Chapter 137 Another Path of Practice
Received an order from Wang Xingming, the envoy in charge of the Demon Slayer Department of Yunshan Prefecture.

The inspector of the Demon Slaying Department of Yunshan Prefecture immediately attacked the warriors who continued to flee.

Ah, ah.

The patrol envoys hold spirit soldiers with the strength of the late Yuan Gang realm, the patrol envoy commander has the strength of the dragon list warriors, and the two guard envoys are close to half-step masters.The deputy in charge of the domain is himself a half-step grandmaster.

It is extremely easy to deal with these Yuan Gang realm warriors.

The two warriors who wanted to continue to escape were killed immediately.

The few remaining warriors in the Yuangang realm did not dare to move.

The inspectors of the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture immediately moved forward to surround these Yuan Gang realm warriors, subdued them, and tied them up with golden threads.

If it is a person who is strangely possessed and bound by a golden thread, it will be difficult to break free for a while.

Just when a patrol envoy commander wanted to subdue the ancestor in the middle stage of the Changyunmen Yuangang Realm.

He suddenly got into trouble.

Facing the inspector commander, he just slapped him with a palm.

The commander of the patrol envoy reacted immediately, and swung the spirit weapon forward in his hand, striking forward with the strength close to the dragon list warrior.

A bang sounded.

The leader of the patrol envoy was thrown out by the elders of the Changyun sect in the middle of the Yuangang realm.

His strength is actually stronger than that of ordinary half-step grandmasters.

At this moment, the strange finder in the hands of Wang Xingming, the demon slaying envoy of Yunshan Prefecture, burst into bright light.

"Quickly rewind, this is the person possessed by the fierce god-level strange origin." Wang Xingming shouted.

"Be careful, the manifestation body of the vicious god-level strange spiritual thoughts just now was not completely destroyed, and some spiritual power has been integrated into the body of this original possessed body, making his strength close to that of a master in the state of concentration." Lin Yuanshen hurriedly reminded.

Fierce god-level weirdness, in addition to being able to condense the spirit and manifest the body in the illusion, it has the power of a master in the concentrating state.

Outside, this power can also be integrated into the person possessed by the strange source, so that the strength of the person possessed by the source can be raised to the power of a master in the concentration state.

Only in this way, it will also cause some harm to the person possessed by the strange source. If the person possessed by the source is too weak to withstand this powerful force, it will often make the person possessed by the strange body collapse in a short time. Transform body.

At the same time, as a last resort, Wei Wei is unwilling to expose the person possessed by the original source.

Even if the person possessed by the strange origin has the strength of a master, once his identity is revealed, it will be difficult to resist the pursuit of powerful warriors.

At this time, there was no other way, and this fierce god-level weirdness was exposed.

"What, Elder Liu, he is really possessed by a vicious god-level monster."

"My God, I was still with him for a long time, and if he did it to me, I would still be alive."

Those warriors in the Yuangang realm looked in horror at the elder of the Changyun sect who was possessed by the strange origin.

They were a little unbelievable, the fierce god-level weirdness really possessed them.

This time they really have to thank the Demon Slayer.

Otherwise, if they left with Elder Liu, they might all be devoured by him to restore their strength.

With the strangeness of the physical body, he can be hurt without a mental attack.

At this time, this fierce god-level monster is actually at the end of its battle.

The original possessor was exposed, facing Lin Yuanshen, Wang Xingming and Gu Changqing, there was no chance of escaping at all.

"Do it."

This ominous god-level elder with a strange possession first attacked the inspectors who were closest to him.

Bombarded with a punch, powerful coercion rolled over, like a big wave.

This is a punch that is close to the power of a master in the concentration state.

Other inspectors will inevitably be injured in the face.


Fortunately, at this time, the half-step grandmaster of Yunshan Prefecture and the deputy commander of the domain envoy who was beside the inspector made a move.

His spirit radiated from his body, and his mental coercion enveloped the surroundings. He waved his palm and slapped the elder of Changyunmen who was possessed strangely.


The half-step master used the divine will to strike a mighty blow from the master of the concentration state.

The elder of Changyunmen who was possessed by the fierce god level strangely was repelled.

Most of his mental body manifested in the illusionary realm was destroyed, and a lot of power had been worn out. The remaining spiritual power was invested in the person possessed by the original source, and it was difficult to fully exert the strength of the master of the concentration state.

With the palm of the Deputy Commander of the Demon Slayer Department of Yunshan Prefecture, all the inspectors left and retreated to a distance.

This vicious god-level strange possessed person was free to deal with Lin Yuanshen and Wang Xingming, the two envoys in charge of the domain, and Gu Changqing, a martial artist with the strength of a master.

Lin Yuanshen, Wang Xingming, and Gu Changqing appeared over the strangely possessed Changyun sect elder.

The powerful moves of the grandmaster slapped on him.

Immediately hit the elder of Changyunmen on the ground, forming a huge pothole.

The person possessed by the fiendish god level and strange original source was completely injured.

The two domain envoys immediately bound him with a golden thread bearing the spiritual imprint of the grandmaster.

Then use the golden thread bag to put this fierce god-level person possessed by the original source into it.

Fierce god-level weirdness, which is also weird, will also be restrained and sealed by gold.


With the joint efforts of the two domain envoys and Gu Changqing, this fierce god-level monster was sealed.


The envoy of the Demon Slaying Division of Yunshan Prefecture immediately contacted Tianwuwei and Patrol Angel in person to pass on the news, so there was no need to send patrol angels to deal with the seal monster level weirdness in person.

The one who delivered the message was the silver token of the Earth-level Demon Slayer. This silver token was much stronger than the token of the Xuan-level Demon Slayer, and it was enough to transmit the information thousands of miles away in an instant.

Looking at the sealed Fierce God-level ghost, the first thought in Gu Changqing's mind was that if the Yuanhun Pearl wiped out a Fierce God-level ghost, how much Yuan power would be obtained.

It's just that the strangeness he incarnates now is only at the late stage of the evil spirit level, it is difficult to pull the fierce god level strangeness into the soul orb in his body, and it is difficult to erase this fierce god level strangeness.

Unless the weirdness of his incarnation can be promoted to the fierce god level.

"It seems that I have to find a way to devour more souls as soon as possible, and upgrade the evil level to the fierce level."

After the fiendish monster was sealed, Lin Yuanshen and Wang Xingming also relaxed a lot.

At the same time, I am also amazed at how difficult it is to deal with the fierce god-level weirdness.

An envoy armed with evil-level spirit soldiers and his patrol envoys can barely resist, but they will cause great casualties.

The two soldiers in charge can temporarily suppress and pin him down.

At least three warriors with the strength of masters in the concentration state are needed to completely deal with the seal.

Originally, something happened in Yunshan Prefecture, Lin Yuanshen was going to lead Qinghe Prefecture Demon Slayer Division to return to Qinghe Prefecture immediately.

However, Wang Xingming, the envoy of the Demon Slayer Division in Yunshan Prefecture, wanted to use Lin Yuanshen's power to deal with Changyunmen, the peak power in Yunshan Prefecture.

Completely brought the three mansions controlled by the Changyun Sect into the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture.

Time was running out, and Wang Xingming didn't want to waste time.

Without taking a break, he immediately led the crowd and headed towards Changyun Gate.

Changyunmen, the only martial arts pinnacle power in Yunshan Prefecture, has the master Changyun Patriarch of the Concentration Realm sitting in the town, coercing the entire Yunshan Prefecture, and completely controlling the Hechuan, Baixia, and Changyun prefectures.

In the three mansions under his control, all the top martial arts forces bowed their heads to the Changyun Sect and obeyed their orders.

The forces that dared to resist were either wiped out, or all fled to the other five prefectures of Yunshan Prefecture.

Patriarch Changyun is powerful and extremely powerful.

As a result, Changyunmen occupied a lot of cultivation resources.

Changyun Mountain has cultivated many powerful warriors.

In addition to Changyun Patriarch, the master of Concentration Realm, Changyun Sect also has a half-step master Taishang Elder, and four late Yuangang realm warriors, one of whom has the strength of a dragon list warrior.

Below, there are nearly twenty warriors in the Yuangang realm, and they are extremely powerful.

At this moment, there is some confusion in Changyunmen.

Firstly, in the three mansions controlled by the Changyun Sect, there are ghost-level monsters haunting them.

In other states, there are examples of peak forces being annihilated by fierce god-level weirdness.

Although the Changyun Sect is extremely powerful, it is still very dangerous in the face of fierce god-level monsters, and may even be in danger of being destroyed.

However, the mountain gate is here, and the Changyun gate cannot be moved away directly.

Even if it is really necessary to remove the entire sect, it will not be possible in a short time.

What made the warriors of Changyun Sect even more terrified was that when the Patriarch Changyun went to see this vicious monster in person, he was actually injured by the vicious monster.

Even Changyun Sect's strongest Master of the Concentration Realm was injured in the face of the fierce monster, which had a huge impact on the Changyun Sect warriors.

Of course, in Changyunmen now, only some warriors in the late Yuangang stage of Changyunmen know this news.

Fortunately, Changyun Sect already knew that the envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture had led the masters of the Demon Slayer Division to deal with this monster.

"Hey, in this current situation, all the monsters at the level of gods have appeared. Although our Changyun Sect belongs to one of the peak forces, we are invincible in the face of the powerful monsters alone. We are in danger of being destroyed at any time. In fact, joining the Demon Slayer Division It’s not impossible.”

"It's a pity that the ancestor has his own considerations. If we join the Demon Slayer Division, our Changyun Sect will definitely not be able to occupy a large amount of resources in Yunshan Prefecture for my Changyun Sect warriors to practice. It is also difficult to do as we do now. Warriors who drive other forces."

"Now let's talk about what resources it occupies. If this fierce god-level monster is not solved, our entire Changyun Sect will be gone. Once the fierce god-level weirdness appears in my Changyun Gate, warriors below the Yuan Gang realm will undoubtedly die, even if it is Yuan Gang. Astral realm warriors are all close to death."

"What should we do now, should we join hands with Demon Slayer to deal with this monster of a god level?"

"This is a god-level weirdness. Even the masters of the Concentration Realm may fall in the face of it. The warriors of the late Yuangang Realm will die in it if they are a little careless."

"Then are we going to completely abandon the mountain gate and escape from here?"

"Don't worry, this world still belongs to the Great Zhou court after all. If the monsters of the level of evil spirits appear in Yunshan Prefecture, there will naturally be strong people from Tianwuwei to deal with them."

With the appearance of the monster level, the entire Changyun Sect was panicked, not knowing what to do, and all the Changyun Sect warriors had their own ideas.

Some Changyun sect warriors actually think that they should join the Demon Slayer Division, after all, the Demon Slayer Division is the general trend.

Of course, there are also short-sighted people who think that joining the Demon Slayer Division is controlled by others. It is better to be the emperor of the three prefectures of Yunshan Prefecture and control all major forces and all resources.

And the person who really made the decision was naturally the Patriarch Changyun, the master of the Concentration Realm.

Wang Xingming, the envoy of the Demon Slaying Department of Yunshan Prefecture, originally invited Patriarch Changyun to become the deputy envoy of the Demon Slaying Division of Yunshan Prefecture.

It's a pity that Patriarch Changyun relied on his status. He was a master of Concentration Realm and became a demon slaying envoy. His status was still lower than Wang Xingming, a warrior of Yuangang Realm, which made it difficult for him to accept.

Even if Wang Xingming merged with the evil-level weirdness and has the strength to rival the master of the concentration state, the ancestor Changyun would not like it.

Another one, Changyun Patriarch holds the power of life and death in the martial arts of the three prefectures of Yunshan Prefecture, and I am the only one.

I really don't want to be controlled by others.

Once you join the Demon Slayer Division and become the deputy envoy of the Demon Slayer Division in Yunshan Prefecture, you will be extremely restricted.

Patriarch Changyun was not worried that the Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture would deal with him.

The Demon Slayer Division of Yunshan Prefecture occupies the other five prefectures of Yunshan Prefecture, even if it unites the forces of the five prefectures, it will be led by Wang Xingming, the envoy in charge.

The power may be stronger than Changyun Sect, but it is still difficult to completely suppress Changyun Sect.

Now in addition to Wang Xingming, the domain envoy of the Demon Slayer Department of Yunshan Prefecture, you have a master of the Concentration Realm, and there is also a half-step master.

In addition to Changyun Patriarch, Changyun Sect also has a half-step master Taishang Elder.The top combat power is not afraid of the Yunshan Prefecture Demon Slayer Division at all.

In fact, the Demon Killing Division has encountered many such situations in other states.

Most of the people who join the Demon Slayer Division are some top forces.

With the peak power of the Concentrating Master, there are still not many joining the Demon Slayer Division.

The peak forces themselves have spheres of influence, control the powerful forces in the surrounding provinces, possess supreme authority, occupy resources by them, and have powerful inheritance techniques themselves.

If he joins the Demon Killing Division, he will be restricted and restrained instead.


Since the ancestor of Changyun did not join the Demon Slayer Division, the relationship between Changyun Sect and the Demon Slayer Division was naturally not good.

This time Wang Xingming, the envoy of the Demon Slayer Department of Yunshan Prefecture, led the patrol envoys to deal with the monsters at the level of evil gods, but Changyun Sect did not send any warriors to help.

It seems that the strange appearance of the fierce god level has nothing to do with them, and they are completely relied on by the Demon Slayer to deal with it, and the casualties are all the Demon Slayer warriors.

In fact, there was a fierce god-level weirdness at first.

If the Changyun sect joins hands with the Yunshan Prefecture Demon Slayer Division, Changyun Patriarch and Wang Xingming, the envoy of the Yunshan Prefecture Demon Slayer Division, join forces to deal with it, and with the assistance of two half-step masters, it will be enough to suppress this fierce monster.

Even if it is difficult to seal him, it can be guaranteed that it will not cause too much disaster.

But at this time, this monster-level monster not only caused the destruction of several top martial arts forces, but also caused a large number of warrior casualties, and even nearly ten of the inspectors of the Demon Slayer Division died.

The inspectors are talented warriors gathered by the major forces in Yunshan Prefecture. In the future, under the training of the large resources of the Demon Slayer Division, with the fusion of strange secrets and the help of spiritual soldiers, at least they can have the power close to the dragon list warriors, but because of this, they will be damaged It made Wang Xingming, the envoy in charge of the domain, feel a little pity.

And the big reason for all this is Changyunmen.

This was also one of the reasons why Wang Xingming planned to use the power of Lin Yuanshen, the envoy of the Demon Slayer Division of Qinghe Prefecture, to deal with Changyunmen.

He is going to give Changyunmen another chance and join the Demon Slayer Division, so that in the future they will face the powerful and weird together, and he can let the past go.

If Changyun Sect still refuses to follow, it will be destroyed directly.

How can Wang Xingming lose his temper if he can become the envoy of a state.

In Tianwuwei, not any warrior who combines the evil-level weirdness can become the domain envoy of the Demon Slaying Division of a State.

Being able to stand out from the crowd is already excellent in itself.

After becoming an envoy in charge of the domain, he refined the evil-level spiritual soldiers, also known as envoys in charge, and his strength is already higher than that of ordinary masters in the state of concentration.

For those high-ranking masters of the concentration state, these envoys also want to show them how powerful they are.

In the past, masters of Concentration Realm were superior to other warriors, even in the late Yuan Gang Realm, they were completely ignored by them.

The masters on the dragon list are not worth mentioning to them.

Now, Wang Xingming and his envoys want to tell these old diehards that times have changed.

After the strangeness appeared, fusing the strangeness secret method was like another path of practice.

Masters in the Concentration Realm can no longer completely ignore the existence of warriors in the Yuangang Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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