God catch

Chapter 984 Soul Palace Chain

Chapter 984 Soul Palace Chain
It took only a few minutes for this matter to spread throughout the Six Fan City, and people continued to come one after another. Soon, hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic citizens gathered in front of the Six Fan Palace.

"Listen everyone, for His Majesty's safety, prevent spies from sneaking in and approaching His Majesty, and follow my order to retreat a hundred feet." Tuoba Shixian was in a hurry.

However, when he yelled, the common people quickly receded like a tide.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay." Xiao Qiyue shook her hand.

"Fathers and brothers of the Six-Fan Kingdom, I, Xiao Qiyue, would like to thank you. It was me, the emperor, who was incapable of letting the Six-Fan Palace be destroyed by gangsters. Fortunately, the patron saint of my Six-Fan Kingdom appeared and put an end to the sneak attack. Those." Xiao Qiyue shouted.

"Is the patron saint the old catcher against the water?" Someone screamed excitedly.

"Your Majesty, is it a dog thief from the Hero League who attacked our Six-Fan Palace? I heard that man is called Big Brother Gold?"

"The Daxia League is too despicable and shameless. We want to destroy the Daxia League and eliminate harm for the people."

"It's all hypocrites, destroy them..."

"Destroying my six-fan palace is tantamount to fucking my house, and vowing to destroy the heroes and allies of dogs and thieves."


The crowd was furious, and at this moment, the Six-Fan Palace became a square full of excitement.

Xiao Qiyue discovered that Da Guangxiang was also growing up crazily.

"Your Majesty, you are the pride of the Six Fan Kingdom, a hero, and a pillar in the hearts of the people. Your merits are immeasurable..." Yuwen Dutian led all his ministers to worship Xiao Qiyue's great light.

"I, Xiao Qiyue, am just an ordinary person, but I believe that as long as we are united, the Six Fan Kingdom will always stand in Fang Tianyu. The Six Fan Kingdom will be Fang Tianyu's hope and the mainstay for maintaining Fang Tianyu's peace and tranquility..." Xiao Qiyue is generous The statement further ignited the fiery feelings of the people.

"Unify Fang Tianyu, raise my six fans..."

Bursting with fiery heat and expansive great light.

At this moment, the growth of the great light is faster than all the past, it is like a full moon rising into the sky to reflect the people of the six fans.

Bathed in great light, the people of Six Fans have a special sense of security.

The people were stunned, and the scene was very quiet. They all stared blankly at the great light in the sky, as if they were paying homage to the god of the Buddha world.

A black chain flew from far away, like a gloomy ancient giant snake, and instantly engulfed the great light in the sky.

Soul chain!
Xiao Qiyue was startled suddenly, this is one of the powerful weapons used by the strong in the soul palace that the lord of the underworld gate, Tianyuan, said.

Once put into this chain, your soul can be taken away in an instant.

And the person who took the shot obviously knew that the 'Great Light' is the virtue of human life.

"Evil barrier, get out!"

Xiao Qiyue is so angry that you are forced to come here to make trouble before you finish pretending.

However, since you are here, I can just use you as a 'prop' to force me back.

Then, he yelled at the soul chain, and the Dazhen Lion's Roar Kung Fu burst out instantly. This set of Kung Fu skills was cultivated to the extreme, but it was a terrifying spell that could injure the enemy across a field, and clouds flew in the air.

With a loud bang, the chain of the soul chain was suddenly shaken, and the chain of the soul was bent.

However, the strong man in the soul palace seemed unwilling, and the soul chain straightened and collapsed into a giant arrow, jumping forward and rushing forward.


Xiao Qiyue yelled again, and the 36 branches of Dajiang, which had been sneaking into the air with the ethereal Taoist body, swelled rapidly and exploded instantly.

The soul chain trembled suddenly, and fell into a trap like a twisted rope.

The chain struggled desperately to get out of the trap, but Xiao Qiyue made it do what it wanted.

Opening his mouth and sucking, the soul chain was caught and pulled, like being pulled by a strong magnet, and rushed towards him.

Xiao Qiyue stretched out her hand to grab it, and the soul chain fell into the palm of her hand.

In a dark corner somewhere in Six Fan City, a black air billowed and turned into a cloud of smoke and dust, trying to escape.

"If you want to go, go 'drink tea' with me." Xiao Qiyue Buddha's avatar lit up, and a great light fell on the cloud of smoke and dust.

Smoke and dust twisted and roared, but in the end, it was taken away by the great light.

In the air, a twisted black soul-clothed man was thrown out.

"Long live my emperor..."

This pretense is too flattering, and the enthusiasm of the people is even more ignited, and the admiration is like the tide of a great river.

The great light expanded again, absorbing the people's admiration for merit.

"Everyone, the one who appeared just now is a master from the Soul Palace.

The Soul Palace is the superior of the Underworld Sect, and it is also a super killer organization. They kill people and seize souls, harming the world.

His Majesty the Emperor eliminates harm for the people, acts for the heavens, and exalts the might of the heavens..." Tuoba Shixian took the opportunity to preach.

The Six-Fan Palace became a boiling ocean, and they forced out the last trace of "worship" in their souls and offered them up.

"How is the performance of all parties recently?" The enthusiastic people finally retreated, and Xiao Qiyue returned to the palace.

"Everyone is waiting and watching." Huang Tianliang said.

"A group of ghosts who are afraid of death know that the Daxia League is controlled by Baishicheng, an extraterritorial force, but they still wait and see. Do they really have to wait until Fang Tianyu is invaded by an extraterritorial force and become slaves before they wake up?" Xiang Dong looked angrily.

"Good birds choose trees to live in. Your Majesty, you can't blame them. Who wants to die with the weak?" Yuwen Dutian said with a fair face.

"Well, our strength is not enough for them to join the team immediately. I guess we will have to wait until we have a big battle with the Daxia League, and they will make a decision after seeing the strength." Hai Yun said.

"Internal troubles and external troubles, we haven't even solved Ou Lian, how can we convince all parties? The ancients said that we must first settle the internal affairs. Your Majesty, shouldn't it be time to solve Ou Lian?" Zhuge Yinyue suggested.

"Don't worry, someone is more anxious than us, wait." Xiao Qiyue smiled mysteriously.

At this moment, a green light flew into Ouyang's hand.

Ouyang glanced at it and immediately reported, "Report to Your Majesty, something happened to Fangtian Academy."

"Oh? Maybe something happened to Ou Yuanyuan?" Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"That's right! Ou Yuanyuan was killed." Ouyang said.

"That's all right, Ou Yuanyuan is Ou Lian's direct descendant, Ou Lian will definitely not be able to sit still now." Huang Tianliang smiled happily.

"Your Majesty, it doesn't seem to be a good thing. Someone pretended to be Zhuge Yong, the emperor of the Six Fans, and killed Ou Yuanyuan." Ouyang said.

"Well, who is so unscrupulous that they use such indecent means?" Huang Tianliang was so angry that his lungs exploded.

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient, Ou Lian will definitely be able to distinguish this method." Duanmuhai said.

"Not necessarily." Xiao Qiyue shook her head with a serious expression, thinking that the Daxia League should have done this.And some stone statues in the Daxia League have the special ability to confuse the real ones.

And what they did was definitely for the purpose of detonating the war between the Six Fan Kingdom and Ou Lian.

Moreover, in this way, it will also arouse Fang Tian Academy's great indignation.

This Fangtian Academy is low-key on the surface, but it is not simple.

This misunderstanding must be explained clearly so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Xiao Qiyue decided to start with Zhuge Yong first.

At night, in a secret room in the Kingdom of Six Fans.

Zhuge Yong came in, and it was time to solve the mysterious golden egg in his mind.

Because this golden egg may be the key to unlocking Zhuge Yong's imprisonment and Jiang Ziqiu's murder.

After all, Zhuge Yong had the Orchid Grass as the core in his mind to suppress the Dragon Stone, and there was actually a golden egg from an extraterrestrial object.

This indicates that Zhuge Yong is involved both outside and inside the territory.It is amazing that the six doors and one emperor catcher are so involved.

Before, Xiao Qiyue couldn't shake it.It's different now, Xiao Qiyue has confidence.

Now, although the case of Jiang Ziqiu's murder has already begun.

However, the movements of Baishicheng, the real black hand behind the scenes, are not very clear.

Outside the secret room, Ouyang led the formation of the strongest defense.

(End of this chapter)

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