Chapter 104 Secret Technique
Longbang warriors, now in the entire Qinghe prefecture martial arts, on the face of it, the suzerain Qi Changtian of the Yuan and Ming sects is at this level.

In other words, Gu Changqing has now stood at the top of Qinghe Prefecture's martial arts.

It's a pity that the martial arts in Qinghe Prefecture only ranks last among the eighteen martial arts states of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In fact, more than 100 years ago, the martial arts in Qinghe Prefecture had a very prosperous period, and it could be ranked among the top five in the eighteen prefectures of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At that time, there were several martial arts peak powers in Qinghe Prefecture who had masters in the concentration state.

Qixuanmen, Yuanmingzong, had a master of Concentrating Mind Realm at that time.

However, at that time, an extremely powerful force, Xuanmingzong, rose up in Qinghe Prefecture.

Xuanmingzong, a sect with three concentrating masters appeared at the same time, and it was very strong for a while.

Therefore, a huge ambition was born, intending to unify the entire martial arts in Qinghe Prefecture.

Naturally, other forces in Qinghe Prefecture who possess masters of the Concentrating Mind Realm do not want to submit to the Xuanming Sect.

In the end, several peak forces joined forces to start a world-shattering battle with Xuan Mingzong.

In this battle, several masters of the Concentration Realm fell.

As a result, Xuanmingzong suffered a disastrous defeat. Two of the three masters of Concentration Realm were killed, and one was seriously injured. They led a small number of Xuanmingzong warriors to escape from Qinghe Prefecture.

Several other peak martial arts forces in Qinghe Prefecture also paid the price of huge casualties.

Among them, the masters of the Concentration Realm, two of the peak forces in the martial arts, fell, causing the sects to be destroyed in the next hundred years.

Qixuanmen, Yuan Mingzong and the master of the Concentration Realm, the peak force of the other side of the martial arts, were also seriously injured.

The concentration master died of his injuries a few years later.

The martial arts in Qinghe Prefecture, because of this battle, the strong fell, the masters withered, and entered a period of decline.

In the end, until 30 years ago, Ning Wangfu coerced the entire Qinghe Prefecture.

The two masters of the Concentration Realm under his command were severely wounded by the Supreme Master of Tianwuwei, Pei Donglai, and they disappeared from sight.

There is no more master in the martial arts of Qinghe Prefecture, and he has fallen to become the last one in the martial arts of the eighteen prefectures of the Great Zhou Dynasty.


Gu Changqing is somewhat satisfied with his current strength.

But it won't let him slack off.

His strength, in a short period of time, still has a lot of room for improvement.

You only need to get enough weirdness, and get a lot of yuan power by obliterating weirdness with the soul orb.

He can continue to use Yuanli to improve the two skills of Jinjia Gong and Hunyuan Gong.

Jinjiagong majors in the physical body.

Hunyuan Gong mainly focuses on inner Qi.

Now, Gu Changqing is at the seventh level of the Golden Armor Kung Fu, which is at the early stage of innate physical body.

The fourth layer of Hunyuan Gong, the early stage of Yuangang Realm.

As long as the two skills are raised to the eighth level of the Golden Armor Kungfu through Yuanli, it is the middle stage of the innate body.

Or the Hunyuan Kungfu is upgraded to the fifth level, the middle stage of Yuangang Realm.

However, the higher the level, the more energy is needed to upgrade.

Upgrading to the seventh level of Golden Armor Kungfu consumes 8 points of Yuanli, and upgrading to the fourth level of Hunyuangong consumes 10 points of Yuanli, and continuing to upgrade should require doubling of Yuanli.

In this way, the more weirdness needs to be erased.

Fortunately, now there are demon slaying envoys from the two prefectures working together to capture and seal Wei Wei.

Otherwise, relying on Gu Changqing and Guiyun Villa alone, I don't know how long it will take to seal so many strange things.

While waiting for the Demon Slaying Envoy to capture Wei, Gu Changqing did not forget about the fusion of Wei's secret technique.

Once he successfully understands the principle of fusing the strange secret technique, understands how to obtain the strange power, and applies this power to the warrior himself, his strength can also be improved a lot.

At this time, Gu Changqing began to experiment on the strange body of his incarnation.

The weirdness of his own incarnation is not dangerous, even if it fails.


In the Wulin of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Tianwu Guards tried their best to suppress the powerful god-level weirdness that appeared in this world, chasing and killing evil spirits and heretic forces from all sides.

At this time, the demon sect suddenly made a big commotion.

It publishes the secret technique of improving strength through weirdness created by researching weirdness, so that everyone in the martial arts world can practice it.

Occult is different from arcana.

The secret method needs to be fused with the weirdness, and the use of the weirdness to improve the strength is not small. If you are not careful, you may be devoured by the weirdness.

The secret technique does not need to be fused with weirdness, it is relatively safe, it infects warriors through weird spiritual power, and stimulates warriors to stimulate their own strength.

Compared with the fusion of strange secrets, the strength of the secrets is not much improved.

Usually, a martial artist at the peak of Qimai Realm can increase three or four meridians. For example, a warrior who opens a meridian can have the strength to open four or five meridians by performing secret techniques.

Even so, for martial artists in the martial arts world, they are ecstatic and flock to it.

Under normal circumstances, one meridian has the strength to open four or five meridians, and they are all genius disciples of some aristocratic families who have practiced some powerful martial arts and even unique skills.

For example, it was like this when Gu Changqing first cultivated the Shijia Kung Fu to the fifth level.

Now that one can possess such strength by practicing secret arts, ordinary warriors in the martial arts world can also possess the strength of genius warriors on the tiger list, which is enough to drive them crazy.

Therefore, as soon as the secret technique of Yaoxie Sect was announced, it was immediately acquired by warriors from various forces in the martial arts world.

Tian Wuwei had no choice but to stop it.

"Secret technique, why did the evil sect announce the secret technique?" Gu Changqing also got the secret technique, but he was puzzled by it.

When he was in Dongchuan Mansion, he had assisted Tianwuwei in chasing down the warriors of the Yaoxie Sect, and he had seen the warriors of the Yaoxie Sect perform this secret technique, which suddenly increased their strength.

It's just strange that the Yaoxie Sect has such a secret technique to enhance strength, and it only needs to teach the warriors in it to practice, so the Yaoxie Sect warriors have an advantage.

If martial artists from other forces in the martial arts practice and lose their uniqueness, the so-called secret techniques are not considered secret techniques, but ordinary skills.

Gu Changqing faintly felt that this matter was not simple, and that the evil cult must have some purpose in its actions.

Sure enough, Tianwuwei soon issued an announcement regarding the secret arts of the Yaoxie Sect.

The announcement informs martial arts practitioners not to easily practice the secret techniques announced by the evil cult.

This kind of secret technique needs to constantly infect the strange spiritual power. When strengthening the spiritual will and improving the strength through the secret technique, the warrior's spirit will also be polluted. If it fails, it will become bloodthirsty, crazy, and even lose consciousness , into an inhuman monster.

Even if one succeeds in cultivating a secret technique, every time one performs a secret technique, one will again suffer from strange mental pollution and willpower attacks. Once one performs too many secret techniques, there is still a risk of becoming a monster in the end.

If you want to successfully cultivate into a secret technique, the safest way is to have a master in the concentration state personally protect the law with a spiritual imprint.

However, even the warriors of the peak power, it is impossible for all of them to be protected by a master of concentration.

At this moment, Gu Changqing faintly understood the reason why the demon cult announced the secret technique.

The evil sect was hunted down by Tianwuwei in order to make the Great Zhou Wulin more turbulent, disturb Tianwuwei's sight, and make Tianwuwei have no time to care about others.

Warriors in the martial arts have a strong pursuit of strength, even if they know the dangers of secret arts, it is still difficult to stop them from practicing secretly.

Even the warriors of Guiyun Villa, there are many people who are fascinated by the secret technique and want to try it.

(End of this chapter)

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