God catch

Chapter 968

Chapter 968

Because, a thick stone gate outside the cave where the Ganoderma lucidum grows has been smashed, and half of it fell down, and even the hard iron essence rocks on both sides collapsed half of it.

Someone's already there.

Well, it's late!

Xiao Qiyue couldn't help cursing, and quickly rushed in.

The scene in front of me is really weird. Hundreds of skeletons are actually lined up in a domino posture. Each dead bone is strung together with its hands against the back of the dead bone in front of it, enclosing the ganoderma. layer.

And the withered bone at the front was completely black, and a terrible black air could be seen from afar.

Even though this person has been dead for many years, the black energy emitted from his body can still sway in the air like water plants.

Xiao Qiyue was startled.

God, the black energy gushing out from this dead bone covered in black energy is actually the energy of 'Heitu'.

'Black Tu' is the unique skill of Leng's family in Baishi City outside the territory, and it came out of the stone statue.

Unexpectedly, the Leng family in Baishi City had already sent some masters into the secret realm.

After visual inspection, it is certain that these dead bones died hundreds of years ago.

Reminiscent of the fact that Leng's family needed the dew of a thousand moons to nourish the stone statue, Xiao Qiyue wondered if the Ganoderma lucidum also had the dew of a thousand moons hidden in it.

Otherwise, how could there be a strong aura of the thousand moon yin in the entire secret realm.

The deceased of the Leng family was posing in a squatting position, with both palms facing the huge Ganoderma lucidum.

Apparently, all these strong men united and concentrated their true essence on the strong man of the Leng family to launch the most powerful attack on Ganoderma lucidum.

The Leng family strongman hundreds of years ago must have been at least a super strong man in the Dajiang Realm. It is estimated that there are as many as seventy or eighty Dajiang branches in his dantian.

And so many experts failed to destroy the Ganoderma lucidum, then the strength of this Ganoderma lucidum is simply too terrifying.

What about the stone statue?
Xiao Qiyue searched quickly, trying to find the mysterious stone statue of the first person.

However, he was quite disappointed because he couldn't find it.

Could it be that the stone statue was destroyed by Ganoderma lucidum?
In other words, the old man of the Leng family fought hard and was finally ruined.

It is somewhat impossible to destroy it, because there is no trace of an explosion at the entire site.

If the stone statue exploded, the cave would definitely be destroyed as well.

If the stone statue is not destroyed, it must have been taken away by the Ganoderma lucidum demon spirit.

Xiao Qiyue looked at the huge Ganoderma lucidum in the center. Judging from the causal derivation from the previous husky's dog spirit, this Ganoderma lucidum seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Ganoderma lucidum is very quiet, and the sesame gas is still densely distributed in the air like water plants, forming a rather dreamy world.

Xiao Qiyue didn't dare to think that this Ganoderma lucidum was very gentle. After all, to make so many strong people die locally, her little skill was definitely not enough.

The sky cloth rises!

It covered the entire King Wu's secret realm, but this Ganoderma lucidum made Xiao Qiyue feel quite uncomfortable like a thorn on its back.

After all, the core area is occupied by it.

If you can't subdue it, this secret realm is incomplete, and it is like an untimely bomb, which may hurt yourself at any time.

Xiao Qiyue decided to try boldly, and he broke Heitu's hand.

Suddenly, as soon as Heitu came out, a miracle happened.

Xiao Qiyue found that there was a black spot in the heart of each withered bone.

And the black dots connected into a line, but it was interrupted when there were ten people away from the first dry bone.

And there is actually a trace of markings moving on the body of the broken dry bones.

Zebra, Xiao Qiyue got into it because of cause and effect, and almost swallowed his tongue.

Grass egg!

Isn't this the flavor of the "Chaotic Yin-Yang Ginseng King" of Medicine God Sect?
Because I had just devoured a plant, it felt particularly obvious.

Xiao Qiyue understood a little bit, it must be the strong man of Yao Shenzong who cut off the plan of so many strong men to join forces.

As a result, the transmitted energy was transferred or removed from him, which made the first-ranked Baishi city powerhouse suddenly lose the follow-up energy supply. As a result, he was killed by Ganoderma lucidum.

And the powerhouse of the God of Medicine Sect didn't get any favors, probably because they were discovered by the powerhouse of the Black Tu, and they finally turned back, and the ending was to die together.

Xiao Qiyue became more and more courageous. He tried to remove the strong man from the God of Medicine Sect, and then connected the one behind with the one in front.

Suddenly, a miracle happened.

Heitu flickered, and streaks of light emerged like waves.

And the powerful black slaughter air colluded instantly, forming an irresistible column of black air and pushing forward.

Heitu hit Ganoderma lucidum, and Lingzhi swayed unexpectedly.

Zhi gas moved.

Responding, Xiao Qiyue simply rushed to the back of the last withered bone, put his hands on it, and broke into the aura of the black slaughter.

Immediately, an even more turbulent Heitu charged forward.

Ganoderma lucidum seemed to be irritated at this moment, and when she shook it, a noble, indifferent, and extremely glamorous face appeared on the canopy of Ganoderma lucidum.

She looked at Xiao Qiyue coldly like a queen, but Xiao Qiyue slammed and almost sat down on the ground.

God, another woman who looks exactly like Luo Yue.

"I'm here to rescue you from the sea of ​​suffering." Xiao Qiyue took a step forward, clasped his hands together, and sat cross-legged on top of the first withered bone.The great light emits dazzling light, as if the gods and Buddhas were reincarnated.

"Dog thief, did you change your vest and think that this girl doesn't know about your plot?" Lingzhi girl asked angrily.

"Misunderstanding, I'm really not one of them." Xiao Qiyue's head grew a little bit older.

"You still want to lie, if you're not with them, why do you own Heitu?" Lingzhi girl snorted.

"Owning Heitu does not mean that you are from Baishi City. It's like, I also have the dew of the thousand moon shadows. Am I also on the same side as you? Wrong, wrong, I am really on the same side as you .” Xiao Qiyue quickly took out a large honeycomb-like ball of thousand-fold moon dew that she got from Qinglian Saintess.

"Dog, I know, you must belong to Heitu. You thought I didn't know, but you came here just for 'it'." Lingzhi girl pointed to the nectar ball in Xiao Qiyue's hand.


Xiao Qiyue was thrown to the ground by the air pressure of the water plant-like Zhi Ling.


Really tough!

Xiao Qiyue exhausted all her strength, Fang Tianjiang exploded, and the sky was raging, trying to push away the pressure of Zhiqi, but it was useless.

"Say, did Leng Mantian ask you to come here?" Miss Lingzhi pressed down, and Xiao Qiyue was about to be crushed.

"Who is Leng Mantian? I really don't recognize him?" Xiao Qiyue said truthfully.

"If you still want to quibble, then the girl will not be polite." Girl Lingzhi hummed, and with a flash of purple light, a Ganoderma lucidum flew out and landed on Xiao Qiyue's Tianling cover.

Immediately, the ganoderma burrowed into Xiao Qiyue's head.

In just a few seconds, the Ganoderma lucidum survived and began to grow wildly.

And Ganoderma lucidum needs fertilizer to grow, and where the fertilizer comes from, of course it is absorbed from Xiao Qiyue.

The energy in her body was passing away rapidly, and in just a thousand breaths, Xiao Qiyue found that she had changed from a young man in his thirties to a 50-year-old man.

Xiao Qiyue didn't dare to think about what to do next.

The spirit absorption method of this Ganoderma lucidum is actually somewhat similar to the cultivation method of Orchid Grass. Orchid Grass is also sown in the body of a living person, and finally absorbs the essence of a living person and grows stronger.

Xiao Qiyue just turned her mind around a few times, and found that she was wrinkled all over, her face was like a child's hair, and her body was aging to 70 years old.

But the Ganoderma lucidum grew bigger and bigger, from the thickness of a finger to the thickness of a bowl.

One goes up and down, and if it goes on, it will definitely be done by myself, turning it into fertilizer to help Lingzhi girl cultivate a small Ganoderma lucidum.

(End of this chapter)

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