Chapter 121
A guardian envoy needs to have the strength to be able to guard a government.

Lin Yuanshen demanded that no matter the chief and deputy guards, they must at least have the strength in the late Yuan Gang state.

Only with such strength can he quickly lead his demon slaying envoys to kill and seal the powerful monsters of the evil spirit level in the future.

We must not let the evil-level weirdness devour the souls of a large number of ordinary people, otherwise it will grow at an unimaginable speed and advance to the fierce-level weirdness.

Evil-level weirdness, as long as it devours the souls of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people, it can directly advance to the fierce god-level weirdness without any hindrance.

If there is a fierce god-level monster in the state, it will be a disaster for the warriors in the entire state. The warriors in the late Yuangang state are in danger of death. In this case, the only way to kill it is to persist until the leader of the Tianwuwei Concentrating God Realm master comes to kill it. Fierce and weird.

This time, along with Lin Yuanshen, there were two Tianwuwei guards in the mid-Yuangang Realm and six early-Yuangang Realm warriors.

Tianwuwei really can't send too many people.

However, these warriors have all cultivated the fusion of strange secrets, fused with a grievance-level strange.

At the same time, they all have a standard long knife that incorporates the strangeness of the resentment level. This kind of weapon that incorporates the weirdness is called the Lingbing by the Tianwuwei.

This made Tianwuwei, who was cultivated at the early stage of Yuangang Realm, barely have the strength to rival the late Yuangang Realm.

And the strength of the two mid-Yuan Gang realm warriors is even closer to the top of the dragon list.

Secret techniques, spiritual weapons, let the martial artist's strength rise by leaps and bounds.

As for the positions of the guardian envoys of the six mansions, they were naturally occupied by the heads of the previous sub-guilds of the Demon Slaying Divisions of the various mansions, and the other Demon Slayer Envoys did not have this strength.

Lin Yuanshen also did not directly intervene in this matter.

In Guangchang Mansion, Xuansongzi, the master of Qixuanmen, became the guardian envoy.

In Bikong Mansion, Lu Heng, the grand elder of Yuan Ming Zong Tai, became the guardian envoy.

In Xiyi Mansion, Lu Tongxuan, the Xuan-level Demon Slayer Envoy, became the Guardian Envoy.

In Luohe Mansion, Yang Wentian, the master of Badaomen, became the guardian envoy.

Both Chongming Mansion and Dongchuan Mansion are occupied by Gu Changqing.

Lin Yuanshen only asked Gu Changqing to choose one.

Gu Changqing chose Chongming Mansion and became the guardian envoy of Chongming Mansion.

Dongchuan Mansion, the weakest mansion, has no strong late Yuangang warriors in the local area. To Gu Changqing's surprise, Ren Wuya, the commander of Tianwuwei who was exchanged for his meritorious deeds as a demon slaying envoy, became the guardian envoy.

Not long ago, Ren Wuya successfully broke through to the middle stage of the Yuangang Realm, and then merged with a late-stage ghost of the Resentment level, plus a spirit soldier, and already possessed the strength close to the master of the dragon list.

However, Wang Qianzhong did not return to Chongming Mansion from Dongchuan Mansion. He was still in Dongchuan Mansion and became a deputy guardian envoy.

Gu Changqing handed over the spiritual weapon bestowed by Lin Yuanshen to Wang Qianzhong. Relying on the secret technique and spiritual weapon, Wang Qianzhong also possessed the strength in the late stage of the Yuangang Realm by relying on the secret method and the spiritual weapon, coupled with the tyrannical body of the sixth layer of Shijiagong.

Under each guardian envoy, there are two deputy guardian envoys.

Each of the six Tianwuwei commanders occupied a deputy guard envoy position in the six mansions.

Another position can be designated by the guardian envoy, the only requirement is to have the strength in the late stage of the Yuangang state.

At the same time, since the Qinghe Prefecture Demon Slaying Division had just been established.

Lin Yuanshen announced the good news directly.

For all warriors in Qinghe Prefecture who have the strength of the Yuangang Realm, this time they will be given a chance to directly advance to become a Mysterious Demon Slayer without having to kill the demon warriors of the Yuangang Realm.

Mysterious-level demon slayers have many advantages over yellow-level demon slayers.

First of all, it can be exchanged for the fusion of strange secrets.

Secondly, it only costs [-]% of the cost to use the meritorious service to exchange merits and resources.It is equivalent to only half of the merit points can be exchanged for precious exercises and rare resources.

This is definitely a great benefit for the mysterious demon slayer.

Many Xuan level demon slayers are very concerned about the innate skills and powerful unique skills in the division of demons.

For this reason, all demon slayers with the strength of the Yuangang realm have become Xuan-level demon slayers.

Among them are mainly some martial artists with six or seven veins who have cultivated the secret technique.

For example, Qixuanmen and Yuanmingzong have several such warriors who have become Xuan-level demon slayers, plus the original Yuangang-level warriors, there are more than a dozen Xuan-level demonslayers under their command.

Some of the top martial arts forces, Murong Family, Changhe Sword Sect, Fengyun Boxing Gym, Badaomen, etc., also have six or seven Xuan-level Demon Slayers.

But what really shocked everyone was Guiyun Villa.

Returning to Yunshanzhuang, except Wang Qianzhong, Gu Changming, Lin Guang, and Tang Ao, four Yuangang realm warriors.

Gu Changyun, Gu Changshan, Gu Changan, Gu Changding, the two daughters of Luliu Hongmian and other peak Qimai realm warriors, more than 20 people have the strength of the Yuangang realm and have become Xuan-level demon slayers.

He Changfeng from the Changfeng Escort who took refuge in Guiyun Villa, Yang Baozong from Iron Spear Yang, Wang Guihu, Zhu Feiying and other ten Demon Slayers who were bestowed with Zijin Dan by Gu Changqing also became Xuan-level Demon Slayers.

Guiyun Villa is equivalent to directly owning more than 30 Xuan-level Demon Slayers.

Lin Yuanshen, the domain envoy, was a little surprised by this situation.

Guiyun Villa actually hides such a group of powerful forces.

This is enough for Guiyun Villa to have considerable influence in the Demon Slayer Department of Qinghe Prefecture.

With Tianwu Wei Lin Yuanshen establishing Qinghe Prefecture Demon Slayer Division, Lin Yuanshen became the envoy in charge of a state.

The guarding of the six prefectures under his command has naturally changed the rights a lot, and it cannot be compared with before, and most of the rights have been taken back.

The Guardian Envoy has no right to life or death over the Demon Slayer Envoys under his command, only the right to command.

As for the weirdness of the seal, it must be handed over to the Demon Slayer Division first, and it is not allowed to deal with it privately, and the guardian envoy has no right to deal with it, but warriors who need to practice secret techniques can exchange for it through merit points.

That is to say, as Gu Changqing guessed, after the Tianwuwei strongman took charge of the Demon Slayer Department of Qinghe Prefecture, a large part of the power was taken over by the Tianwuwei strongman, and his deterrent power against the Demon Slayer Envoy of the Chongming Mansion must have weakened a lot.

However, Gu Changqing is still the Guardian Envoy, and the Demon Slayer Envoy of the Chongming Mansion dare not disobey Gu Changqing's order.

It's just that Gu Changqing, the guard envoy, has a stronger envoy in charge.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuanshen issued two orders that had a great impact on the Demon Slaying Envoys of the Six Mansions.

He wanted to summon inspectors from the Xuan-level devil-slaying envoys of the six mansions, a total of thirty inspectors, five from each mansion.

The inspectors inspect the six prefectures of Qinghe Prefecture, and are usually in charge of two mid-Yuangang realm warriors from Tianwuwei.This will be an extremely powerful force.

Some Xuan-level demon slayers from the six prefectures of Qinghe Prefecture wanted to enter it.

In addition, Lin Yuanshen, the envoy in charge of the domain, also needs the assistance of a deputy envoy in charge of the area.

Ordinarily, an Earth-level Demon Slayer is required to become a deputy domain envoy.

It's just that the Wulin of Qinghe Prefecture doesn't seem to have a prefecture-level demon slayer, so Lin Yuanshen plans to choose one among all the demon slayers in Qinghe Prefecture.

The selection rules are very simple, each of the six mansions selects one of the strongest fighters, and the final winner is determined through a competition to become the Deputy Commander.

The deputy in charge of the domain envoy is still above the guard envoy.

"Go back and tell the Supreme Elder He Qiudao of Qixuanmen, and Qi Changtian of Yuanmingzong. If they don't want to become the deputy envoys of Qinghe Prefecture, they should continue to retreat." Lin Yuanshen coldly said to Qixuanmen and Yuanmingzong warriors .

Obviously, in Lin Yuanshen's opinion, if He Qiudao and Qi Changtian were able to come, the Deputy Commander should belong to one of these two people.

"Deputy Domain Envoy." However, at this moment, both Lu Tongxuan and Yang Wentian had a bright light in their eyes, and a strong fighting spirit emanated from their bodies.

They also want the position above the six guardian envoys of the Deputy Commander of the Demon Slayer Department of Qinghe Prefecture.

Once occupying this position, it will not only be of great help to their forces, but also to their own cultivation. The Great Zhou is only in the [-] states, and it is inevitable that all of them will be occupied by the Demon Slayer Division in the future. Demons can also be considered to have some rights, and they must be able to have a lot of rare resources, and they can even help them become masters of the Concentration Realm.

"A deputy envoy?" Gu Changqing smiled faintly.

He felt as if this position was prepared for him.


As soon as Xuan Songzi, the head of the Qixuan Gate, returned to the mountain gate, he immediately informed the Supreme Elder He Qiudao about seeing Lin Yuanshen in the Demon Slayer Division of Qinghe Prefecture.

He Qiudao, an old man who is nearly a hundred years old, but his appearance looks like he is only 70 to [-] years old, and he is still full of vitality.

It is said that a warrior has not broken through to the master state of concentration state, and he has not broken the limit of lifespan, and his lifespan is only a hundred years old.Only a master who has broken through to the Concentration Realm can live to be two hundred years old.

But He Qiudao is not a master of Concentration Realm, he is nearly a hundred years old, but he still seems to be able to live for 30 to [-] years.

Its essence and blood are restrained, and there is still no sign of exhaustion.

"Lin Yuanshen, the commander of Tianwuwei, I know this person, and he is ranked 36th in the dragon list. I never thought that practicing such a fusion of strange secrets would allow him to have the power to rival the master of the concentration state. It is incredible, and I can't help thinking I need to practice some secret techniques. But I have already seen the way forward, so why use strange powers." He Qiudao chuckled lightly.

Immediately, a strange fluctuation of spiritual power emanated from his whole body, and this spiritual power was immediately absorbed in his palm, slowly forming an invisible and transparent light group, which was faintly visible.

This is the spiritual imprint that can only be condensed by the strong masters of the Concentration Realm.

He Qiudao's spiritual imprint was completely condensed successfully, that is when he became the master of concentration state.

"Uncle, do you intend to make a move for the Deputy Commander of the Demon Slayer Department of Qinghe Prefecture?" Xuan Songzi asked cautiously.

"Hey, the strangeness coming from outside the territory is a catastrophe that never happens in a thousand years. The general situation is sweeping, and the masters of the concentration state are also in danger of falling. The general situation is about to fight. The Demon Slayer is the backhand left by the Tianwuwei. It is also promoted by the Tianwuwei. Let the whole martial arts world work together to deal with the strange and irresistible general situation, for the sake of Qixuanmen, I must also fight." He Qiudao sighed softly.

Although he is sure to achieve the state of concentration and let the Qixuanmen flourish again, it is a pity that he will face a crisis of catastrophe that is rare in a thousand years.

If he doesn't follow the general trend of Zhan Mosi, he will also be in danger of falling.

"Great, with my master making a move, the deputy envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Qinghe Prefecture must be in the bag." Xuan Songzi said happily.


Yuan Mingzong.

Suzerain Qi Changtian also learned about the establishment of the Demon Slayer Division in Qinghe Prefecture.

"Lin Yuanshen, he really possessed the combat power of a master in the Concentration realm through practicing secret techniques. Unfortunately, this is not my way. I will never get involved in strange things before I become a master. I have a great opportunity. It won't be too far to break through and become the master of Concentration Realm."

"However, I still have to fight for the position of the Master of the Domain. Even if I become the Grandmaster of the Concentration Realm, I will not be able to escape the overwhelming trend of the world, nor can I stop the trend formed by the Demon Slayer. The key is that Yuan Mingzong has already penetrated into the Among them, as the suzerain, how can I be alone, alas."


Xiyi Mansion, Lu Tongxuan.

"Ancestors and ancestors, I have finally seen the opportunity to become a master of the concentration state. As long as I become the deputy commander of the Qinghe Prefecture Demon Slaying Department, let my reputation spread throughout Qinghe Prefecture and overwhelm all Qinghe Prefecture Demon Slaying Envoys. Help my spiritual practice to a higher level, thoroughly perfect the spiritual mark, and become a master of the state of concentration, and I will rebuild the Chiming Sect in the future."

Heluo mansion dominates the knife gate, Yang Wentian.

"This time, I must become the deputy commander of the Qinghe Prefecture Demon Slaying Division, not only to strengthen my Badao sect, but also to let the major forces in Qinghe Prefecture see the true power of my Badao. Now I have created Badao The sixth form, breaking through to the late stage of the Yuangang Realm, I think that in the Yuangang Territory, there are already few opponents, and even the top players on the dragon list can swing their swords.

However, now that the strange secret technique appears, if someone who is a master of the dragon list has practiced the secret technique, I am not necessarily the opponent, and Lin Yuanshen, the master of the domain, is not at the level of the dragon list, but because he successfully merged with an evil spirit Super weird, just now has the strength to rival the master of the concentration state.

My saber technique is on the path of domineering, so I must go on firmly. Before I become a master of the concentration state, I must not practice this kind of secret technique to affect me.

If I want to be stronger and compete with this kind of dragon list master who has integrated the strange secret method, there is only one way, to create the Seven Styles of the Overlord Sword.

The Badao Gate is too small, and the structure of the Heluo Mansion is too small, making it difficult for me to walk through the road. Only the entire Qinghe Prefecture can allow me to walk a wider road. In this position, my Ba Dao Dao technique will definitely go a step further. "

Chongming Mansion, Gu Changqing.

"Being the guardian envoy of Chongming Mansion still has too many restrictions. Only by becoming the deputy envoy of the Demon Slaying Division of Qinghe Prefecture can I use the power of all the demon envoys in the six prefectures of Qinghe Prefecture to capture the strange seal faster. , to raise my strength to the level where I can truly rival the Grandmaster of Concentration Realm.

It seems that this time I may have to expose my true cultivation and strength.

That's okay, let me take a look at the strength of these top players in Qinghe Prefecture. "

Open the Soul Orb information panel.

Name: Gu Changqing
Age: 20
Realm: Yuan Gang Realm middle stage (flesh innate late stage)
Martial Arts: Golden Armor Kung Fu Nine Levels (cannot be upgraded, can be fused), Hunyuan Kungfu Level [-] (cannot be improved), Star Sword Art Six Levels (cannot be improved), Stepping Step Five Levels (cannot be improved)
Yuan force: 33
Special: Weird (Late Evil Level)
During the period before Tianwuwei came to Qinghe Prefecture, Gu Changqing failed to capture the seal-level monsters, but got a few grudge-level monsters and gained 33 points of energy.

It's a pity that Tianwuwei came too soon, otherwise Gu Changqing would have gathered 40 points of Yuanli, raised Hunyuan Gong to the sixth level, and broke through to the late Yuangang stage.

But it's coming soon, as long as two or three more strange ones are wiped out, Gu Changqing can gather 40 points of origin power.

Once the inner qi breaks through to the late stage of the Yuangang realm.

With both physical body and inner qi in the late stage, plus the secret technique and the top six levels of the top-level star sword art, he should have the power to fight against the master of the concentration state.

(End of this chapter)

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