Chapter 44 Tianwuwei's Top Secret
Back at Guiyun Villa, Gu Changqing looked at the white jade token in his hand.

Engraved on it are the words Yellow-rank Demon Slayer.

In Gu Changqing's mind, he was still recalling Tianwuwei's explanation about its function.

The two yellow-level demon slayers can communicate through this white jade token.

You only need to input a little internal force into the white jade token, and the white jade token will emit a faint light.

Through it, you can perceive the location of another nearest white jade token within a radius of ten miles, and you can send some signals such as coming quickly and asking for help through the white jade token.

There seems to be an invisible connection between the white jade tokens.

When a yellow-level demon slayer encounters an enemy, he can use the white jade token to quickly contact a party to come to help.

The registered Tianwuwei also informed that if it was the identity token of the Xuan-level demon slayer, he could directly perceive the location of all the white jade tokens within a ten-mile radius.

It can quickly gather all the yellow-level demon slayers together.

"The appearance of this thing is also related to the strangeness. It was created by the masters of Tianwuwei who studied the strangeness after studying the strangeness. It should use the power of the strangeness." Gu Changqing thought in his heart.

"I can't see anything with the naked eye, so I will see it with my weird perception."

Gu Changqing turned into Wei Wei, and a wave of spiritual thoughts emerged, and the spiritual thoughts swept towards the white jade token.

"This token is stained with strange power, no, there is a small light spot inside, which is the same substance as the strange transparent light group, like a dismantled spiritual idea. This must be some kind of secret method to decompose the strange and then blended into this token."

Gu Changqing understood the reason for the formation of this token through the strange observation of the avatar.

Sure enough, this is using weird power.

It turns out that Tianwuwei has been studying the weirdness internally, and has made a lot of progress, and it should have obtained many secrets from it.

The imperial court and Tianwuwei recognized the evil cult as a cult and hunted down the warriors of the evil cult.

The big reason is that the demon cult also captured Weird, researched Weird, and successfully created a secret method to fuse Weird to gain powerful power.

The imperial court and Tianwuwei should initially want to control the power from the strange alone.

Naturally, other forces in the martial arts are not allowed to participate.

It's just that with more and more weirdness, the court and Tianwuwei can't stop the weirdness from being obtained by other martial arts forces.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that the first person to discover the strange appearance in this world should be Tianwuwei, the imperial power.

In the early stage, Tianwuwei also captured and sealed strangely.

The masters of the concentration state in Tianwuwei must be the first batch of warriors to come into contact with the strange.

The master warriors in the state of concentration have already touched spiritual practice, so it is not surprising that they can find strange and special things.

Gu Changqing didn't know that the strangeness that came to this world not only possessed human beings.

Similarly, a few fell on some beasts, and after fusion, they caused mutations and became strange beasts.

There are even some weird chances and coincidences that have been integrated into metal and other items.

Tianwuwei once accidentally found a strange knife in a knife.

This caused a strange change in this knife, possessing magical power.

Therefore, Tianwuwei secretly began to experiment with some strange things that capture and seal, and blend them into animals with secret methods to cultivate strange beasts.Or integrate the weirdness into the sword, and refine the magic weapon with secret methods.

These are the top secrets that very few people in Tianwuwei know.

It is naturally more difficult for outsiders to know.


After becoming a Demon Slayer, apart from having this identity, everything else seems to have not changed at all.

If you don't want to get merit points, you can exchange for precious exercises and rare resources, which are still the same as before, and are not under anyone's control.

However, most of the first batch of warriors who joined as Demon Slayers went for merit points in exchange for skills or resources.

If you want merit points, the main thing is to kill warriors who are recognized by the court as demons and heretics, and there are very few people with strange seals.

Gu Changqing also has his own purpose in joining as a Demon Slayer.

In exchange for Hunyuan Gong, the innate skill of the Yuangang Realm.

There are two conditions for this.

First, become a mysterious level demon slayer.

Second, get enough merit points.

Because only Xuan-level demon slayers are eligible to exchange merit points for Yuangang-level innate-level skills.

"If you want to become a Xuan-level demon slayer, you must kill a Yuangang-level demon heretic warrior, or seal an evil-level monster."

Gu Changqing was thinking about the requirement of becoming a mysterious demon slayer.

"From this point of view, the requirements for becoming a Xuan-level demon slayer are actually very high, which cannot be achieved by ordinary warriors.

Either possess the strength of the Yuangang Realm, or be at the top of a top power. "

Only those who have at least the strength of the Yuangang Realm can kill the demons and outsiders Yuangang Realm warriors.

Those who are at the top of the top forces, such as heads or elders, can unite with warriors to besiege and kill Yuangang Realm.

"I happen to meet these two conditions." Gu Changqing smiled slightly.

Gu Changqing ruled out the first thing to seal an evil monster.

Then he can only kill a demon heretic warrior in the Yuangang realm.

In the pamphlet distributed by Tianwuwei, some warriors in the Yuangang realm are recorded in the evil demon heretics.

As long as you kill one of them, you can advance to become a mysterious demon slayer.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Du Huaiyin of Yinchuan." In the booklet, Gu Changqing looked at a familiar name.

Du Huaiyin, as a master of evil ways, was identified by Tianwuwei as an evil heretic warrior.

In the past year, Gu Changqing had made the warriors in the villa pay special attention to Du Huaiyin's news, and there was a faint trace of him.

Du Huaiyin, son of Yinchuan, and Cui Xingnian, seven-star swordsman.

The two Yuangang realm warriors who threatened Guiyun Villa, since half a year ago, Gu Changqing successfully cultivated to the sixth level of the Golden Armor Kung Fu, and after his strength improved again, he decided to strike first and kill the two of them.

Just wait for a good moment.

Seven-star swordsman Cui Xingnian has also been watched by the warriors of Guiyun Villa.

Wang Qianzhong's injuries have healed, and he is waiting to kill this person for revenge.


"Devil Slayer, I heard that warriors from many forces have joined it recently, I read the terms carefully, and there are no restrictions, and they are not under the jurisdiction of the court.

Shall we also try to join and become Demon Slayer.After all, beheading demons and heretic warriors is what we usually do.

After becoming a demon slayer, you can also get merit points in exchange for some rare resources. "

In some famous martial arts sects and aristocratic families, there are also many warriors who are discussing.

Compared with warriors of ordinary forces, Demon Slayer's skills are not very attractive to them, and they themselves have powerful inherited skills.

Instead, merit points can be exchanged for rare resources, which makes them a little excited.

Even as a disciple of a sect or a descendant of an aristocratic family, the resources each warrior can obtain are limited.

The best resources are often invested in the juniors with the best talents.

This leads to other warriors needing to obtain by themselves and compete for more resources.

Becoming a demon slayer gave them a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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