God catch

Chapter 933

Chapter 933
"Ancestor, my younger generation is not strong enough, and I have been repeatedly bullied by Mrs. Xiao Qiyue, alas..." Ou Shishi is so delicate and charming that I see her pitiful and pitiful face.

This girl actually played the sad card in front of her ancestors?Xiao Qiyue was a little speechless.

"Are you blaming me?" Ou Lian's voice suddenly changed, becoming cold.

Ou Shishi was so frightened that she quickly knelt down again, quickly kowtowed and said, "Your junior dare not! I only hate myself for my incompetence."

"Well, I know, your strength is indeed too weak. However, I am waiting for your mother to wake up." Ou Lian said, Ou Shishi was startled when she heard it.

Isn't mother the executive vice president of Fangtian College?

Listening to the tone of the ancestors, it seems that the mother is in a coma?what happened?

"Stupid child, your mother was asleep more than 100 years ago." Ou Lian laughed.

"But where did I come from?" Ou Shishi was stunned.Because Ou Shishi is only a few dozen years old.

"Hehehe..." The coffin vibrated violently, the water in the pool was jumping, like pearls falling on a jade plate.

"To be precise, you are not a real person." Ou Lian's voice came, and Ou Shishi almost died of fright, knelt down and dared not make a sound.

Even Xiao Qiyue, who was peeping through the flying centipede, had a short-circuited brain and a forced face.

Ou Shishi is not a real person, so what is she?
Clone, but she is not a clone.

Compared with the master, the avatar looks like flesh and blood, but in fact, those flesh and blood are all an illusion.

To put it bluntly, it's just a clever illusion that deceives your eyes.

It makes you feel that it is a real person with flesh and blood, but it is not, Xiao Qiyue can be sure of this.

"I...I..." Ou Shishi became agitated, her chest heaved violently, her throat was so choked that she couldn't utter a word.

"Hehehe..." Ou Lian laughed loudly again, this time, the water in the pool was even more turbulent, jumping into the air to form a cloud and undulate like waves.

Xiao Qiyue took the opportunity to penetrate the causal thread and approach the coffin. He was a little surprised to find that it was just an ordinary mahogany coffin.

However, the causal line only sees a "river water" rolling eastward.Nothing else, nothing.

High-level magic circle?

Xiao Qiyue thinks that it shields her causal line.

However, the magic circle that can shield all causal lines is absolutely high-level.

Moreover, unless there is a strong man in the Great River Realm controlling it.

Otherwise, even the magic circle controlled by a martial artist in the god realm would not be able to block his own causal spying.

Unexpectedly, Ou Lian is actually a strong person in the Great River Realm, so her plan needs to be adjusted.

At this time, the little green lotus that Qinglian gave her in the "God's Ovary" of the Medicine League suddenly lit up, revealing a sentence--the big river goes east to the waves to wash it out, and the east goes to the east to die.

What does this mean?
Fang Tian, ​​do you mean Fang Tianjiang?

But how did Fang Tianjiang pass away?

Doesn't it surround Fangtian Island well?

The Great River Realm is like a great river going east and west. Warriors in this realm have the ability to control the waters of a river.

Xiao Qiyue somewhat understood that the Jiang Bo he saw with his karmic eyes should be the result of the materialization of a strong man in the Great River Realm.

This is good stuff, how about sneaking some?
Xiao Qiyue made a bold move, the causal line turned into a suction cup, and sucked the Jiang Bozhishui in front of her with all her might.


He found that the waves changed suddenly.

The fellow took a deep breath and then hurriedly withdrew and retreated, while Ou Lian in the coffin seemed to react, and actually let out an 'hmm'.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiyue felt that she had fallen into a roaring river tide.

This is the power of the Great River Realm, which can instantly turn everything in front of you into a surging river.

Xiao Qiyue controlled the flying centipede to restrain the energy of her whole body, and immediately discovered the 'wave energy' in the waves.

Immediately, Xiao Qiyue felt relaxed when she felt that she had merged into the river.

"Ah... idiot, let me tell you, you are really not human, you are just 'born' from a clone of your mother." Ou Lian sighed.

"Avatars can also get married and have children?" Ou Shishi was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped.

"The levels are different, and it's hard for you to understand.

The vast majority of warriors in the world believe that the avatar is different from the main body. The avatar looks like flesh and blood, but it is actually a body of energy.

In fact, even a body of energy can produce feelings, get married and have children.

Even high-level avatars can be [-]% similar to the main body, they can live independently, have children, and kill people.

Of course, the original body of this avatar has already surpassed the realm of being a god. "Ou Lian said.

"Mother is a strong person in the Great River Realm?" Ou Shishi became excited.

"Hehe, but precisely because of this, she paid the price of sleeping for more than 100 years.

Once she wakes up, she can truly step into the high level of the Great River Realm.

Now you understand, it's not that I don't help you, it's that I'm waiting for an opportunity.

Once she wakes up, it's time for our Ou family to dominate Fang Tianyu and regain Fang Tian's 'leader'.

Of course, you are indeed too weak.I'll recreate it for you. "After Ou Lian finished speaking, a water polo with shining blue light flew out.

With a loud noise, Ou Shishi was immediately shattered.

"Only by disrupting and reorganizing can you gain a new life! You have to endure unbearable pain for ordinary people, hold back." Ou Lian said, a violent wave swallowed Ou Shishi's broken body.

Xiao Qiyue found that although Ou Shishi was broken into pieces, there were many causal lines entangled to the mahogany coffin.

The two of you are blood relatives, and there is a causal relationship, so let's change your 'cause and effect'.

Xiao Qiyue made another bold move, karma into the wild waves.

Since Ou Shishi is reorganizing, now is a good time to take advantage of her being disrupted to integrate into her own karma.

This is a bit like genetic recombination, Xiao Qiyue wants to change her genes.

Thus, a causal line emanated from Xiao Qiyue's consciousness and directly inserted into Ou Shishi's causal line.


Xiao Qiyue did it, he transferred the cause and effect of Ou Lian's loss to himself, and then transferred it to the pieces of Ou Lian after reorganization.

This is somewhat similar to program reorganization.

Of course, in order to avoid being discovered by Ou Lian, Xiao Qiyue only cut into the cause and effect 51 out of [-].

Because he thought of the holding in the group, as long as he owns 51% of the shares, he is the chairman and can control the entire group.

Of course, because Ou Lian's speed is too fast.

Therefore, Xiao Qiyue had to make another bold move to cover up the star space.

This, the risk factor is quite high.

It might be discovered by Ou Lian, and that would be troublesome.Because, the star space is his last hole card.

Using the ratio of time, Xiao Qiyue went through life and death, and kept interfering with and cutting through Ou Shishi's reorganization.

Ou Shishi succeeded in reshaping her body, and a more beautiful and more colorful female body appeared in front of her eyes.

so perfect!

It's like a statue of Venus.

At this time, a piece of blue orchid flew out of the coffin like a rainbow in the blue sky, wrapping Ou Shishi's beautiful carcass.

"Hehehe, that old man from 'Oubao Country' thinks that the Orchid Immortal Grass in the world is unique to them in Wulin Country. In fact, I have already stolen one." A secluded orchid is so beautiful and dazzling.

That orchid actually has 36 leaves.The whole body is blue, without any spots, like a transparent blue crystal, but this is a living blue crystal, Xiao Qiyue found that the veins inside are distinct, and the juice flow can be seen clearly.

Ou Shishi's carcass became blue, and soon, a grass spirit with eighteen leaves became Ou Shishi's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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