Huashan female sword god

Chapter 174. Chapter 174.

Chapter 174. Chapter 174.

"not good!"

As soon as the Yuantian call for help came out, the head of the Hengshan Sword Sect, Mo Da'e, suddenly changed his expression. Knowing the urgency of the situation, he couldn't care less about how the enemy would have the courage to attack his sect when all the factions gathered in Hengshan, let alone dare After a moment's delay, he immediately jumped off the roof of Zhurong Temple, clasped his hands around, and pleaded loudly, "My friends present, our faction has undergone great changes, and I ask you to come forward and help!"

The ringing of the bell was the signal for the Hengshan Sword Sect to summon the disciples scattered in the peaks of the mountain and Hengshan Town at the foot of the mountain, and the fireworks were a signal to call for help from outside on this basis.And if both are present, it means that the Hengshan Sword Sect is facing a catastrophe of extermination, and it is extremely urgent to implore all martial arts comrades who can find the signal to go to the rescue. The Hengshan Sword Sect has been hundreds of years, and this situation has only happened twice. , are all faction extermination crises.

At present, there are still three of Hengshan's Seven Swords sitting on the Goose Peak, and there are eight or nine juniors who are not included in the Seven Swords, but still belong to the "big" generation. In addition, there are even more people living in seclusion The only surviving uncle of the "Shang" generation of the Hengshan Sword Sect is powerful, but he still sends out such a double signal at the moment. It is conceivable that the enemy is strong, and Mo Dae decisively asks for help from all the factions gathered on Zhurong Peak !
The Five Sacred Sword Sects are allies with each other. At this moment, Hengshan is facing a catastrophe. Not to mention that the head of Hengshan is begging personally. Send the person in charge to respond immediately.

And sects such as Wudang Shaolin and Hengshan Sword Sect have no alliance with Hengshan Sword Sect, but they have the friendship of the righteous way in the world. At this time, this signal is to ask for help from all martial arts fellows, and there is no sectarianism. What excuse.

Several big factions present immediately agreed to go to help!

And just when Mo Dae was inviting punches from all factions, Yan Tiannan sighed in the big square below, looked at Ling Shan and suggested: "Miss, today's duel, how about postponing it for now?"

Apparently, he also intends to help the Hengshan Sword Sect!

Ling Shan is also the daughter of the head of Mount Hua. Although no one outside knows this, the life and death of Youguan Hengshan is not easy to do nothing, at least help if you can, and now Ling Buluan and his wife are also present, It was obvious that she wanted to get involved, so she couldn't just ignore it, she had nothing to do with Yan Tiannan's suggestion, and agreed: "Then it will be postponed!"

Yan Tiannan nodded, and said loudly: "Master Mo, Yan is not talented, so I will definitely help you tonight!"

Mo Dae's face showed joy, and it was a great thing to have Yan Tiannan, a real super-class expert, to help out. He immediately clasped his fists to express his thanks, and said, "Thank you, Great Xia Yan, thank you all, please!"

Then he shouted loudly: "Hengshan disciples, quickly follow me back to the mountain gate!"

After finishing speaking, he snatched the torch from a disciple next to him, and flew out first, followed by more than twenty Hengshan disciples!

Then the remaining four sects of Wuyue Sword Sect, the three sects of Taoism and Buddhism, as well as many people from different sects, as well as lone travellers, all followed and left.After all, the master is gone, and the few high-rollers who prefer to continue watching the duel and not wanting to be nosy, can't stay any longer. There is no beautiful scenery to enjoy on the peak in the middle of the night, so it's better to follow, even if you don't want to intervene Among them, it's good to watch the fun at that time!
In the blink of an eye, the crowd on Zhurong Peak basically dispersed, and the dots of torches formed a long fire dragon, which went away between the mountains.

There are not a few big cats and kittens left!
Ling Shan didn't bother to pay attention to the few people around who were still clinging to leave, as soon as she withdrew her internal energy, the fine steel sword in her hand, which was only maintained by the ray of true energy, suddenly shattered!
Although it didn't make Shang Shengshi reflect the scorching sun, the fierce confrontation with Yan Tiannan also exceeded the limit that this sword could bear. Looking at the remaining less than half of the sword body, he sighed secretly, like Yan Tiannan , although this battle was fierce, she was still able to protect the rotten iron sword in her hand, which was obviously made of extremely poor materials, which showed that her martial arts were still insufficient after all.

And now that he has only entered the Zhoutian Qimai not long ago, it is not easy to go further. Besides, even if he really entered the realm of rebirth, if he meets a more powerful person, it is normal for the sword to be destroyed in the battle. It seems that Finding another good sword is really an urgent matter, otherwise it would be really bad to destroy a sword once in a fight!
Throwing away the destroyed sword, Ling Shan jumped up and quickly moved to the bright moon sky of Zhu Rong Temple.

This duel ended without a problem, and I don't know if she will be dissatisfied and angry because of it... Hey, there is a senior sister with a bad temper, and I always have to worry about it, so tiring!

Ming Yuetian had already descended from the roof, standing silently in front of the main hall, Bai Lan and Ye Mingnu stood beside him!

Ling Shan said, "Sister, let's go and have a look too." When she was talking, she took off the mask and held it in her hand. It was really uncomfortable to wear it on the face. Anyway, there was a double-safe veil inside, so I wasn't afraid. A few sneaky people in the square took the opportunity to check their faces.

Ming Yuetian didn't bluntly say no, but instead asked: "Who told you to interrupt the competition?"

Ling Shan said with an innocent face: "I am also the daughter of the head of Mount Hua, and the Wuyue Sword Sect is united with each other. If something happens to the Hengshan Sword Sect, you can't ignore it, right? But if you go and have a look, you can't explain it to the old man!"

Ming Yuetian said coldly: "That also needs my consent first!"

In fact, she has no idea about Ling Shan's desire to rescue Hengshan, it's just a matter of whether she can help or not, and she can do it as she pleases, but she just doesn't like Ling Shan making decisions on her own without her own consent!It's nothing more than making a pact with Yan Tiannan to compete with swords. After all, she is not around, but tonight she is watching from the sidelines, but she still directly decides.

Ling Shan flattered her, "Okay, okay...Then next time, next time, I must ask your opinion first, okay?"

Ming Yuetian snorted heavily, obviously dissatisfied with her perfunctory, but she didn't go any further, unless she directly taught her a lesson, this damn girl wouldn't really take it to heart!Flick your sleeves and walk away!

"Let's go!"

On the moonlit night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is shining brightly in the sky. With the eyesight of Ling Shan and Ming Yuetian, they can see through all kinds of things by relying on the moonlight. Although they can't be as clear as daytime, as long as they don't run around, they can easily cross mountains and ridges. No problem, but Bai Lan and Ye Mingnu were worse, especially Ye Mingnu, so they let them follow slowly, while Ling Shan and Ming Yuetian rushed back to Yanfeng first.

They quickly overtook most of the pioneers.

Most of these people are ordinary people in martial arts, even with the bright torches of the sky and the moon, they will definitely not be able to walk fast in this mountain, not to mention it is impossible to have a torch in each hand, so except for some masters, they can walk one step ahead. The rest can only be divided into groups of 20 people, 40 people and other small teams to catch up behind!
Traveling all the way in a hurry, after nearly an hour, he had already caught up with Mo Dae, Ling Buluan and other sect masters, and the elders, but they were far away from each other, and did not speed up ahead. At that time, it was not far from Huiyan Peak!

However, suddenly I heard the sound of a piano under the night sky. I don’t know who played it, but I only know that the sound of the piano is continuous, without any rhythm of high-pitched, passionate, elegant and many other variations. To those who are not complete, it is bound to feel the inexplicable sadness and sadness of the heart!
(End of this chapter)

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