magic whistle

Chapter 436, Fei An Designs Chen Wanman, Going South to Guigu Road

Chapter 436, Fei An Designs Chen Wanman, Going South to Guigu Road

The groom looked at the third young master Wei Xun, obviously the third young master knew what was in the carriage so he seemed so indifferent.The groom had no choice but to take the pills presented by the third son and continue on his way.

Of course, it was not only the third son Wei Xun who realized that the people in the carriage were either rich or noble, Zou Yue also saw something in the eyes of the third son Wei Xun.But Zouyue was very quiet, just walked slowly with the third young master, and didn't say much.

The sun is scorching, the weather here is not as good as before, Chen Wanman walked forward slowly, she seemed a little sleepy after several days of running around, but there was no village in front of her, no shop behind, and almost no place to rest.Chen Wanman walked fascinated, even though she was hungry, her pace was still steady.After walking another ten miles, I saw a teahouse in front of me. The teahouse was not big, it was a thatched hut, and there was a signboard in front of the teahouse, which said "tea", surrounded by wilderness, the lonely teahouse seemed a bit weird.

Chen Wanman stepped forward and saw that there was no one in the tea room, so she went in.At this time, an old man with a face full of black and gray came out with a teapot and a large bowl in his hand. He walked up to Chen Wanman and looked at Chen Wanman's expression.The old man trembled in fright, the girl in front of him looked so beautiful.But there was a terrifying aura in his eyes, no one dared to stay in front of this girl for a long time.The old man put the teapot on the table and left in a hurry.Chen Wanman sat at the table and slowly poured herself a drink.

At this time, one person also entered the teahouse, and this person was Ling'er.This beautiful girl is unknown in the Jianghu, but in Chen Wanman's view, she is not an ordinary person, because she also feels some fear in this girl.Ling'er glanced at Chen Wanman, who was drinking tea, and sat on the side in silence.When the old man saw a guest coming, he stepped forward to entertain the guest.Seeing Ling'er in front of him, the old man immediately smiled and greeted him very politely.Ling'er put the iron flute on the table and fixed her eyes on Chen Wanman.Both sat silently.

Later, a group of people came muttering, and when they saw a tea room, they walked into the tea room. After everyone entered, they looked at the charming Chen Wanman, and everyone was filled with joy.Someone walked towards Chen Wanman.After walking to Linger, she stopped slightly and smiled at Linger, Linger ignored this dirty-looking man.But when the man walked past Linger, Linger stood up and stopped the man and said, "I know what your Excellency is thinking, and I advise you, don't provoke that girl over there, otherwise that girl will definitely make you feel extremely Uncomfortable things happen."

The man is a martial artist, so he couldn't help himself when he saw a woman like Chen Wanman who was so overpowering. He didn't know that Linger was kindly advising him.Glancing at Ling'er, he slowly stepped forward, and then several people followed behind.Linger had no choice but to sit in the original position.The old man in the teahouse saw guests coming.I will come forward to say hello.But was stopped by Linger.Ling'er looked at the old man and said: "You old man, your luck is very bad today, you should leave here as soon as possible, I'm afraid this tea house will not be able to be kept."

The old man heard it very clearly, raised his head to look at Chen Wanman's eyes, and naturally there was some fear in his heart.

A few people didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, they walked forward slowly, sat in front of Chen Wanman, and said provocative words to Chen Wanman, one by one, the words were very dirty.Chen Wanman remained silent all this time, and several people also found it strange that Chen Wanman was like an iceberg.In the morning, the man saw Chen Wanman without a trace of throbbing.Then she sat beside Chen Wanman, and touched Chen Wanman's body with her hands.At this time, Chen Wanman's complexion changed suddenly, her long hair fluttered, her eyes turned red, her eye sockets turned black, and she exuded an unstoppable evil spirit, constantly teasing Chen Wanman's strong man, completely unaware that Chen Wanman had already lost her temper.The other people at the table had already backed away in fright, and that person was still thinking about making an inch.Soon Chen Wanman clasped the man's neck with her left hand, and before the man could react, the long nails turned into five sharp knives, and then the man's neck was covered with handprints, lying on the table.The few people were terrified by the scene in front of them, and quickly slipped away from the tea room.Chen Wanman flew up, chasing after her like a flying swallow.Ling'er immediately took out some pieces of silver from her body and said: "You are really unlucky today, here is some silver, please accept it, even if the tea fee, I don't think the old man can open a shop here, so I should inform the government about it, It’s a way of making a living.”

Looking at the teahouse, the old man burst into tears and said: "I don't know why, how could such a thing happen, it's God's will, thank you girl, old man, I will clean up now."

Ling'er got up and turned away.

The old man wiped the black and gray on his face with his sleeve and thought: "Just now, Chen Wanman's martial arts are quite strange. It seems that there is a kind of evil power that can make all the people around stop, and they can no longer be rational. But who is that young girl? The third son, Wei Xun, had a weapon, and when he saw Chen Wanman's demonic aura, he showed no fear at all, which is very strange. After seeing Chen Wanman, the woman didn't show any fear at all. Seeing someone being killed, she didn't use her own kung fu. It seems that that woman Ren is a rare master in martial arts."

Chen Wanman chased several people to a patch of wormwood, but they disappeared.Looking around with the portable sword, suddenly a light flashed in front of him.Chen Wanman took a closer look and saw that it was Li Fei'an who came.He immediately held the jade ice sword in his hand and asked, "What do you mean? Are you really the one who hinders me and the third son Wei Xun?"

Li Fei'an became serious and said: "I didn't come here today to hinder you, but to tell the girl something. Someone has already captured the third son Wei Xun and imprisoned him in the Guigu Gate. The girl is not thinking of finding the third son Wei Xun, so someone Capture the third son Wei Xun, I am afraid that the third son Wei Xun will be more dangerous than good, so why don't you rescue the third son Wei Xun?"

Chen Wanman asked, "Is this really true?"

Li Fei'an nodded and said: "The third son Wei Xun has already been captured by someone, but I am not his opponent. It seems that there is no relationship between me and the third son Wei Xun. Today, this princess begs you to rescue the third son Wei Xun."

With that said, Li Fian slowly knelt down.

Chen Wanman saw that Li Fian was condescending, and burst into laughter, the laughter was very clear.

After smiling, he said to Li Fei'an: "He who knows current affairs is a brilliant man. You understand very well that it really shouldn't hinder me and the third young master like this. This is very good. I will go to Guigumen to rescue the third young master."

Li Fei'an was stunned, and thought to herself: "If this Chen Wanman is awake, she will definitely see the flaws, but at this time it is so strange that she can't see the flaws. Well, if the Guigumen formation can Temporarily trapping this Chen Wanman, there are very few people in the Jianghu who are suffering, and now the Jianghu is full of smog, and it is Chen Wanman alone who is doing wrong. If this matter can really be resolved, it will be a good thing."

Chen Wanman obviously had no doubts, and flew to the southwest.

At this time, in the grass, there were two other people who heard Li Fian's words.These two people are the third son Wei Xun and Zuoyue.

Li Fian sighed and flew to the southwest.

Zouyue two people appeared, looking at the two people in front and behind.Zuoyue asked: "Why did Sister Fei'an trick Chen Wanman into going to the Guigu Gate, and where is the Guigu Gate? Who knows."

The third son Wei Xun said with a slight smile: "Who knows what Li Fian's intention is, let alone what Li Fei'an's intention is, I will be before Chen Wanman, and I will enlighten Chen Wanman along the way. Madam, don't follow me for now, you should follow the previous Make an appointment to take my coffin back to my hometown. Wait for me at Yunjuzhuang, there is no wife in Yunjuzhuang, and the housekeeper is really too busy."

Zuoyue looked at the third son Wei Xun affectionately and said: "Then according to the son's wishes, I will go to Yunjuzhuang. This trip is extremely dangerous, and the son must be extra careful."

The third son looked deeply at Zouyue and said: "You also know that I am reluctant to part with you, but this trip is difficult, and I should have gone with you, but the matter of gathering together must not be delayed, you and my master , if no one is there, there will definitely be problems with the shopkeepers from all over the place, and the chief steward and Nanyan Beihe may not be able to control those shopkeepers."

Zouyue nodded slightly, and said with concentration: "It's a good thing. How can I not act according to the son's wishes, but the son, you have to take good care of yourself on the way. Don't suffer, we are rich in the world, and my business is everywhere. As long as the young master reveals his identity, someone will receive him, please pay attention, and don't go forward wronged." Said, with tears in his eyes, Zuoyue moved forward deeply, leaning against the third young master Wei Xun.The third son Wei Xun said comfortingly: "You can rest assured, my third son Wei Xun is also a member of the old calendar, so naturally nothing will happen. But Madam will definitely have to take care of family affairs when she returns this time, it will be hard work."

Zuoyue said softly: "If Sister Fei'an comes back and I work hard with Sister Fei'an, wouldn't it be much easier? Your husband will definitely bring Sister Fei'an back. Don't forget that Sister Fei'an is your real wife."

The third son Wei Xun said: "You are really a good wife."

The two were reluctant to part with each other, but they still separated and moved forward with melancholy.

As night fell, Li Fian was walking on a deserted country road. This was a field with no people around. Only during the day did someone ride a horse to take care of the crops.After sunset, there is no one here.Under normal circumstances, farmers will not build houses on the main road.Because they hope that no one will disturb them.Around the huge field, there is a green sea of ​​thousands of miles, and there are no homes there.Li Fian walked slowly forward and suddenly smelled a fragrance.Li Fian took a look, there was a dead tree not far away, and under the dead tree, a person was roasting delicious meat by the campfire.Li Fei'an stepped forward quickly, and saw that there was a handsome scholar in white clothes. The scholar was the third son Wei Xun, which made Li Fei'an ecstatic.

Seeing Li Fian approaching, the third son immediately got up and asked, "Recently, you have worked hard."

(End of this chapter)

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