magic whistle

Chapter 462, The town gathers people from the rivers and lakes, and Nian Feipeng persuades the devil

Chapter 462, The town gathers people from the rivers and lakes, and Nian Feipeng persuades the devil king
The man in white said: "It's not that I don't believe in Chen Wanman, it's just that Chen Wanman's strategy has few opponents in the arena. Maybe this person has arranged many things in the arena before, and he stayed at Guigumen before they were resolved. Those things are still in operation. , But I don't know, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell, if Chen Wanman is sincerely repentant, she will naturally come out to solve those things, but if she just pretends in front of me, then there will be a lot of trouble. Let's see how she faces For the overall situation of Jianghu."

The woman in white sighed and said: "Sometimes I really hate the overall situation of the world, and it makes people terrified."

The man in white smiled and said: "You and I have seen the overall situation of the Jianghu clearly, but for the sake of the peace of the soul, I have to appear in another identity in this Jianghu. My original intention is to go to Yunju Village and ignore the Jianghu. It's a pity that I have to take care of this Jianghu affairs now."

The woman in white said: "Then you and I will go to the small town outside Guigumen and wait to see how Ma Xuan treats Jianghu."

The man in white said: "There's no need to go to the small town. I think I'm going to enter the Feipeng Demon Castle again. I made an exception that day to let the people of Feipeng Demon Castle have a chance. I thought they would know that there are people in the world who can deal with it." The rise of their people made them fearful, but those people are still so ignorant, it seems that you and I have to find a way to enter the Feipeng Demon Fortress, and when the time comes, help Su Wufeng, Ma Xuan wiped out that Flying Peng Demon Fort."

The woman in white smiled and said: "It seems that after Wei Xun, the famous third son in the Jianghu passed away, he will not reappear in the Jianghu. What will appear is a gust of wind, a shadow, and a story. The world doesn't care whether the third son Wei Xun is alive or dead. It's not very clear, but although the third son Wei Xun is gone, the chivalry will always be there."

The man in white said: "But people in the world don't even know that Li Fian, who can command countless martial arts masters, has no longer commanded the martial arts, and has left a mystery, some things, some words in the Jianghu. No one knows that Li Fei'an has been to the Jianghu , but know that she is the same as the third son Wei Xun, who came from the rivers and lakes and went to the rivers and lakes."

After the two finished speaking, they smiled at each other.

Ma Xuan rushed to the town without stopping, and it was still the inn full of paintings.After entering the inn, he opened the door to the backyard and found at least ten people chatting and laughing happily in the backyard.It seemed that those people were waiting here on purpose. These ten people were drinking and chatting among the pavilions in the courtyard.As soon as Ma Xuan looked at those people, he thought to himself: "Could it be that they are also trapped here? It doesn't look like there is any problem. It doesn't seem like there is a problem with the formation."

Ling'er came out from a hidden door on one side, saw 19 people in front of her, said with a slight smile: "It turns out to be Master Ma, if the little girl is not mistaken, I will read it later when the Lord captures them here."

When Ma Xuan heard this, he smiled and said, "Yes, there are many surprises in Jianghu. In the kitchen of Huangyuan, someone captured Hou Wannian, and made Hou Wannian unable to move. I will have the opportunity to escort him later." I want to go back to Beijing tonight."

Ling'er nodded and said, "That's my senior brother Wei Xun's ability."

When Ma Xuan heard this, he was taken aback, and said: "No, what Su Wufeng said, the third son Wei Xun and Princess Fei'an have passed away, how could there be Hou Wannian to be captured?"

Ling'er showed her bright teeth, and said with a sweet and innocent smile: "Senior brother is world-class in martial arts and unparalleled in strategy. Only he can easily capture Hou Wannian, and only senior brother knows Su Wufeng's shortcomings."

Ma Xuan was surprised, and said: "But the third son Wei Xun and Li Fei'an have indeed passed away. If so, then the third son Wei Xun and Li Fei'an must have manifested."

Ling'er lowered her head and thought: "It's strange, why senior brother and Sister Fei'an acted like this, it's a bit strange, since the two of them won't let this kind of people know, then I won't say anything, otherwise it will ruin the senior brother's business."

Ling'er nodded and said: "If that's the case, it's the spirit of the senior brother in the sky, and I can't bear the crimes of the brother Hou. It's just a pity to let Hou Wannian escape at that time. If this is the case, the spirit of the brother in the sky will definitely be disappointed."

Ma Xuan sighed and said: "The third son is a hero of the generation. If he sees this kind of thing, he must be very disappointed. I am incompetent and let the third son's heart go to waste. I am really ashamed of the third son Wei Xun."

Ling'er looked at the iron flute in his hand and said: "Your Excellency, don't blame yourself, the little girl has important things to do, please wait here, and the little girl will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Ling'er strode out.

Ma Xuan shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, girl!"

Ling'er stopped and asked, "What else can you do, my lord?"

Ma Xuan said: "In a few days, I will ask Feipeng Mobao Xingshi for his crimes. The girl has an iron flute in her hand. It belongs to the third son Wei Xun. That girl must have a high level of cultivation. Why don't you help me?"

Ling'er nodded and said: "Your Excellency, just go, the little girl originally walked the rivers and lakes according to the wishes of the three young masters. If the little girl's place can be used, the little girl will definitely come to help, but today the little girl is really busy. There are countless masters here. Let's see how adults behave."

Ma Xuan heard something from the young Ling'er's words, so he smiled slightly and entered the deserted garden.In the deserted garden, I saw ten masters.After some conversation, those ten people actually agreed to Ma Xuan to deal with Feipeng Mobao.Ma Xuan was secretly happy, but still kept his eyes on the front door of the inn.Thinking that Ling'er was not very surprised by her arrival, she even understood her own affairs very well, and these people were waiting here as if they were waiting for her arrival.Ma Xuan was overjoyed, but he still looked thoughtful about what happened before him.

Linger went out and saw men and women in white clothes on the streets of the small town. Linger asked, "Who are you two? Why do you want me to keep the ten masters inside, and I also know that Ma Xuan came here."

The man in white smiled and said: "Who we are, the girl doesn't need to know for the time being, it's just a matter in front of me. The little girl has done a good job. We are friends with the third son Wei Xun, so we will act according to the third son Wei Xun's wishes. If the girl wants to see you When we get to the third son Wei Xun, we will go together with Ma Xuan, and there will be a girl named Tie Dizi to help us along the way, so we will naturally solve many problems."

Linger glanced at the two of them and asked: "There are rumors in the Jianghu that this time the third son Wei Xun and Sister Fei'an are no longer in the Jianghu. I don't know if this is true or not. This girl wants to know the truth."

The woman in white said: "Many things in Jianghu are true and false, it is difficult to be trusted, but the girl should know the truth, if she knows, I advise the girl not to solve the mystery, to have a secret, so that it can be interesting."

Ling'er nodded and said: "If that's the case, then I'll know, please rest assured, this girl will never tell outsiders about this matter."

The man in white said, "That's fine! The little girl must be extra careful, and don't lose the iron flute. If there is no iron flute, it will be difficult for the girl to protect herself."

Ling'er nodded and said: "Please rest assured, I will never lose the iron flute."

The man in white said: "That's good! I'll take a step first, girl be careful."

Half a month later, Hou Wannian and his group arrived in front of the gate of the Feipeng Demon Fort. The guardian of the gate took a look and flew forward and shouted: "Who is it that wants to break into my Feipeng Demon Castle?"

Hou Wannian coughed and saluted and said, "Please tell Senior Chen, the junior Hou Wannian will come to pay respects."

The gatekeeper saw that Hou Wannian was sick and said: "It is said that Hou Wannian is a top-notch expert in the Jianghu. After Xun destroys my hometown of Feipeng Demon Fort, anyone who is a stranger must not enter Feipeng Demon Castle."

Hou Wannian smiled and said: "My son came here to tell Senior Chen, the Demon King of Feipeng, that now that the Demon Castle of Feipeng is in danger, Ma Xuan has already called for martial arts masters to come. carry on."

The gatekeeper said: "Then you wait here for a while, and I will inform my master right away."

Hou Wannian waited in front of the door, but there was no reply for an hour.Just about to enter it, the man suddenly turned over panting and said: "Since the young master has a good intention, my master said, it is natural to see the young master, but this Feipeng magic castle cannot be entered, and outsiders are not allowed to enter the Feipeng magic castle. My eldest lady ordered you to turn around and go back to the bamboo forest on the left. In the bamboo forest, there is a small stream, and there is a fisherman by the stream. Once you see that person, you will know where my master is."

Hou Wannian smiled and thought: "It's really a mystery, why are you so cautious? I'm still afraid that the third son Wei Xun will send a secret agent to enter again. If the third son Wei Xun has a secret agent, it will be your eldest lady, who is the third son? I will be found by you, okay! In order to meet your mysterious castle master, then I have no choice but to obey your words."

Hou Wannian turned back, and not long after he walked, he came to a bamboo forest, where the hands were deep and long, and the straight bamboos soared into the sky.It seemed so peaceful and quiet.Follow the words of the gatekeeper.Hou Wannian searched in the bamboo forest.After searching for an hour, I still couldn't find the creek.Hou Wannian thought to herself: "It's really unreasonable, you dare to lie to me, let's see how I deal with you."

Hou Wannian turned around, and suddenly heard the sound of the stream echoing in her ears.After Hou Wannian walked to the left again, he saw that there was really a clear trickle.Hou Wannian searched along the stream, and at a deep pool, he saw a pile of stones, on which a fisherman was sitting.He looks so leisurely, with white hair and temples, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and wearing black clothes.Quietly and earnestly staring at the surface of the water, it is a deep pit formed by the drop between the stream and the rocks, obviously the water of the stream here is a little deeper than other places.

Hou Wannian saluted and said, "This junior, Su Wufeng, has met senior."

Old Chen put away his fishing rod, turned around and asked, "What is your business here?"

Hou Wannian smiled and said: "The younger generation told the seniors to go. Soon after, Ma Xuanhui will bring eighteen Shaolin masters here to destroy Feipeng Demon Fort. They are different from the third son Wei Xun this time. The third son Wei Xun Back then, it was deliberately restrained in order to keep Chen Wanman, but this time Ma Xuan was following orders to exterminate, etc., the junior came here to advise the senior."

Mr. Chen said with a smile: "Since you came here to make plans and the family doesn't talk about each other, then tell me, I'll wait, how to solve this matter?"

Hou Wannian said: "I know that senior sent three masters to look for Chen Wanman, but those three masters couldn't find Chen Wanman, and there was going to be a fight with Ma Xuan who came here, and the three masters would die in Ma Xuan's hands. As soon as he came, Ma Xuan's morale was high, and soon he was approaching the city. The younger generation wants to cooperate with the senior, so that the younger generation can offer all the strategies to deal with Ma Xuan. In the current world, we are all in danger, so it's inconvenient Single-handedly prepare to be destroyed by others, and then fight together.”

Mr. Chen said with a "haha" smile: "But I know that the person Ma Xuan is looking for today is you. That day you incited a princess to rebel in the capital, which angered the princess and made the court furious and chased you. Today, old man If you can catch you, then the old man will have something to explain in front of Ma Xuan."

Hou Wannian smiled and said: "It's useless. During the chaos in the capital, the two daughters of seniors were also in the capital, and the second daughter was also directly involved in it. Now we are tied to the same rope as grasshoppers, and no one can escape. , if that's the case, it's better to cooperate together, otherwise the army will be overwhelmed, and it won't be wiped out."

At this time, a person wearing a ghost mask appeared in the bamboo forest, and he smiled in front of Mr. Chen and said, "Hou Wannian's idea is also a good way. Then Ma Xuan has always been an enemy of our green forest, and now is a very good time." , if Ma Xuan can be eliminated, there will be no martial arts masters guarding the capital. Only then will we have the opportunity to enter the capital and realize our plan. It is a good opportunity for us to have one less martial arts master guarding the capital, Su Among the three of Wufeng, Duan Tianxing, and Guimou Scholar, two are sent by me. This is not a good opportunity. If we deal with Ma Xuan alone, together with the eighteen Shaolin masters, it will be very difficult for us to deal with. .”

Mr. Chen thought for a while and said: "This teacher is from Li Yaoshi, and he must have learned from Li Yaoshi's genius. If we believe this person's words, if this person turns against each other in the future, it will not be like leading a wolf into the house. Others can cooperate, only Li Yaoshi Disciple can't reconcile with him. The third son Wei Xun is cunning, so we have suffered a lot. Over the years, we have made plans, and the third son has cracked them one by one. Now there is no news of the third son Wei Xun in the world. It is said that the third son Wei Xun has passed away long ago, but this old man doesn't think so."

Hou Wannian smiled and said: "Senior, don't worry, no one in the world dares to shout in front of the third son Wei Xun, this is an indisputable matter, but before the old master died, he explained to our disciples, the method of mutual restraint, The third son Wei Xun died under the restraint method left by his master, and he would never survive. Originally, the master told him that whoever has the heart to betray justice can be punished by others, but the third son Wei Xun saw Li Fei'an When something goes wrong, you will have a decadent heart and kill yourself, this is an anecdote in the world."

The person wearing the mask said with a "hehe" smile: "This is a bit unbelievable, but it doesn't feel true. The third son Wei Xun claims to be the most wise man in the world, how can he do such a thing."

Hou Wannian said triumphantly: "It's not that matter. You don't know. Today, the son was suspicious of the third son Wei Xun, and he put the third son Wei Xun in prison before the rebellion was suppressed. The third son is naturally It is unacceptable, everyone knows that the third son Wei Xun seems to be a person who is indifferent to fame and wealth, but he is actually a decent person. You can know that the third son Wei Xun made great achievements in order to have a high official and rich salary. The third son abandoned Miss Chen to curry favor with the princess. It's also for the sake of prosperity, but now it's the end, thinking of cheating death to deceive the emperor, it can be seen that the third son Wei Xun is also trembling. If Li Fei'an is here, with the support of the princess, today's son dare not really deal with the third son Wei Xun, but the princess died How can the third son survive, the emperor will not forgive the third son Wei Xun. Even if he is still alive, he will not dare to appear in the Jianghu, let alone help Ma Xuan again."

The ghost-masked man smiled and said: "It really deserves it. In this way, the third son Wei Xun is nothing to be afraid of."

Hou Wannian nodded slightly, thinking of the man and woman in white, he said: "But a pair of mysterious people appeared on the rivers and lakes. They are a pair of people in white clothes. No one knows where those two people came from? Those two people made me feel uncomfortable with one move. Comfortable, maybe those two people are also strange people invited by the imperial court, those two people are the most terrifying people in the Jianghu, Feipeng Demon Castle must pay attention to those two people."

Mr. Chen looked at Hou Wannian with a serious expression and said, "So, those two are stronger than the third son Wei Xun and Li Fei'an."

Hou Wannian lowered her head and said, "Third Young Master, you should be ashamed of yourself in front of men and women in white."

Old Chen turned to the ghost-masked man and said, "It seems that we need to send someone to find out the details of those two people."

Hou Wannian shook her head and said, "People always have to talk, eat, stay and walk, so I can find out about those two people. But I searched the rivers and lakes for a while, and there is no news about those two people at all."

The ghost-masked man said: "Since this is the case, there are records in the capital, so I will go back and find out what clues there are."

Old Chen said: "You must not go back to Beijing. If you go back, your identity will be exposed. It will be harmful to our plan in the future. No matter how high the martial arts of those two are, we have to experience them."

Hou Wannian listened to the conversation between the two, and thought to herself: "Identity, it's strange, does this ghost-masked man still have an unknown identity? Could it be that this ghost-masked man is related to the capital."

The ghost-masked man took a look at Hou Wannian's puzzled eyes and smiled slightly: "Yes! My original intention was to go to the capital to find someone to work with us. That might expose our identity, so we should cover it up and block it with soldiers. I'll wait in the Feipeng Demon The fort is already full of traps, let those people go to die."

Hou Wannian smiled and said: "Yes, as long as the third son Wei Xun doesn't come, the men and women in white may not break the formation, and we will also have a slight advantage. The senior's method of forming the formation is also unique. With my help at that time, I will definitely let that horse fight." Xuan has come and gone."

Old Chen thought to himself: "Hmph! You're not a good kid, but I want to see if you really trust me."

Hou Wannian clenched her fists and thought: "It seems that this Feipeng Demon Castle is really not simple."

(End of this chapter)

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