a flash of brilliance, Qing Guang's big hand swiped into the water, as if the giant hand of the sky pulled out a big wave.

However, in an instant, the raging waves were even bigger and overwhelming.

Among them, water beasts howled and water insects danced.

This is the super image of the 'Tibetan Sea Seven Killing Formation' integrated into the Big Dipper. At this moment, Xiao Qiyue can already control the power of the Seven Killings.

Kill now!
A super vortex appeared in the water, which drove the surrounding water waves to rotate. Layman Tianyuan was pulled and swayed from side to side, like a moth throwing fire, flying straight to the water vortex.

"Xiao Qiyue, you just do this, let me cut through it!" Layman Tianyuan sneered, and cut his white palm out of the water whirl, turning into a giant ax ten feet long and slashing down fiercely.

Suddenly, the water splashed to a height of several tens of feet, and the vortex with a width of several tens of feet was immediately cut into two pieces.

However, the vortex did not collapse, and the water potential of the two sides that were cut unexpectedly formed two super vortexes in an instant.Working together, it seems that the power of a single vortex is more than several times stronger than that of a single vortex just now.

cut... cut...

Layman Tianyuan didn't hesitate at all, he stabbed twice in a row, and with a crackling sound, the vortex was cut into four pieces.

In an instant, four vortexes formed, spinning rapidly around Layman Tianyuan as the center.

In this way, it seemed as if four huge drums were spinning, and layman Tianyuan was tossed to and fro, and finally, he bumped into one of the vortexes.

There was a slight sound, layman Tianyuan was holding a scalpel in his hand, and with a slight stroke, the vortex collided with it immediately disintegrated, and the water wave formed a turbulent flow and shot wildly around.

Xiao Qiyue has already destroyed the Tibetan Sea Seven Killing Formation to the third kill!It didn't seem to work, and I secretly admired layman Tianyuan's profound skills.

Four out!
When the water potential increased, the four vortexes disappeared in an instant.

The sea was calm.

Suddenly, from the raging waves to the peaceful harbor, layman Tianyuan stood on the water and looked up to see a bright and bright moon.

"The combination of movement and stillness, Xiao Qiyue, I have to admire you, you are a genius. But, so what? What can death-like static energy do to me?" Layman Tianyuan looked at the sea with a high-profile face.

There is a clear light in front of the bed, and it seems that there is frost on the ground... I bow my head and think about my hometown...

Someone was reciting poems, and the sea was quietly changing. Layman Tianyuan realized that he saw a small hut with a bed inside...

The sound of the piano sounded softly, coupled with the poetry read by the famous "reciter master" on the earth in the previous life simulated by Xiao Qiyue, and coupled with the sound of the piano with Hongchen Xiao, the eyes of Layman Tianyuan fell on the bed involuntarily.

"Alas...hometown..." Layman Tianyuan muttered to himself, and took a step towards the hut.However, in an instant, he stopped again.

Very alert...

Xiao Qiyue gave him a thumbs up, and the causal line directly pierced into the popularity of Layman Tianyuan.

However, Xiao Qiyue's causal line was a little messed up, twisted, and unexpectedly encountered barriers.

Hidden sea seven kills fifth show!
Xiao Qiyue recited poems as a Taoist avatar, and the sound of the harp laughing in the world of mortals is like misty water...

Peeling off several barriers, Xiao Qiyue finally found that there was a banner above the consciousness of layman Tianyuan.

The flag is still stuck on a pole. The flag looks like a pennant with a big word "soul" embroidered on it.And there is a piece of skull around the character of soul.

Isn't this the 'Spiritual Banner'?

How could there be a soul-calling banner in the consciousness of layman Tianyuan?

Does this guy really regard himself as the master of the 'Underworld'?
No, the most people who have soul-calling flags in the underworld are black and white impermanence. It is impossible for King Yama to carry a flag to summon souls everywhere?

To completely break through Layman Tianyuan's consciousness defense, the first thing to do is break through this flag.

Hidden kill seven kills sixth kill!The sea of ​​souls!
The sea was turbulent, and the frightened waves flocked to the summoning banner!

Naturally, there is no sea here, it is all phantoms materialized by Xiao Qiyue's causal line.

But that soul-calling banner was too powerful, and it couldn't be shaken at all.

Xiao Qiyue thought of her 'witch'.

So, with a traction, the bronze 'Witch' seal was slammed on the soul-calling banner.

The soul-calling flag fluttered, which gave the causal line an opportunity to take advantage of. In an instant, time and space went backwards, and time flew backwards.


Layman Tianyuan was born in a beautiful small village called "Luohua Village". Originally, his childhood life was very happy, although it was simple and light.

(End of this chapter)

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