God catch

Chapter 988

Chapter 988
Xiao Qiyue found that both Ouyang and Tuoba Shixian were almost out of breath under the pressure of the magic.

Even the elders of the five villages who followed Xiao Changhe were trembling, their foreheads were sweating, and they couldn't stand properly.

"Don't worry, he is also a human being, not a god." Xiao Qiyue reached out and patted Tuoba Shixian and Ouyang, and immediately, the two felt much more relaxed.

He couldn't help but admire the strength of his master.

In fact, Xiao Qiyue didn't feel anything at all.

He even felt that Zhenjun Xiao was a little small in front of him.

Strange, why do I feel this way?As if he was a demon ancestor.

It is estimated that only the demon ancestors will feel this way when facing these juniors, right?
Maybe it's because I inherited part of the Demon Ancestor's skills?

"Changhe has seen the grandfather of Zhenjun." Although they have been fighting secretly and branched hundreds of years ago, Xiaozhenjun's surname is Xiao, and he is still the ancestor of Xiaochanghe.

The rules of the ancestors cannot be broken, Xiao Changhe has to pay respects to Zhenjun Xiao when he sees him.

"You are worshiping me on the face, and you are probably scolding your mother in your stomach?" Xiao Zhenjun is Xiao Zhenjun, and his speech is unparalleled.

"This...hehe, grandfather, you understand in your heart." Xiao Changhe seemed to recognize it.

"Boy! Why don't you bow down when you see me?" Zhenjun Xiao suddenly glared at Xiao Qiyue, and shouted sharply.


Xiao Qiyue's sudden stare almost scared Tuoba Shixian and Ouyang into the urine, even Xiao Changhe couldn't help but twitched his lips.

I guess I gave a thumbs up in my heart, you are too awesome.

"Good boy, have you eaten the guts of a bear? How dare you attack me, no matter who you are today, I will kill you alive." Xiao Zhenjun patted the coffee table next to him, and was about to explode.

"Grandpa, calm down, this is His Majesty Emperor Xiao Qiyue of the Six-Fan Kingdom. Luo Jia Beixiong, the old sect master of the Six-Fan Kingdom, is the son-in-law of our fifth village and Ruoli's husband." Xiao Changhe quickly put on a smiling face to smooth things over, By the way, move out of relatives.

Otherwise, Xiao Qiyue's blood would splatter five steps if the Demon Emperor was angry.

At that time, you will get into trouble.

Because, the Six Fan Kingdom is the biggest landlord in Fangtian Island, and it must have some foundations if it will stand for a thousand years.

"I don't care what bullshit the emperor is or not, if you dare to stare at me, you deserve to die! Not to mention him, even Di Longqiu slapped me a few times, and he still doesn't dare to fart." Xiao Zhenjun raised his hand and said Be rough.

"What are you arrogant about? Didn't you just practice the 'Earth Demon Art'?" Xiao Qiyue pointed at the Demon Emperor arrogantly.

"It's over!" Xiao Changhe was so frightened that he turned pale, Ouyang and Tuoba Shixian were ready to desperately cover their master's escape.

"Boy, you know a lot. What else do you know?" Zhenjun Xiao almost twisted his nose in anger, but his popularity was so shocking that his eyeballs almost dropped.

Because, the exercises about oneself are absolutely top secret.

Xiao Changhe lamented in his heart, no wonder he was not as good as Xiao Zhenjun all the time, because he was not qualified to practice 'Earth Demon Art'.

He had heard from his ancestors about this matter that Demon God Heaven's exercises were divided into several classes.

One level of practice is one level of heaven, and the kind of practice you practice will basically determine your future achievements.

And the 'Earth Demon Kung Fu' is quite a high-level skill in Demon God Heaven. It is said that there is only one Heavenly Demon Kung Fu that is stronger than it.

"You don't have the right to know!" Xiao Qiyue raised her eyebrows even more.

Because, after entering the three villages just now, the strong pressure of demon energy in Zhenjun Xiao's body actually triggered the response of the stone man mountain in the space of stars.

A piece of true spirit stone jumped out unexpectedly, and evolved several kinds of skills of Demon God Heaven.

And people like Zhenjun Xiao belong to the kind of people who have extremely weird personalities and are so annoying.

If you keep your voice low, people will still ignore you.

Therefore, Xiao Qiyue acted bravely.

"Emperor Demon, let me teach this bullshit emperor of Liufan Kingdom a lesson. Let him know what 'three villages' are." Xiaosen was unhappy and asked for instructions.

"Alright, you play with him first." Xiao Zhenjun actually nodded.

Xiaosen's body shook, and the sixty branches of his dantian swelled, and powerful demon energy surrounded his whole body. In just a few breaths, it condensed into a [-]-foot-high magic mountain and pressed towards Xiao Qiyue.

Although Xiao Qiyue said that she was practicing Wutian Shengong, her strength was so different that she was directly crushed into the soil by a mountain.


"Only this strength?"

"The Emperor of the Six Fan Kingdoms is too rubbish, isn't he?"

"Bah, it's just hanging around."

"Crush this dog emperor!"


Immediately, the surrounding villagers of the three villages laughed wildly.

Ouyang and Tuoba Shixian saw it, and joined forces to attack Xiaosen, trying to save the master.

However, Xiaosen stretched out his hand with a sneer, and the two of them were directly grabbed and pushed down to their feet, only to be trampled hard.


Mimura's laughter became even crazier.

"Lord Demon Emperor, we can't kill them. After all, they are from the Six Kingdoms." Xiao Changhe hurriedly pleaded.

"Six fan kingdoms are nothing! I can blow them up in one breath. I really thought I was an emperor, but we didn't go down the mountain." The demon emperor snorted, drank tea by himself, and made it clear that Xiao Qiyue was in full swing.

"It's moving!" Someone pointed at the magic mountain and shouted, laughing at Changhe, he found that the magic mountain was slowly propped up by something.

One inch...half a foot...one foot...two feet...


Xiao Qiyue roared, and a golden object stabbed upwards, and the magic mountain was directly exploded, forming a powerful magic scroll, blowing hundreds of villagers around and flying dozens of miles away.

"Luoyang Umbrella!" Xiao Zhenjun took a look, and looked at Xiao Changhe with cold eyes.

"I'll borrow it from him." Xiao Changhe said hurriedly with his scalp tingling.

"How could he open it?" Zhenjun Xiao was surprised.

"I don't know, junior, he opened it as soon as he pushed it." Xiao Changhe shook his head, "And, even so, I still can't open it, junior."

"Get down!" Xiaosen lost face, his body turned into a troll and slammed on the parasol.

With a puffing sound, Xiao Qiyue smashed into the depths of the hard rock formation with an umbrella.

The Mosha was like a huge steel pillar firmly pressing on Xiao Qiyue's parasol.

"Your Majesty!" Ouyang and Tuoba Shixian shouted angrily, and Jianba rushed forward.

However, Xiao Changhe was quick this time, knocking the two of them unconscious with one fist and throwing them aside.

Mosha shook and loosened.


There was another crisp sound, and the Mosha steel pillar was pushed up again.Like a jack, it slowly rises into the air.

One foot...three feet...five feet...one foot...

Xiaosen's face turned green, and he used all his strength to nurse.

The whole person turned into a roaring river and merged into the evil spirit. This is the rhythm of fighting with Xiao Qiyue to the death.

Because Xiaosen abandoned his body and turned into Dajiang. Once Xiao Qiyue exploded it like before, Xiaosen's body would explode along with Dajiang, and he couldn't die anymore.

Xiao Changhe was secretly surprised, I heard that this kid is not yet 30 years old, he really is a genius.

"Xiaosen, with the cold moon above my head, I am the only one in the world!" Zhenjun Xiao sneered and threw it into the air.

A round of cold moon rose, following the voice, it escaped into the big river formed by Xiaosen.

it's over...

Xiao Changhe knew that even if he stepped forward to stop him, he would not be able to stop the Demon Emperor's anger.

'Cold Moon' is also the treasure of the demon god, and the treasure of the three villages and towns.

Although Xiao Zhenjun has only developed one-tenth of its efficacy so far, Xiao Qiyue has absolutely no way out with the help of this treasure.

After all, this treasure has followed Zhenjun Xiao for hundreds of years, and the true spirit of the Demon Emperor has penetrated into the bone marrow.

Xiaosen got it, which is equivalent to getting the help of Zhenjun Xiaozheng's powerful avatar.

(End of this chapter)

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