Chapter 178 Great changes in the world
Half a year ago, the headquarters of the Demon Killing Division discovered that the number of strange things had suddenly increased, several times higher than before.

What shocked them the most was that the monsters that appeared in this batch were mainly evil-level monsters. Often dozens or hundreds of evil-level monsters appeared in a state capital, and there were also a small number of fierce-level monsters.

These weirdnesses are not promoted by the weak grudge-level weirdness devouring human souls, but when they appear, they are at this level.

Because it is weird like the general fierce god level, it often needs the evil spirit level to devour hundreds of thousands of soul power to be able to advance.

And dozens of hundreds of monsters at the evil level, it was impossible to see them at the same time in the past.

There are too many strange things gathered together, and the spiritual power emitted fluctuates strongly, which is easy to be discovered by the Demon Slayer, and will be sealed early.

Furthermore, so many Evil-level monsters are promoted from the Resentment-level monsters, it must also require hundreds of thousands of soul power.

Devouring so much soul power will inevitably lead to a large number of deaths.

With so many deaths of ordinary people and warriors, the patrol angels at the headquarters of the Demon Slayer will definitely find out.

But there was no such mass death at all.

In other words, these god-level weirdnesses are already at this level as soon as they come.

Instead of being promoted from the ghost-level strange soul-swallowing power.


Only then did the Demon Slayer Headquarters realize.

The weird second wave of eruption that Tianwuwei had predicted had finally arrived.

Through years of research on the weird.

The headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division, which was also the former Tianwu Guard, has almost determined the source of the weirdness.

This is a discovery that shocked everyone.

From the original guess, it became a real existence.

The master of the Concentration Realm in the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

Some people were extremely pleasantly surprised by this discovery, while others were shocked with horror or fear.

It turns out that the world where Da Zhou resides is not the only world where human warriors exist. Besides him, there really is another powerful different world, in which there are also human warriors, and they may even be in the same line as Da Zhou warriors.

The warriors from that other world should have appeared longer than the Great Zhou world, and the inheritance of martial arts practice has a longer history than the Great Zhou world.

That is a world where there are strong people beyond the state of concentration.

It is also the world that all warriors in the Concentration Realm yearn for.

Because of the Great Zhou world, there is no way out after the concentration state.

Grandmaster Third Realm Harmony of Heaven and Man A great master is the strongest.

For thousands of years, the pinnacle figures who have appeared in the Great Zhou Wulin, and the great masters of the harmony between man and nature who appeared only once in several eras, no matter how amazing you are, but because of the constraints of heaven and earth, they can't see the way forward, they can only Died sadly.

In that other world, there is a path of cultivation above the state of concentration, and there are strong people beyond the state of concentration.

This not only shows that that world is a world where martial arts prevail, with more powerful techniques and rarer resources, but also that it is easier to break through to a higher level in that world.

If the Grand Master of the Concentration Realm of the Great Zhou World was in that world, he might be able to continue to break through and continue the way forward.

And the strangeness is the fallen warrior from that mysterious and powerful world.

According to speculation.

I don't know what kind of catastrophe that powerful world has experienced, which may lead to the fall of a large number of powerful people.

However, after the fall of these strong men, their spiritual thoughts have never dissipated, and it is not known why they have been transformed into strange things that exist in the form of spiritual thoughts.

Just when the red moon was in the sky a few years ago.

Da Zhou's world should be different from this world, and the two worlds have inadvertently opened up a channel.

The weirdness that exists in the form of spirits can descend into the world where Da Zhou is located along this passage.

At that time, the first wave of weirdness entered the Great Zhou World from that other world.

However, the passage between the Dazhou world and the other world should only be able to accommodate weaker spiritual thoughts.

Therefore, only the grudge-level weirdness and very few evil-level weirdness descended on the Dazhou world at first.

It was the first wave of strangeness.

After these weirdnesses entered the world of the Great Zhou, by devouring the soul power of ordinary people and warriors, they were able to continuously advance and become evil-level weirdnesses, and even fierce god-level weirdnesses.

And over the past few years, after constant changes, this channel between the Great Zhou World and the other world has been able to accommodate more powerful spiritual ideas to pass through.

The evil-level weirdness in the other world can already shuttle through it.

So the second wave of weirdness came.

This time, it was directly the arrival of evil-level weirdness and a small amount of fierce god-level weirdness in the different world.

The weirdness that appeared in this wave is more dangerous than the first wave of grievance-level weirdness.

Found after research.

After the fall of powerful warriors, especially those above the concentration level masters, they have cultivated spiritual imprints, and their spiritual power has remained in the world for a long time, and it has become strange due to special reasons.

Concentration state master powerhouses are not corresponding to fierce god-level weirdness, but evil spirit-level weirdness.

And the strangeness of the resentment level is formed after the death of some Yuangang realm warriors with strong spiritual power or who have touched spiritual practice.

Fierce god-level weirdness, at least it is the formation of spiritual power after the death of a strong man at the level of a great master of harmony between man and nature. (The other world divides this realm above the Concentration Realm, and separately classifies it as the Heavenly Human Realm)

Because of this, the martial artist has merged with the grudge-level weirdness, and already possesses the strength of the Yuangang realm.

Integrating evil-level weirdness, it is enough to rival the master of the concentration state.

Integrating fierce god-level weirdness, the strength is comparable to the great master of harmony between man and nature.

As for the natural disaster-level weirdness after the fierce god-level weirdness.

It is very likely that it was formed after the death of a strong man who surpassed the state of concentration in another world.

That is to say, these evil-level or god-level weirdnesses from other worlds were at least strong people above the concentration level before their deaths, and their spiritual power formed such a powerful weirdness after their fall.

It's not weird at the level of resentment, it's just formed after the death of Yuan Gang realm warriors.Afterwards, by devouring the power of the soul, he was promoted to the evil level and the fierce level.

The nature of this wave of weirdness is even stronger.

This speculation is not without basis.

As the warriors of the Great Zhou accepted the fusion of strangeness to improve their strength, another practice path of fusion and strangeness was formed.

There are already some warriors who have merged with weirdness. From the strange spiritual thoughts, they have seen some broken pictures that may come from different worlds. They should come from the memories of the strange warriors who formed them during their lifetime.

What's more, it is through weird spiritual ideas, enlightenment, and obtaining some powerful exercises.It is different from the exercises of the Great Zhou World, but it has the same approach but the same effect.

The strong man in the headquarters of the Demon Killing Department guessed from this that the martial arts practice in the other world may be in the same line as the Da Zhou world.

It's just that the development of the different world took longer.

Take the road of martial arts practice farther.

Combining the strangeness of the resentment level, what you get is the cultivation method of the Yuangang realm.

Integrating the evil-level weirdness, all the skills obtained are in the state of concentration.

And by merging with the god-level weirdness, one can even get some incomplete exercises that surpass the state of concentration.

This also confirmed the previous speculation.

The evil-level weirdness is formed by the spiritual power after the fall of the master of the Concentration Realm.

And that's not even the biggest crisis.

What worries the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division most is that there will be a third wave of strange arrivals.

At that time, it may be that a large number of ghost-level monsters from different worlds broke through the passage, and even natural disaster-level monsters appeared.

The natural disaster level is weird, formed after the fall of the strong above the concentration level.

Once it appears, there is no one who can fight against the warriors of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Unless there is a supreme being whose strength surpasses the state of concentration and surpasses the great master of harmony between man and nature.

In this world, the one who has the best chance of possessing this strength is the supreme master Pei Donglai.

He is trying to blaze a trail that no one in the Great Zhou Wulin has ever done before, creating a state above the state of concentration.

The realm he named as Tongtian Realm.

For thousands of years, there must have been former peak powerhouses, masters of harmony between man and nature, trying to create a higher realm.

But it should have all failed.

The supreme master Pei Donglai may be the one who has the best chance of taking this step.

Because of him, who has overwhelmed thousands of years and is unparalleled in talent, he has already taken half a step forward in the state of concentration by himself.

And through the fierce god-level weirdness, he has already obtained some incomplete exercises from other worlds that transcend the state of concentration, as well as a large number of exercises in the state of concentration from other worlds.

Learning from these exercises will also be of great help to Pei Donglai.


The second wave of strange arrival.

A large number of evil-level monsters from different worlds appeared.

Immediately caused huge deaths of Da Zhou warriors and ordinary people.

To deal with an evil monster, at least a warrior above the Dimensional Gang Realm is needed.

There are thousands of evil-level monsters coming.

It is difficult for all the warriors above the Yuangang realm in the Great Zhou Wulin to suppress and seal them all.

And these evil monsters, after devouring a large amount of soul power of warriors and ordinary people, quickly advanced to become fierce monsters.

Immediately caused greater casualties to the warriors.

The number of ferocious god-level monsters has increased sharply.

It also made the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division, which was restrained by these powerful and strange things and had no time to care about them, completely lost the suppression of the strange things.

The situation is out of control.

The human beings in the world of the Great Zhou were harvested with their lives and soul power strangely like weeds.

This is also the reason why the supreme master Pei Donglai personally came forward to find the three most powerful forces of Tianlong Temple, Qingyunzong, and Jiuxiaomen.

This made the three most powerful forces all bow their heads, and joined the Demon Slayer Division ever since.

It is necessary to unite the power of the warriors of the Great Zhou World.

The Demon Killing Division even used tough methods, so that all other peak forces in the Eighteen States of the Great Zhou had to join the Demon Killing Division.

Those who don't follow will be destroyed directly, and even two masters of the concentration state were killed.

Because the Demon Slayer doesn't have much time for these forces to continue thinking about it.

All Da Zhou warriors must be united as quickly as possible.

So far, except for the four major demonic heretic forces, all forces and warriors have become demon slaying envoys.


The world has changed.

The headquarters of the Demon Killing Division also lost the power to completely suppress the strangeness.

The whole Great Zhou world became turbulent.

It's like the coming of troubled times, and human life is like nothing.

Even worse than Chaos Times.

Because this will involve the survival of mankind in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is not the same kind that kills human beings, but the strangeness.

At this moment, many short-sighted people truly understand what kind of crisis they are about to face.

In the past, there was only Tianwuwei at the forefront, solving the most powerful monster-level weirdness.

Most of them faced some weaker resentment-level, evil-level weirdness, and even thought that the threat of weirdness was not great.

In particular, some masters of the Concentration Realm who are at the peak of power are used to being emperors, and they are strong without knowing it.

Now, they will face powerful and strange horrors in person.

At this time, the royal family, which had been hiding behind Tianwuwei, had to reveal its powerful background.

When the first wave of weirdness came, because they were all weaker grudge-level weirdnesses, even if these weirdnesses were upgraded to more powerful evil-level and fierce god-level weirdnesses by devouring soul power, Tianwuwei, the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division, could barely suppress them.

As long as there is a powerful monster of the god level, there will be strong people in the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division to immediately suppress the seal.

Now, a large number of evil-level monsters and a small amount of fierce-level weirdness directly descended from the passage of the other world.

Faced with these weirdnesses, the demon slaying envoys of each state can only deal with some of them. Many state capitals have begun to fall and cannot resist the invasion of weirdness. A large number of people either flee to other state capitals or die from weirdness. Empty town ghost town.

These evil-level monsters devour a lot of soul power and advance at an unimaginable speed.

Powerful monster-level monsters began to appear everywhere.

The patrolling angels at the headquarters of the Demon Killing Division can only deal with a part of the suppression.

Without the fierce god-level monsters dealt with by the strong Demon Slayer, it can easily destroy a city and swallow tens of thousands of people.

If left unchecked, Da Zhou does not know how many people will die.

If the powerful royal family doesn't show up again, Dazhou will be completely overturned.

Previously, the Great Zhou court also dispatched some troops, a small number of Concentration Realm Grandmasters and Yuan Gang Realm warriors to deal with Wei Wei.

But the most powerful underlying power has been kept hidden.

At the beginning, the royal family of the Great Zhou just let the strong Tianwuwei stand in front, facing the powerful and strange.

There is actually a reason for this.

Tianwuwei was originally established to protect the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty during the Taizu period of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Take orders from the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In the past, there was only one Grand Master in Tianwuwei, and that was the leader of Tianwuwei, Lord Xuantian.

In this regard, the royal family background, the powerful people possessed by the royal family are enough to deal with, suppress, and control Tianwuwei.

But later, Tianwuwei produced a supreme master, Pei Donglai, who broke through to the realm of a great master of harmony between man and nature.

Suppress the world.

Even the royal family can hardly suppress Tianwuwei.

Therefore, in the eyes of the royal family, they have lost control of Tianwuwei.

Even if Tianwuwei still obeys the royal family, they still can't rest assured, worrying that Tianwuwei is too powerful.

Let Tianwuwei face the powerful strangeness, in fact, it is the royal family's plan to consume Tianwuwei's strength.

Among the royal family, and the power controlled by the Great Zhou Dynasty.

There are also three strong masters.

The first one is Zhou Taiqi, the patriarch of the Great Zhou royal family.

Second, the imperial court enshrines Wu Zhangxuanzhi.

The third place is the leader of the army, the leader of the army, Yue Feng.

There are also many strong masters in the concentration state.

If the strangeness appeared at that time, the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty would do their best to send all the strongest forces to deal with the strangeness.

Perhaps the first wave of weirdness can completely suppress the seal and eliminate the crisis.

It's a pity that the royal family of the Great Zhou had their own considerations.

But now, the second wave of strange arrival.

The threat posed was far beyond the expectations of the royal family.

Even the powerful royal family took action to deal with Wei Wei.

It is also difficult to completely reverse the situation and suppress the weirdness.

Hundreds of millions of people in the Great Zhou Dynasty have died of strange things.

(End of this chapter)

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