God catch

Chapter 970 Fang Tianguo Becomes History

Chapter 970 Fang Tianguo Becomes History

The secret realm of King Wu disappeared, and it was completely absorbed by Tianbu, and became a piece of cloth that Xiao Qiyue carried with him.

This is also a complete small world belonging to Xiao Qiyue.

Not long after Xiao Qiyue returned to China, Fang Tianguo actually announced a big event.

Grandson Haitao decided to invest in the Six Fans Kingdom, and Fang Tianguo was planned to be a province of the Six Fans Kingdom.

This is also the first province of the Six Fan Kingdom, because there were only 36 counties and no provinces before.

This news caused a sensation in Fang Tiandao.

"Eldest Sun Haitao can't get into his head."

"Eighty percent."

"It should be because of His Majesty Xiao Huang's character."

"Shit, he must have been forced to surrender."



There are all kinds of comments, Fang Tianguo caused a big storm, and some elders of the Changsun family rebelled, but, a few days later, they were violently suppressed by the Six Fan Kingdoms and Fang Tiansheng.

Ouyang was appointed by Xiao Qiyue as the chief guard of the six-fan kingdom's palace, and Tuoba Shixian, who returned with full blood, and whose skill had been promoted to the Three Meridian Dajiang Realm, became Xiao Qiyue's right-hand man.

This time, after entering the secret realm and returning, all eleven of Xiao Qiyue's subordinates were advanced.

The worst ones also entered the Heshen Three Changes, and the highest ones were Tuoba Shixian, Di Yun, Hai Yun, and Weng Tian, ​​all four of whom entered the realm of the great river.

And Haiyun rose the fastest because of the support of fish and dragons, stepping into the realm of the eight veins of the great river.

A few days later, Xiao Qiyue entered the temple of the Six Fan Kingdom again.

Moreover, it went directly to the fifth pass - the Emperor Catcher Nishuihan Pass.

In the ice city, the water is still flowing upwards.

"You're here again, let me see if you have achieved the five transformations of Heshen?" Ni Shuihan sat cross-legged on the top of the tower, he let out a long breath and opened his eyes.

Suddenly, the pupils twitched.

"Surprised, isn't it?" Xiao Qiyue looked up at him and smiled contentedly.

"It's true, but it must be caused by an adventure. Therefore, I can only say that you are lucky, but it does not reflect your genius nature." Nishuihan immediately recovered his calm.

"That's true. My luck has never been bad. However, luck will not be given to people for no reason." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Are you here to show off to me?" Ni Shuihan asked.

"No." Xiao Qiyue shook her head and said, "I want to find out the case of Jiang Ziqiu, the king of war. However, I need to unseal a mysterious golden egg from outside the territory. However, that golden egg is too powerful, even with me We are still not 100% sure about our current strength.”

"So, you came to ask me for the best extreme cold technique in the world." Nishuihan asked.

"Emperor Catcher sealed the river with his palm back then. When it comes to the art of extreme cold, no one in the world can beat you, Emperor Catcher." Xiao Qiyue flattered you.

"That's true, of course, it can only be said to put aside the level of skill and only look at the art of extreme ice.

This Emperor's 'Infinity Ice Soul Magic Art' is indeed unique.

Over the years, this emperor has been perfecting this technique, not to mention sealing the river with one palm, if it can be done well, it can completely achieve "sealing the domain with one palm".

Hehehe, it's just that this kind of martial art only exists in the theoretical stage so far, and I haven't really tried it.

Moreover, with my strength, I can't reach that level.

However, if you are so lucky, there will definitely be opportunities in the future.

So, I'm more than willing to hand it over to you.

It's just that there is no free lunch in the world, as long as you can beat me, it will be yours. "As Nishuihan said, he took out a piece of ice and shook it.

"I've been thinking, you're just a clone. And where did your body go?" Xiao Qiyue said.Cause and effect penetration, cut into the popularity of the Emperor Catching clone, cause and effect deduction, backwards...

"Your life lies in the common people." Xiao Qiyue only heard a tall figure say this sentence, and left all the way in the ice.

Behind him, there was snow falling all the way in July, which was amazing.

"After you defeat me, everything will be known." Nishuihan said.

"Your life lies in the common people." Xiao Qiyue said suddenly.

At this moment, the Emperor Catcher's avatar has a very funny expression, with the potential of being a fool.

"Seal the river with one palm!" Ni Shuihan struck with his palm in an instant.

Suddenly, the world was extremely cold, and a big river was covered.

Xiao Qiyue's thoughts had been frozen before he thought about it, he was like an ice sculpture standing on Mount Everest.

It is certain that the Emperor Catcher avatar is also a strong man in the Great River Realm.

Moreover, the moment Xiao Qiyue came over from the ice, he saw 48 branches of the river.

Unexpectedly, the avatar of the emperor is actually a strong man in the 48th vein of the Great River, isn't it similar to the Demon Emperor Xiaozhenjun of the Demon God Heaven.

You know, it's just a clone of it...

Xiao Qiyue had to re-evaluate the level of arresting the emperor.

He should be an existence above the Dajiang Realm, a true supernatural being, no wonder the tall figure derived from the cause and effect looks like a god.

"Hahaha, you are still too immature! Young man, luck will not follow you forever." Nishuihan laughed wildly.

"Really?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"of course."

"Is it just this move?" Xiao Qiyue asked again.

"One move is enough, can you still force me to use the second move? Then I will be defeated.

However, that is absolutely impossible.

Thinking that the emperor doesn't know, you have hidden your strength and revealed it.

On the surface, it seems that you are only in the Dajiang Realm, but in fact, you are already a strong Dajiang Realm with 27 branches.

But so what? "Nishuihan raised his eyebrows, unprecedentedly confident.

"How far can you seal the river with your palm?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"How big is the range, a hundred feet is enough." Nishuihan replied, "However, you are so wordy. I know you can't break my palm to seal the river. How about it, as long as you call me old brother, I will Just turn on the water and let you out."

"I see." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"You understand a hammer." Ni Shuihan rolled his eyes.

"Because you want to go out. So, you don't hesitate to let the water go." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Don't you want me to release the water?" Ni Shuihan sneered.

"No need!" Xiao Qiyue laughed, and the sky cloth flashed on her body, click!

The ice cubes sealed outside immediately brittle, and amidst crackling and crackling sounds, Nishuihan's palm of Feng Jiang completely shattered, turning into a pile of crushed ice slag.

Because Nishuihan didn't find Xiao Qiyue's sky cloth either.

The range of Tianbu is more than 1000 miles, but Nishuihan only seals the area of ​​​​[-] feet around Xiao Qiyue.

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Qiyue destroyed the sky cloth, the sky cloth stretched open, how could the ice seal block the power of King Wu's secret realm.

What's more, the hundreds of dead bones in the sky cloth have been cultivated by Xiao Qiyue into an army of dead bones.

Among this group of powerful withered bones, there are also former owners of stone statues and masters of the God of Medicine Sect.

Of course, Xiao Qiyue, the leader and the master of the God of Medicine Sect, have not been trained into the Withered Bones Legion yet.

Because, the mystery about the two of them is still waiting for Xiao Qiyue to study it when he has time.

However, just those few hundred strong men are enough.

"You have a super ice-breaking technique, why do you need my Wuji Ice Soul magical skill?" Nishuihan's old face was a little uneasy.

"One size fits one size. Actually, boy, I took a chance." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"What secret technique are you using?" Nishuihan was very curious.

"Where are my things? And, what about the secret of your body leaving?" Xiao Qiyue stretched out her hand.

"Here you are!" Nishuihan was Nishuihan, without any hesitation, he threw the real ice stone to Xiao Qiyue, and said, "As for the secret of his departure, as you said, your life lies in common people.

Because, he has long felt the danger.

It was felt hundreds of years ago.

So, he left me to go outside the domain.

However, for hundreds of years, he never came back. "

(End of this chapter)

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