God catch

Chapter 944 Revealing the whereabouts of parents

Chapter 944 Revealing the whereabouts of parents
"Xiao Tiancheng...Tiancheng...well, there is someone named Xiao Tiancheng. But, that woman's name is not Liu Xiangyu." Xiao Ruoli said.

Immediately, Xiao Qiyue saw the tragic appearance of Xiao Ruoli's parents in the retrospect of Xiao Ruoli's popularity.

"Bastard!" Xiao Qiyue smashed a big hole into the ground with one palm.

"You two really look alike, troublesome." Xiao Ruoli felt a little chilled in her heart.

"Did my father be thrown into the 'Soul Stripping Land'? My mother must be in the 'Zhanqingtian'. They are suffering every day?" Xiao Qiyue's voice became more and more gloomy. Inadvertently destroyed, snowflakes suddenly fell in the sky.

"Alas... Decades ago, an important woman in the family, her name was Xiao Xiangyu, was originally appointed by the princess, but she fell in love with an ordinary warrior, and finally eloped.

Moreover, since then, the family treasure has also disappeared.

For this reason, the family believes that the woman and her lover were swept away, and they have been investigating.

A few years later, the woman was forced to return on the condition that the family spare her husband.

The family agreed at the time, but the woman would rather die after returning home, and was directly thrown into the "Zhanqingtian".

"Cut Love Heaven", ask what love is in the world, and it makes life and death agree.

The woman is tortured by beheading every day, life is worse than death.

And not long after, the members of the family lied to the woman and arrested her husband's family.

Moreover, they were thrown into the "soul stripping land" that was one day away from Zhanqingtian.

Between the sky and the ground is the scariest place for our family, I never thought that the two of them are actually Xiao Huang's parents. "Xiao Ruoli hesitated for a moment and stopped hiding.

Telling this kind of secret is risking her life for her. However, she loves the house and loves Luo Jia Beixiong. Naturally, the weight of the husband is greater than the criminal law of the family.

"I see, but how strong is my mother's clan?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"One level higher than us, my great-grandfather is the Demon King, but your mother's clan is the Demon King's clan.

In Demon God Heaven, their clan can squeeze into the top three.

And your mother is the princess of the Demon Royal Family, with a high status, who would have expected that she would actually fall in love with an ordinary warrior.

This is one of the conflicts, and the main one is that when your mother elopes, the family treasure disappears, which is the key to their suffering.

Therefore, you must not be impulsive, otherwise, people will not be saved, and you will lose your life in vain. "Xiao Ruoli looked solemn.

"Treasure?" Xiao Qiyue was startled suddenly, could it be the box that his mother left for him.

That is, Jiulong pulls the coffin and opens the mysterious box in the star space.

"Even if my mother is a princess of the Demon Emperor's Clan, it is impossible to steal the treasure of the Zong Clan. You know, the treasure of the Zong Clan must be guarded by someone with high strength. Is this wrong?" Xiao Qiyue said .

"Actually, most people in the clan think it's unfair, definitely unfair.

As you said, even though your mother was the princess of the Demon Royal Family at the time, it was impossible for her to steal the treasure of the clan.

After all, the supreme treasure of the clan must at least be guarded by a strong man in the Great River Realm.

Although your mother is a princess, it is impossible for her strength to surpass the Dajiang Realm.

It is precisely because of this that the chief clan actually suspected the Demon Emperor.

This time, the Demon Emperor was almost pissed off, and he jumped into a rage, so I arrested your parents and threw them into the Heaven of Severing Love and Land of Stripping Soul. "Smiling Ruoli said, with a bitter face, she said again, "Actually, I am also the princess of the Demon King's family. "

Things in the world are so strange, it is logically impossible for the mother to steal the treasure of the family, but the treasure was actually stolen by the mother.

Therefore, many things in this world are unclear.

This is as if who would have expected that the majestic King Li Chuang was killed by a farmer with a hoe.

"Who is the Demon Emperor?" Xiao Qiyue couldn't help asking.

"Xiao Zhenjun!" Xiao Ruoli said, Xiao Qiyue almost swallowed her tongue.

I rely on!

Isn't this the character in a true spirit stone given to him by the president of the Royal Academy?
'Thousands of Swords and Flowing Clouds Returning to the Sect' is still comprehended from that stone by myself.

Sleepy fruit, cause and effect, it seems that all of these are quietly related to me.

Xiao Qiyue decided to visit the dean Shangguan Qiuse again.

With Feng and Yun leading the way, Xiao Qiyue met the dean smoothly.

However, upon seeing Xiao Qiyue, Shangguan Qiuse raised his eyebrows, and his popularity was filled with joy.

It was only now that he remembered that the dean seemed to have entrusted Feng Heyun to give him a treasure that should have belonged to him.

I was very busy during this time, so I forgot about it for a while.Since it was given by the person in the mysterious picture, it must be expected.

"Hahaha, genius, it's really a blessing for Fang Tianyu." Shangguan Qiuse laughed loudly.

"Could it be that this guy has made meritorious service again?" Feng Heyun next to him saw the dean's expression, and couldn't help but feel a sour feeling in his heart. He glanced at Xiao Qiyue, and couldn't help cursing in his heart, "What a pervert !"

"Emperor Xiao must have been promoted again. I can't catch up with He Yun." Feng Heyun cupped his hands, and his words were full of sour taste.

"Hey... He Yun, don't compare yourself with him. Otherwise, you will end up with demons, which will be disadvantageous." Shangguan Qiuse shook his head.

"Congratulations to His Majesty Xiao Huang for achieving the position of Heshen." Feng Heyun had no choice but to congratulate upon hearing this.

I also had to be convinced in my heart, I thought that with the help of the dean, I was promoted to the state of split body and five souls again, which was already a supernatural gift.

How could he have expected that he had already entered the realm of the gods?
However, Feng Heyun believes that Xiao Qiyue has just stepped into Heshen at most.

If he knew that Xiao Qiyue had created a few Heshen Realm subordinates in the star space within a year, he wondered if he would be so angry that he vomited blood and died.

"He Yun, you still underestimate Emperor Xiao." The dean shook his head.

"Underestimate, He Yun dare not! His Majesty Xiao Huang has a peerless posture, he holds six kingdoms in his hand, and is also the little god of the Medicine League. He has achieved the position of Medicine King, and he has a tendency to compete with the Great Xia League. How dare He Yun underestimate it?" His Majesty Xiao Huang." Feng Heyun was modest on the surface, but in fact, he was still a little unconvinced.

Privately, I think that the dean spoils this genius kid too much.

Anyway, I, Feng Heyun, have worked hard for the Royal Academy, and I have worked hard without credit.

Over the years, the Royal Academy's prestige is inseparable from my efforts.


"His Majesty Xiao Huang is already a little supernatural being who is about to step into the 'big river'." The dean added a knife, and Feng Heyun was so stupid that he was cute.The reservedness of the past is gone, and she looks like a nympho, with saliva coming to her lips without knowing it.

After a long time, a word came out, "Pervert!"

"Hahaha, you're so perverted." The dean is in a particularly good mood today.

However, Xiao Qiyue was secretly surprised.

Because, he used the causal line to spy on the dean again, and only saw a rushing river.

Needless to say, Mr. Dean must be a strong person in the 'Great River Realm'.

It seems that the heaven and earth list has to be raised again.

Heshen Realm is not eligible to be on the list. It is estimated that the minimum threshold for the list is 'Great River Realm'.

Xiao Qiyue's mood was unprecedentedly heavy, and such a small magician like the dean was still very weak in the eyes of the master behind the empty words.What is the realm of that guy?
However, even that guy seems to be worried about Fang Tianyu's future.

What kind of strength is behind the scenes that can threaten Fang Tianyu's peace?

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Thinking back to Moshentian, Xiao Qiyue was in a particularly bad mood, and it was difficult to save her parents.

"Forget it, don't compare. If you compare again, I will be pissed off, His Majesty Xiao Huang, from now on, I will be convinced." Feng Heyun was sincere and convinced.

Cause and effect deduction!

(End of this chapter)

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