Chapter 57 Dealing with Cui Xingnian

The strangeness was wiped out, the Yuanli was obtained, and the strength was also improved.

Gu Changqing did not stay in Xinyang County for long, and returned to Guiyun Villa immediately.

Not long after, Guiyun Villa will attack the seven-star swordsman Cui Xingnian, and kill him on his way back to Chongming Mansion to avenge the old owner Gu Hongshan.

According to the news from the villa warrior who had been watching Cui Xingnian, Cui Xingnian took people to Guangchang Mansion, Shenbingfang this trip.

This top martial arts force was established by Du Yuanqian, one of the three envoys of Prince Ning's Mansion.

Shenbingfang is famous in the martial arts world for making magical weapons, and its most famous is naturally the Shenyi crossbow, which can threaten Yuangang warriors.

It's just that the Shenyi crossbow needs special materials to be refined, and the procedure is very cumbersome. The Shenbingfang has not built many and does not sell it to outsiders.

Guiyun Villa once wanted to spend a lot of money to buy it, but failed to buy it.

Gu Changqing now knows that Li Xuantong sent Cui Xingnian and others to Shenbingfang just to get some divine crossbows and strengthen his subordinates.

As for what method he used to get Shenbingfang to hand over the Shenyi crossbow, it is difficult for Gu Changqing to know.

It was the second day after Gu Changqing returned to Guiyun Villa.

Wang Qianzhong excitedly came to inform that Cui Xingnian was already on his way back to Chongming Mansion and would enter Chongming Mansion in a day or two.

Wang Qianzhong has been in charge of staring at Cui Xingnian.

The old owner Gu Hongshan's revenge for death and his own broken arm belonged to him. Wang Qianzhong has been waiting for the day when Cui Xingnian will be killed.

Guiyun Villa should also be prepared for this.

Gu Changqing immediately summoned the warriors at the peak of the Qimai Realm of the villa to discuss.

Cui Xingnian is the murderer who killed Gu Hongshan himself, and he is the one who must be killed in Guiyun Villa.

Everyone has long wished to kill him and avenge the old owner Gu Hongshan.

This time, he couldn't let him escape.

In terms of manpower, arrangements must be made.

"According to information, Cui Xingnian is with three warriors at the peak of Qimai Realm, one in Yuangang Realm, one with Five Meridians, and two with Four Meridians. Who do you think we should send to kill these four people in one fell swoop? Go, and at the same time leave people to sit in the villa." Gu Chang looked at the people below and said.

At this time, there were quite a few warriors at the peak of Qimai Realm.

Wang Qianzhong, Gu Changming, and guest Qing Lin Guang are all warriors with seven veins.

There are also Gu Changshan, Gu Changyun, Wang Dong, guest Qing Yang Jiuchong, Duan Sihai, Luo Feng.

"Master, I won't go this time, let me stay in the villa." Gu Changming said at this time.

He has already broken through to become a martial artist with seven veins, and he is only one pulse away from becoming an innate warrior in the Yuan Gang realm.

However, this last line is the most difficult to get through, and requires more precipitation and accumulation. It cannot be broken through by fighting with Yuan Gang realm warriors and facing its powerful pressure.

But this time to deal with Cui Xingnian and others, Gu Changqing, the owner of the villa, and Wang Qianzhong will definitely go.

The villa needs a person to sit in charge, so he can only be left behind.

"Okay, the second brother stays in the villa. Uncle Wang wants to avenge himself, so he has to go. In order to prevent Cui Xingnian from escaping, Ba Ge and Luo Feng also need to go. The other three martial artists at the peak of Qimai Realm are Lin Guang, Yang Jiuchong, and Duan Sihai. Let's deal with it, Keqing."

"Third brother, Wang Dong, not long after the two of you broke through to the peak of Qimai Realm, you assisted second brother and stayed in the villa."

Gu Changqing arranged.


As for the two maids, Luliu and Hongmian, they have been working hard to cultivate recently, and they have a faint tendency to open up a strange meridian.

Such talent surprised Gu Changqing.


After arranging the manpower, Gu Changqing immediately led everyone secretly on the way back to Cui Xingnian.


On the official road, Cui Xingnian led Li Xuantong's three peak Qimai warriors to gallop on horseback, with smoke and dust billowing up behind him.

This time, they got ten Shenyi crossbows in Shenbingfang, and they were about to rush back to Prince Ning's mansion and hand them over to Li Xuantong.

Li Xuantong was going to use this crossbow of divine will to deal with the warriors in the Yuan Gang realm under the command of the eldest son Li Xuanji.

The crossbow of divine intent possesses the power to penetrate the innate Yuangang of Yuangang realm warriors, and it can also pose a considerable threat to Yuangang realm warriors. With the help of peak Qimai realm warriors, it is enough to kill the innate masters of Yuangang realm.

"With these ten divine intent crossbows, we will surely be able to shoot and kill the warriors in the Yuangang realm under the command of the eldest son, and when the time comes, the second prince will lead us to defeat the warriors under the command of the eldest son and become the new King Ning.

Prince Ning's Mansion will also revive its prestige in the past, and the entire Qinghe Prefecture martial arts will obey the orders of Prince Ning's Mansion in the future. "Several martial artists at the peak of Qimai Realm are imagining in their minds that Li Xuantong will become King Ning soon.

Huh, huh, huh.

At this time, several figures suddenly flew out from the jungle on both sides.


"How courageous, you dare to attack us." Cui Xingnian yelled.

This trip was to transport the Shenyi crossbow, which was of great effect to Li Xuantong.

To be on the safe side, he not only arranged for Cui Xingnian, an innate master of the Yuangang realm, to go, but also prepared three warriors at the peak of the Qimai realm to accompany him.

This kind of power can easily destroy a gang force, even the innate masters of Yuan Gang would not dare to provoke it.

"Cui Xingnian, you killed me for the vengeance of the owner of Yunshan Villa, cut off one of my vengeances, and killed me for the revenge of the warriors of Yunshan Villa. Today, everything will be liquidated by you, and you will definitely pay in blood." Wang Qian Appearing in front of Cui Xingnian again, he shouted sharply.

"It's you, Wang Qianzhong. It turns out that you are Guiyun Villa. Hahahaha, you didn't kill you last time and let you escape, but you dare to come here to seek death." Cui Xingnian saw the person who had his arm cut off by him. Wang Qianzhong laughed out loud with disdain on his face.

Cui Xingnian, who has become a martial artist in the Yuan Gang realm, has no scruples about the martial artists of Guiyun Villa.

In his opinion, the two strongest in Guiyun Villa, the old owner Gu Hongshan died at his hands, Wang Qianzhong, the chief nurse, was also severely injured by him, and the remaining adopted sons were the eldest The second child is somewhat famous in the martial arts.

The eldest, Gu Changtian, is dead, leaving only the second eldest, Gu Changming, and a few guests.

If it weren't for the fact that there were dozens of Qimai Realm warriors under Guiyun Villa, he, Cui Xingnian, would have dared to lead people into Guiyun Villa and wipe it out completely.

Cui Xingnian obviously didn't know about the changes in Guiyun Villa.

Since Gu Changqing became the owner of the villa, there have been a few more martial artists at the peak of Qimai Realm, Gu Changyun, Gu Changshan, Wang Dong, Luo Feng, and Luliu Hongmian, two maids.

Especially Gu Changqing himself, already possessed the strength to kill Yuan Gang realm warriors.

Li Xuantong's mind was on dealing with the eldest son Li Xuanji, and defeating Li Xuanji to become King Ning was the most important thing for him.

He didn't pay too much attention to Guiyun Villa.It is believed that Gu Hongshan, a martial artist in the Yuangang realm, is dead, and he can be destroyed at any time in Guiyun Villa.

It's just that the battle with the eldest son Li Xuanji is fierce, and there is no time to allocate manpower to deal with Guiyun Villa.

After he defeats Li Xuanji and becomes Queen Ning, he can destroy Guiyun Villa in a flash.

"Cui Xingnian, you are really boastful, today is your death day." Wang Qianzhong's tone was stern.

"It's up to you, Guiyun Villa doesn't even have a Yuan Gang realm warrior. If you hide in the villa, I can't do anything about you for the time being. Unfortunately, if you come out to seek death by yourself, I will send you a ride." Cui Xingnian sneer.

He looked around and found that the warriors who came from Guiyun Villa were Wang Qianzhong, Gu Changyun, Luo Feng, Lin Guang, Yang Jiuchong, and Duan Sihai. If he faced it alone, it might be a little troublesome, but on his side Accompanied by three peak martial artists.

Cui Xingnian's eyes suddenly showed a hint of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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