God catch

Chapter 992 Killing Ou Shishi

Chapter 992 Killing Ou Shishi

"Bullshit! What is that kid Xiao Qiyue? I heard that he must have died long ago after he went to the Demon God Heaven. You are really idiots if you want to stick to it. Open the city gate immediately, and I can spare you." Ou Shishi snorted.

A white palm suddenly protruded from the air, and with a slap, Ou Shishi rolled directly from the high carriage to the ground, her face covered in blood.

"His Majesty Xiao Huang is here, all the soldiers obey the order, immediately counterattack and kill!" Tuoba Shixian's shout sounded in the air.

"Your Majesty is back, let me go!" Ma Chao shouted, opened the city gate, and rushed out with his troops.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The crowd roared angrily and rushed out.

When Ouyang slashed down with his sword, dozens of heads flew away, cutting a path of blood.

Ou Shishi rolled over and threw an orchid.

Immediately, the eighteen leaves flickered, sending out eighteen terrifying streaks of light flying all over the sky and rushing towards the soldiers of Luoshui City.

"Pearls of rice grains also show brilliance!" Xiao Qiyue sneered, and the generals came out, and thousands of swords rang out!

A huge sound wave vibrated, with a bang, Youlan let out a mournful cry, and the branches and leaves scattered.

When the Youguang dimmed, Ou Shishi was so frightened that she turned into a ball of Youguang and wanted to slip away.

"Where to escape?" Xiao Qiyue decided not to let her go this time.

The first wave of 'Wu Tian Shen Fist'!
A hundred-foot-big fist pierced directly, hitting You Guang.

You Lan, who had fled more than ten miles away, was directly hit by the bombardment, You Guang exploded, Ou Shishi screamed, there was a fist-sized hole in her chest, and blood gushed out.

Xiao Qiyue retracted her fist, and threw another punch to smash this annoying bitch.


The space trembled suddenly, and Xiao Qiyue became alert for an instant, and found that the space bulged up automatically, as if something was passing through the space and struck instantly.

The causal line instantly filled the surrounding tens of miles of space, and the unknown object could be seen clearly as soon as it hit the causal line.

Orchid leaves.

It was a leaf thrown from a orchid with 36 leaves.


Xiao Qiyue instantly thought that Ou Lian had a 36-leaf orchid in her hand, as exquisite as an ice sculpture.

This blade actually distorts the space directly, like a wormhole jumping, the speed is simply not comparable to that of flying.

However, Xiao Qiyue made an instant decision.

The causal line instantly turned into a 'causal giant hammer' and hit hard on the causal connection line formed by the leaves of the orchid and the eighteen-leaf orchid in Ou Shishi's body.

Immediately, the cause and effect of the two things were distorted and deformed by the hammer of cause and effect. As a result, the orchid leaf immediately deflected the direction of attack due to the distortion of the cause and effect connection.

Passing past Xiao Qiyue's ear, Ou Shishi screamed, leaving her last voice in this world, her body was smashed into flesh and mist flew in all directions.

And the eighteen-leaf Youlan was caught by Xiao Qiyue in an instant and brought into the Hall of Karma.

Immediately, it is cut off from the causality of the subject.

The leaf lost all its targets, and was so angry that it turned around in the air casually, and suddenly, a powerful invisible aura flew away.

Xiao Qiyue was too close to it, and was cut in an instant, the shields all over her body were shattered, and the leaves turned around and disappeared into the air.

"Tuoba come here."

Xiao Qiyue swayed, and quickly sent a sound transmission to Tuoba Shixian.

Tuoba Shixian, who was on the verge of killing, was taken aback, and hurried over, only to find that Xiao Qiyue's face was sallow.

"Help me back."

Xiao Qiyue said in a hoarse voice.Just now, in order to resist the flying cutting of the blade, Xiao Qiyue mobilized almost all his energy.

Even so, there were as many as twenty deep blood grooves left on his body.

If it weren't for the flying centipede desperately protecting the heart, the blue enchantress would wrap Xiao Qiyue in an instant.

Xiao Qiyue is over early.

Once Ou Shishi died, the Ou family's army collapsed under Ouyang's attack, and almost all of them became the souls of Ouyang's sword.

"Ouyang, Your Majesty has an order, don't chase after the poor, just defend Luoshui City." Tuoba Shixian passed on Xiao Qiyue's order.

"Ou Shishi is dead. This opportunity is rare. Wouldn't it be better to snatch back the land that the Ou family took?"


Xiao Qiyue's voice came.

Ouyang was stunned for a moment, not daring to disobey, and hurriedly ordered to clean up the mess.

Ten days, it took Xiao Qiyue ten whole days to recover from his injury.

"Junior Brother, are you injured?" Just as he was returning to Luoyue Residence, Hai Yun hurried over.

"It's so dangerous this time, I almost won't see you, brother." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Is it the Demon Emperor?" Hai Yun asked.

"The Demon Emperor couldn't hurt me, it was Ou Lian who hurt me." Xiao Qiyue said.

"How strong is Ou Lian?" Hai Yun was taken aback, his face a little gloomy.

"A leaf is more than 100 miles away. Fortunately, I used a secret technique, otherwise, I would have died." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Could she be the legendary Sky Realm powerhouse?" Hai Yun asked.

"It must be, but she will let me go, it must be involuntary.

Because, she can't leave the coffin for the time being.Therefore, her attacks are limited.

Moreover, I feel that she consumes a lot of energy for one attack.It is estimated that it is also a kind of harm to her body.

Therefore, she generally would not act unless it was absolutely necessary. "The mahogany coffin appeared in front of Xiao Qiyue's eyes.

"Probably, otherwise, once Ou Lian comes out, who will fight? Of course, maybe she is also afraid of the Wulin Kingdom. But, why hasn't the Wulin Kingdom acted yet?" Hai Yun frowned.

"Hurry up, I've already smelled an inexplicable smell. After all, Ou Lian also caused the Wulin Kingdom quite a headache. They will not act rashly if they are not fully prepared, so I decided to go to Fangtian Academy tomorrow." Xiao Road in July.

"What are you going to do?" Hai Yun didn't understand.

"Solve the matter of Ou Yuanyuan, so that the Wulin Kingdom will definitely know that I have done it.

They will definitely do it right away, because they also know something about Ou Yuanyuan.

I guess they are afraid of being attacked, once I support Ou Yuanyuan, they will have enough time to attack Ou Lian. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"Didn't Ou Yuanyuan be killed? What's more, the murderer also blamed our arresting emperor Zhuge Yong." Hai Yun was taken aback.

"It's hard to kill her! So, I think Ou Yuanyuan must not be dead yet, it's just a living clone." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"That's it, but, Junior Brother, you can't deal with Ou Yuanyuan either." Hai Yun looked worried.

"Maybe, but, at least, Ou Yuanyuan is not as scary as Ou Lian.

In order to force Wulin Kingdom to do something, I can only be the bait once.

What's more, I still have a ganoderma knife.

Even when Ou Lian attacked me, I didn't use the Lingzhi knife.Because she is my biggest hole card.

Moreover, I still have one hand to prepare, it depends on whether she is willing. "Xiao Qiyue looked firmly into the distance with her eyes.

"Who?" Hai Yun asked.

"My Moon Goddess Jade Girl." Xiao Qiyue said, Tuoba Shixian had sent back a message, and the Moon Goddess Jade Girl had accepted the letter she wrote.

However, her expression was cold, she didn't express anything, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"It's useless to rely on anyone, Junior Brother, I think you should take it easy. Wait until you advance again. After all, the Moon Goddess Jade Girl is an unknown, who knows if she will go? You only have one life, Senior Brother, I don't want to lose you. "Hai Yun shook his head.

"Don't wait, it's a rare opportunity.

If I don't act again, once Ou Lian recovers, or Ou Yuanyuan recovers, it will be even more difficult.

As soon as they come out, there will be nothing wrong with our Six Fan Kingdom. Xiao Qiyue shook her head firmly, "Brother, if I die, please send this letter to Demon God Heaven." "

"I won't give it away." Hai Yun shook his head and said.

"Brother, did you just watch my parents die in Zhanqingtian?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"I just won't send it, I will send it to you myself. If you die, I will go to Demon God Heaven by myself. But, I will never send this letter." Hai Yun said with a determined face.

(End of this chapter)

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