God catch

Chapter 981 The Master Appears

Chapter 981 The Master Appears
"Because you couldn't catch up, so you gave up?" Douli Ke said with some disappointment in his tone.

"It's not that I can't catch up, it's because I haven't understood your realm yet." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Oh?" The bamboo hat guest was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What does this have to do with realm?"

"There is nothing above the great river, I now know that above the great river is the 'empty realm'." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You're not stupid, and even a fool can't understand it.

Maybe I'm asking too much of him.

However, you can continue to chase, you and I are now fifty miles away, if you can get closer by just a finger, I will give you a fortune. "The bucket hat guest said.

"Okay!" Xiao Qiyue didn't hesitate this time, drank two bottles of nectar in one go, ate ten Neptune Pills, and chased after her vigorously.

Moreover, the six hands stuffed high-level elixir into his mouth alternately.

If this is seen by the warriors, I don't know if it will be heartbroken to death.

It's too much of a prodigal, the tenth grade panacea is like eating jelly beans.


When Xiao Qiyue was still, she saw that the man was nothing, but when she exerted her strength, Xiao Qiyue finally caught a trace of the man's popularity.

Just recognize this, and Xiao Qiyue's causal net has spread hundreds of miles around.

Xiao Qiyue captured all the air movements in this range, and then deduced their movement changes, and chased after the wind.

As a result, the speed is about doubled compared to before.Moreover, it is actually more labor-saving.

However, Xiao Qiyue was surprised to find that even though her speed had increased and her popularity had been captured, she still couldn't catch up.

Because, that person really does not run slower than himself.

At this moment, Xiao Qiyue found that there was a yellow thread wrapped around that person.

The cause and effect of the two of us...

Moreover, there is a touch of kindness, care, and respect in this layer of cause and effect...

Who is he?
Xiao Qiyue's heart was shaken, so you're welcome, 'cause and effect interference'.

Xiao Qiyue implemented it directly, cutting in directly with the line of cause and effect, which interfered with that person's popularity.

Suddenly, the man trembled.

"Slow down!" Xiao Qiyue thought in her heart, cutting her thoughts into causal interference.

Sure enough, that person's popularity flickered and his speed slowed down.

"Hahahaha, boy, you really have some tricks! I lose, and here you are." The man also felt it, and a trace of wild laughter came.

A silver scale surged towards Xiao Qiyue, and Xiao Qiyue's eyes were filled with brilliant silver light.

Xiao Qiyue's great light rose up, and the silver scales were absorbed by the great light.

After a long time, Xiao Qiyue opened her eyes, and saw on the palm of her hand, there was a gorgeous and bright silver character - Wu!

"Sure enough, it's the master, this cheap old man, just give some benefits and still toss people like this. It's useless to be a teacher..." Xiao Qiyue scolded with a smile.

His wizard level has been raised to the silver level, and he has stepped into the ranks of great wizards.

Although so far, Xiao Qiyue has not seen what wizards can bring to herself.

However, Xiao Qiyue knew that its effect was subtle.

The upgrade of one's own causal line, the strengthening of causal inference ability, the expansion of great light, the rapid breakthrough of martial arts, the agility of the mind, and the nimbleness of the four feet are all related to the increase in the level of the wizard.

Xiao Qiyue dripped a drop of blood, when the blood flowed onto the bright silver witch characters.

The bright silver flickered, and soon, Xiao Qiyue saw a blur.

In that blur, Xiao Qiyue even saw the shadows of his parents in an instant.

This is the great witch's ability to calculate, seize the good fortune of the world, and calculate the cause and effect of the world.

At this time, another shadow flashed by.

Xiao Qiyue was suddenly alert, and suddenly turned his head, he saw Leng Qiuyue.

This girl is dressed in white clothes today, she is as cold and arrogant as the tender moon in the sky, her eyes are burning with unyielding flames.

"It's not a breach of my oath to kill you now! Xiao Qiyue, you have brought me humiliation, but you paid with your life." Leng Qiuyue looked at him indifferently, her fierce murderous aura had sealed off the surrounding area.Amidst the terrifying murderous aura roiling like a river, it was impossible for Xiao Qiyue to escape.

"I'm very disappointed in you." Xiao Qiyue shook her head lightly.

"A dead person, what right do you have to say this to me? Xiao Qiyue, you are very pitiful." Leng Qiuyue asked.

"No, you are wrong. It's not me who is pitiful, but you." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Joke, I am pitiful, what am I pitiful for?
Although I am not the strongest in the Heroes League, I am also ranked second.

Belonging to people who are under one person and above ten thousand people.

In Baishi City, I am a genius in the family.

The family has nurtured me and valued me, so what is there to be pitiful about?

On the contrary, you, who came from a wild background, actually want to stir up Fang Tianyu's rivers and rivers, you are too overconfident.

The result is a natural tragedy, which is death. " Leng Qiuyue snorted.

"Cultivate you, value you, shit!
If the family values ​​you so much, it will not make you a victim of marriage.

You don't have to escape to this side of Tianyu either.Even for the Hero League, you are very pitiful.

You seem to be under one person and above ten thousand people, but you are not even as good as a dog beside Brother Jin.

Because, they are guarding against you, have you ever had an important meeting?

Have you discussed major matters in the alliance with you?Ridiculous, too ridiculous.

Also, there are many strong people in the Daxia League, which you can't even imagine.

Even yours..." Xiao Qiyue stopped abruptly after speaking here.

"You fart, you talk, even yours? Tell me soon?" Leng Qiuyue was anxious.The chest rose and fell violently, and the murderous aura rose and fell like waves, shaking the surrounding trees into pieces.

"Don't you know? You are so pitiful." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Are you fooling me?" Leng Qiuyue immediately realized.

"Let me ask you, did your parents die tragically, and did your whole family of [-] die?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"You..." Leng Qiuyue looked surprised.

"You're right, but you can't even avenge yourself." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"That's because I'm not strong enough. Once I am strong, I will crush them." Leng Qiuyue roared.

"Did they tell you that your parents and clan were all killed by the people of Xiantai Garden. Because the people of Xiantai Garden coveted the statue of Baishi City." Xiao Qiyue said, just now, using the calculation of the witch, combined with Feitian Centipede remake.Xiao Qiyue unexpectedly caught Leng Qiuyue's thoughts in an instant, as well as the familiar scent of Brother Jin.

"Isn't it, my parents and I went to Fang Tianyu to reunite.

It was Daxiameng who gave my family everything, and we lived a beautiful life.

But it was Sendaien that ruined everything for us.

In countless dreams, I have torn the Sendai Garden into pieces.

In countless dreams, I can dream of the blood of my parents and brothers.

I hate it so much, but I believe that in the near future, I will definitely destroy Sendai Garden. "Leng Qiuyue gritted her teeth.

"You really recognize the thief as your father, it was the Daxia League who brought your parents and brothers, a total of six people.

They did pay a high price, but the purpose of bringing your parents and brothers here is to make you die for the heroes.

No, it should be said that he worked his life for Baishicheng.

However, your disobedience and arrogance made Brother Jin angry again.

So, just kill your parents and brothers directly.

In the end, the fault was assigned to Sendai Garden.And the more than 100 clansmen who stayed in Baishi City did not lose any benefits, and all died.

Now it's all right, you're dead set.

However, you are working for the enemy.You are so pathetic. "Xiao Qiyue hummed.

Xiao Qiyue actually captured the tragedy of Leng Qiuyue's family through the use of the flying centipede and borrowing a third person for causal deduction.

(End of this chapter)

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