God catch

Chapter 997 How High is the Threshold of the World Ranking

Chapter 997 How High is the Threshold of the World Ranking

"It's not troublesome now. Isn't your majesty Ou Yuanyuan's strength clear at a glance? For example, if Ou Yuanyuan finds that she is behind you, your majesty, she must have been prepared for a long time." Tuoba Shixian was a little Anxious.

"I'm definitely not on the list, so don't worry." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"No way, Your Majesty is someone who can defeat the Demon King Xiao Changhe and fight with the Demon King Xiaozheng. How could he not be on the list? Even if he is at the bottom, he should be on the list." Ouyang Du Some shook their heads in disbelief.

"I'm thinking, it's estimated that no one under the great river will be able to shake the world and be on the list automatically." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

Wondering how high the threshold of the world list is?
Judging from the strength of the Demon God Heaven and the Nine-story Demon Tower, there are quite a few people in the Hundred Branches of the Great River.

And how many powerhouses of this level did the four overlord families have back then?
Another reason is that I have a causal shield, and the world cannot sense my true strength, so naturally I can't be on the list.

At this moment, Xiao Qiyue's apparent strength is only around the second and third veins of Dajiang, and this level will definitely not be on the list.

"The Heaven and Earth Ranking is guided by the heaven and the earth, mysterious and weird, if it really shakes the world and automatically enters the ranking, then whoever owns the Heaven and Earth Ranking is equivalent to being able to spy on the strength of the heroes in the world, and this has grasped too much initiative.

Once they find out that your ranking is much higher than him, they will not choose to collide with you head-on, but will sneak up on you secretly.

However, this is probably just a legend. It is estimated that only the real controllers of Fang Tian Academy can know whether there is a world ranking. "Ouyang said.

"Have you found out that if Fangtian Academy is not mysterious, no one in the world would know who the dean of Fangtian Academy is until now?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"That's right, people in the world only know that Ou Yuanyuan is the second in charge, but no one really knows who the dean is." Both Ouyang and Tuoba Shixian suddenly came to their senses with astonishment on their faces.

"Sure enough, there is a universe inside." Xiao Qiyue withdrew her causal eye, and found that Fangtian Academy and Moshentian have a similar small world model.

It looked like a small college from the outside, and the facade was not luxurious, even slightly shabby.However, after a causal scan, it was discovered that the campus of Fangtian College was no more than 100 miles away.

What is this concept?
It is several times that of SH City, you know, this is just a college?
"Stop coming." Xiao Qiyue and the others walked toward the gate without knowing where they were going.

Why is it so ostentatious, of course Xiao Qiyue did it on purpose.

Because, to create momentum, Wu Linguo must find out that he has gone to Fangtian Academy in the first place, so that they can attack Ou Lian.

"You bastard, don't you have eyes? His Majesty Emperor Xiao of the Six Fan Kingdom came here and asked the dean of your academy to come out and greet you with a big gift." Tuoba Shixian pointed at the two guards fiercely and said fiercely.

"Yes! Hurry up, otherwise, I will dismantle your broken face!" Ouyang also had a domineering face, with his nose and eyes raised, as if he was about to break in at any time.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in and report." One of the skinny-faced nurses glanced at Xiao Qiyue, nodded, turned and went in.

"This kid is so calm." Tuoba Shixian muttered.

"This is called everyone's demeanor. Don't look at other things. I can feel the extraordinaryness of Fangtian College just from this nursing home. Otherwise, if it is really a small college, after you and I yell like this, the concierge will be scared out of his wits." .” Ouyang nodded.

"Little nursing home, hehe, this skinny guy is in Dajiang's ten veins." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"So strong?" Tuoba Shixian couldn't help swallowing, his pupils twitching.

"I heard that the head of the Royal Academy, Shangguan Qiuse, was in this state before. It seems that the legend is true." The corners of Ouyang's mouth twitched.

The roar of Tuoba Shixian and Ouyang was naturally a selling point, because there were quite a few students and ordinary people who came in and out at that time.

Before long, word spread.

A large number of students and coaches frantically poured out from the courtyard.

And the 'dungeon' where Fangtian Academy is located also spread, and common people and warriors from all directions crowded over to join in the fun.

Xiao Qiyue was quite satisfied, and the publicity was finally published.

"What do you think Xiao Qiyue is doing this time?"

"Needless to say, it must be settled with Ou Yuanyuan."

"He still dares to come, Fangtian Academy hasn't found him yet?"

"What trouble can Fangtian Academy cause him? Your Majesty the Emperor of the Six Fan Kingdoms. It wasn't Zhuge Yong who came here to hurt Ou Yuanyuan last time, and he didn't even look at the Academy."

"I heard that someone impersonated that time."

"The Six Fan Kingdom must have said so, and they just want to shirk responsibility."


"Did you hear that, even the common people living in the 'Dungeon' don't know what's going on with Fangtian College, which is close at hand. The water is very deep." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand. Fang Tian Academy is so mysterious, and they are a dilapidated academy to the outside world, but how can they recruit outstanding students?" Ouyang asked through voice transmission.

"There must be a special channel." Xiao Qiyue responded, her eyes lit up, and said, "Ouyang, do you feel the orchid grass?"

"Well, that guy has fourteen leaves." Ouyang nodded.

"Hehe, there are people from the Hero League." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"I am Yulong, and I am the vice president of Fangtian College. His Majesty Xiao Huang is indeed very generous. The last time he sent Zhuge Yong to kill our vice president of Fangtian College. Are you going to come here this time to meet the dean of our college?" Do you want to do it?" A tall and thin middle-aged man with strong sword eyes and a large star-shaped mole on his forehead stepped forward, followed by a group of mentors and teachers.

"The Ou Lian family that Ou Yuanyuan belongs to is the rebellious minister of my Six Fan Kingdom. Moreover, Ou Yuanyuan's daughter Ou Shishi has made rebellions time and again, not only seizing my Six Fan Kingdom territory, but also killing tens of thousands of my Six Fan Kingdom's sons. civil.

I am in charge of the Six Fan Kingdom, so of course I have to bring the traitors to justice.

As for Zhuge Yong's killing of Ou Yuanyuan, there was another reason, it must be an impostor.

And, I can be sure that Ou Yuanyuan is not dead?

This time, the emperor personally came to collect the murder, and he is not afraid of other people's gossip.

This time I came here to discuss this matter with the dean. "Xiao Qiyue looked calm.

"That's right, if you are sensible, hand over Ou Yuanyuan for us to take away, otherwise!" Tuoba Shixian said coldly.

"Otherwise, what should we do?" Yulong raised his eyebrows, seeming to recognize it.

"Fight until you hand it over." Ouyang also played the tune, touching the hilt of the sword with his hand, and would start a fight if there was any disagreement.

"What a big tone!" Yulong's face turned dark with anger.

"Vice President Yu, stop talking to them, kill them directly, and avenge Vice President Ou." At the right time, someone behind him began to boo.

After choking a few times, he took the weapon out of its sheath.

The three of Xiao Qiyue were immediately surrounded by people from Fangtian College.

"If you want to fight in a group, okay, listen to the order, and show it to me!" Tuoba Shixian saw it and roared.

"Decree!" Immediately, loud voices rang out from around Fangtian Academy, and thousands of able-bodied policemen jumped out.

They quickly assembled the large bow carts, set up their arrows, drew their swords out of their sheaths, wore bright armor, lined up neatly, and put on a posture to attack Fangtian Academy at any time.

Among them, Xiao Qiyue's subordinates will stand at the forefront.

There are Xiang Dong, Huang Feihu, Hai Yun and others.

Immediately, the spectators scattered in fright, and flicked to a distance to watch.

"Return to the academy!"

Looking at the battle, it was probably useless to fight recklessly, Yulong's face turned black, and with a wave of his hand, the student instructors quickly retreated to the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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