magic whistle

Chapter 474, The Bloody Two Heroes Appear

Chapter 474, The Bloody Two Heroes Appear
Knowing about the Bloody Two Heroes, Ma Xuan's face became serious, and he said to everyone: "Everyone, be extra careful, those two should not be underestimated."

Everyone walked forward slowly, and suddenly heard the soft sound of "shua shua" leaves.Everyone stopped and looked ahead, their hearts were pounding.

At this time, under the eyes of everyone, there are two figures like lightning, flashing back and forth, left, right, up and down, it looks like two people but they will hide between the flashes.Ma Xuan didn't dare to take another step forward, put his hand on the hilt of his sword, looked at the crowd, and slowly turned around on the spot.There were two shadows flying back and forth in front of Ma Xuan.Ma Xuan looked at the two of them calmly and shouted loudly: "You two idiots, you need to play tricks in front of this official, so don't show up quickly."

After a loud cry, two people appeared. After they landed, their appearances were shocking after being seen.The two have yin and yang faces, one is white on the left, black on the right, and the other is the opposite.The clothes worn by the two are quite suitable for the occasion, and complement each other with their faces.The two looked at Ma Xuan standing in front of them, and a person on the left stepped forward and said: "Your Excellency is the famous Master Ma Xuan Ma in the Jianghu. I heard that you are going to destroy Fei Feipeng Demon Fortress. I will wait for the two of you to take his money. Come and stop Your Excellency."

Ma Xuan smiled, raised the long sword in his hand and said: "You two don't know this official, do you? Then this official told you today that this official only deals with those who take black silver and commit crimes."

Two old men flew forward and said: "Master Ma, I want to see if the Bloody Two Heroes can avoid our moves, or leave this man to me, and let me experience the power of the Bloody Two Swords. "

The person on the right untied the soft knife from his waist and said: "You two are already very old, if it is too long, then I will wait for the two of you to give the two seniors a home, the two seniors will not agree!"

The two laughed and said: "A killer who talks so much must not be a good killer, because in such a time, the person killed will think of a way to save himself. But once the killer doesn't know how to kill, the tragedy will be yours." Own."

The Bloody Two Heroes showed their weapons one after another, and the two of them crossed positions, one up and one down, turning over again and again, the leap was not high, but one was up and the other was down, moving east and west, back and forth, so that the other party could not see the figures of the two Variety.The two stepped forward and attacked the old man. The two old men remained motionless, waiting for the two to come and attack.Seeing that the two old men did not dodge, the two of them stopped moving forward, but just made a "swish", turned over on both sides, and disappeared.

Everyone looked around back to back, and with a "shua", a light and shadow appeared in front of Ma Xuan.Ma Xuan raised his head and saw that one of the bloodbath duo was on top of his head, with a long knife in his hand stabbing Tian Ling Gai.At this time, Ling'er on one side quickly flew up.Ling'er has a slender figure, so she can naturally get up from the crowd dexterously.Ling'er popped out the three-edged sword from the iron flute in her hand, and she was lying on a slant, hanging above everyone's heads, and the three-edged sword in her hand blocked the sharp edge of the approacher.Another person also appeared in an instant.Feihua lifted it upwards vigorously.Pour zhenqi on the three-edged sword, and then forcefully eject it from the future.When two other people flew forward, everyone immediately turned over and dispersed, and that person came to Ma Xuan.However, the eighteen monks turned around and came forward one after another. How many were on the left, how many were on the right, how many were behind, and how many were on top. Clamp.The other person was shocked when he saw it, and immediately threw off the entanglement with Ling'er, and flew forward, wanting to help.Several old men stood in front of them neatly.A group of people issued powerful palms at the same time.When the man saw it, he jumped up, quickly avoided it, and flew to a high place.

When Ma Xuan saw it, he flew up, higher than the man's hand with a sway of the long sword, and the long sword attacked the man like a swimming dragon.The man looked at it, flipped back and forth a few times, and dodged.The man moved forward like lightning again, this time the target was eighteen monks, but in the forest, two leaves flew over, the leaves were like two flying sharp blades, when the man broke through Ma Xuan's sword and moved forward, the leaves flew over into the man's body.This time Ma Xuan saw clearly, the man gritted his teeth and fell to the ground.Even one of the two bloodthirsty heroes could not succeed under the siege and interception of the crowd.He was quickly captured by the crowd.

Ma Xuan looked in the direction of the woods and thought: "There is no one there, why is the leaf so powerful, maybe there is someone in the woods to help us."

The man looked at the two leaves pierced into half of his body in front of him, "haha..." he laughed.

Ma Xuan asked, "Why are you laughing?"

The man looked around and said: "I understand now, it's not that I can't deal with you, it's because there are masters around you in the dark."

Ma Xuan nodded slightly and said: "I waited for justice in the rivers and lakes, and I have the help of gods and men. I came all the way, without any effort, and the masters of Feipeng Demon Castle fell countless. The two were captured by us today. You should know me The power of justice."

The two stared at Ma Xuan angrily and said: "You are lucky today. Although we are defeated, the road ahead is not easy. Maybe someone is going to kill you. Only you can see it, but you can't think of it." , Your Excellency, please do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, the two looked dull, and black blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

One person stepped forward and said, "They all hid poison under their tongues. It seems that Feipeng Demon Castle has already resorted to unscrupulous methods."

Ma Xuan said: "If that's the case, then we will be getting closer and closer to the new nest of Feipeng Magic Castle. Maybe there are really masters ahead that we don't know, and we can't guard against them. You must cheer up and be extremely vigilant."

Everyone agreed one after another, Ling'er looked around and thought: "Why didn't the two of you see the leaves just now, it seems that those two people's martial arts cultivation is really uninhabited."

Everyone walks forward.

Two men and women in white clothes flew out, the man sighed and said: "Now there are two more people crossed out from the green forest booklet. Originally, I let these two people be arrested without a fight, but I didn't expect them to treat death like home."

The woman in white nodded, and said melancholy: "One hair moves the whole body. I didn't expect that after the emperor issued the order to destroy the green forest, there would be such a scene. Life is so long, who can cherish it. It seems that there are two new graves here. You and me The two have become the ones who will deal with the funeral."

The man in white smiled and said: "Who doesn't ask about Jianghu Road, who knows that Jianghu Road is dangerous, life and death are on the line, there are many people who don't care about their lives, so I still find a way to find someone to collect the corpse."

The woman in white said, "Why did all this cause such chaos today?"

The man in white said: "People with desires don't seek stability, and people with ambitions don't know peace. Unrest leads to chaos, and chaos leads to death. Look at Ma Xuan's actions. Should we avoid this? No, there are people who desire desire. Some people will die because of their desires, and their desires will become demons, and they will cause harm to the world and must be eradicated."

The woman in white smiled and said: "The good and evil of the human heart come from cause and effect. It seems that this Feipeng Demon Castle's evil heart is unrepentant, and he is destined to be punished here."

The man in white took a step forward and said: "People in the world, the good ones outweigh the evil ones, and the natural breeze is positive, but if there are big evil people obstructing it, then the world's filth will be absorbed, and a battle between good and evil will inevitably take place. . Neither you nor I can do anything."

The woman in white smiled and said: "Then I'll catch up as soon as possible, and nothing will happen before Ma Xuan arrives at Feipeng Demon Castle."

The man in white smiled slightly and said: "You haven't noticed that the people who dealt with Ma Xuan at Feipeng Magic Fort read it later, if they deal with Ma Xuan at that time, they can solve it quickly, but the people sent by Hou Wannian They are all scattered, and no one can formally confront Ma Xuan, so this person must be using Ma Xuan to achieve other ulterior motives."

The woman in white asked: "Do you want to tell Ma Xuan about this?"

The man in white said: "Don't worry for now, if you tell Ma Xuan, it will be counterproductive. Then someone should tell the people of Feipeng Demon Castle about Hou Wannian's behavior."

The woman in white asked: "Then who will tell that Feipeng Demon Castle?"

The man in white said with a smile: "There must be a secret work of Feipeng Magic Castle by Hou Wannian's side, but that person may be hiding it very deeply, otherwise these two people would not take poison today. After the order, a death order was also issued, otherwise these two people would not have lost their lives."

The woman in white said: "It seems that this martial arts battle is very interesting."

The man in white smiled and said, "But if three people don't show up, Ma Xuan will always lose."

The woman in white smiled and asked, "Who is it?"

The man in white said: "One is Chen Wanman's attitude in the Jianghu. She is the key person in the entire Jianghu. If this person is righteous, the evil will perish. If this person is a member of the evil faction, the chaos in the Jianghu will not be solved this time. The second is The mysterious black-clothed woman, this person is very skilled in martial arts, but she doesn't show up often, and she is still very mysterious. There is also a ghost-faced person, this person is the most mysterious, even I can't guess her identity now, this person is The real helm of Feipeng Demon Castle, Feipeng Demon King is only doing things for this person. The identity of this person must be very complicated."

The woman in white said: "These people can really affect the overall situation of the world, which is really unbelievable."

The man in white said: "The three of them may be the same person, or they may be three different people, but I still don't know where the mystery lies, but there is one thing, all three of them may show up this time."

The woman in white asked: "But Chen Wanman voluntarily stayed in the Ghost Valley Gate, how could she appear?"

The man in white smiled and said: "She has already left Guigumen, and Guigumen saw that the chaos in Jianghu was caused by Chen Wanman, so Chen Wanman will naturally let Chen Wanman solve it secretly, and now she may be on the way back to Feipeng Demon Fort. It's just that this person's bias is very important, because there are very few people in the world who can defeat Chen Wanman, even if I wait for the two to make a move, it may not be able to completely clean up the mess, and there will still be endless troubles."

(End of this chapter)

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