The beginning becomes the strangeness of the martial arts world

Chapter 135 Revealing the Master's Strength

Chapter 135 Revealing the Master's Strength
"Hurry up, this monster is about to move again." Wang Xingming, the domain envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture, shouted loudly at this moment.

In his hand, there is a round piece of jade, which is used by Tianwuwei to search for strange treasures, called a strange finder.

Although the weirdness is invisible and intangible, and cannot be seen or touched, there is still a spiritual idea.

The strange finder can lock the traces of this strange spirit, so as to discover the strange existence.

For example, the strange finder in Wang Xingming's hand is an extremely precious treasure, which can search for strange mental fluctuations within tens of miles.

It is mainly aimed at evil-level and fierce-level weirdness.

On the weirdness seeker, there are three light spots flickering, two light spots are closest, the light is weak, and there is a bright light spot in the distance, indicating that there are very strong spiritual power fluctuations in that place.

The two closest spots of light represent Lin Yuanshen and Wang Xingming's two domain masters, each of whom has fused an evil monster.

Find the light emitted by two evil-level strange mental fluctuations.

In addition, the brightest spot of light indicates that there is a stronger ghost-level ghost haunting.

At this time, the bright spot of light began to move to the left.

It means that this vicious monster is already moving.

Gu Changqing looked at the strange finder in Wang Xingming's hand, feeling slightly surprised.

The strange thing is that this weirdness finder can search for the evil-level weirdness of the fusion of the two domain masters, but it can't find the evil-level late-stage weirdness of his incarnation.

"It seems that the soul orb in my body hides the fluctuations of the strange spiritual power, but once I display the strange power and reveal the strange spiritual thoughts, I will still be discovered." Gu Changqing thought in his heart.

"Sure enough, Tianwuwei has researched a tool for searching for strangeness. Fortunately, I have misunderstood the commander of Tianwuwei that I have practiced the secret method and combined the strangeness.

But now with the emergence of the secret method of fusion of strangeness, there are more and more martial artists who are fused with strangeness. Even if the strangeness finder detects the evil-level strangeness of my incarnation, they will only think that I have merged with strangeness and will not suspect anything else. "

"Go, stop him, don't let him move, leave this wilderness, and enter a place where people are haunted."

The two envoys in charge, Lin Yuanshen and Wang Xingming, set off immediately.

At a distance of more than ten miles, they performed lightness kung fu, and soon came to the strange place of the fierce god level.

Gu Changqing and other patrol envoys followed behind and came here not long after.

At this time, I saw a foggy state in front of me.

I can't see what's inside at all, giving people a faint and deep feeling.

"This is a change caused by the fierce god-level weirdness. Once you go deep inside, you will encounter various dangers." Said Wang Xingming, the domain envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture.

Before he finished speaking, the mist spread towards everyone.

"Be careful, this mist contains mental shock."

Gu Changqing immediately felt a wave of spiritual thoughts sweeping towards him. This force can make warriors below Yuangang Realm go crazy, and gradually lose themselves and their nature.

Yuan Gang realm warriors will be greatly reduced in strength if they are impacted by this spiritual idea.If you stay here for too long, your spirit will be greatly affected.

"Brother Yuan Shen, you and I will work together to break through this layer of fog." Wang Xingming said immediately.

"it is good."

Wang Xingming and Lin Yuanshen shot at the same time.

In their hands, each appeared a weapon exuding fluctuations in spiritual power, a demon-level spirit weapon.

The two domain masters waved forward the ghost-level spirit soldiers.

They all exerted great power.

Two bright lights erupted in the mist, penetrating hundreds of meters.

There seemed to be a strange cry coming from the mist, somewhat hoarse and harsh.

Under the powerful attack of the two palm envoys, the fog began to subside a lot.

It seems that this ferocious monster has been hurt.

Indeed, the two evil-level spiritual weapons exploded with powerful power in the hands of the two masters, and at the same time had the effect of obliterating the strange spirit.

To make Wei Wei hurt, there is only one trace of wiping out its spiritual power.

All the strange spiritual thoughts dissipated, which was equivalent to being beheaded.

If it is a general grudge-level weirdness, if a domain envoy holds a demon-level spiritual weapon, the mental will will be damaged immediately and will be wiped out.

The most useful thing to deal with the god-level monsters is the spiritual imprint condensed by the master of the concentration state, which is bombarded with spiritual coercion.


Suddenly at this moment.

In the white mist, a phantom image of a martial artist's head slowly condensed. The huge head, which was more than ten meters high, looked at everyone with an extremely angry expression.

This is the head of a vicious god-level weirdness, and he faintly has a humane feeling of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.


There seemed to be a whistling sound coming from the mouth of the giant formed by the condensed white mist.

Afterwards, a large number of warriors rushed out from the white mist. These warriors looked extremely strange. Many warriors had received extremely serious injuries, but they still ran like ordinary people, as if they were not injured at all.

This is the martial artist who was killed by the god-level weirdness in the past, and now he has been possessed by the weirdness.

Among these warriors, there are also many Yuangang realm warriors from the top forces that were wiped out by him.

"Get out."

The two domain envoys didn't pay attention to these strangely possessed humanoid puppets.

These puppet warriors naturally have other inspectors to deal with them.

Under the leadership of the two inspectors, the six inspectors of Qinghe Prefecture's Demon Slaying Department drew out their spiritual weapons and attacked these strangely possessed puppets.

Lin Yuanshen and Wang Xingming, the two envoys in charge of the domain, continued to attack Baiwu.

Under the powerful offensive of the two powerful domain masters, the white mist gradually dissipated.

At this time, the illusion came.

Everyone seems to be pulled into a strange space.

An incomparably powerful spiritual idea filled the entire space.

Under the control of this spiritual idea, those puppet warriors who were possessed by the strange body suddenly became stronger.

It was as if he had suddenly been blessed with a powerful force.

Warriors who were originally only in the early stage of Yuangang Realm can often burst out the strength of the middle stage of Yuangang Realm.

In the middle stage of Yuangang Realm, the strength of the late Yuangang Realm broke out.

It's like the martial artist has merged with the strange, and obtained the secret method to enhance the strength.

And these strangely possessed humanoid puppets were already dead.No matter how seriously injured you are, you are not afraid of death. With this undead characteristic, it is very difficult for the inspector to completely kill it, and it will cost a lot of money.

Inspectors in the mid-Yuangang Realm faced these undead Yuangang Realm humanoid puppets, which could easily cause casualties.

Therefore, inspectors with the strength in the later stage of the Yuangang Realm are needed at least to deal with these humanoid puppets.

Before, the inspectors under the command of the Demon Slaying Division of Yunshan Prefecture, and even the two inspectors who were powerful in the late Yuangang stage fell into the hands of these humanoid puppets, which shows that these puppets are extremely powerful.

If only a Concentration Realm Grandmaster faced this fierce god-level monster.

When dealing with these puppets, it was really difficult to deal with the attack from the demon-level strange spirit manifested.

It was in this situation that he was injured and fled when he first dealt with this fierce and weird Changyunmen Concentration Realm Grandmaster Patriarch.

The inspectors of Qinghe Prefecture Demon Slaying Division and Yunshan Prefecture Demon Slaying Division went all out to deal with these powerful humanoid puppets.

At the same time, a blurry figure gradually floated in the void. This figure was more than ten meters high, and its true face could not be seen at all, exuding violent mental fluctuations.

This is manifested by the strange spirit of the fierce god level.

"Brother Yuan Shen, be careful, this is a monster-level weirdness."

call out.

At this moment, this blurred figure made a move.

He swung a punch, and the whole space vibrated, as if a coercion was condensed on the fist, rushing forward whistling.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Wherever the fist passed, bursts of roar erupted.

The two domain masters made their own moves, and slapped out moves that rivaled the power of the master of the Concentration Realm.

Rumbling, strong explosions continued to sound.

The void created a ripple.

In the face of the powerful offensive of the two domain envoys, this figure manifested by the fierce god-level weirdness is naturally invincible.

Was knocked out.

However, the attacks of the two domain envoys did not cause much damage to him, but only scattered some mental thoughts.

To completely defeat this figure, at least dozens of moves are needed.

This fuzzy phantom knew that the two palm masters were powerful.

A powerful spiritual force suddenly descended on Wang Xingming, the domain envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture.

This is a fierce and weird illusion.

Wang Xingming disappeared following the illusion, and for a while only Lin Yuanshen, the envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Qinghe Prefecture, was left present.

Fierce god-level illusions can't completely trap a martial artist with the strength of a master in the concentration state, but it can also be restrained for a period of time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the phantom of the vicious God-level strangely manifested directly attacked Lin Yuanshen alone.

Its powerful attack already belongs to the power of a master in the concentration state.

Lin Yuanshen held a demon-level spiritual weapon, and fought with this fierce god-level strange manifested phantom.

The two quickly fought against each other for several moves, but Lin Yuanshen couldn't do anything about it.

call out.

At this time, Wang Xingming, the domain envoy of Yunshan State, broke through the illusion and rushed out.

"Brother Yuan Shen, are you okay?"

"What happened just now?" Lin Yuanshen asked.

"I was dragged to another place by this fierce and weird illusion. If its spiritual manifestation takes the opportunity to attack me, I am still tired of dealing with it. I just use the illusion to trap me alone, and I can break through it with a few tricks."

"So it seems that if you are an envoy in charge of the domain, you can't get rid of this fierce god-level weirdness at all."

"That's right, if I were the only one to lead the Demon Slayer from Yunshan Prefecture into this place, even with the help of a half-step master, we could only break through the illusion and leave first. But now, with the two of us here, we can suppress him for the time being. "

Lin Yuanshen and Wang Xingming, the two envoys in charge of the domain, communicated quickly, and then attacked at the same time.

With the evil-level spiritual soldiers, a powerful attack broke out and hit the strangely manifested figure of the fierce god level.


Another explosion sounded, and the entire space continued to vibrate.

This fiendish and strangely manifested figure was blasted hundreds of meters away.

The two domain envoys wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but immediately, Lin Yuanshen was enveloped by illusion again.

It's just that Wang Xingming is an envoy in charge of the domain, so it's difficult to cause damage to the fierce monster.

When Lin Yuanshen broke through the illusion and came out.

He and Wang Xingming couldn't help but looked at each other.

The two of them understood that although the monster-level weird illusion couldn't hurt them.

However, relying on illusion, it is difficult for the two of them to form a joint force to deal with this fierce monster.

Only relying on two domain envoys, still can't completely deal with a fierce monster.

Unless there is a third martial artist who can match the strength of the Concentration Realm Grandmaster.

Even a half-step master will not do.

Although a half-step master can also explode the power of a master in the concentration state, it can only explode a few moves.

"What should we do now?" Wang Xingming asked.

"We can't waste it any longer. If most of our strength is exhausted by this god-level weirdness, it will be dangerous. Since it is difficult to suppress him, we should just restrain him and wait for the patrol angel to come." Lin Yuanshen said.

The two originally planned that if relying on the power of the two domain envoys, they could subdue the fierce god-level monster that was sealed, and there would be no need for patrol angels to come.

It's a pity that the combination of the two domain envoys does have the power to deal with this fierce god-level monster.

However, the vicious god-level weird illusion can temporarily separate the two, making it difficult to form a joint situation.

And with the spiritual power of the god-level strange illusion, it is not so easy for the inspector to completely kill these possessed humanoid puppets.

And thanks to the presence of Gu Changqing and the half-step master of Yunshan Prefecture, otherwise, depending on the patrol envoy, there may even be another casualty.

Naturally, Gu Changqing didn't put in all his strength, and he had spare energy to observe the figures of the two domain envoys dealing with the monster-level strange manifestations.

Now he probably understands the strange power of the fierce god level.

The place where the fierce god level is weird can change the surrounding environment, and warriors below the Yuangang state will undoubtedly die if they go deep.

Even the warriors in the early stage of the Yuangang Realm couldn't stay for long.

In this way, it is restricted that warriors above the middle stage of the Yuangang Realm can face the strange haunts of the fierce god level.

However, in the hallucinations produced by the fierce god-level weirdness, compared with the evil-level weirdness, it also has the effect of strengthening and improving the strength of the possessed puppet.

There are hundreds of puppets in the Fierce God Level Strange Illusory Territory, even dozens of puppets in Yuan Gang Realm.

This is definitely an extremely powerful force.

The inspectors with the strength in the later stage of Yuangang Realm are also very dangerous to face, and it is difficult to ensure safety.

At the same time, the fierce god-level weirdness can already manifest a figure mentally.

This figure is almost equivalent to the power of a master warrior in the concentration state.

A Concentration Realm master is at most comparable to his strength.

If a single Concentration Realm Grandmaster is weakened by illusion, and then dealt with by this spiritually manifested figure and possessed human puppets, he may even be in danger of falling.

Of course, the master of Concentration Realm can break the illusion created by the fierce God level, and there is still a high possibility of being injured and escaping.

It's very difficult to deal with a fierce god-level monster just by relying on the power of a master of concentration level.

If two masters of the Concentration Realm joined forces, it would be possible to deal with a fierce god-level monster just now.

But it is also very difficult to completely suppress it.Unless there is a powerful Grandmaster of Concentration Realm who can break through the monster-level weird illusion with one move.

At least three warriors with the strength of masters in the Concentration Realm are needed to truly suppress and seal a fierce monster.

"Two palm envoys, I'll deal with this monster monster together with you." At this moment, Gu Changqing decided to make a move and shouted at the two palm envoys.

"Gu Changqing's deputy envoy, you have to act." Lin Yuanshen looked at Gu Changqing in surprise.

A half-step grandmaster, in this case, is somewhat useful in the face of a fierce god-level strange manifested figure.

But there is also the danger of falling.

The half-step grandmaster's deputy domain envoy of Yunshan Prefecture's Demon Slayer Division was unwilling to take such a risk when there were two domain envoys present.

In fact, with his half-step master's will, he can still cause some damage to the strange figure of the fierce god level.

Gu Changqing didn't talk nonsense, and directly erupted with a fusion of evil-level weird power.

"How could it be that you have also successfully fused with a demon-level monster, you have the same strength as us that can rival the masters of the Concentration Realm." Wang Xingming, the domain envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture, exclaimed in shock.

Lin Yuanshen, the envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Qinghe Prefecture, also looked at Gu Changqing in surprise.

"Great, with three warriors who can compete with the master of the Concentration Realm, we can really suppress this monster. Come on, let's work together to seal this monster. This is a great achievement."

(End of this chapter)

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