magic whistle

Chapter 401, The Inn on Fengyun Jianghu Road

Chapter 401, The Inn on Fengyun Jianghu Road

Wei Xun, the third son, could hear the implication of the woman in front of her very clearly, and her evil spirit was gradually revealed.

At this time, the night wind became even more frenzied, and suddenly there was a burst of fragrance. Where did this fragrance come from.The third son Wei Xun soon found out, because in this dark night, such a fragrance is very surprising, the third son Wei Xun moved slightly and stared at the surroundings.Soon the mysterious woman also jumped away.The remaining third son, Wei Xun, waited for the coming person in the dark night.Not long after, a woman in purple appeared with a lantern in her hand.Who is this girl.It must be acquaintance, that is the famous Chen Wanman.Seeing Chen Wanman, the third son Wei Xun must be happy.But now there is no joy at all.Sighing softly, he moved forward slowly.The third son Wei Xun was not walking in the direction of the inn, but went straight to the mountains ahead.So Chen Wanman silently followed behind.The two walked forward one after the other.After leaving the inn for a while.The third son Wei Xun turned slightly, and saw that he was walking in front of the third son Wei Xun with light steps.

The third son Wei Xun said with a "haha" smile, "It seems that you still have something to discuss with me."

Chen Wanman nodded and said: "That's not bad. I naturally have something to do with the young master. Now the young master is in a very bad situation, and he is not very friendly with Li Fei'an. From this point on, then Li Fei'an will definitely make the third son Wei Xun in a very bad situation. I think so Also, is your son interested in giving up your hostility towards me at Feipeng Villa? How about dealing with Li Fei'an together?"

The third son Wei Xun smiled slightly, raised his steps gently and said, "Yes, this is a very good way, but I have never been afraid of that Li Fei'an, please rest assured, I will definitely be able to deal with that Li Fei'an, I don't need a girl Think about it next time."

Chen Wanman nodded and said: "There are very few people who can defeat the third son Wei Xun in Jianghu, but Li Fei'an is also one of them."

The third son Wei Xun gently raised his head, looked up at the dark sky and said: "If this is the fate between me and Li Fei'an, then there is nothing wrong with this son, if I don't wait, wouldn't it make Li Fei'an look at me with admiration? If so, then so be it.”

From the words of the third son, it was obvious that Chen Wanman stood where she was, and did not take a step forward.

The third son Wei Xun stepped forward one step after another.When we arrived at the inn, we stopped suddenly and looked around.There was a slight smile on his mouth.This smile is so serious that it seems to know that there are people coming quietly around.The third son Wei Xun did not enter the house.Just jumped up and jumped up lightly.On the roof of the inn, there is a man on the roof, holding an oil lamp and holding a bamboo slip in one hand.The third son Wei Xun took a look, smiled slightly, and moved his steps lightly.That step is very light, as light as silent, there is no sound at all.Walking up to the visitor, he said with a smile, "I never thought that Senior Brother You Yajia would watch the moon here, but it's a pity that there is no moonlight to admire at this time tonight."

Hou Wannian "haha" said with a smile: "In this river and lake, there are always people who can't see the way clearly. I'm here, brother, just to see those who can't see the way clearly."

Third Young Master Wei Xun said with a calm smile, "That's right, it's a pity that you may not be able to see the world clearly."

Hou Wannian smiled complacently, and suddenly felt contempt for the third son Wei Xun. With a smile on his face, he said, "Junior brother is in a deep crisis right now. I think you must know about it. There are many things in Jianghu that are not right. As the son sees it, Chen Wanman, can Li Feian be trusted? Junior brother should know."

The third son Wei Xun turned around and said: "It's very strange today, why are they all looking for me at this time, could it be that my son has something that you all got?"

Hou Wannian stepped forward, stood on the edge of the room, lightly stood on the edge of two tiles, and said with a smile: "Then I'm not hiding my intention of coming, then Li Fei'an obviously doesn't trust the younger brother, besides, that woman is from the royal family." , I really disdain people from the martial arts like me, so my junior brother has to find another way out, otherwise Li Fian will definitely come to deal with the young master himself."

Third Young Master Wei Xun nodded slightly and said: "That's right, this is a very good idea, but now I want to know exactly what brother means?"

Hou Wannian nodded slightly and said, "That's right, I have a way to deal with Li Fian, so that Li Fian, who is dangerous to my junior, will never appear in the world again."

The third son Wei Xun sighed slightly, staring at the senior brother in front of him, he was already ready to face the battle, because this senior brother didn't know when it would start, he was already preparing to have a duel with himself in the arena.But it is undoubtedly a little strange to hear such words.The third son Wei Xun had a smile on his face.There is no more word.Move your steps forward slightly.The third son Wei Xun's pace is the method of crossing the void. It seems to be walking normally, but he has reached the front of the house.The third son Wei Xun still walked down step by step, as if there was a ladder under his feet.Go down slowly.But there is no house in front of it, it is completely vacant.At this time, Chen Wanman was walking very slowly, while walking, she was staring intently at Hou Wannian who was sitting on the roof putting on airs.Until the third son Wei Xun gently fell to the ground.Chen Wanman only took a few steps away.But at this time, the third son Wei Xun looked very cold, he didn't talk to Chen Wanman anymore, but walked forward slowly in silence.After entering the inn, I saw Li Fian standing in the lobby blankly.Obviously the third son Wei Xun didn't want to talk to Li Fei'an, but was just waiting for Chen Wanman who came in from behind.Wait until Chen Wanman comes in.The third son, Wei Xun, stepped back slightly, intentionally or unintentionally.Stand with Chen Wanman.At this time, Chen Wanman knew the intention of the third son Wei Xun.Then he walked to the third son.The two of them didn't speak a word, they just walked forward side by side.But when he was about to go in front of Li Fei'an, the third son Wei Xun raised his sleeves.Cover the face lightly.Cold and silent, no more words, after fate, we will never meet again in this life.Li Fian stood there the entire time, not speaking anymore.But just now, I already knew the address of the third son Wei Xun from the waiter in the inn, and wanted to find the third son Wei Xun.But now there is no way to speak.At this time, the waiter in the shop looked around in his heart.It is the monk of Zhang Er, who can't figure it out.This guest has been in the inn all the time, when will he go out, it really makes the waiter in the inn doubtful.

The waiter from the inn stepped forward, closed the door of the inn, shook his head, and muttered, "It's really strange, no one was going out just now, why did the two of them come from outside."

Li Fei'an looked affectionately at the third son Wei Xun who was slowly going up the stairs, and his heart gradually became turbulent, and his eyes were slightly moist for a while.

The shop waiter stepped forward, shook his head and said: "This is very strange, how did these two people go out, it seems that these two people are just—"

Li Fei'an turned around slowly, raised the golden phoenix sword in his hand, pointed it directly in front of the waiter, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, or tonight is the day of your burial."

Seeing Li Fei'an fighting hand to hand, the waiter in the shop broke out in a cold sweat.It seemed that the woman in front of her was soft and intoxicating.Unexpectedly, his face was blushing at this time.The meaning of burning with anger is revealed.Jian Nu saw that Li Fei'an had gone out for a long time and hadn't returned.Came to look for it with a portable sword.Just in time to see Li Fian pointing at the waiter in the shop.Immediately stepped forward and scolded the waiter in the shop, "Bold slave, how dare you act presumptuously in front of Princess Fei'an."

As soon as these words came out, the shopkeeper who was dozing off was so frightened that he quickly got up and walked forward.It was very hasty to go.Going in front of Li Fian, rubbed his eyes, looked up with his old eyes, said "Oops", and immediately knelt on the ground and said, "As expected, it is Your Highness the Princess, who looks like the Empress nine points, it really is Your Highness the Princess."

Li Fei'an sized up the shopkeeper and asked, "So, you know my mother's queen."

The shopkeeper was a thin old man, rolled his eyes, kowtowed again to Li Fei'an and said, "Princess, forgive me. I was the guard of the palace gate a long time ago. I had the honor to meet the former queen. I also heard in the palace that there was a The princess was living in the rivers and lakes, and she just returned to the palace a few years ago, so it must be His Highness."

Li Fei'an kept staring at the third son Wei Xun.Until the third son Wei Xun and Chen Wanman returned to their rooms.

Only then did Li Fian look directly at the shopkeeper and said: "There is no need to make a fuss, I am a little sleepy at the moment, please close the store earlier."

The third son, Wei Xun, went back to the house and saw that Zuoyue was still waiting in the house.The third son Wei Xun stepped forward and asked, "Why doesn't Sister Zouyue go to rest?"

Zuoyue got up, faced the third son Wei Xun and said: "Seeing that you don't return, I am worried, so I am waiting here."

The third son Wei Xun said with a smile: "If the women in the world are like my sister, wouldn't it be a blessing for thousands of people."

Zuoyue said with a "haha" smile, "Young master, Zuoyue knows it well. You still have love and righteousness for Li Fei'an."

Third Young Master Wei Xun shook his head and said, "It's not true that the bridge returns to the bridge, and the road returns to the road. Then Li Fei'an and I are not in the same way, so don't mention Li Fei'an again in the future."

Zuoyue lowered her head and said: "It's my fault, please blame me, young master, I shouldn't mention that Li Fian."

The third son Wei Xun shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with you, please don't worry about it, please go back to your room and rest, after the rooster crows, I will hurry on my way."

Zuoyue looked deeply at the third son Wei Xun and said: "Then you should also rest, don't go out. If you don't look at trivial matters, you will be safe. Fei'an is uneasy. If you are at ease, then everything will be safe."

The third son Wei Xun said with a smile: "Sister Zouyue's meaning is quite profound. My son already knows it, so please rest assured."

Zou Yuezai was speechless, smiled with bright teeth, and walked out slowly.

The third son, Wei Xun, turned around and went to the bedside, sighing and said: "Whoever knows the heart of a king, the fate of thousands of dust falls, sighs the love of the world, and travels thousands of miles with sorrow."

 Hello fellow readers!

  Please forgive me for being late, because I have been busy with my life recently, so I went to the construction site for gold plating, neglected the update, and failed the expectations of book lovers.Please readers can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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