My Taoism leads to the prehistoric

Chapter 205 Start a crazy breakthrough!

Chapter 205 Start a crazy breakthrough!
After half a day, Donghua had already left.

Han Shou sat alone on the Emperor's couch on the floating island in the main hall of the Great Emperor of Fengdu.

Close your eyes and think for a long time.

Thoughts turned around: "Use spirit crystals as coins, first promote the prehistoric practice world, and then promote the currency to the human race, so as to trigger the chance of the birth of Luobao money!"

"This method...has a great chance of success!"

"Low treasure money!"

"This treasure can be called the most heaven-defying innate spirit treasure. Although the grade is not high, it can be inferior to Dinghaizhu's innate spirit treasure. It is simply a sharp weapon for quick windfall!"

"In addition, if you can control the currency minting and issuance in the practice world..."

Han Shou's heart beat wildly.

That is simply to lay down the deepest foundation for him to set up an authentic way and fight against the way of heaven.

How huge the benefits can be obtained by controlling the currency issuance and casting rights in the prehistoric practice world, you can understand how strong the foundation of this establishment is, and how high the starting point will be.


He sighed lightly, and frowned slightly:

"Extracting spirit veins to refine spirit crystals is not difficult for me at this time!"

"Just play Ming Pingxin Empress, set up a department with the sage's amulet, and specialize in casting spirit crystals, and you can use the power of the divine power of the Yin Division!"

"It's just that there is no suitable choice for the position of the priest..."

"This priesthood is very important. It will lay the foundation of the tunnel in the future. It is not weaker than the Chieftain and Patrol Division."

"Donghua is very suitable, but Jing Tusi can't let go, he must be completely in my hands, and there is no trustworthy candidate at this time, hey!"

Han Shou's eyes shone with wisdom: "Everything is complicated, there is no rush, no rush!"

"The top priority is the human race!"

"It is still unknown whether the miasma of corpse evil can sharpen the self-improvement of the human race."

"The human race is also concerned with whether Nuwa saint can completely become my backer. Only by turning Nuwa and Pingxin into my reliance can I win the predation of Sanqing and the two saints of the West and get the Chaos Clock!"

"Secondly, my level of cultivation is still too low. I need to break through as soon as possible to become a true immortal, or even surpass a mysterious immortal. Only by condensing the three flowers on the top and being promoted to a golden immortal can I completely take over the nether world and gain the authority of the semi-holy and the power of self-protection. !"

"There is a shortage of trustworthy people under my command,'s time to find disciples!"

"In the prehistoric practice world, the master-student relationship is relatively solid, and bound by the priesthood of the Yin God of the underworld, he will be the most trustworthy candidate for me in the future."

"Jingtusi, Patrol Division, and Lingjing Division are the foundations of the tunnel!"

"Although 'Pillar' is a witch clan, it is the only choice for the witch clan that I can trust at this time."

"Jingtusi is the most important underworld department for me to search for resources from the wild and cultivate cronies. It is most appropriate for me to be in charge of Donghua."

"Thirdly, the integration and adjustment of hundreds of underworld divisions in the underworld..."

At this thought, Han Shou's head suddenly became dizzy.

Decisively give up solving the third problem first. This problem is too complicated, and there are not many trusted subordinates under his command. It is impossible to solve it for a while!

After thinking for a moment, I temporarily gave up the matter of returning to the prehistoric to promote the rise of the human race.


Read it, print it!
The seal of the Great Emperor of Fengdu hanging from his waist shines brightly in the sky.


The magic circle in the main hall of Emperor Fengdu opened.

The entire hall was banned from outside disturbances, and a large defensive formation was activated that Da Luo Jinxian could not even break into.

Close your eyes slowly.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the two volumes of the "Taiqing Jing" and "Shangqing Jing", the books of long inheritance of Dao rhyme, are emitting a faint light all the time.

Mind sank into it.

In an instant, almost endless information slowly poured into my mind, being digested like a trickle.

The two-volume book of inheritance is not a routine or secret technique!
It's about experience and insight!
Just like an encyclopedia of chaos and prehistoric times, it is a supreme artifact for accumulating foundations.

If it can be fully digested, it will be like getting two-thirds of Pangu's inheritance except for his skills and great supernatural powers.

Anecdotes flooded into his mind one after another, causing Han Shou's background knowledge to soar crazily:
"There is no distinction between up, down, left, and right in the chaos. There is a great way hidden in the chaos. It controls the birth and death of the chaos, and the birth of the innate demon god!"

"The Dao gave birth to three thousand innate demon gods, who were born to rule one of the laws of the Dao. There are innate demon gods who break through chaos, open up the world, and evolve the universe. They are the innate demon gods who quench the Tao!"

"Those who have opened the heaven, earth, and universe to form the way of heaven and earth should cast the foundation of the great way, and it will be the fruit of the chaotic way!"


Time goes by.

Han Shou has completely immersed himself in the contents recorded in the "Taiqing Jing" and "Shangqing Jing".

The two volumes of inheritance scriptures are not as difficult as practicing exercises. As long as the information contained in it pours into the mind and thinks carefully, it will be quickly digested and transformed into one's own basic knowledge.

In the prehistoric world, time passes quickly, and it takes a millennium in the blink of an eye for a Qi practitioner to retreat once.


Ten years later.

Lunar star, in Guanghan Palace!

The overwhelmed jade man wears a long brocade dress with a red silk tied to his waist, holding a jade rabbit in his jade hand, lying on the stone table under the laurel tree, pulling the chaotic jade rabbit one by one... Soft hair!

"Chick Chick..."

The Chaos Jade Rabbit was tearful, and screamed once every hair was plucked.

The ruby-like eye sockets were completely moist.

But no matter how pitiful it was, the beauty seemed to have not heard it, her pure big eyes lost their focus, and Tankou murmured: "I like it! I don't like it! I like it! I don't like it..."

Every time a rabbit fur is pulled out, it whispers, like a repeater entering an infinite loop.

This stunning beauty is none other than Heng'e!

Behind Heng'e, Taiyin Xingjun appeared silently.

Deeply furrowed brows stared blankly at Heng'e's pretty back and sighed silently.

After a while, regaining his dignified look, he coughed softly, "Xiao'e!"


"Xiao'e!!" Taiyin Xingjun was not allowed to raise his voice.

Heng'e trembled all over, and the murmur in her mouth was delayed for a breath, and she continued to repeat the process of plucking the hair-whispering: "I like it! I don't like it! I like it! I don't like it..."

Taiyin Xingjun snorted heavily.

"Xiao'e, your sister, Xihe, was killed by Han Shou and was severely injured by the Wu clan. Her sister died, and your nine nephews also died because of him!"

"Han Shou and my Taiyin lineage have formed a great cause and effect, you... how can you disregard the sisterhood and refuse to swing the sword to cut off the thread of love, how stupid!"

Heng'e was in a daze, and finally stopped plucking the rabbit fur.

Crystal clear teardrops fell from the big, clear eyes that had no focus.

Taiyin Xingjun slowed down his tone: "If your sister Xihe and Han Shou's karma is not resolved, and her whole body is in danger of collapsing, she... will end up marrying Di Jun as a heavenly wife!"

"Although Emperor Jun died at the hands of Zu Wu, the root cause was due to Han Shouzhi's scheme."

"Xihe...sooner or later he will have a fight with him!"

"At that time, your love is deeply rooted, how should you deal with yourself?"

Heng'eyu subconsciously clenched the chaotic jade rabbit's fur, and the pulled jade rabbit didn't dare to bark, so she could only grin her teeth and cry hard, comparing with her master who shed more tears.


The underworld, the main hall of Emperor Fengdu.

Han Shou trembled slightly, and a mysterious Taoist rhyme overflowed from his body.


The majestic spiritual energy crazily poured into the main hall and was instantly refined by him.


Cultivation is a matter of course, breaking through the middle stage of true immortality without any shackles!

In ten years, the "Taiqing Jing" and "Shangqing Jing" were completely digested and transformed into their own accumulation and heritage.

The huge background has boosted his breakthrough like a bamboo shoot!

In the middle stage of true immortality, just after breaking through, the immortal energy in the dantian and meridians has been rapidly accumulated and tempered.

A month later.


True Immortal late stage, break through!
His accumulation at this moment is too thick, and once he starts to break through, it is like opening a sluice to release water, and there is no way to stop it.

three months later.

True Immortal Consummation, breakthrough!
One year later.

In the early stage of Xuanxian, break through!

As time passed, his breakthrough was still surging.

A body's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and it is conservative to say that it is fast.

(End of this chapter)

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