God catch

Chapter 940

Chapter 940

"Master Demon King, you are finally here." The eyes of the ancestor of the Luo family were moist, and the old man was so excited. The name of the Demon King is Changhe, and he came from the mysterious 'Devil God Heaven'.

Of course, the ancestor of the Luo family also knew that what came was just a clone of the Demon King, and it could never be him.

It is said that his body has been practicing in Demon God Heaven for almost 100 years.

"I'm here to see which bastard dared to behead the demon king's prosthetic clone?" The demon king smiled with disdain on Chang He's face.

"It's that bastard Xiao Qiyue from the Six Fan Kingdom, this guy comes from a remote corner of Dachu.

Later, I didn't know what happened to Fang Tiandao, and he actually stepped on dog shit, and climbed to the throne of the emperor of the Six Fan Kingdom step by step.

And his senior brother Haiyun is shameless and wants to marry Luo Qingmeng, a girl from our Luo family, but our Luo family certainly refuses.

As a result, he called the door.

Even the true spirit stone you gave me, the Demon King, has been cut into pieces, you don’t know how arrogant that bastard is..." the ancestor of the Luo family added fuel.

"Stop rambling, I'm going to find him." Xiao Changhe waved his hand, and a trace of black smoke escaped into the air and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Old Ancestor, what realm is the Demon King? It's too terrifying." Luo Yidao licked his tongue.

"It's just a clone, but think about it, the strength of a fake clone has reached the four-in-one realm of gods, and this real clone has at least reached the peak of seven-in-one with gods. Maybe, half It is possible to step up the Great River Realm." The ancestor of the Luo family admired him.

"Xiao Qiyue is doomed. Hahaha, ancestor, should we take action and take the opportunity to seize the counties around Hyde City first? Otherwise, don't let the Ou family take the opportunity. I will ask them then It will be troublesome if you ask for it." Luo Yidao's ambition was greatly boosted, and he pointed his sword at the sky, as if to pierce the sky.

"Well, the devil is here, who are we afraid of? Rob, the surrounding area is our Heidelberg. At that time, we will establish Heidelberg." The ancestor of the Luo family rolled his eyes, discussed with the younger generation, and decided to make a move.

The medicine was almost ready, Xiao Qiyue boldly took out the box given by Duanmuhai.

"Be careful." Duanmuhai looked worried, because he couldn't even deal with the poisonous Qinglian.

"Brother Duan, once the situation changes, you should take people to evacuate immediately." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You're too risky." Duanmuhai's expression was rather ugly.

"There's no other way, Diyun and the others can't keep up with their strength, so I can only take a chance." Xiao Qiyue made up her mind.

"Okay, if it's really not possible, the most important thing is to save your life. If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood." Duanmu Hai responded.

"Brother Duan, you avoid it first!" Xiao Qiyue was left alone.However, when Xiao Qiyue opened the box.

Suddenly, something strange happened.

The lotus leaf twisted as if it was alive, as if trembling.

But at this moment, a stone jumped out of the Stone Man Mountain under the starry sky and hit the lotus leaf.

The lotus leaf fluttered and fell on the Stone Man Mountain.

Immediately, the small grass and flowers that had grown to inch long grew wildly.

Two inches...three inches...half a foot...one foot...one foot...

Immediately, the entire stone-like mountain was covered with flowers and plants.However, the tallest one is about one foot.

Shiren Mountain began to regain its vitality, and there was a faint aura floating in the mountains.

No!Not Reiki!

This is a special kind of gas, could it be fairy gas?

Xiao Qiyue was taken aback, and scanned the causal line, and sure enough, soon, the text appeared on the outer chapter of Shennong—primary immortal energy.

However, it was originally poisonous.

It's just that after being filtered by this stone man mountain, it becomes non-toxic and pure fairy energy, which can be used.

The surprise came so suddenly and so easily, even Xiao Qiyue was a little unexpected.

At this time, a dark stone broke out from the chest-like place of Stone Man Mountain and hit Xiao Qiyue.

Several large dark balls exploded and condensed into a few big characters - Wutian Shengong!
This seat created the "Wutian Shengong" by myself, there is no sky, no earth, the world, only I "smile without sky".

With a snap of the fingers and a smile, what is the sky, and what is the earth!Between heaven and earth, there is no sky and no way...

Gods, demons, Tao, who said that demons cannot become gods?
Soon, there was a live demonstration by the man in black, and Xiao Qiyue immersed himself in the crazy martial arts practice.

At this moment, there is no sky and no place in my mind, only myself is the biggest.

A year has passed, and Xiao Qiyue has finally entered the threshold, entering the first level of the 'Wu Tian Shen Gong' - no magic and no way.

This first level can transform various laws, it can transform demonic energy into righteous energy, and it can also transform Buddha energy into Dao energy...

The reason why the poison of the poison lotus was filtered by the Stone Man Mountain is because of Wutian Shengong.

Since then, Xiao Qiyue is also a living conversion filter that can convert poisonous gas into non-toxic gas.It can also convert non-toxic gas into poisonous gas.

It's so practical!
After another year, Xiao Qiyue was able to absorb the primary immortal energy.

And the lotus leaf shrunk in half after being absorbed for two years, and became a big hand.

Xiao Qiyue quietly entered the "Five-in-One Realm" of Heshen.

At the same time, Sea God Dan Dan succeeded.

The entire Medicine Ghost Valley is blue, like the sea.

Swallow the medicine and improve the energy.

Another year passed in the space of stars, and Xiang Dong's heartbeat accelerated, because he directly hit the triple element and stepped into the split body five soul realm.

Di Yun made a late move, surpassing Xiang Dong and crashing directly into the peak of the Split Body Realm.

Yuwen Dutian also has accumulated a lot of knowledge and has become a strong man in the split body and four souls.

Huang Tianliang's scream was the loudest, "I'm also in the Three Soul Realm!"

Needless to say, Hongchen smiled, and directly merged into the two-in-one state of the gods.

Duanmuhai also benefited a lot, and finally stepped into the realm of Heshen and God.

Weng Tian was the happiest, having become the three-in-one powerhouse of Heshen.

Tuoba Shixian is the most proud, and Xiao Qiyue's special care was not in vain, and he stepped into the two-in-one state of Heshen in one step.

Haiyun and his wife each raised one level, and they are in the three-in-one state of the gods.

Chu Zijiang was so excited that he almost lost his courage, unexpectedly, he was in the Realm of Split Body and Four Souls.

Needless to say, Zhuang Ruoling, with the help of five-color roses, broke out again, splitting into five souls.

Yang Xiao, the old alliance leader was also found by Xiao Qiyue quietly, and he also broke through to the state of two in one.


Six Fan Kingdom stood up.

The blood of the elders was boiling with enthusiasm, and there was an eruption of passion to dominate Fang Tianyu.

"Ah...why are you still awake..." The only thing that left me shocked was that the jade rabbit was still sleeping in its cocoon-like shell without a single movement.

Riding a horse on the way back.

Like the wind and the remaining clouds, the raised dust flew high into the sky, startling the birds to fly wildly.

"Your Majesty, how about we play a game of hunting when we are free in the future?" Huang Tianliang was enthusiastic.

"That's right, it's time to relax." Tuoba Shixian said with a smile.

"Stop!" Xiao Qiyue waved his hand suddenly, and the team stopped neatly.Everyone thought that Xiao Qiyue was going to lecture, and they all listened.

"Get ready to fight!" Xiao Qiyue's expression flashed serious.


Everyone drew their weapons without the slightest hesitation.

Because they know that His Majesty has a unique vision and can see far and clearly.

However, there was no movement around at all, at this moment, there was not even the slightest wind, let alone the roar of birds and beasts.

However, Xiao Qiyue didn't give an order, and everyone didn't dare to relax.

Nerves have been tense, of course uncomfortable.

"Seven kills in the Tibetan Sea, surround a thousand pine trees." Xiao Qiyue pointed to an old pine tree hundreds of meters away and gave the order.

Immediately, the iron hooves flew, Di Yun and others scattered in an instant, and succeeded in encircling them in just a few minutes.

The pine tree suddenly turned into a person.

(End of this chapter)

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