God catch

Chapter 935 Snake Scales

Chapter 935 Snake Scales
It seems that during this period of chaos in the world, there have been many super-power-improving mental methods, and everyone has raised several levels.

Like Luo Yidao, it was said that he was only at the peak of the ninth-level Spirit King Realm, but now he has suddenly reached the Split Body and Soul Realm, and there is still a big gap in the Divine Aperture Realm in the middle.

It seems that this Luo family is not as simple as it appears.

The more low-key you are, the more you hide your huge ambitions.

After all, with this kind of strength, he could have won the top three of the top ten aristocratic families long ago.

Luo Yidao, the patriarch, is like this, so wouldn't the ancestor of the Luo family, Luo Bo, be stronger?
"Where is there, His Majesty Xiao Huang has a lot of things to do every day, if he is willing to come, he will give Luo some face, please!" Luo Yidao smiled generously, and turned sideways to let the guest go first.

It is indeed a little too much for a strong person in the split body to behave so modestly.

What's more, here, he is the master.

Peel the cocoon!

Sure enough, Luo Yidao has a powerful restraint to prevent outsiders from peeping.

However, the current Xiao Qiyue is no longer Wuxia Amon.The line of cause and effect drives straight in, pushing into the 'afterlife'.

Xiao Qiyue's heart gradually became gloomy.

Because, he saw Senior Brother Haiyun in Luo Yidao's popularity.Moreover, I saw the treasure presented by my senior brother.

It was a leaf, a very large leaf, with a diameter of more than ten feet.

The cause and effect line was zoomed in and enlarged by N times, and Xiao Qiyue was taken aback immediately.

What a big snake!

Because that leaf is simply a snake scale.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue smelled a familiar smell.

When I thought about it, I was even more surprised.

Grandma's, isn't this the smell of the snake's tail in the whirlpool?

Could it be that what senior brother Haiyun picked up in Fang Tianjiang was a scale of that snake?

This dowry is generous enough, the Luo family is delighted.

Luo Yidao took the snake scale to the tallest turret in Heidelberg.

There, sitting cross-legged, was an old man who looked a little like him.

A cloak-like blue windbreaker floated backwards, with scale armor inside, sea beast boots, and a soft golden knife at the waist and hips.

Seeing Luo Yidao coming in, the old man opened his eyes, and suddenly, a snake shadow popped out of his eyes.Taking a closer look, it should be the shadow of a flood dragon.

Pulling closer to the shadow of the dragon, Xiao Qiyue burst into laughter, and the shadow of the dragon turned out to be a golden carp.

A carp jumps over the dragon gate and transforms into a dragon. Does this really happen in this world?

Regardless of whether Xiao Qiyue believed it or not, Luo Bo, the ancestor of the Luo family, believed it.

After seeing the snake scales handed over by his junior, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Hahaha, one knife, our Luo family is about to prosper."

"It seems to be just a snake scale, not a dragon's scale." Luo Yidao asked with some puzzlement.

"Idiot! Although it is a snake scale, its blood pressure is too strong. I can feel that this is a half-dragon scale. It is stronger than a pure water dragon. Where did it come from..."

So Luo Yidao told about Haiyun.

"Since there is one piece, there will be a second piece. You need to stabilize him first. I'll ask him about this first. Maybe there will be a bigger chance." Luobo thought for a while, and found a stone.

True Spirit Stone...

Looking at the stone, Xiao Qiyue read silently.

Moreover, he actually smelled a familiar smell from the stone.

This real spirit stone is a fake clone. Whose fake clone is this?
Luo Bo smashed into the stone, and the stone immediately turned into a real person.


Xiao Qiyue was taken aback, because the fake avatar was filled with terrifying demonic energy.

It was a middle-aged man in a black robe and black boots, his eyes swept across the snake scales.

Soon, a black light flew away.

After half a day, the black light flew back.

The fake clone came back to life, took out a dark stone, and handed it to Luo Bodao, "You did a good job! The devil agreed, this is the 'magic dragon technique', you can use this technique to turn carp into Jiao, on the day when the magic skill is accomplished, the carp jumps over the dragon gate, and the dream of a dragon soaring into the sea and flying nine days is truly realized."

"Thank you Demon Lord for your kindness!" Luo Bo was overjoyed, kneeling on the ground and taking the stone.

"Please tell me, there must be more than one scale, that guy must spit out all of them." After the fake clone finished speaking, it turned into a stone again.

Later, Hai Yun was in bad luck.

The Luo family first wooed him and gave him and Luo Qingmeng the best life.

However, the Luo family never got the secret.

Luobo became angry, showing his ferocious minions.

Forcing Luo Qingmeng to play Haiyun, Luo Qingmeng is also a strange woman, she would rather die than follow.

Luo Bo was furious, seeing that he couldn't force anything out, he immediately threw the two of them into the 'sea fire pit'.

It is a fire pit that burns up from the bottom of the sea. It cannot burn you to death all at once, but if you are tormented by the fire every day, life would be worse than death.

Xiao Qiyue's heart became more and more gloomy, and several people had already entered the lobby.

"A few years ago, did a master named Hai Yun come to your school?" Xiao Qiyue cut straight to the point after taking a sip of tea.

"Haiyun?" Luo Yidao was stunned, as if he couldn't remember, he asked the housekeeper Wei Jingyuan standing beside him.

When he first came to Fangtian Island, because a member of the Luo family was killed, Xiao Qiyue solved the case.

So, contact this person.At that time, Wei Jingyuan was only the third housekeeper of the Luo family, but now it seems that he has been promoted to the chief housekeeper.

Xiao Qiyue knew that Luo Yidao was playing dumb.Seeing that Wei Jingyuan was actually stalling for time, thinking about how to answer.

"The patriarch forgot, there was a master named Haiyun who came here. However, he left later." Wei Jingyuan glanced at the patriarch and replied calmly.

"Really?" Xiao Qiyue frowned slightly.

"Hehe, I remembered, it's true." Luo Yidao smiled.

"What is he here for?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Well, His Majesty Xiao Huang, is there a case involving him?" Luo Yidao asked.

"He and I are both from the state of Chu. The state of Chu is located in a remote place, and it is too far away from here. It is very kind to meet a person from my hometown. So, hello." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"That was, but he's gone now.

At that time, I also came to worship the mountain, thinking that our Luo family was looking for an errand.

It's just that he is too weak, and he is not satisfied with the errand we gave him, so he left. "Wei Jingyuan made it up casually.

"The news I got was different." Xiao Qiyue hummed.

"Oh, please tell your Majesty clearly." Luo Yidao pretended to be stunned and asked.

"Hehe, patriarch, please look at this." Xiao Qiyue smiled and threw out a jade mirror. Immediately, both sides of Luo Yidao's third brother Luo Zhitong appeared...

"Xiao Huang, it's very rude of you to act like this. Where is my third brother?" Luo Yidao immediately turned his face and looked at Xiao Qiyue coldly.

"Is it because I am not authentic or the Luo family is not authentic?" Xiao Qiyue slapped the table and stood up.

"Haiyun married Luo Qingmeng, a member of our family, but this person didn't know good from bad. In the end, he was driven away by us. Does our Luo family need His Majesty Xiao Huang's consent to drive out a servant?" Luo Yidao's second brother, Luo Feng, said arrogantly.

"It has nothing to do with me, but I want to tell you that Haiyun is my senior brother, as close as a brother." Xiao Qiyue turned to look at him.

"Hehehe, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple.

This, His Majesty Xiao Huang, we did not know it was your senior brother before.

Besides, Emperor Xiao was probably still in Chu State at that time.

It's just that Master Haiyun has been away for several years, we really don't know where he went? " Luo Yidao hit haha.

"What about Luo Qingmeng?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Sigh... Our Luo family is also a little embarrassed about this matter. Not long after Haiyun left, she also disappeared, and she said she went to find her husband." Luo Yidao said.

"Patriarch Luo, I'm here today to pick up my senior brother and sister-in-law." Xiao Qiyue's expression became more and more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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