Chapter 187

Lu Shangbang glanced at Hua Shangguo and smiled coldly.

In fact, until 20 years ago, he was still grateful to this brother Hua for his mercy - it was because of his pleading and holding back afterwards that he not only recovered his martial arts, but also recovered his limbs!

Otherwise, without the most basic internal strength, no matter how miraculous his Tendon and Bone Forging Chapter has, trying to reconnect the severed tendons and hamstrings would be tantamount to nonsense!

The reason why this gratitude will be lost later is not because Hua Shangguo did something wrong to him again, but purely because he hates the house and the black. He hates every member of the Hengshan Sword Sect, including Senior Brother Hua who saved his life !

"At that time, although my limbs were broken by you, my martial arts were abolished, I was poisoned into a dumb and deaf person, I was thrown to the countryside to suffer, and I pretended to spare my life, but soon after, I sent killers to assassinate me. I expected to be killed directly, and the result of the one-hundred-year settlement is really different, but I still only think that these are what I deserved, and I didn't hate you for it, and I didn't have the idea of ​​revenge...Of course, I said so , I’m afraid you don’t even believe it?”

Everyone sneered, of course they didn't believe it!
Not to mention the massacre of countless disciples in Hengshan today, just for the fact that he personally killed the sons of Liu Dashan and Ji Zhi 20 years ago, how can people believe that he does not want to take revenge on his former master?

I can't see their expressions clearly, but I can guess their thoughts, but Lu Shangbang didn't care, and continued: "But listen to the story I'm going to tell next, among you heroes, I believe at least some Some people will definitely not continue to insist on not believing me!"

"At that time, I spent ten years recovering from my injuries, recovering my martial arts, and then sneaked back to Mount Heng—but my intention at that time was not for revenge, but to see her again, even if I could only hide Taking a peek at her in the dark was enough comfort to me at that time!"

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Ji Zhi, stretched out his hand to hold her,
His eyes are full of tenderness, it's hard to imagine that this is the cruel piano demon who caused boundless bloodshed not long ago.

Of course, other people couldn't see his eyes, nor could they see Ji Zhi's teardrops sliding down the corners of his eyes, they could only see that he was still acting frivolously at this moment!

"The thief!"

"Bastard, let me go, Senior Sister Ji!"

Not to mention being filled with righteous indignation, wishing he could rush forward to kill this beast, at least it is very unacceptable, some people are silent, while others are cursing loudly!

Others couldn't see Ji Zhi crying, but Lu Shangbang could. He ignored the shouting and scolding all around, just put down Yaoqin, got up to wipe away her tears, leaned close to his ear, and said softly: "How old are you? Still crying, my little uncle will laugh at you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around again, held back with one hand, and said with a calm smile: "How comfortable are you scolding?" The expression was calm and unconvinced, as if he was not the one who was scolded!
Someone immediately replied with a sneer: "How can you be uncomfortable to scold such a scum?"

Lu Shangbang said: "Since you are comfortable, please shut up first. Now, I have to tell a story, so don't disturb me!"

Then he breathed his whole body, buried Haohao’s true voice to suppress people’s words, and then answered the words, telling himself: "However, it was not until I returned to the mountain that I realized that after less than ten years, my original lover I have changed my mind! For him, I am willing to be ruined, willing to die, willing to bear the guilt and fault, and bear countless pains, but what about her? She has changed her mind!"

After speaking hoarsely, he sighed heavily again, how angry and sad!

As soon as he stopped speaking, the suppression stopped, and someone scolded: "So you hate because of love? Do you have to ask people not to marry, and continue to live on in immorality when you come back? If you don't change your mistakes, you have to live on them." It is really shameless for people to make mistakes with you!"

Obviously, this person believed the saying that Lu Shangbang and Ji Zhi were in love with each other and colluded with each other regardless of ethics!

Lu Shangbang sneered and said, "Do you think the change of heart I mentioned refers to her marriage?"

"Since I had the idea of ​​dying at the beginning, I would not have hoped that she would live alone in the future. If someone is willing to marry her, I would only care about whether that person sincerely marries her and whether he will treat her well, not because of jealousy or resignation. Not out of love to hate!"

"The change of heart I mean is that after she found out that I had returned to Hengshan safely, she pretended to be happy, but secretly wanted to kill me!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and in the end, his voice was like thunder, making everyone's ears hurt!

But soon, he calmed down again, and continued: "At that time, I was worried that Dashan would be dissatisfied that she was not perfect, so I hid in the dark and observed, thinking that as soon as I found out that Dashan had done something bad to her, I would immediately kill her." I took her away, but I didn't expect that after several months of observation, the husband and wife are harmonious and beautiful, respecting each other like a guest, I couldn't even find a chance to take her away, but I watched her belly grow day by day!" The voice was full of melancholy.

Then he laughed at himself: "I just lurked beside them silently for half a year, until the child was born! At that time, Ling Buluan took over as the head of Huashan, and Dashan went to congratulate him. He was not at home, but gave birth At that time, I caught up with dystocia again, but the midwife was too old and agitated, and died suddenly. I had no choice but to show up to help her induce labor. Fortunately, I was in Hengyang City at that time, not Hengshan, otherwise, we There is no chance!"

After that, they had secret meetings several times, and Ji Zhi talked to him a lot, basically about missing him these years, and explaining what happened back then.Only then did Lu Shangbang know that 30 years ago, as soon as he let Da Liushan go, Liu Dashan turned around and reported to the head of the sect. After that, Ji Shangchao managed to prove that Ji Zhi was indeed not perfect, and forced her to give up to Lu Shangbang. He wrote a letter, saying that because of the incident, he planned to go down the mountain to hide for a while, so as to lower his vigilance. In fact, at that time, Ji Zhi was forcibly sent down the mountain by her father and locked up somewhere below the mountain. , just let it out!
After that, Liu Dashan took the initiative to propose marriage, and they will be together!
Lu Shangbang continued: "It wasn't until half a month later that Zhi'er recovered a little bit, found me again, and organized a banquet, telling me that she had been hesitant these days, she had decided to let go of the past completely, and persuaded me to leave Hengshan and go farther The better, don't show up again!"

"As long as she lives well, of course I have no problem!"

"If I hadn't found out that the wine was also drugged this time, I would have gone far away as she wished! What a pity!"

"However, I didn't have an attack at the time. I just found an excuse. I left the table to take a detoxification pill, then drank the wine in front of her, and then pretended to be poisoned to see how she would behave. Deal with me!"

"As a result, she threw me off the cliff after I' died! If I didn't fake my death, I'm afraid I really died!"

"Since she is so cruel and doesn't care about nostalgia, she can't blame me!"

(End of this chapter)

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